Years: Salted fish life since going to the countryside.

Chapter 706 The news brought by Zhang Chaomei

Chapter 706 The news brought by Zhang Chaomei

Han Li suddenly laughed when he heard what Shen Ruping said. During this critical period, he didn't want to compete for the position of deputy director of the Health Bureau. He probably also wanted to hold the current position of the county hospital at the same time.

If yesterday's incident was left alone, it would be a sudden accident. Anyone who works would inevitably encounter this kind of thing. But if the trouble is made bigger and deeper, even if Shen Ruping gets rid of himself in the end, That is because he has incompetent leadership and insufficient leadership ability.

In this kind of meeting on a narrow road and everyone crossing a single-plank bridge, any mistake will become a legal means for each other to slander and discredit their opponents. Now let alone Shen Ruping's competitors in the county hospital, even if there are no people from other units, they will take advantage of this. to target him.

Thinking of this, Han Li put down the enamel cup in his hand, looked at Shen Ruping with a smile and said.

"Is this a matter of deputy director of the Health Bureau? Well, I would like to congratulate Director Shen on his promotion first, but since we are talking openly, I have two small requests."

"Dean Han, just say it."

"First, people like Niu Damao must be severely punished. The severity of the punishment is related to the prestige and dignity of the hospital's leadership team. I believe Director Shen will satisfy everyone.

And this kind of person who dares to get drunk at work is definitely no longer suitable to continue to work in the security department. Yesterday, he met me and said anything. If one day he collides with the superiors, we will all be implicated, Director Shen Are you right? "

Shen Ruping had already thought of Han Li's request, and he had already made arrangements after scolding Niu Damao last night.

"Dean Han is right. I will announce the additional punishment to ensure that everyone is satisfied. They are indeed not suitable to continue to work in the security department. I will propose that they work in the cleaning class later."

"That won't work. Although Dean Han's matter is more important to me, I haven't even finished writing about it yet."

Later, in the office of the director of the county hospital, Han Li had nothing to do. He was quietly blowing the tea leaves in the enamel cup. Through the heat coming out of the cup, he watched Shen Ruping and others pulling back and forth. Finally, Everyone reached a consensus while Shen Ruping was furious.

When Han Li returned to his office with the enamel cup, he asked a nurse to go to the Human Resources Department to call Lu Erbao to his office. After he arrived, he personally made a cup of tea for him. The two talked for a long time.

Pan Zhaoyi was a little confused at this time. What did Dean Han ask him to do now? Can there be three deputy section chiefs in one department? Or should I call him over to comfort me for a few words?

When Pan Zhaoyi walked past Du Yonghong Mountain in a state of disbelief, he didn't expect that the other party would say something softly, directly calling his soul back. There was wind at his feet as he walked towards Han Li's office.

The people from the security department quickly surrounded Niu Damao again yesterday, but what can he do now? When he was scolded last night, he knew that he would go to other places to stay for a while, but Director Shen said that he would be transferred back after the storm.

"Yes, it's not good to keep the leader waiting for a long time."

"Don't be anxious, Director Shen. Let's do this. I can use my connections to 'sincerely' introduce you to Niu Dahai, the director of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative, but it depends on you how much help you can have in the end. But if you do this, I need you to do me a little favor."

"Second, Director Shen, you see, I am also a deputy dean after all. Now I only have a human resources department."

After the small meeting of several people broke up, Shen Ruping went to the broadcast room in person to read out the subsequent punishments for Niu Damao and others.

When Du Yonghong came out of Han Li's office, her expression was the same as that of Lu Erbao, and she said after returning to the Human Resources Department.

"Comrade Du Yonghong, Dean Han wants you to go to his office."

You should know that there can only be two deputy section chiefs in a department at most. He doesn't think Han Li can directly promote anyone to the position of section chief. He should have given up on this situation now. Just when he was filled with injustice and looking depressed, Du Yonghong's voice came.

When Lu Erbao left, it was as if he had been given a shot of blood. The excitement on his face could not be concealed. He walked to the door of the Personnel Department and stayed for a while, waiting for his mood to calm down before opening the door and entering.

When Lu Erbao waited for Du Yonghong to pass by, he said something in a very low voice.

"Thank you, I'll be there right away."

"Comrade Pan Zhaoyi, Dean Han wants you to go to his office."

Pan Zhaoyi noticed something was wrong after Lu Erbao came back, because this opponent had a smile on his face since he came back, and after Du Yonghong was called away, he couldn't sit still.

Du Yonghong paused for a moment, a hint of surprise flashed across her face, and she nodded heavily at Lu Erbao and walked outside. However, her waist was much straighter at the moment, and even her steps became more powerful.

"Congratulations, Deputy Section Chief Du."

"Dean Han called me?"

After Han Li sent all the people in the Human Resources Department away, he looked at the time and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He rubbed his face that was a little numb from laughter, stood up, stretched hard and muttered.

"This is not how people live, but fortunately, this kind of life will not last long."

Han Li muttered, put on his clothes, scarf, and hat, put on his backpack, took his gloves, and went out to make a call.

"Brother, I will take someone to your place for dinner tonight."

"Then I'll call Xiujuan and ask her to go home early to make arrangements."

"It's fine in your unit's cafeteria. Just prepare the food and drinks as usual."

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"I'll go over right away and explain it in detail to my brother after we meet."

After making the call, he put on his gloves and knocked on Director Shen's door. He went in, said a few words and left the county hospital.

When he walked to the gate, Liu Shuanzhu "happened" to be here. When he saw Han Li approaching, he immediately followed him. After a few words, the two separated.

Han Li went to the supply and marketing cooperative and briefly explained the situation to Niu Dahai. Niu Dahai frowned and said.

"Shen Ruping is a fence-sitter. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he would have jumped out of the county hospital. No one in the county team wants to see him. But this time, brother, you have spoken. I will find someone to talk to him, but I can't guarantee it, and I want to tell you how far you want to help him? Is it a part-time job? Or is he transferred directly?"

"It's too difficult to work part-time. It's not worth the big brother's waste of favors for this fence-sitter."

There is one thing that Han Li has not said in his heart, that is, only colleagues who have left are good colleagues.

The two people murmured in the room for a while, and then Han Li went out. He came to the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative and went to Shen Ruping.

Director Shen didn't let Han Li wait too long, and soon saw him coming on his bicycle.

The two people walked in while chatting and laughing. Han Li took Shen Ruping directly to a single room in the supply and marketing cooperative's cafeteria.

Not long after the two sat down, Niu Dahai came. After introducing each other, Han Li felt relaxed, because these things were very tiring for him, but for Niu Dahai, they were quite relaxed. Niu Dahai was confident and Shen Ruping was flattering. The atmosphere in the single room in the cafeteria was always very good.

After the show, Niu Dahai and Shen Ruping both went home, while Han Li strolled to the state-owned hotel.

The door of the hotel had been closed long ago, but Liu Tiezhu and his cousin were waiting at the door.

When Liu Tiezhu saw Han Li, he immediately greeted him and introduced his cousin to Han Li.

Liu Tiezhu's cousin is Liu Shuanzhu, and he is the chef of this state-owned hotel. After some polite greetings, the three of them came to a courtyard behind the state-owned hotel.

By the time Han Li returned to his office, it was already 11:30 midnight. After a brief wash, he threw himself on the bed.

The next day, Han Li inspected various departments and returned to his office. After making a cup of tea, he began to draft the appointment of the deputy chief of the personnel department. At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Han Li said something without even raising his head.

"Please come in."

"Han Li, I knew you must have returned from Sijiu City."

This time it was Zhang Chaomei who came in. She was carrying a big bag in her hand. It looked like she had just come from Shanghe Village.

"I can't help myself. If I could, I wouldn't want to come back so early. How was your new year?"

"It's still the same during the New Year, but something may have happened to two educated youths in Shanghe Village."

"Something happened to the educated youth? Who is it?"

"It should be Niu Dechang and Wang Congfei, but we can't be sure yet."

"what's the situation?"

"This matter starts with Wu Lili's house. Everyone knows that Niu Dechang has been helping to maintain her house, but her house collapsed during a heavy snowfall.

The male educated youths in the Educated Youth Institute thought that Niu Dechang and Wang Congfei were troublesome because of their running back and forth, so they lived in Wu Lili's house. It was not until the house collapsed that they discovered that this was not the case at all.

When the village chief and team leader asked, although the male educated youths did not know where Niu Dechang and Wang Congfei had gone, they knew that they bought hunting rifles, bows and arrows, and animal traps after sharing the grain.

After not coming back for such a long time, Niu Dechang and Wang Congfei must have gone deep into the mountains, but in the deep mountains, even the experienced mountain drivers and a group of people and dogs could not guarantee that they would come back safely every time.

It took the two newbies Niu Dechang and Wang Congfei to go in for such a long time, and everyone felt that they might be in danger. The captain and his people searched around the perimeter for several times but couldn't find them. With no other choice, they reported to the police station.

In this season of heavy snow and mountain closures, the police station has no choice. If you want to go into the mountains to search, you can only wait for the snow to melt. But if the snow melts, it is impossible for people to search the mountains for the two of them, so we have to do this. People in the village are not optimistic about it. "

Han Li sighed after hearing this. As the old saying goes, don't do porcelain work without a diamond. The most important thing in a person's life is to have self-awareness. However, Niu Dechang and Wang Congfei knew that there were tigers in the mountains and went to the tiger mountains. Isn't this right? An act of seeking death?

Han Li chatted with Zhang Chaomei about Shanghe Village again, told her what happened in the hospital recently, and finally handed her a lot of meal tickets and money from the county hospital, and of course the most important "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry", He told her to concentrate on studying with Gu Xuehong, director of the gynecology department, and not to forget to consolidate the knowledge she learned in high school.

After Zhang Chaomei left, Han Li quickly wrote the appointment documents for deputy chief of the personnel department.

He took this document and asked the dean to read it, and emphasized that Comrade Xu Liansheng was very good and capable, but he had only been in the Personnel Department for a short time. There was really nothing he could do this time, but he had The two most important responsibilities of personnel selection, assessment and promotion have been handed over to 'Xu Liansheng', etc. His name will definitely be included in the next promotion.

The dean also knew that his wife's nephew had been at the county hospital for less than a month since he was admitted to the epidemic prevention station. At this time, if Han Li promoted him to deputy section chief, he would be putting himself on fire.

Han Li walked out of the dean's office, handed the appointment document to the office and ignored it. Not long after, the two appointments were written on the notice board of the county hospital, and the radio in the hospital also rang. got up.

"Hey, hello, everyone in the hospital is paying attention. We are now announcing a piece of good news from the hospital. Du Yonghong and Pan Zhaoyi from the Human Resources Department have been working hard, down-to-earth, diligent, and hardworking. Now, with the unanimous consent of the hospital leaders, they have been appointed as Deputy Section Chief of the Personnel Department, I would like to congratulate Comrades Du Yonghong and Pan Zhaoyi, and hope that they will continue to move forward courageously in their future work and contribute to the work of our hospital... I repeat it again, from the Personnel Department."

The room in the Personnel Department was full of congratulations to the two of them. Du Yonghong and Pan Zhaoyi treated Han Li and everyone in the Personnel Department to a meal in the evening.

Time passed very quickly, and all the sets of "Self-study Books on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" that Han Li had sent out when he was in Four-Nine City had arrived in the hands of the intended recipients.

But their reactions when they received the information were different. Li Hongxia from Pioneer Farm was confused after receiving it. After replying to Han Li, she picked it up and looked through it when she had time.

Meng Zaihong, who was already working at the Jinmen Carpet Factory, had an indifferent expression. She thought that she was already a worker and learning these things was of no use at all, no matter how good Han Li's letter was and how much encouragement he had, she would not care. Take it seriously, I just carefully collected this set of study materials as a thought.

Zhang Shulan at the Dayong Hydropower Station is different. Maybe it’s because of her natural homebody nature and because her job is to look after the hydropower station. She only needs to inspect the relevant units regularly. There is basically nothing else to do at other times, so this This set of information is the most read by Zhang Shulan.

Jiang Xiaoli? Han Li didn't count her share when he bought it. This is not because Han Li is ruthless. The most important thing is that she almost didn't write to him after leaving for the second time. Han Li would not use his hot face to criticize her. My cold butt.

Moreover, Han Li heard from Hao Hongmin and others that Jiang Xiaoli had already started preparing for marriage last year. This was why Han Li did not give her any information.

Han Li has been doing the same as usual these two days. He went to the dean's office in the morning, and then went to each department to inspect. After returning, if there are no emergencies, the rest of the time can be left to his own devices. He had it at his disposal.

Moreover, the arrival of Zhang Chaomei allowed Han Li to experience it within a specific and limited time, which improved his daily vegetarian diet.

This afternoon, Han Li was drinking tea, reading newspapers, and practicing calligraphy in his office as usual.

When he was about to get off work, Shen Ruping knocked on the door of Han Li's office with a smile on his face. Han Li almost guessed what was going on when he saw the other person's expression.

"Director Shen is here, please take a seat quickly."

"Haha, Dean Han, I won't sit down. Don't leave after get off work today. I invite the leadership team of our hospital to gather together."

"Is that done?"

"Haha. It's done. Although... it's all thanks to Dean Han's help in introducing Director Niu. You must have two more drinks tonight."

"Congratulations, congratulations, it's just what Director Shen promised me."

"I still have two days to hand over. I promise to hand over the security department matters to you before the next union director is elected. But you also know another thing. This may take a while."

"Haha. Director Shen, no, I absolutely believe in Director Shen. I will toast you two more glasses tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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