Chapter 141

Starworm, that's his current name.

That's the name given to him by those white-coated Frankenstein lunatics in the Electronic Wizard Lab, because of his abilities.

The abyss fragment that successfully fused with him showed some extraordinary characteristics before giving him the ability.It can absorb the essence and abilities of extraordinary people for a short time, making them obliterate everyone within a certain period of time.

It's a quality that fascinates the white coats, who love to transcend and weaponize it.Therefore, as the main experimental subject of this project, he was awarded the title of star sucker, which means that he can suck everything from others.

At first he hated the name, because he thought it was ugly, and it sounded like a parasite instead of the "god" that should have been created in the so-called god-making project.

But now he likes the name more and more.It sounds dangerous, like a natural predator, in keeping with his persona and his creed.

Perhaps for many people, there are certain days and certain moments in life that will never be forgotten.

Many times such a picture often occurs in the early years.Most memories of childhood are vague, only those specific scenes and fragments will be fresh in my memory, and they will always flash back in my mind as I grow older.

For Starworm, that day...the day he was sold to a stranger by his biological father was one of them.

When he was a child, crying and shouting desperately could not change the reality, he vaguely realized it.A boy's despair is nothing to this world. The world and the people who make it up have no warmth in their hearts.The only way to make the world compromise with you is to use a bigger fist.

Of course, this kind of idea was just a budding idea at that time, and it was another thing to really understand this truth.That involves another crucial person in his life, that is his mother.

His mother and father are almost two extremes.For as long as I can remember, she was a rather weak person, crying most of the time.

After he was sold by his father, it was his mother who emptied his savings behind his back and carried all the debts to redeem him.

When the father found out, he was furious and beat both mother and son.He cursed that this was a "cursed family", and felt that the two of them were dragging him down, so he slammed the door and left, never to return.

He always found it strange that even so, his mother never resented his father.

No, it should be said that my mother never held a grudge against anyone.As if it was in her genes, she wasn't born to complain.

Looking back now, he sometimes wondered if his mother had some beliefs behind his back.Because if anything, she should probably be the most devout believer.

After her father left, she worked three jobs to support the children.But even in the most difficult moments, she never resented, let alone tried to take advantage of it.This is also what he was taught by his mother since he was a child. She told him to study hard, be a good person, don't hurt others, and don't grab what's not his own.

She said that taking money from others is likely to take the life of a critically ill family member.To take a life may be to take a wife's husband, a child's father.

Even if all the goodness in the world is obtained through this kind of betrayal, when they are gathered together, they will look terrible.

However, when he saw his dying mother lying on the hospital bed and only relying on a ventilator to support her life, he clearly realized that she was wrong.

She tried to give beauty to the world, but the world responded with cold death.

Because the world itself has no heart, no temperature.

A city is a jungle of steel and concrete, and in the jungle, the laws of the jungle must be followed.

He was the first to practice this principle, at least from the perspective of his peers.Sometimes for lunch, and sometimes for no reason.

Until he went to learn the skills that hurt others.

Skills that he would never have learned had his mother been alive.

One time could have been the same as every time before
But as the old saying goes, dragon slayers become dragons.

He beat the bullies

Another thing his mother would never have allowed him to do if he was still alive.But he soon discovered that he liked the feeling of finally finding the right way for the world to work, and what worked best for him.

If you don't want to be robbed, you have to be the robbed yourself.As long as there are bigger fists, those villains will have no choice but to join you, or perish.

Looking back now, sometimes he feels that perhaps to some extent, thought reshaped his path, and fate marked the established trajectory for him.

It was this fate that led him to join the Electronic Wizard.

It was the same fate again, which made him lucky to be selected by the god-making project, and encountered this extraordinary that helped him realize his true self.

The star-sucking worm lives by plundering, taking away the lives and transcendence of others to become stronger, this is simply a portrayal of his life.

He found the man who abandoned them back then.That man was no longer as tall and fierce as he remembered, as cruel as a devil.Now it looks like he is weak, even ridiculously small.

Killing that man was no longer just for such a boring reason as revenge.This is his decision to the past, and it is a complete farewell to himself before he became a starworm.

Of course, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the process.

Now, he has completely remembered who he is.Who was in the past and what will be in the future.

A top predator in the world.

Of course, he knew clearly that he was far from being able to relax.To truly achieve himself and realize that motto, he still has an obstacle that he must overcome.


He even felt that this was also the guidance of fate.

Destiny is such a wonderful thing.It's like a spinning wheel. You've been moving forward, and you feel like you've gone a long way, but in the end, sooner or later, you will return to the original point.

For him, Superman is such an existence.

Reminds him of his mother on the sick bed.

It completely violated the principles of the steel jungle and distorted the rules.Clearly possessing the supreme power to take away everything in the world, but he chooses to give instead of taking away, sharing his ability all over the world without asking for anything in return.

Almost like his mother.

Mother tried her best to give warmth to this world, but she was just a candle that was about to run out.She died after a tiny bit of flame burned out, not even leaving a single trace on this cold world.

But Superman. He's like a sun.

With endless light and heat, even if this world comes to an end, he can't burn it all.

His very existence and behavior challenged the creeds of Starchuck's life, the antithesis of everything he believed.

Then he realized.

Superman, whose existence itself is the product of destiny, is the ultimate challenge given to him by this world.If he doesn't beat Superman, if he doesn't pass this level, he will never be able to prove himself.

This is his ninety-nine and eighty-one tribulations, his twelve trials, the fire that will refine him into real gold.

So he is sure that Superman will come to him, just as the wheel will always return to the original point.

But before that, he needs to be ready.

Using the penetrating ability absorbed from the previous transcendent, the star-sucking worm released the burrow, drilled out from the ground, and stopped in front of a dark and tall building.

He raised his head and looked at the sign above the fortified building.

"Prison No. [-] for Extraordinary Criminals of the Sky Eye Society".

The starworm grinned.

He smiled expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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