Chapter 106
[The crew of the "Return" survived the catastrophe and arrived at the port in the early morning]

"The lost cargo ship 'Return' set sail from Changhebin Town and returned to the pier in the early morning of the past few days. The interior of the ship was a mess, with blood stains in many places, and only one person on board was missing.

It is said that the return ship encountered extreme weather three days after it left port, and the abnormal storm and waves were once close to swallowing the cargo ship.Strong magnetic disturbances interrupted the ship's communication.The ship deviated from the channel and could not get rid of the interference of wind and waves.

A few days later, a ship departing from Fireworks Island spotted the Return at sea.At that time, the return ship had lost power.The boarding personnel found the surviving sailors on board, but the survivors were in a poor state of mind. According to the boarding personnel, they were talking nonsense at the time.

Someone mentioned seeing something terribly scary, and others made vague references to words like 'octopus' and 'big tortoise'.However, when they were questioned in detail, they were vague. Some of the sailors burst into laughter when they were questioned, and their behavior was abnormal and creepy.

According to further investigation, the only missing crew member should have been in a daze on the deck of the Return when encountering wind and waves, and was swept into the sea by the wind and waves.

It's just strange that none of the sailors on board could tell when that happened.They showed uncharacteristic insensitivity, and seemed indifferent to the death of their companions. Some even didn't notice that there was a loss of personnel on the ship.

Boarding crews also found a disturbing stone sculpture on board that appeared to be partially shaped like some kind of large octopus.Some survivors have reacted violently when someone picked up the stone sculpture.But he was incoherent, and no one could understand what he was saying.

Experts are currently evaluating the mental state of the survivors, but the results are not optimistic. "

The content described in the media reports is limited, but the pieces of information intercepted from different platforms are probably enough to understand what kind of incident this is.

The surviving sailors were brought back for a full examination and mental evaluation.Physiologically, they didn't seem to find any problems, but mentally, it was hard to say.

After recovering about [-] to [-] percent sober, the captain described what happened to the investigators.It is roughly about their ship encountering waves and being sent to unknown seas by wind and waves after deviated from the course.

But he couldn't tell what happened after that.The media description here is very vague, but the official testimony is said to have been like this.None of the survivors could tell when they encountered the storm and what happened further after the extreme weather.

Their accounts even contradict each other about the exact date of the anomaly's occurrence and the conditions in the storm, and the testimonies don't match up with each other.

This is only the external version.In addition, a newly promoted extraordinary commissioner of the alliance also went to understand the situation.

The first batch of chatterbox guys in the alliance contacted the survivor, but unfortunately when they met, the only unlucky captain who spoke in a reasonable way when he was questioned before had already suffered a nervous breakdown.Lying on the bed, he could barely speak a complete sentence, and from time to time in his dreams he spoke some ravings that he might not understand himself, or yelled and moaned, letting his wife who took care of him guess what he wanted .

But this time, the chatterbox brother performed quite well, giving full play to his innate expertise.He had the perfect tongue to convince the captain's wife that he was a keen reporter and that no one cared more about getting an account of what had happened to her husband than he.

The wife was overwhelmed by his eloquent skills, and secretly revealed that her husband had a hidden notebook.When he was sane, he kept insisting that no one should see that record, probably because he was afraid that the truth in it would be too horrifying, or because he was worried that being seen would cause unnecessary confusion.

But now the sailor was unconscious again, and his wife was clearly not as obsessed with secrecy as he was.So the league got the only record.

There was mention of an island, one that had never been marked on a map.The Return was blown onto the island by a huge storm, and the crew who landed on the island saw indescribably great fear there.

Several of them went mad on the spot, while others tried to escape but failed.The sailor was the only one who managed to escape, and wrote a brief account during the aimless days of drifting with the ship that followed.

Coincidentally, just earlier today, another ship was heard to have lost contact in the same area.Passenger ferry "Sunflower" lost communication two hours ago, so far there is no news.

However, knowing the approximate coordinates of the incident through the notes, there is no mystery to Jiangbei.

He chose to ask Xiaoqi directly: "Can you see the lost boat?"

Xiaoqi stopped the game at hand for a short while, looked around, and a blue glow faintly flashed in his eyes.

Immediately retracting his gaze: "I see. The hull is leaking. It is in the center of the wind and waves. Visually, it should be sinking. Well, it doesn't look like ordinary wind and waves. It seems to be a bit of an extraordinary shadow. If you want to know, you can go and have a look. Hurry up and it should be too late. .”

The crew of the Sunflower are now desperate.

It shouldn't be at all.The weather forecast clearly stated that the sky in this area is clear, and there is not a cloud at all.

Not so long ago, the sea was calm, not even a wave.The sparkling water surface is as flat as Miss Pao, who is sorry for A.

But in this short moment, the surroundings suddenly turbulent.The calm sea rises high, as if it suddenly turned into a turbulent power girl.

The sailors began to exclaim, and hurriedly started to work around.Passengers screamed in the cabin, and the huge waves in the storm smashed down like a curtain wall.

The hull began to leak and the captain tried to hold the rudder, but the wind was too strong.Countless meteor hammers hit the hull of the ship in turn, making a frighteningly loud noise.

Everyone realizes what's coming next.

The ship sank.

The bow was submerged first, followed by the rest.The turbulent sea rushed into all the cabins like hordes of beasts.The huge ship stood upright, like a sword in the stone that was inserted upside down.

People tried their best to hang their bodies above the rising waterline in the cabin, and countless palms seemed to slap on the sealed portholes with desperate desire.Until even the sky outside the window was engulfed by the icy sea water, and the salty, wet and merciless water in the cabin also caught up, until all the cabins were completely immersed in it.

Cold, hopeless, there is nothing to do but keep sinking.

The bottomless ocean is like a beast that is always hungry and thirsty, opening its bloody mouth cruelly.The irresistible gravity pulled all of them into that black hole-like mouth.

Until a certain moment, it was like a hallucination on the verge of death.

The sinking stopped.

A pair of hands clasped on the outside of the cabin.Someone in the cabin swallowed by the water looked out of the window in despair, and saw a solid and powerful dark blue body and a red cloak fluttering in the sea.

Like a miracle, the huge ship began to resurface.

The extremely fast speed, as if the hand of God pulled them away from the endless gravitational force.The giant ship broke out of the sea again, and tons of seawater crashed down along the steel shell on the water surface, and the abyss under the water seemed to be echoing with the desperate screams of death.

The sea water was quickly released from the cabin, and the people who were nearly drowning began to cough violently.A sailor looked out at the small figure dragging the giant ship in the wind and rain through the porthole full of water droplets, and his lips trembled several times.

A person, a body of flesh and blood, with a cloak flying in the wind and rain, pulled out the giant wheel from the palm of Death with his bare hands, as if pulling out a 200-meter giant sword.

"God." The expressions of the escaped passengers were like pilgrims.

Jiangbei was dragging the huge ship, and the biological force field that had been strengthened with the increase in control power recently also wrapped it up, ensuring that the hull would not be overwhelmed and collapse in his hands.

One person and one boat penetrated the rain curtain and headed towards the other side of the storm.

(End of this chapter)

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