Chapter 221 Sadness After Joy

Because of its previous strength, Huangdou's odds remained at a very low 1.2, but the Huangdou team's previous performance was too good, and everyone's enthusiasm for betting on it was naturally high.

When Bell finally conceded defeat, inside and outside the fighting spirit arena, no!It was the entire Soto City that fell into a sea of ​​jubilation.

Countless colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky, and deafening cheers and applause resounded through the sky.

Many spectators got up excitedly, and they threw copper coins, silver coins and even gold coins into the central big spirit fighting arena.

These coins drew arcs in the air, like a golden raindrop falling on the ground.

Still supporting each other, the Huangdou people, who were barely holding on to their breath, were caught off guard by the sudden rain of coins.

The shining coins under the light, the ecstatic faces of the audience, and the waves of people, people can't help but sigh that there is a reason why the ancient game of soul fighting is so popular in the Douluo Continent.

The Royal Fighting Team has already won the hearts of countless people.They used their skills and blood to show what a real soul fighter is.

Yu Tianheng, whose meridians were sluggish and qi and blood exhausted, straightened his back with difficulty, raised his head proudly, and enjoyed the honor and praise that he and his team members had exchanged for their lives. The other team members also supported each other and walked towards the center of the stage.

Under the light of the light soul guide, they bowed deeply to the audience, and then bowed deeply to their teacher Qin Ming.

Qin Ming is the glue between Huang Dou's proud sons, and even their mentor. It is Qin Ming who taught them the meaning of team spirit and gave them the confidence and courage to continue fighting.

Qin Ming, who was off the stage, was also very excited at the moment. He jumped onto the stage through the crowd, held Yu Tianheng's hand,

"You guys did a great job, I'm proud of you." Then he raised Yu Tianheng's hand high.

The atmosphere on the field also reached a climax.

The people of Soto City spontaneously organized a carnival, laughing and dancing, flowers and songs, food and spirits.

Neighbors in the neighborhood moved their tables and chairs to the street, merchants and seated carts brought food and spirits, and the people laughed, sang and danced heartily, and the joy spread to everyone’s heart.

Even those speculators who chose Shrek were affected by the atmosphere and temporarily forgot the pain of losing money, and joined the carnival.

Yu Tianheng and his teammates were also surrounded by the crowd, they were sent to a carriage, and began to parade around the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City.

They waved their hands in the carriage and accepted the blessings and admiration of the people.They saw the children on the street cheering for them, and those innocent children knew that because of these people, they could have a good meal today

The old people on the roof nodded and smiled at them, and the beautiful girls who leaned out of the windows blew passionate kisses to the team members.

Looking at the crowd around them, feeling their joy and respect, the hearts of the Huangdou team were filled with warmth and emotion.

This spontaneously organized carnival will always be remembered in the hearts of him and the people of Soto City.This is a festival that belongs to them, a victory that belongs to them.

The sound of carnival gradually passed along the gap in the sewer to the depths, turning into a dull humming sound in the deep underground river.

In the dark and damp underground, the remnant water in the canal makes a rushing sound, and flows out of the city along the dark river. There are those disgusting soul beasts living on the remnants of human life. Except for those professionals, few people will set foot in this place. place.

In the dark underground, a sound broke the tranquility of the place where no one had been for a long time.

A small boat that could only accommodate one person, with a series of rafts tied behind it, drifted out of the city along the dark river.

The person sitting on the small boat was Director Ao of the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City.

In the dark underground, only the light from the soul guide lamp at the bedside of the small boat can give people some peace of mind. Director Ao rowed the boat with a tense and serious expression.

The raft behind him slowly floated up and down in the water and made a crisp sound, but under the cover of the thick earth, no one in Soto City could find this shadow hidden underground.

The carnival lasted for a whole day, and the city slowly fell asleep near the early morning. The lights shone all night, and even the stars were covered by the bright lights.

People spent an unforgettable night in joy, and they dreamed of being able to redeem their lottery tickets the next day and improve their lives.

At noon of the next day, when the citizens came to the prize redemption center at the corner of the Great Soul Arena with carefully ironed lottery tickets, they were shocked to find that the place was already empty.

The doors and windows of the prize redemption center were smashed, the tables and chairs inside were overturned, and there was still a graffiti on the wall, which read
"Thank you for your generous donation and good luck."

And the huge jar on the square was also smashed, and the angry crowd discovered that those gold coins were just replica projections made by the soul guide, and there were only fifty or so pitiful gold coins at the bottom of the jar.

This is just a drop in the bucket for the betting of the citizens of the whole city.They were lied to, they were taken advantage of by shameless liars.

People start to growl and cry, how happy they were yesterday, and how angry and hopeless they are today.

The angry crowd wanted to find the scammers and get their money back.But they soon discovered that those crooks had disappeared without a trace.
No one knew how these people left Soto City quietly with such a huge amount of gold coins, and no one knew where Ross and his gang went.

It was as if they had never been there, leaving only a mess and a group of howling and angry victims.

Not only ordinary poor people, but also many rich merchants and old aristocrats also participated in this unprecedented battle, and the funds they invested in also disappeared with that night.

Soto City has changed from a bustling commercial center to a place full of wailing and dull atmosphere.The shops are closed, the market is empty, and there are only a few homeless people and beggars on the streets.

Everyone in this city is full of tremendous pressure, and it only takes a spark to detonate this huge powder keg.

In a secluded garden in the aristocratic area of ​​Soto City, the well-dressed gentleman was admiring the lights of Soto City from the roof.

"Roz, Ross, although the plan didn't go smoothly according to the script, but this accident seems to be more perfect than the result of the plan. You did a good job."

The gentleman turned his back to Ross, stroking the railing carved from precious wood, his voice was thick and majestic.

"Thank you sir for giving me the opportunity. The golden soul coins have been transferred out of the city. When will we proceed with the second step?"

Ross couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and the abyss trembled a little. He had already proved his worth to adults, and he hoped to go one step further.

"Don't be so anxious. A good show needs enough foreshadowing to bring the momentary impact of the climax. Next, let the city brew that brilliant future by itself."

"We just need to push a little bit at the most critical time, and when the time is right, you will know."

The gentleman waved his hand and motioned for Ross to leave. He didn't look back at this subordinate.

Ross retreated respectfully, he didn't dare to disturb the gentleman's thinking.He knows that adults have higher strategies and goals, and he is just a pawn.

The gentleman observed the city carefully from the top of this building, and no one knew what kind of anger was contained in the shadowy eyes of this gentleman.

In this catastrophe, Shrek cannot escape the influence.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the deal between Flender and Ross began to become known with the help of interested people.

The moment when the angry stones of the people were thrown into Shrek Academy, Flender realized that Qin Ming's warning to him was not the imagination of his immature students.

It is a huge crisis that cannot be underestimated.

He saw the scene outside from the window, a group of angry citizens rushed towards Shrek Academy with various weapons such as stones, sticks, and shovels.

They chanted slogans such as "Return my hard-earned money", "Shrek is a liar", "Down with Flender", etc., with great momentum.

Flender felt unprecedented fear. He knew that he had made a mistake in cooperating with Ross, but he didn't expect such a big trouble.

He thought that as long as he made enough money, he could give himself and his students a better life, but now he has fallen into an irreparable abyss.

He remembered what Qin Ming said to him that day,
"What is behind Ross is not simple. Be careful when you cooperate with him. They have big plans. Teacher, don't let this fire burn on you."

Flender didn't listen to it at the time. He felt that Qin Ming was worrying unfoundedly. In the previous contact, he had completely grasped the initiative of the transaction, and all risks were within the controllable range.

With my rich experience and strength, even if I encounter problems, I can turn danger into good luck.

But now he realized that Qin Ming was telling the truth, but he was being played by Ross.

Originally, because of taking care of the students who were injured due to fighting spirits, Flender's wool from Ross gradually came to an end, and the anger of the people directly cut off his livelihood.

Flender's small shop had been smashed long ago, and the inside was in a mess like a strong wind passing through the border. Small business could not be done, and the bounty of the fighting spirit also shrunk rapidly because of Ross' behavior.

Everyone is out of money.Not to mention taking out real money to continue to take the risk of a big loss.

Flender ran to his small shop, looking at the shattered glass windows and overturned counters, his heart ached like a knife.

The crime rate in Soto City was increasing day by day, and countless people fell from the citizen class after that night to become homeless and beggars.

The streets were full of beggars and thieves, fighting and robbing for a morsel of food or a copper coin.Some even sell their bodies and souls just to survive.

The order of the city collapsed, and the inspectors began to lose control of the situation.Some people even began to doubt the ability and correctness of Wuhundian and Qian Renxue, and they began to connect secretly.

Everything seemed to be running precisely according to the gentleman's plan. However, Qian Renxue was not as stupid as others imagined. The Royal Fighting Team, which she had ordered early, was just a tentative move by her.

Qian Renxue had already discovered the plans of these outsiders with malicious intentions. In her plan, this was just a prelude to completing the future that she had previewed with her master Ning Fengzhi.

However, who knows if Qian Renxue has underestimated the people of the world, and her plan may not be carried out as smoothly as she imagined with the help of a gentleman, and she will not be backlashed.

(End of this chapter)

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