In the evening, the setting sun is like molten gold, pouring into every detail of this bustling city, coating the city with a dreamy golden light. At this moment, the entire city seemed to be immersed in a peaceful and glorious atmosphere.

Qian Renxue, after reviewing all the good news coming in from Fangxian, her mood was as bright and comfortable as the golden glow in the city.

She carefully examined the rising amount of food in her accounts. Her mood, which was originally slightly tired due to days of hard work, gradually receded like the tide, and was replaced by a kind of heartfelt relaxation and joy.

She turned her head and looked at Teacher Ning Fengzhi, who had been accompanying and assisting her. With wisdom and cunning in her eyes, she asked half-jokingly:

"Teacher, do you think that if we had severely punished those worms who only care about pleasure and do not produce anything, the empire might be in a better situation now?"

After Ning Fengzhi heard this, he did not respond immediately. He just pinched the bridge of his nose gently, showing a thoughtful look. Then he shook his head slightly and replied seriously:

“Your Majesty, governing a country is like managing a flood. It requires a combination of removing obstructions and not just being tough.

As we both know very well, the Tiandou Empire has not yet established a complete and efficient system for material transfer, coordination of distribution between cities, and logistics operations.

If we are too strict in our actions, whether proactive or passive, those businessmen who appear to be opportunistic but actually bear the heavy responsibility of circulation may choose to retreat out of fear and no longer actively participate in market circulation.

As a result, we may face even more severe urban supply problems.

——Without their transportation capacity and flexible dispatch, cities that do not produce food but rely on external supplies of living materials,

Just like the isolated islands on the empire's territory, their survival situation is precarious. "

Although Qian Renxue nodded to show her understanding of Ning Fengzhi's views, the unyielding light in her eyes revealed that she did not fully agree with this view in her heart.

She retorted firmly but strategically:

"I understand the teacher's long-term considerations, but our top priority right now is to get through the immediate difficulties first. If we can't ensure the lives of the people in front of us, how can we talk about the grand blueprint for the future?"

Ning Fengzhi was keenly aware of her determination, sighed quietly, and then cleverly changed the topic to further analyze the essence of the problem:

"Indeed, our current rectification measures have begun to bear fruit, and the grain seized this time can undoubtedly make up for the losses caused by various reasons during the previous rationing period to a certain extent.

But I speculate that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Those grain merchants who can be called 'parasites' and 'vampires' will never store large amounts of grain in a place with high storage costs like the city.

What we have found now is just a portion of their reserves brought into town for sale and transshipment.

Therefore, how to dig out and effectively control the large amount of hoarded food resources hidden outside the city is the key to solving the current crisis. "

Faced with this troublesome problem, even with Qian Renxue's calmness and resourcefulness, she couldn't help but fall into deep thinking. She sat upright in front of the case, a stern look flashed across her delicate face, and her crystal-clear jade fingers gently tapped the table. Every touch seemed to be tapping a complex and important decision.

Judging from the detailed information sent by the spies, the large amount of grain reserves outside the city were actually hidden by the cunning landlords and old nobles in their respective mountain villas.

These places, when the old aristocratic rule was overthrown and the land was redistributed, were once ignored due to their remote location and secrecy.

Most of those annexes are located among lofty mountains, with deep forests and dangerous roads, making them easy to defend and difficult to attack. This undoubtedly adds great difficulty to the food seizure operation.

However, the bigger challenge is how to ensure that before the food is successfully seized, the landowners and the desperadoes they hire will not choose to die together because of desperation, and the precious food will not be burned to the ground.

"Maybe we can use their desire for the glory and wealth of the past and the lives of wealthy businessmen as exchange conditions in exchange for this batch of food?"

This thought flashed into Qian Renxue's mind like a meteor streaking across the night sky, but she decisively snuffed it out in an instant.

She knows very well that once such a precedent is set, it will lead to endless compromises and deals. This is a bottom line that she cannot accept.

Moreover, she could not tell whether the old nobles were more resentful about losing power or yearned for a stable life.

Qian Renxue, who had a heavy responsibility but was caught in a dilemma due to some insurmountable constraints, finally couldn't restrain her inner anxiety. She clenched her fists, slammed her palms on the table, and made a clear and powerful sound. The sound was like a declaration of war against difficulties.

Her eyes were firm and decisive, "Although the food outside the city is urgent, it is just a drop of water in the overall situation. We should use an elite team to fight quickly with thunderous momentum and get the most food first. As for the other things , turn a blind eye for the time being, and wait until the time is right to discuss it again."

Seeing that the disciple he loved so much still maintained the enterprising spirit of the past, like a sharp knife unsheathed, Ning Fengzhi's heart was filled with mixed emotions, relief and worry intertwined.

He knows that in this complicated situation, it is important to make the best choice, but the most important thing is to set a practical goal and devote all his efforts to achieve it.

The moonlight is like a hook, the stars are bright, and time passes quietly in the night. Only a quarter of an hour has passed since the order from Tiandou City was sent, and there is still a good opportunity to take action.

At this critical moment, Yan Sansi, an elite soldier who had repeatedly performed extraordinary feats in the flames of war and belonged to the "Blade Squad" of the legion behind enemy lines, led a group of colleagues to quietly leave Soto City and embarked on a journey to retake the city. The journey of food.

The journey of dozens of miles seemed to shrink into inches under their feet. In just a stick of incense, the team had quietly arrived at their destination - the gorgeous summer residence where food was hidden.

The intricately carved beams and painted windows, the intricately decorated windows, and the various vegetation dotted the area made it look particularly elegant. At this moment, those valuable soul-guided lamps illuminated the entire courtyard like daylight, bright and dazzling.

After carefully checking the information drawings carefully drawn by the intelligence department, Yan Sansi quickly located the target and calmly formulated a careful infiltration plan.

For these professionals who grew up under the baptism of war, sneaking in the night is as natural as instinct. They merge with the darkness and quietly penetrate into the target's grain depot like running water.

Every movement is precise and decisive, as if the night is their stage, silence is their ally, and a silent battle is quietly taking place.

As a warehouse guard was mercilessly penetrated through the chest by a guard's iron gun, the raid on the grain warehouse suddenly began.

The mercenaries, knowing that these grains were the last bargaining chip in their hands, rushed over like a group of irrational lunatics. They had no time to care about formation and coordinated operations, and their soul skills and martial arts skills poured out indiscriminately in the chaos.

However, in the eyes of the Blade Team, a group of battle-hardened veterans, such an attack is more like a struggle before death.

As the battle intensified, the originally smooth and mirror-like marble floor was gradually dyed dark red by blood plasma. The strange and dazzling color shone with the luster of death under the light. When more and more death aura filled the air, the nobles who thought they could save their lives finally couldn't bear the pressure, collapsed mentally, and screamed, taking out a barrel-shaped object.

Strong soul power fluctuations instantly surged in the barrel, which made the members of the Blade Team immediately increase their vigilance, although they did not know what kind of counterattack the nobles were about to use.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling red light burst out from the barrel, and accompanied by a deafening bang, a huge fireball condensed by soul power erupted from it and rose straight into the sky.

"Oops!" Yan Sansi immediately recognized what it was - it was a precious soul guide that could be used as a powerful flame attack weapon and for emergency communications between armies.

The fireball exploded violently at high altitude. The loud noise that shook the world and the blazing fire illuminated all directions. Everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned.

Under this dazzling light, an old nobleman showed a ferocious and decisive expression on his face, and his voice was trembling but full of resentment:

"It's all you who forced me! Since you want us to be buried together, then let's die together! You people..."

However, before he could finish his words, Yan Sansi's steel gun pierced his throat like lightning.

The nobleman could only make a few weak whooshing sounds, and could no longer fully express the threatening words. His life ended abruptly at this moment.

As the fireball exploded in the night sky, more similar signals followed in the distant sky.

The originally quiet and deep night seemed to be ignited with passion at this moment, becoming as lively as a festival celebration. However, under this bustle, there were dangers that could not be concealed.

Although Yan Sansi has successfully captured what may be the largest grain warehouse around Soto City, there is no joy on his face.

He was clearly aware of the terrible truth hidden behind those fireworks-like signals that bloomed in the night sky.

Sure enough, not long after, faint starlight began to flicker on the dark ground, which quickly evolved into a raging flame that soared into the sky.

These flames are like lotuses blooming in the night, beautiful and deadly.

But behind this poignant scene lies endless hunger and death.

At that time, granaries everywhere were reduced to ashes in the raging fire, just like everything that had happened in Xingluo City, history seemed to be repeating itself at this moment.

The fire burned all night until dawn. (End of chapter)

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