I'm really not doing business

Chapter 306: Talking about one's character with one's hands is a disgrace to a woman

Chapter 306: Talking about one's character with one's hands is a disgrace to a woman

Jiao Hong was a little confused. The Emperor of Ming Dynasty liked to watch the excitement. Jiao Hong had heard about it. He had never believed it before. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he finally confirmed the previous rumors. However, he never expected that Huang Yuezhong would make such rebellious remarks. , His Majesty did not choose to blame, but chose to patch it up, which puzzled Jiao Hong.

"Huang Gong! In the eyes of the people, the emperor and his ministers have different names but the same reality. So what should we do if we regard the emperor as a minister?" Another student stood up and expressed his doubts. Since Huang Yuezhong dared to use the Qinglian Poetry Society's If you want to preach your own doctrine, you must have two brushes.

The Tao runs parallel and does not conflict with each other, which is why the heaven and earth are great.

That is to say, the reason why the world is so big is that it allows the existence of various ways and doctrines. Even if there are differences, they can complement each other and are not completely contradictory.

So this student raised his doubts and wanted to know this question.

Zhu Yijun was waiting for Huang Yuezhong's answer. Some topics were untouchable. Once touched upon, one had to ask to the end. Even if the emperor didn't ask, there were still students who wanted to know.

Huang Yuezhong thought about this for a long time before speaking: "The king is the emperor, the father of the world, and the general guideline. His body should be upright. If he does not follow orders, he will not do it. If his body is not upright, even if he does not obey orders, he will not be able to rectify his body. How can he do it?" What is wrong with upright people? Politics is also about uprightness."

Zhu Yijun laughed directly and said to Zhang Juzheng: "Sir, isn't what Huang Yuezhong said very good? Has he really never read the Theory of Contradiction?"

"I should have read it, but I just don't want to admit it." Zhang Juzheng knew why the emperor was laughing. Huang Yuezhong was secretly making up lessons, but due to his status as an opponent, he had to say that he had not read it, which caused problems in his own theory. He knew how to remedy the loopholes but could not speak out about them. This appearance of taking it seriously was indeed in line with the identity of a humble Confucian.

The Theory of Contradiction is a methodology for looking at problems dialectically. When you cannot understand some problems, as long as you look at them, they will naturally come to mind. This is the terrifying power of memetic pollution.

"Huang Yuezhong actually wants to discuss an issue, that is, the rights and obligations of monarchs and ministers. From the perspective of the common people, monarchs and ministers have different names but the same reality, that is, the rights and obligations of those who govern people. But this has been discussed in Mr. Public and Private Theory That's a problem." Zhu Yijun explained his understanding of Huang Yuezhong.

"Your Majesty is a wise man." Zhang Juzheng looked at Huang Yuezhong and shook his head slightly disappointedly. Your Majesty was just too lazy to argue with Huang Yuezhong. Whether he used the Confucian method to discuss skills or the Xunli method to discuss Taoism, Huang Yuezhong was neither opponent.

The second most powerful person in the Ming Dynasty must be Hai Rui, and the first most powerful person is the highest secret of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Juzheng had long stipulated the emperor's obligations in "Chen Wu Shi Shu", and the emperor also agreed to this obligation and resolutely fulfilled it. Now, these five things have been expanded to six, namely, listening to the government at the imperial gate, responding to the government, and Approvals were completed, ministers were summoned to meet the courtiers, state affairs were discussed, hundreds of officials were examined, and military and horse parades were added by the emperor himself.

This is also the reason why Zhang Juzheng promoted the examination method and it was effective, but others could not do it because Zhang Juzheng hung a bell on the cat.

The people regard the king and his subjects as the same, but the ministers regard the king as different. So what about the king viewing the subjects?It’s the same thing. In this relationship, the Ming Emperor was supreme in both legal and practical terms. So the emperor’s obligation was to hang a bell on the cat. Zhang Juzheng, a minister, dared to hang a halter on the biggest carnivore. Among the carnivores in the world, is there Zhang Juzheng who dare not wear a halter?

During the Chongzhen period, in order to save the Ming Dynasty from decadence, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian picked up the Kao Cheng method again. The country's situation had been completely ruined, and it was impossible for the Kao Cheng method to succeed in the emperor's head, so in the end It can't be done.

In fact, in Zhang Juzheng's view, His Majesty does not have to work so hard. He has to go to parade the military horses every day and only needs to inspect the military horses once every five days. However, as the top master of the youth group, His Majesty still likes the school field very much. Zhang Juzheng is just a Tutor. Zhu Yijun is not his puppet.

"Master Huang thinks that your majesty is upright or not?" Zhu Yijun suddenly asked loudly. He was sitting in a private room, and others could only hear his voice but not see anyone. This question was dropped in the entire venue. A bombshell hit that made everyone afraid to speak loudly, and the venue was completely silent.

This question is actually very straightforward. It's either a trick or asking Huang Yuezhong whether you want to rebel.

"This..." Huang Yuezhong looked a little regretful. When he was in Zhejiang, he gave lectures and discussions, but he didn't dare to discuss such a terrible issue. When he arrived in the capital, how brave were these Confucian scholars at the feet of the emperor?They all dare to discuss the emperor’s merits and demerits!
"Of course he is a gentleman!" Huang Yuezhong said bravely: "Your Majesty is wise and wise, has a supreme nature, is magnanimous and graceful, must be in the middle of every move, has a holy virtue, is bathed in metaphysics in the world of Kyushu, and has mastered the ancient principles of health! Your Majesty has been practicing for a long time, Duke Jiangling is in charge of the country, and based on his reputation, the country is more powerful than rich."

"Of course, those who hold the throne in the middle of the court will not be punished for their mistakes without a little leniency."

Of course, Huang Yuezhong did not dare to say that the emperor was not a gentleman, even if he was about to scold Zhu Yijun to death in his heart, but he absolutely could not say this out loud, so he piled up a lot of disgusting words and made Zhu Yijun's skin crawl. .

But he changed the subject and blamed the leader for being too hasty. The emperor was wise, but the court was dominated by sycophants.

The smell on Qingjun's side comes up immediately after being scratched.

Zhu Yijun held his hands and looked at Huang Yuezhong with sweat all over his head, which fit his stereotype of a humble Confucian and was born to be weak and compromising.

The emperor and his ministers have different names but the same name, but they dare not scold the emperor. This is cowardice and timidity. It is not that Ming Dynasty cannot scold the emperor. When you don't see Hai Rui, he scolds Jiajing and Longqing. The scolding is so unpleasant. Jiajing, Jiajing, every family Jie Jing is simply poking Master Tao in the heart. What can Master Tao do?If you can't even refute, isn't Hai Rui still alive and well?

Huang Yuezhong didn't even dare to scold the emperor in public, far inferior to Hai Rui.

"Why do monarchs and ministers have different names but the same reality?" Another student heard this, shook his head repeatedly, sneered and sat down and stopped talking. It was obvious that all the students present were disloyal to Huang Yuezhong, who was out of his own way, and they were all disloyal to themselves. Is there anything worthy of recognition in the words of a disloyal person?

"Coward." Zhu Yijun said slightly disappointedly to Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng also had a smile on his face when he heard this and said, "Your Majesty, how many humble officials like Hai Rui are there?"

There was only one Hai Rui in the Ming Dynasty.

Huang Yuezhong's face turned red. The students in Beiya were really difficult to maintain. In a word, is it interesting to talk about words?Before he even started talking about the main content, the order and rhythm of the entire venue were completely out of control, and the situation had to be restored!
To save the situation, he had to say something. Huang Yuezhong held it in for a long time before he said: "To promote military power, killing evil is cruelty, amassing profit is greed, and the free and easy scholars are violent. Today, the country looks like a flower. However, danger lurks in the abyss, and there is a danger of overthrow!"

“Above three generations there is great rule, but below three generations there is chaos but no rule!”

Huang Yuezhong's words aroused everyone's discussion, and then a student stood up, bowed and said: "I can't agree with Master Huang's point of view, so I will take the first step."

"Bachelor, please stay. Why did you leave without saying a word? This is a poetry meeting. Since we want to discuss it, it's not too late to explain it clearly before leaving!" Huang Yuezhong immediately became anxious. As soon as the game started, someone left the venue. He, a Confucian Master, do you still have face? !

The student looked back at Huang Yuezhong, stood still, and said to everyone: "Invigorating martial arts and killing evil for cruelty? In the eyes of southerners, this is probably the case, because ten years have passed, and some conscienceless people have begun to forget ."

"But in the eyes of northerners, with Qi Shuai galloping around outside the Great Wall, the people of our capital can live and work in peace and contentment. You probably don't know that since Qi Shuai went from south to north, the population of Shuntian Prefecture has increased from 70 to more than two million. People are willing to Come back and be willing to settle down. Commander Qi will protect us and other living people, and you will bear the responsibility of killing yourself, so why are you saying such cruel things?"

"May I ask, Qi Shuai marched thousands of miles from Nanya, Zhejiang, and Fujian to the East, and fought hundreds of battles to eliminate the Japanese invasion. Isn't it possible that Nanya's strong public opinion is not at all grateful?!"

The student's voice became louder and louder. He half-raised his head and asked loudly: "Abuse?!"

"Report to the emperor, rescue the head of Guizhou, stabilize the country, save the people from fire and water, abuse! Where is it?"

"Qi Shuai often said: Those who are good at fighting will serve their sentences, but Qi Shuai knows that he is a Han Chinese. He wants to use the Emperor's Sword given by His Majesty to plow the Ming Dynasty and end the war with war. Is Master Huang a Japanese? Is it possible that Master Huang is a Japanese? Beilu?"

"If Master Huang is from the Ming Dynasty, where does the word abuse come from?"

"Well said!" Zhu Yijun waved his hand vigorously and applauded the student loudly. He tilted his head and asked Feng Bao: "Who is this student?"

Feng Bao really didn't know this person. After he asked Xiaohuangmen, he bowed his head and said, "Wang Menglin, the eldest son of Wang Zhigao, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, studied under Wan Shihe, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel."

"I understand." Zhu Yijun waved his hand again to strengthen his momentum. Wan Dazai's apprentice would not be surprised.

Wang Menglin furrowed his brows and said, "It is greed to amass profits? It is greed to harm the public and enrich one's private interests; it is greed to prey on scholars for violence? You have sympathized with the scholars, but who will sympathize with the common people? People with different Taoist views do not want to work together, and students are not willing to destroy Master Huang's Giving lectures is a step ahead.”

"Brother Wang, please wait a moment. I will leave with you." A student chose a way to leave. The content of what this person said was completely different from what he knew. He didn't say more than half a sentence, and it was useless to say more.

Zhu Yijun smiled at Zhang Juzheng and said: "Master Huang seems to be a little acclimated. The students of Nan Ya and Bei Ya have different empathy. Wang Menglin is right. Qi Shuai marched eastward and stabilized the southeast. Not only did they not thank Qi Shuai and Nan Bing for their help, Fighting, instead of putting down the bowl and cursing one's mother, is somewhat damaging to one's moral character."

"Ten years have passed, and people in Nanya have begun to forget the horror of the Japanese invasion."

"Most Confucian students are like this. They just talk about xinxing with their sleeves up. It's so shameful and womanly." Zhang Juzheng is also not surprised. He talks about xinxing with his sleeves and doesn't even read the theory of contradiction. Talking about xinxing is useless. On weekdays, They talk about the metaphysical nature of their mind. When the country is in crisis, some of them die to repay the kindness of the king, while others simply surrender to the enemy.

This kind of death to repay the king at the last moment means that there is no other way but to die to preserve one's reputation. It is just like a woman sacrificing her husband, which is a shame.

As for surrendering to the enemy, that's all.

Zhang Juzheng looked down on the humble Confucians, and the humble Confucians claimed to be clean and honest, but did they miss one of those dirty things?Xu Jie was the top figure in Qingliu during the Jiajing period, but the ugliness of Xu Jie's Huishantang tore Xu Jie's Qingliu brand to pieces.

More and more people left, and only two or three people were left at the poetry meeting. Master Huang was immediately embarrassed. Is this going to be talked about or not?There is an audience below, so it would be inappropriate not to talk about it, but with just a few listeners below, wouldn’t it be a waste of words?
Jiao Hong actually wanted to leave, but His Majesty hadn't left yet, and he didn't move. Geng Dingxiang kept pulling his disciples. When Geng Dingxiang saw You Qi, he completely understood that His Majesty was here.

Zhang Juzheng, His Majesty the Emperor must be there.

Huang Yuezhong began to recite sutras, and he became unconvinced as he spoke. Zhu Yijun got tired of listening, and finally stood up and chose to leave. Huang Yuezhong's point of view is to start from the fact that monarchs and ministers have different names but have the same reality, and discusses that since the three generations, there has been only chaos and no rule. The fundamental reason is that the original sin of everything is the emperor.

However, Huang Yuezhong himself is not loyal to his own ideas, and the entire argument is untenable.

The argument that all original sins are caused by the emperor can actually be discussed and is very informative. However, since Huang Yuezhong did not dare to say that the emperor was at fault, it was naturally impossible to discuss it.After Zhu Yijun left, Jiao Hong also left with Geng Dingxiang. The poetry meeting broke up unhappy and ended just as it started.

Before leaving, Feng Bao carefully warned his confidant Xu Jue to keep an eye on him. After the poetry meeting, everyone Huang Yuezhong met and what he said must be reported verbatim. , watch carefully, don't find anything wrong, and be prepared.

The layout of Xitucheng is completely different from that of Beitucheng. Beitucheng is the main camp of the Beijing camp. There are five military camps on the left and right, [-] military warehouses, and [-] military arsenals. Near each military camp, there are military family members. The military camp and family members are isolated by the drum tower city wall, while Xitucheng is a complete civilian residence and does not have too much military nature.

The entire private square is well-proportioned, with tall walls and gates, and vicious dogs patrolling it. It is more like a high-walled prison than a private square.

Zhu Yijun walked through the streets of Xitucheng and parked his jade chariot in Yousi Hutong.

This alley was the home of Gao Gong, the former chief minister, and Wang Zhigao, the former minister of the Ministry of Justice. After Zhu Yijun parked the car, he asked Zhang Hong to go and announce the emperor's arrival.

It didn't take long for the two families to start fighting. Soon Gao Gong and Wang Zhigao came with their entire family to greet him.

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live my Majesty. I apologize for being far away from you." Gao Gong and Wang Zhigao took their families to greet him with a grand ceremony. His Majesty's sudden visit was really hard to guard against.

Gao Gong and Wang Zhigao were both elders of the Three Dynasties. Emperor Jiajing was cultivating immortals in Xiyuan. Emperor Longqing did not even meet his courtiers, but only his auxiliary ministers. He spoke very little and rarely expressed his opinions. He would probably say, "Yi Yuan" What Auxiliary said.

Compared with the sleeping emperor, the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty is much more active. He will appear in the Wenhua Palace every day, and will swagger through the city to Peking Camp to parade military horses every day. Occasionally, he will refresh to the Yongding Woolen Official Factory on the bank of the Yongding River. I went to Tianjin once, that time to inspect the shipping of grain, taxes, and to pick up Yu Dayou back to Beijing.

An unfamiliar Ming Emperor, a very active Ming Emperor, seems to have many opportunities. However, when the courtiers think of the Yicheng House in Xishan, they will immediately think of the methods of their ancestors, and then have some doubts. Is this really an opportunity, or is it a trap deliberately set by Zhang Juzheng?Once doubt arises, one becomes uneasy.

Just like Beibei, even if he wins, he still has to worry. Did he really win, or did Qi Shuai do it deliberately to lure the enemy deeper?

It is basically impossible to win a war with such worries. Sima Yi also knows this, so Zhuge Liang gave him women's clothes, and he wore them all, and refused to fight.

"No gifts, no gifts." Zhu Yijun got out of the car and said with a cheerful face: "Feng Daban, thank you for your kindness."

Zhu Yijun didn't come empty-handed. He wanted to meet Gao Gong and Wang Zhigao, who were not enemies, so he also brought a lot of rewards, including wine, meat, and gifts. He probably just came to take a look, calm people's hearts, and give the whole country Take a look at the rich households in Xitucheng. The Ming Emperor was not always violent, but he also had a benevolent side.

As long as he was honest in Beijing, the Ming Emperor would not be too harsh. Even Gao Gong, His Majesty the Emperor, chose to forgive him. Gao Gong wanted to abolish the Supervisor of Ceremonies, which was almost equivalent to deposing the emperor, because at that time, he was the master of Shaoguo. Doubtful, if the Secretary of Ceremony is abolished, the emperor will lose control of the outer court.

Which one is right or wrong, Gao Gong or Zhang Juzheng?

In the original historical line, Gao Gong seems to be right. The Wanli Emperor was probably not a human king. The state and dynasty were defeated and broken, and could no longer be revived. Therefore, the death of Ming Dynasty was actually caused by Wanli.

But now it seems that Zhang Juzheng has trained a king who can perform his duties correctly, and Gao Gong was wrong.

Zhu Yijun asked warmly with a smile on his face: "I wonder if Duke Xinzheng has heard that Qi Shuai defeated the barbarian Anda who wanted to regain Yingchang in Yingchang and joined forces to fight together, and won another great victory?"

"I have heard about it. When I was young, I read Du Fu's "Hearing that the Imperial Army Retakes Henan and Hebei" and was a little confused. Why did Du Shaoling hear that the imperial army outside Jianmen Pass had regained the northern Hebei area? He cried with joy, and his clothes were covered with tears. Today, he heard that the general had won a great victory outside the Great Wall. This is my feeling." Gao Gong bowed his head very solemnly and said, "I would like to congratulate Your Majesty and congratulate the Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Yijun just doesn't like Gao Gong, and he can't be called disgusting at all. Gao Gong is a very talented person. At least in terms of anti-corruption, in the entire 270 years of the Ming Dynasty, no one Gao Gong has done more anti-corruption. Even Zhang Juzheng No one is fighting corruption.

Corruption is not even a sin these days, it is a matter of favor and part of the sophistication of people. Even in the mainstream public opinion, corruption is not a fault, and Emperor Taizu Gao's anti-corruption is irrefutable evidence of violence.

It was precisely because of Gao Gong's anti-corruption during the Longqing period that today's official governance has taken a further step forward.

The late emperor's arbitrariness and the strategy of assisting Bi Zhechong. As the successor, Zhu Yijun followed the ancestral law. Is there any problem?

Sometimes, the ancestral law is also a basket, and everything can be put into it.

Taking a step back, Gao Gong is much better than Xu Jie.

"Is your health feeling better?" Zhu Yijun asked with a smile.

Gao Gong quickly bowed his head and said: "The great medical officer has wonderful hands and benevolent heart. I am much better now."

"Yes, it's much better. There will be good news for Ming Dynasty in the future. I will send my internal officials to inform Duke Xinzheng and have fun with Duke Xinzheng." Zhu Yijun said cheerfully.

He kept Gao Gong alive just to let Gao Gong know that Zhang Juzheng's path may not be completely correct, but it is stronger than Gao Gong. The stronger the Ming Dynasty, the more blocked Gao Gong felt. To reach this position and admit that others are great is Very, very difficult thing.

They are all ministers of the country. Zhang Juzheng can do well, but you Gao Gong cannot do well. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty is getting better and better. If you are loyal to the country and the country, you must hope that the Ming Dynasty will become more and more prosperous, but if you are loyal to the Ming Dynasty, you must be loyal to the country. In my own heart, the better the Ming Dynasty is, the worse the high arch is. This kind of contradictory and divided mood can be described as a mixed bag of emotions.

After all, Gao Gong is not a cheap Confucian. He can sympathize with the Ming Dynasty's revolution and the upliftment of the country.

Zhu Yijun was satisfied and chatted with Gao Gong for a long time with a smile. Gao Gong was more concerned about the matter of Enyin's son going to the Imperial College to study. Zhu Yijun gave an affirmative answer. Logically speaking, Gao Gong's son should be Enyin. Yin was an idle official who did not take things seriously. Gao Gong's son, Gao Wuguan, was not good at studying. This idle official wanted him to live comfortably on the court's salary.

Previously, Gao Gong's son had the official status of this idle official. Later, during the strife in the court in the sixth year of Longqing, this idle official was dismissed.

Gao Gong's father was a Jinshi in the 12th year of Zhengde's reign. He served successively as a scholar in Shandong and as a minister in Shaanxi. He reached the rank of Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple. The Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple was already the fifth rank. As long as he took one more step forward, he would be given a banquet. You can have dinner on the table, so Gao Gong is also one of the wealthy Jin gentry families. Gao Gong is an honest official and does not have many acres. He was called to the capital by the emperor just to make it convenient for him to see a doctor. He did not There is no money for paid placement.

Zhu Yijun looked at Wang Zhigao, looked at him, nodded and said, "The prince has become a lot more prosperous. It is obvious that he has really cultivated himself in the past few years."

Wang Zhigao and the Ming Dynasty broke up peacefully and there was no foul play. Wang Zhigao had two motives for becoming an official. One was to help his children and their families, and the other was to invigorate the country and make progress with new policies. Wang Zhigao chose to leave, unwilling to take so many risks.

Escape is not a shame. In Zhu Yijun's view, Wang Zhigao is not a coward. He just feels that the pressure is too great and cannot go on. As long as Wang Zhigao does not cause trouble, he can be called loyal to the emperor and the country. The emperor's requirements are really not high. It's just that the humble Confucians can't do it for personal gain.

Even Wang Zhigao's son, Wang Menglin, was working for the country, and he was doing his best, and he was doing a very good job. At least he was killing people and killing people, and Wang Shizhen performed very well in identifying good people and bad people. Wang Shizhen now seems to have Became the object of doubt by everyone.

"Thank you for your majesty's kindness, I am so grateful." Wang Zhigao hurriedly bowed his head and thanked him. Who dares to say that the emperor is petty, Wang Zhigao was the first to be anxious to him. His majesty is already very open-minded. To be more open-minded would be lenient and will not be beneficial to the country.

"Is your son Wang Menglin not in the house?" Zhu Yijun looked around and found that Wang Zhigao's son Wang Menglin was not in the pick-up team, so he asked.

"I came back for a trip. I was talking about "three peaches kill two men" and ran out in a hurry. I don't know where I went. I will take the exam next year. I didn't study hard. I swaggered around all day long. I can’t see anyone.” Wang Zhigao complained nonstop that Wang Menglin didn’t study hard and ran around all day long.

Zhu Yijun went to Wang Zhigao's home. He didn't like Gao Gong, so he simply didn't go. As he walked, he explained the steps for three peaches to kill two people. This method is a way to ruin a person's reputation. This method is so vicious. , even Zhang Juzheng frowned and said: "This is a vicious plan by a sycophant. How can your majesty believe it? Who is so vicious?!"

Zhang Juzheng's son was married to Wang Zhigao's daughter. Zhang Juzheng knew Wang Menglin very well. Wang Menglin would never have imagined that he could use such insidious tricks and be so proficient in using them.

"Wan Shihe, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel." Zhu Yijun explained the origin of this poisonous plan.

Zhang Juzheng was silent for a long time and said, "Wan Dazai is indeed a scholar."

Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Juzheng's dissatisfaction with Wan Shihe. He just secretly used such dirty tricks. How could he teach it to the emperor? Wouldn't this be detrimental to the holy name?

Zhu Yijun thought for a while and said: "Sir, the high ground of public opinion must be occupied. In this invisible and invisible battlefield, we must be more vicious than the enemy, so that we can be aware of their tricks and deal with them calmly, otherwise They will occupy the moral high ground, point fingers at us, talk nonsense, even if they have merit, they can still say that they have fault, just like when I wanted to kill Chen Youren with my own hands."

"Wan Dazai also learned my tricks. I learned the methods from Xu Jie's incident. In fact, I also learned them from the cheap Confucians in Nanya."

Zhang Juzheng suddenly realized that he had thought that Wan Shihe had evolved to this extent in less than a year. It turned out that he learned the tricks from the emperor, so it was not surprising, and there was no problem.

If Wan Shihe deceives the emperor, then Wan Shihe is a sycophant. On the contrary, if Wan Shihe learns such vicious tricks from the emperor, there is no problem at all, because as a minister, it is the minister's duty to carry out His Majesty's orders. .

Zhu Yijun immediately smelled the double standards. The husband also had double standards based on closeness and distance. The emperor could do this, but Wan Shihe couldn't.

"Sir, the Ming Dynasty has been in conflict with the Northern Barbarians for more than three hundred years. I heard that the prairie raids involved killing everyone above the wheel. Is this true?" Zhu Yijun asked about this matter after sitting down in the main hall.

Zhang Juzheng shook his head and said: "That was also what happened at the time of Genghis Khan Temujin. It was to fulfill the promise of great revenge. When Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, usually captured prisoners, they were forced to work, and everyone above the wheel was killed. , the knife will be blunt if you kill."

Prisoners are one of the compensation items to help the army travel. The killing weapons will wear out, and the killing efficiency is extremely low now. The white soil in Tao Tu Mountain was dug out by the prisoners of war.After the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty wanted to rely on the Han Shihou, he reduced the killing even more. The Ming Dynasty and the Beilu were fighting for so many years, but they did not get to the point where everyone was killed above the wheel.

In the Ming Dynasty's values, killing evil detracts from moral integrity.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, woohoo! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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