Chapter 532 The Effect of Dali Pill
At this time, Wu Lili thought of what Han Li had said to her, and thought how nice it would be if she had listened to the advice at that time, but then she remembered something and immediately ran towards the bathroom.

Han Li had just dealt with Ma Runping at this time, but he couldn't drive her away unless she left. He pretended not to see Ma Runping and continued to play with his medicinal materials. At this moment, Wu Lili pushed open the door of the bathroom, and even the people in the room He spoke without even looking at the situation.

"Han Li, if Zhang Xiangjun's wound heals again, won't he even leave a scar?"

The sound of Wu Lili pushing the door startled Ma Runping. Before Han Li could say anything, she had already attacked him.

"Wu Lili, why are you acting like a blind bear when you enter the village? The door to the clinic was almost pushed open by you."

"I was anxious just now, but I'm going to step aside first. I have something serious to ask Han Li."

"I won't get out of the way. Besides, do you seem to be asking people about things now?"


There are three women in one drama, and the quarrel between these two women is enough to give people a headache, but fortunately they are not from their own family, otherwise they would have screamed their voices hoarse every night, so that they would no longer have energy during the day. There was a quarrel, and Han Li gently knocked on the table to stop the meaningless quarrel.

"Stop arguing, Wu Lili, what do you mean by asking Xiangjun's wound?"

"I just want to ask. If he can leave no scars, I would like to shave this area off my face."

When Han Li heard this, he looked at Wu Lili seriously and thought to himself that this woman is really ruthless for the sake of her face. She can make this decision now even more ruthlessly than those women who have sharpened their chins in later generations.

"Ahem, cough, Wu Lili, these are two different things. Xiangjun's flesh was just cut open. As long as the suturing technique is good enough, it is possible to leave scars or the scars will be relatively light, but it is not possible in the situation you mentioned."


"This. It's just like sewing clothes. If the clothes are torn, as long as someone with skillful hands sews them carefully, it will be intact. But if there is a big hole missing in your clothes, no matter how skillful you are, you can't make it the same as before. Exactly the same. And I don’t know how dark the color on your face is. If it’s too dark, the scar will only be bigger.”

After Han Li finished speaking, Wu Lili's originally expectant eyes suddenly dimmed, her eyes quickly turned red, and tears began to roll in her eyes. However, what Han Li said next immediately brought her out of the abyss. Pulled out.

"But I think I can try using a silver needle to pick out the color on your face bit by bit, but I can't guarantee whether it will work. After all, this is just an idea of ​​mine."


"First take off the gauze and let me check it."

Wu Lili excitedly took off the gauze that had been covering her face and stretched her head over so that Han Li could see it.

Han Li was not polite and held her chin with one hand, and pretended to check her with the other hand. After a long while, he said.

"It's probably no problem, but because you can't rush when you want to pull something out, you have to do it bit by bit, and you have to wait for it to fully recover before you can proceed with the next extraction, so this process will take a long time."

"As long as I can get rid of these disgusting colors, I don't care how much time it takes."

"Okay, the autumn harvest will start in a few days. By then, everyone can't be lazy and have to work in the fields. In order to prevent accidents, let's wait until the autumn harvest is over before we start treating your face."

Although Wu Lili was impatient, as an old educated youth, she certainly knew the intensity of labor during the autumn harvest. If this really left scars on her face during this period, she would really cry to death.

Wu Lili thanked Han Li repeatedly and set the time again. When she was about to leave with great joy, she realized that Ma Runping, a new educated youth, had no intention of leaving, and there was something wrong with the way she looked at Han Li. Combined with the information about her during this period, There were rumors about the location of the snake bite. Could it be that something happened between the two of them?Thinking of this, Wu Lili looked at the other party and asked.

"Run Ping, I'm so sorry. I was a little impatient just now, but I forgot to ask you. I heard that Han Li used a knife to cut the bite of the poisonous snake quite a bit, so your wound won't leave any scars, right?"

"It's okay. Han Li said my wound won't leave a scar. Besides, it doesn't matter if my wound doesn't leave a little scar on my face."

"How can it be indifferent to the scars on a girl's body? If others can't see it, won't they be able to see your scar in the future? So."

When Han Li saw that the two people were arguing again, he quickly knocked on the table and said.

"Both of you, you're fine now, so you'd better go back and have a rest. I still have a lot of things to do here, so please help yourself."

After Han Li said this, neither of them was embarrassed to stay. Both Wu Lili and Ma Runping knew that pretending to be weak, pretending to be pitiful, and attacking with tears would have no effect on the person in front of them, so they left the health room after glaring at each other.
In the next two days, Han Li finally prepared all the medicinal materials needed for the Strengthening and Strengthening Pills.The cooking process started today, and the door to the outside of the bathroom was not opened at all.

The flame on the stove in the bathroom burned from the morning until about four o'clock in the afternoon before Han Li extinguished it.

But the remaining thing of rolling into pills was too simple for Han Li, a man with golden fingers. After decomposition and synthesis, pills the size of soybeans and exactly the same shape appeared in his decomposition space.

Han Li took out one and looked around. He smelled it carefully and found that it was exactly the same as the introduction. However, he stopped just when he was about to put it into his mouth. He had so many small animals at his disposal, why not first? Use them to test medicine.

So Han Li stretched out his hand at the door and whistled. After a while, the crows and dogs all ran back.

Han Li looked at them and finally selected the dog Watanabe and the two crows as the first batch of animals to be lucky enough to taste Dali Pills, and let the rest disperse.

The book did not explain what animals should pay attention to when taking it, but Han Li broke down the Dali Pill into corresponding sizes according to their weight, ordered them to eat it, and then used all his energy to stare at the three small animals.

The Dali Pill first took effect on the crows. They stood unsteadily at first, and soon they were lying motionless on the ground. If Han Li's mental power hadn't been observing their situation, At this time, I'm afraid I might think that they have been drugged to death.

Han Li put the crow lying motionless on the table on the table, and then turned his attention to the dog Watanabe.

Finally, when the two sisters went home to cook, the dog Watanabe started to stagger, but he had strong restraint and immediately let himself lie on the ground with his eyes closed and his head drooped.

Both Crow and Gouzi are currently in good health, but we can only know the effect after they wake up. Han Li carried Gouzi into the kennel and helped the two sisters cook together.

Han Li waited all night. When his boxing practice was about to end the next day, the crows and dogs woke up one after another.

The dog Watanabe was the first to wake up. His hair was smoother and his bite strength was unknown, but his jumping height and distance had improved to a certain extent than before.

The feathers of the two crows are now darker and brighter. Although they still don't have many words when speaking, they speak more fluently. The biggest change is that their flying speed has improved to a certain extent. This improvement is what Han Li sees. If it doesn’t come out, it’s all feedback from the crow.

This is only the effect of taking it once. If you take it all the time, will it continue to improve? Will their body develop resistance?
At this moment, Han Li had some expectations in his heart for taking Dali Pill, but he did not tell the two sisters about it until there was nothing wrong with him after taking it.

As usual, after dinner, the two sisters neatly tidied up the house, and after Han Li hugged them one by one, they went to the agency.

At this time, Han Li took out a complete Dali Pill and threw it directly into his mouth. He sat on the kang and read a book while feeling the changes in his body.

I don't know if Han Li's body is too abnormal, but 15 minutes after taking the medicine, he only felt a slight fever in his body, and then nothing happened.

Han Li stood up and stretched his body, but did not notice any changes in himself.

He was very unwilling to accept this result. He had been working hard for this Dali Pill for such a long time. Could this be the result? So he took out two pills and threw them into his mouth. After a long time, there was still no use.

This time, Han Li was cruel and put four powerful pills into his mouth. However, this time Han Li paid the corresponding price for his recklessness.

About half an hour after putting the four pills into his mouth, Han Li suddenly felt his internal organs begin to heat up, and then his limbs began to tremble uncontrollably. However, he had seen the crows and dogs yesterday, and quickly lay down on the kang to meditate. Feel the changes in your body.

In the blink of an eye, Han Li felt that all the muscles in his body were cramping and his bones were itching. This feeling was like being bitten by ants. This kind of situation did not appear in crows and dogs.Could it be that I ate too much at one time?

Before Han Li could think about it, he felt dizzy for a while, but his own mental strength was very strong, so the dizziness would not make him faint.

But at this moment, Han Li wished he could faint, because the itching feeling was so uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this torturous feeling did not last long and dissipated after about half an hour.

But at this time, Han Li was already covered in stinky sweat due to the soreness and itching. After a closer look, it wasn't something black or gray, it was just pure stinky sweat.

This result made Han Li a little disappointed. He originally thought that he would undergo a bone-cleansing and marrow-cutting operation as described in martial arts novels.

Unfortunately, he was just covered in stinky sweat, but Han Li smiled after he gathered his mental strength and carefully observed his body.

(End of this chapter)

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