Chapter 650 Luck?

Nowadays, everyone’s vision is not good. If you encounter trees, vines, rocks, or small holes when running fast, you will trip and fall. If you are unlucky and break a bone, you will have to lie on the kang for the next two or three months. Well, I don’t even dare to think of the worst case scenario.

The field of view is better during the day, so you don’t have to worry about not seeing the road clearly when chasing, and you don’t have to worry about accidental injuries from people in the same team.

If they chased for a while, they would probably be able to catch a few more small wild boars and injured big pigs. But now that it was evening, they could only clean up the situation in front of them, but even seven wild boars would be enough to keep them busy until midnight.

And now is not the time for them to be depressed, and then their team will get busy.

Even though it is outside the mountains, it is still different from the land near the village. What's more, it is said that they also found traces of a blind bear, so they had to separate a few people to guard the surroundings.

Other people should bleed the wild boar. A small wild boar would be tied up with four legs and carried by one person. But a big wild boar would need to be tied up with a rope and carried by two people. If the wild boar was bigger, they would need to cut down some small trees to make a sledge. Drag and go.

This speed must be faster, otherwise even if the blind bear doesn't come, they will have to disembowel the wild boar in the mountains and take out the internal organs that easily become smelly.

While they were busy here, other teams and even villages farther away heard the intensive gunshots. This also attracted the attention of many people and made others alert.

Of course, Han Li's side was also included, but they were very far away from the scene. Although the sound was crisp, it was very small when it reached them. Zhang Xiangjun and the others were so tired that they fell asleep and did not notice it.

But Han Li was immediately awakened by the gunshots. He put on his shoes and walked out of the shack. He first comforted the dogs who were baring their teeth in the direction of the gunshots. At this time, crows could not fly and the surroundings were pitch black. He knew nothing about what was going on far away.

Han Li wouldn't have cared about this situation at all, but now that he had three teammates around him, he had to be careful.

In addition, there is no danger to defend their camp except for a section of the hillside next to it. It would be very dangerous if wild boars or beasts were frightened and rushed into the camp. Then there were intermittent gunshots, which made his original plan a little questionable. Not sure anymore, I thought that all those wild boars would be killed by everyone, right?

So Han Li simply stopped sleeping. He turned around and returned to the fire pond to drink tea and watch the night, always paying attention to what was happening in the distance.

But it is not suitable to burn firewood now. The flames burning in the dark night will make the wild boars avoid this area, so everyone's efforts today will be in vain. Moreover, the fire will also put him in a state of darkness and darkness. If he encounters a sinister person, It would be miserable to give yourself a moment in the distance.

So after Han Li sat down, he took out some charcoal from the decomposition space and ignited it with the help of the bottom fire in the fire pit. Then he took the pot and added water to start boiling. After the water boiled, he could make tea to pass the boring night.

At the moment when wild boars are frightened, most of them flee in all directions. Some wild boars can even run for twenty or thirty miles before stopping, but they will reunite when they come to their senses.

It is precisely because these wild boars were frightened that they fled in all directions, and some even directly broke into the territory of other teams. Therefore, in the first half of the night, other teams more or less gained something.

However, after the wild boars have been continuously frightened and their companions died, it is the nature of the animals to avoid danger and flee from danger. Especially when there are dangers in all directions, this is infinitely magnified.

So when the remaining wild boars gathered together, led by the largest wild boar, they retreated toward the depths of the mountain. The route naturally followed the instinct of the animals and followed the path they took when they came. Safe route.

However, after many twists and turns, the remaining seven or eight wild boars arrived near Han Li at about 4:30 in the morning.

While Han Li was leaning against the fire pit with an enamel cup in his arms, thinking about the combination of medicinal ingredients, the dog lying next to him stood up after a moment of rubbing, hunched over and bared his teeth in the distance, letting out a deep roar in his throat.

Han Li touched the head of the leading dog. The dogs all became quiet, but their eyes were always fixed on the dark forest in the distance.

Due to the quiet environment and the fact that Han Li focused his attention on the direction of the dog's warning, it didn't take long for him to hear the wild boars snorting and the rustling sounds of their bodies passing through the bushes.

Han Li turned around and walked to the entrance of Zhang Xiangjun's shack and slapped them awake. Even if it wasn't their turn to take action next time, he still wanted to give them a certain sense of participation by following him out.

"Brother Han, is it a wild boar coming here?"

"Shh, they'll be here soon. These beasts have very sensitive noses and ears. Don't make any noise even if we are at a high place."

After Zhang Xiangjun heard the news, his sleepiness immediately dissipated, replaced by excitement on his face. Then they followed Han Li and squatted behind a stone, staring at the place where the sound came from with gleaming eyes.

As the sounds of the wild boars got closer and closer, Han Li thought of the gunshots fired several times last night, and thought that these guys were now like frightened birds.

So he reached out and pulled the head dog Yamamoto's head, and ostensibly drew a circle in the air with his hands. In fact, through the elementary beast control skills, he led the three dogs from the side to the back of the wild boar, and let them do it together at the appropriate time. The hunting cry can scare these frightened wild boars to rush forward, which will greatly increase their chances of being caught in traps, and they can also relax a little bit. The leading dog roared, and the three dogs followed it and ran up the ridge. Zhang Xiangjun and the others were stunned by this situation, but out of trust in Han Li and the herd of wild boars close at hand, no one said anything. asked, but it didn't take them long to figure out why.


"Wangwang., ow."

After the arrogant and excited sounds of several dogs, there was the panicked cry of a wild boar.

"Hmph..., Lulu..."

The next scene was pretty much what Han Li had imagined. When the wild boars heard that enemies and pursuers were coming from behind, they all rushed forward. However, they were already trapped by Han Li and the others on their way. ,cover.

Before Zhang Xiangjun and the others could react, the screams and screams of wild boars falling into traps or being caught in traps were heard. They had laid many traps and traps, and the dogs were not chasing them at this moment. It means that all the wild boars that came over were trapped.

"Brother Han, your prediction and operation are amazing."

"That's right, that's just like waiting for something to happen."

"That's right, Brother Han is the most powerful."

"This time we were just lucky. You didn't know last night..."

They were stunned when they heard last night's gunfire and Han Li's guess, thinking that this was really good luck, otherwise these wild boars would have been killed by other teams. Only Qi Zhaodi thought that Han Li wanted to prevent wild boars from rushing into the camp. To ensure everyone's safety, she stayed up all night and stood guard by the fire pit, which made her feel very guilty and said quickly.

"Brother Han, the wild boar has fallen into the trap anyway. You haven't closed your eyes all night. Go and close your eyes for a while. Let us do the rest."

"It's okay to stay up all night. It's not time to relax yet. Let's take flashlights, lanterns, and more firewood. Let's go over now to see what kind of wild boars they are and how many there are in total. Can the four of us We can’t get it back, otherwise we’ll have to think of other ways.”

After Han Li finished his instructions, he went down first with a flashlight. The three of them also moved quickly, each holding some firewood.

Han Li walked over and took a look. A total of eight wild boars were caught in traps and snares, including one large wild boar weighing about 200 kilograms, four semi-large wild boars weighing about 100 kilograms, and three small wild boars weighing several dozen kilograms.

Han Li estimated that the total weight of these wild boars was about eight or nine hundred kilograms. Without revealing his strength, they would definitely not be able to get them back with just their shoulders and hands, but if they had to use tools, they would be able to get them back. It’s not too difficult. When he was thinking about what to do, Zhang Yaozu next to him said excitedly.

"Brother Han, according to the rules of mountain driving, shouldn't we take some parts of the prey to reward the dogs? Which wild boar should we kill now to reward them?"

"There's no rush. Let's think about how to get these guys back now. Based on the time it took us to get here, if we drag these wild boars back, their internal organs will probably stink. It would be a pity to throw away the internal organs. So I plan to send a dog back to the village to report the news, and how about asking the village to send people over to help us get it back together?"

"Brother Han, do whatever you say."

"Then we will fix these wild boars and not kill them for the time being. We will kill them for fresher meat when people from the village arrive."

"But will their cries attract other beasts? I heard that there seems to be traces of Blind Bear this time."

"So we can't be idle. Little sister, use firewood to light a few bonfires around the trap. Remember to surround it with stones to avoid causing a fire.

Xiangjun, you and Yaozu go up there and dismantle the shack we lived in last night, take down all the things, and then move the things we placed around as roadblocks yesterday to the trap and pile them up into a simple barrier.

After I wrote a letter to the village, I went around to pick some small trees and sharpened their branches, and then planted them around to act as a barrier, so that even if the blind bear came over, we would still have a place to maneuver. How do you feel? "

Among the other three people, only Zhang Yaozu had experience hunting with traps in the wild, but he only heard about how to guard against blind bears and had no practical experience at all. Zhang Xiangjun and Qi Zhaodi were even less qualified, so they nodded in agreement after hearing what Han Li said. .

 Thanks: Da Da - God’s reward: 100 points.



(End of this chapter)

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