Years: Salted fish life since going to the countryside.

Chapter 648 Sisters Talking and Beating the Bark

Chapter 648 Sisters Talking and Beating the Bark

Among the letters the Yun sisters received, only one was from Han Li, and the rest were from other people in Shanghe Village.

After the sisters read these letters, Yun Jingjing took out three of the letters and put them away alone, patted her sister on the shoulder and said coldly.

"Some people just want chaos in other people's homes. It seems that they will only feel comfortable if others are upset. However, they are still too petty, and every line of their words reveals that they have never seen the world.

Don't they know that as long as the man is good enough or his position is high enough, almost no one can avoid this situation? To put it bluntly, even if it really doesn't exist, others will make up some specious topics.

We have seen and heard more of this kind of thing, and their little tricks can only deceive women who are fooled by people and books, who have no clear brains, or who have no intention of living their lives. "

"Sister, you said that we had a normal relationship with Shen Fang and Qi Ruying when we were in Shanghe Village, and we had several conflicts with Wu Lili. What's the point of them writing these things to us?

Do they think Li Ge won't tell us these boring trivial matters? Do you think they are the only ones in Shanghe Village who will write to us about things in the village? Or do you think we will believe their lies? "

Yun Jingjing glanced at her sister helplessly. She was usually fine, but when it came to Han Li, she couldn't think straight. But that was fine. At least the two sisters would be able to work together in the future.

"You, they are probably jealous that we can return to the city to work. They wrote these things to make us feel uncomfortable. In addition, I guess there are two other reasons.

First, according to the current general situation in society, as long as one of the couple returns to the city to work, 90% of families will be unable to survive. They don’t know our relationship with Han Li, so they took the opportunity to write these things to test it out. .

It would be best if you stupidly break up with Han Li after reading these letters, so that Han Li becomes single and they have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and marry Han Li to become the wife of the vice-dean. "

Before Yun Jingjing made her second point, Yun Yingying interrupted her and shouted.

"That's impossible, I'm not that stupid, and even if Brother Li really comes into contact with them, it's just a prank to pass the time when we're not with him. One to two. Anyone who's not a fool knows how to choose. Besides, Brother Li Both smart and powerful, we are no match together. They are nothing if they fight alone."

Yun Jingjing rolled her eyes when she heard this. They were discussing the thoughts of the person who wrote these three letters, but she didn't expect that her sister would directly drag her onto the kang.

"Okay, let's tell Han Li these words personally when he comes back. Secondly, Shen Fang and Wu Lili's letters both mentioned that Han Li has a job quota in the county. How attractive is this quota? No need to say more, right?

I think they should have already gone to Han Li. I don’t know what method or conditions were used, but they probably didn’t get the job quota they wanted from Han Li.

At this time, they tell us some trivial things, not only to discredit others, but also to make us accept this friendship. If Han Li asks for our opinions, their chances of getting the job quota will be greatly increased. "

After Yun Jingjing finished speaking, Yun Yingying lay lazily on the table and said.

"Haha, if they want to get that job quota from Brother Li, all they can offer is money and body. Money? Brother Li is not short of it at all. Not only does his family often send him money, but he also pays it back every month. With a salary of more than 50 yuan and translation fees from Bingcheng Library, Li Ge didn't even look at the little money they could spare.

Then all they have left is their own bodies. Some may have even tried to seduce Li Ge, but they still write letters like this to us, which shows that their seduction failed. No matter from which point, they They all did useless work.

However, Brother Li is so interested every day that he can't help but stop eating. Could it be that your sister has used the back-up plan arranged by you? Don’t know who it is? Sister He? Hou Yuhua? Wang Chunhua? Is this the Ma Runping they mentioned in the letter who often runs to our house recently? , or Hao Hongmin, who often delivers food and meals to Brother Li? "

"Little sister, what do you want to do so much? If someone runs to our house diligently, it only means that our man is good enough. As for who it is, does it matter? It's just like what you said, one to two, anyone who is not a fool knows it. How to choose.

So as long as the two of us don't take the initiative to give in, it will be useless even if some people climb onto Han Li's bed, as long as they are not blocked by a group of people on the bed.

Based on Han Li's relationship with Shanghe Village in the county, he can counterattack an army even if he just puts on his pants. You must know that "*" means two things. It makes sense to say it on the left and it makes sense to say it on the right. In the end, it is nothing more than a loss of money. . "

Just as Yun Jingjing finished speaking, Yun Yingying sat up straight. She took her sister's arm and said.

"Sister, after you said this, I was looking forward to something like this happening, so that Brother Li could quickly return to work in Sijiu City, instead of staying in Shanghe Village so far away like now, just trying to see each other. If you can wait for him to come back, why don't I write to them and give them a hint."

"Don't be ridiculous. Didn't our dad tell you that Han Li is definitely a person with good luck? Not only can he help himself, but he can also affect the people around him. If you mess around with him, he will be ruined. What to do with your luck?"

"Sister, isn't it the Guandu red tangerine that Brother Li brought that solved what our dad wanted to do the most? Why is it related to luck? Don't you say those are all garbage?"

"You, although the theory of luck is a bit illusory, there are many things in this world that cannot be explained clearly. For example, Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor of the Han Dynasty, was never defeated or injured during the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms. In the end, he died in Changshan, Zhao Zilong, etc. And when Han Li comes back, if you can focus more on your surroundings, you won't say such things."


"Think about it carefully. Since we followed Han Li, we haven't had any diseases. Even my previous problem of excruciating pain every menstrual period has disappeared. But he has never prescribed any medicine to us. Take the medicine. In addition, every time Han Li comes back, whether it's because of his mood or not, his parents' health will be better for a long time.

And the most important thing is that since my parents returned to the city, they have almost tried all the relationships to no avail due to job and salary issues. But who would have thought that ten Guandu Red Oranges from Sichuan Province would let their parents’ direct leaders They tasted the taste of hometown and solved their most worrying problems.

Not to mention there are many other small things. If one or two things can be said to be coincidences, but if so many things are added together, what is it but luck? Even if you don't believe it, don't mess around. Anyway, didn't Han Li say that he would find a way to come back by the end of next year at the latest? A little more than a year will go very quickly. "

Han Li took everyone to eat something simple by the stream and drank two cups of hot water before continuing on their way.

The road became more and more eccentric, but the three of them believed in Han Li and just followed him throughout the journey without asking a single question.

Then there were some traces of wild boar activity on the road. This situation made Zhang Xiangjun and the others excited. Their originally sore legs seemed to have enough power now, but Han Li said.

"Don't get too happy yet. This is not a suitable place for digging traps or laying traps, and it's not suitable for us to spend the night, so we have to keep moving forward."

Han Li took everyone to the sunny slope where two mountains met and stopped. The mountains and plains were full of tall firs, red pine, deer pine, larch, oak trees, linden trees, manchurian ash...

There is a cheerful stream about a few dozen meters below. On the edge of the stream are river elms, white birches, thorn roses, persimmons and mountain cucumbers.

The location here is very good. The mountain col at the intersection is the route that wild boars take. The rocks on this hillside make it easier for them to spend the night. The creek below can meet their daily needs.

Han Li learned from the crow that there was no danger around him, so he pointed to a depression in the stone and said.

"It's getting late now. Let's spend the night here. Xiangjun and Yaozu go pick up some wood and come back to build a shack and burn it. Get as much as you can.

Little sister, please get some soft branches and hay nearby to use as a kang for a while, and then boil some water for everyone.

I went to mark the surrounding area and picked up some wood along the way. Remember, everyone must bring a dog with them. Finally, we set traps and dug traps nearby. "

After Han Li finished speaking, everyone had relaxed smiles on their faces, and Zhang Yaozu even laughed loudly.

"Great, it's finally time to start hunting."

Then everyone started to act separately. The marking Han Li just said was "marking the bark."

This is a kind of knowledge that must be known when hunting in the mountains. It was originally a warning to prevent people who rashly break in from being mistakenly killed as prey, or falling into a trap and being maimed or killed.

But now it is used to remind others that there are people here and that there are traps in the general direction. It is commonly known as "rushing the war" to mark that there are people around.

Because most people who can hunt nearby are fellow villagers from all over the country. If the territory is not circled, you will come and I will come too, and we will snatch the prey together. Most people still have dicks in their hands, and it is easy to cause trouble if you are not careful. Take lives.

Even if no one is killed on the spot, this kind of thing is the easiest to make enemies. When most people encounter this kind of behavior of snatching prey, they will think, why do I work so hard to set traps and drive away prey, and finally you come to pick up the ready-made ones? Disputes and conflicts can easily occur.

And no matter how many prey there are in one place, you won’t be able to hunt much if you put them all together. If you are resented by those petty people, you may be shot in the dark one day when you enter the mountains, because a hunting ground is really not worth it. Offend.

The process of "barking" is to mark the path leading to traps and traps. Most of the time, you cut a knife on the tree next to it, then roll the bark into a roll and pin it aside, and finally insert it into it. Let’s talk about a wild flower. Flowers don’t matter much. Some people like azaleas, others like honeysuckle. It doesn’t matter.

But this wild flower cannot just be inserted casually. Its function is to indicate direction and trap.

For example, if you insert wild flowers into the bark of a tree and roll it up, it means that you are trying to drive the prey from the outside in.

If a wild flower is inserted in the middle of a bark roll, it means that it will drive away prey from both sides of the road, and the middle is the direction in which the prey can escape.

If a wild flower is inserted into a bark roll, it indicates that the prey is to be driven away from the inside.

When people entering the mountain see the "barking" sign, they usually retreat. Even those who have to go forward will pay special attention to various abnormalities under their feet. People who are not deliberately trying to snatch prey will make noises. To prove yourself, you must know that there are not only traps but also shotguns nearby. It would be unjust to be accidentally shot when the vegetation is high and the sight is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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