Douluo's fancy development blue silver grass

Chapter 163 The Silence Before the Decisive Battle

Chapter 163 The Silence Before the Decisive Battle
In the palace of the Star Luo Empire, a turmoil finally subsided.

The brothers fought outside the wall to defend against their insults. After Zhu Tianxiang, the patriarch of the Zhu family, took the initiative to assume the responsibility for disturbing the economic environment of the Star Luo Empire, the emperor Dai Yucheng announced the punishment of the Zhu family.

Dai Yucheng sat on the dragon chair with a stern face and sharp eyes.

Dai Yucheng looked at Zhu Tianxiang who was kneeling in front of him, and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Zhu Tianxiang, since you have admitted your crime, you must accept my verdict. I now announce that there are three punishments for your Zhu family."

"Article [-]"

"The Zhu family must use their family business as a guarantee to revive the market's trust in the collapse of the gold soul coin stored value card points caused by the influence of the Zhu family."

"Fund reserves and corresponding market issues are the responsibility of the prince"

"Article Two,"

"The Zhu family will provide funds to provide gold coins to provide supplies and military pay for the army of the Silla Empire."

"The old general Li Yi is in charge of the specific matters."

"Article [-]"

"The Zhu family and the royal family's Dai family jointly guarantee that all bio-bracelet bonds on the market will be exchanged at the issue price after the war."

Zhu Tianxiang, who was kneeling under the stage, raised his head in surprise when he heard the emperor's verdict.

Carefully look at the friends and brothers who have gone through countless difficulties together.

This kind of punishment has a lot of room for maneuver for the Zhu family. Is the emperor's intention to put state affairs first?

Zhu Tianxiang lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I obey the order."

After that, things started to follow the emperor's plan

The Zhu family's caravan was like a giant dragon, slowly passing through various towns in the Star Luo Empire, and every time it went, it would cause a commotion.

The goods carried by the caravans were not ordinary gold, silver and jewelry, but the extremely rare physical currency at this time.

These golden coins are like a warm current, making the originally cold market lively.

Under the arrangement of the prince, the merchants of the Zhu family had a wonderful deal with those lords who were stubbornly unwilling to sell supplies.

The caravans used the physical currency in their hands to exchange a large amount of food, weapons, medicines and other military supplies.

These materials were quickly transported to the gathering places of several major legions, giving the soldiers who were struggling to see a glimmer of hope.

At the assembly point, countless warriors and soul masters came from all directions.

Some of them are serving the country, some are for honor and profit, no matter what, this has caused the size of the army of the Star Luo Empire to expand rapidly.

The recruits who arrived received the equipment provided by the legion, put on uniform armor, and wore sharp swords.

The recruits formed various formations according to the organization of the legion, including infantry, cavalry, archers, soul masters, and so on.

They conducted rigorous training and exercises under the command of the commander, and honed their cooperation and tacit understanding with each other.

The recruits sat around the campfire at night, sharing their stories and dreams.

In the early morning of the next day, the recruits were ready to go and set off towards the front line, preparing for the upcoming battle.

On the other side, veteran Li Yi rushed to Gengxin City with a team of elite soldiers after receiving Dai Yucheng's appointment.

This logistics hub located in the hinterland of the Star Luo Empire is an important base for them to resist the enemy.

Li Yi closed his eyes and meditated immediately, imitating the terrain and landforms that he had already been familiar with in his mind.

Analyzing the possible hiding places of the "bandits" who destroy the supply line everywhere.

Li Yi knew that these "bandits" were not ordinary bandits.

These guys are good at concealing their whereabouts and using terrain for raids and ambushes, which has caused huge losses to the army's logistics.

The frontline soldiers and logistics officials were miserable. Li Yi must find the traces of those bandits as soon as possible and wipe them all out, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Yi was full of travel and dust along the way, but this did not affect the veteran at all. His eyes were still as sharp as a falcon, scanning the surrounding environment from time to time.

Gengxin City is a large city located on a plain, surrounded by towering walls and strong gates.

Inside the city are bustling streets and lively markets.There is a huge material warehouse and a huge military camp in the city center.

This is one of the most important logistics bases of the Star Luo Empire, and it is also the reassurance of the frontline soldiers.

As long as this logistics node remains in operation, any invading enemy who tries to attack the Star Luo Empire's defenses will be defeated.

As soon as Li Yi entered Gengxin City, he felt a tense atmosphere.

The city is full of transports of troops and supplies.There are densely packed soldiers and arrow towers on the city wall.

There are strict checks and registrations on the city gates.

There are various guards and patrols inside the city.

Li Yi knew that this was because Gengxin City had already entered a state of extreme alert due to the previous supply line raid.

After all, if this place is lost, the Star Luo Empire will lose the initiative in the entire war.

Li Yi didn't stop much, and went directly to the barracks with his elite soldiers.

The military camp is located in the center of the city, and the huge military camp makes this once noisy city a bit more chilling.

In the barracks, tents are like clouds and soldiers are like rain. Soldiers constantly patrolling and moving around and the orderly arrangement of the barracks show the ability of the people who control the barracks.

Li Yi couldn't help but ponder, the general who runs the army so strictly cannot be mediocre.

What kind of gangsters could force him to this point? With doubts, Li Yi walked to the central tent.

Li Yi walked to the big tent and was stopped by two guards. "Password and token!"

Li Yi was even more curious about the generals here, he took out a golden token from his pocket,

"I am General Li Yi sent by His Majesty Dai Yucheng to support Gengxin City. I want to meet your commander in chief."

The two guards checked the token carefully, and quickly opened the big tent door after confirming that it was correct.

Li Yi nodded and walked into the big tent.

The interior of the big tent is very spacious and luxurious.The floor is covered with thick carpets, and the walls are hung with brocades embroidered with various patterns and characters.

There is a large table in the center, on which there is a map around Gengxin City and various documents and letters.

Sitting behind the table was a middle-aged man, wearing armor and a red brocade robe, writing something with a quill.

This man is Dai Jinglie, the commander-in-chief of Gengxin City.

When Dai Jinglie heard someone coming in, he raised his head and took a look.

When he saw Li Yi, his eyes lit up, he put down the pen in his hand, and stood up.

He smiled and said, "It turns out to be General Li. I have admired you for a long time. Welcome to Gengxin City."

Dai Jinglie motioned for Li Yi to sit down, and then asked the servant to pour Li Yi a cup of tea.Dai Jinglie said: "General Li, please drink tea."

Li Yi took the teacup and took a sip lightly.Said: "Duke, there is no need to say more polite words, I want to know what the current situation in Gengxin City is like."

Dai Jinglie sighed.

"General Li, to tell you the truth, Gengxin City is in danger now. Ever since those bandits started harassing our supply lines, we have fallen into a passive situation."

Dai Jinglie pointed to the map on the table.

"You see, these red marks are our supply lines, and these black marks are the places where the bandits have attacked.

The constant onslaught of "bandits" cut off nearly all of our supply lines. "

"Not only can we not deliver supplies and personnel to the front line in time, but we also have to be on guard against sudden attacks by those bandits.

We have already lost many soldiers and chariots. If this continues, we will be gradually weakened and consumed by the enemy. "

Li Yi frowned. He carefully observed the map and found that what Dai Jinglie said was not wrong.

Li Yi asked: "Who are those gangsters? Why did they do this?"

Dai Jinglie shook his head, a trace of confusion and anger flashed in his eyes.

"That's what I don't understand the most."

"Those bandits are not ordinary bandits or rebels. Their equipment and tactics are very advanced and sophisticated."

"This team has a precise grasp and judgment of our supply line."

"They don't seem to be acting to rob property or rebel, but more like disrupting our strategic deployment and plans."

Li Yi pondered for a while, then said, "Could it be that this is a spy or assassin sent by the enemy country?"

Dai Jinglie nodded.

"That was my initial suspicion."

"But the scouts I sent out found nothing useful, and how is it possible that such a number of agents could get through the defense line to the rear?"

"Those gangsters are just constantly destroying and harassing. The purpose of those people seems to be to get us into trouble, not to eliminate us directly."

Veteran Li Yi looked at the map, and a plan was formed in his mind.

Li Yi decided to use his numerical advantage to encircle and suppress those "bandits".

Li Yi knew that although those "bandits" were good at concealment and ambushes, they were no match for the army in a direct confrontation.

As long as traces of that team can be found, they can be completely wiped out with iron blood and flames.

Li Yi immediately summoned the generals of the four major defense corps.

The four major defense armies are the Bogard Army in the northeast, the Royal Army in the southeast, the Lou Family Army in the southwest, and the Warwick Army in the northwest.

Each legion has about 2 people, including cavalry, infantry, archers and soul masters.

Li Yi laid out his plan to them in the big tent.

Let these generals lead their own legions to guard the main traffic routes, forming a huge encirclement circle, preventing any "bandits" from escaping.

Li Yi also ordered to strengthen vigilance and reconnaissance, and report the situation to Gengxin City at any time.

And be ready to deal with possible enemy attacks and breaches at any time.

With the support of Grand Duke Geng Xin, Li Yi's plan successfully won the unanimous approval and support of the generals of the four major defense corps.

Li Yi gathered his cronies in the military camp and assigned detailed tasks to these elites.

Li Yi needed these personal soldiers to lead a small team, scattered in all directions around the city, looking for traces of those "bandits".

Li Yi himself stayed in the barracks, commanding the entire battle situation.

Li Yi believed that as long as they could find out the location of those "bandits" and mobilize their forces quickly to surround these cunning guys, they would be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Li Yi had to react quickly, but his judgment had already been seen through by Colin of the army behind the enemy. At this time, Colin had already planned how to jump out of the encirclement to carry out the second phase of the task.

A day later, Li Yi received an urgent message in the big tent. When he opened it, his expression changed drastically.

Li Yi handed the information to Dai Jinglie who was on the sidelines, and Dai Jinglie quickly finished reading the content.

According to the intelligence, the camp responsible for defending the southeast of Marquis Wang Jialie was raided by a mysterious army.

Marquis Wang Jialie, who was guarding the city, was seriously injured and unconscious, and the defensive facilities in the city were destroyed.

The information highlighted the appearance of the Blade Squad during the battle.

"Old general, it seems that we all guessed wrong, the appearance of the blade team confirmed that the mysterious army is the infiltration force sent by the Heaven Dou Empire."

Dai Jinglie said,
"Although Marquis Wang Jialie was attacked in a surprise attack, luckily the loss is still under control, and Marquis Wang Jialie just fell into a coma."

"As for the infiltrating troops, the Western Wilderness doesn't have any strategic goals worth paying attention to. We just need to strengthen the defense around Queqiu City."

Dai Jinglie's words did not comfort the frowning veteran, Li Yi sighed and said
"I hope so, Your Highness, based on my many years of experience, it is impossible for them to infiltrate into the hinterland of the Star Luo Empire at such a high price and give up so easily and continue to cause us trouble."

"I plan to continue to strengthen the defense in the future, so that what happened to Marquis Wang Jialie cannot happen again."

Looking at the veteran's heavy expression, Dai Jinglie felt a little worried.

Dai Jinglie knew that Li Yi was an experienced and cautious general, and his judgment was often correct.

Li Yi continued: "His Royal Highness, I have ordered the four major defense corps to reorganize and deploy to strengthen defense in all directions."

"I also sent more scouts and soul masters to search and patrol around the city and the western wilderness."

"I want to make sure that those infiltrating forces don't leave behind any hidden dangers and backhands."

"So we also need to strengthen our connection and support with the front line and Gengxin to ensure that we can mobilize troops and supplies in a timely manner to deal with any possible situation."

But all this is in vain, the situation will soon change beyond Li Yi and Dai Jinglie's imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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