Chapter 522

If Ma Runping still had the energy to inquire about news on the first day, what kind of house would be after work on the second day?She had forgotten all about Han Li's skin. If it weren't for the fact that everyone else was wiping their bodies to remind her that she smelled like sweat, Ma Runping would have climbed directly onto the kang to sleep as soon as she entered the room.

It was the afternoon of the third day. When the four new educated youths felt that they were almost exhausted, the team leader breathed a sigh of relief after announcing the average work points each of them received. At least they would not be Sent back.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, because they did not find any useful information from Village Chief Zhao and Captain Liang, not even their cousins, so everyone subconsciously thought that this was just for information. The new educated youth are showing off their power, just wait until the past few days.

But what they don't know is that this time Village Chief Zhao and Captain Liang are determined to pick out some people's laziness and habit of working as foreigners, so that there will be less resistance when the quota of work points is implemented, and give them and the village committee It will cause less trouble.

When Captain Liang's roar in the morning and Village Chief Zhao's unhurried voice sounded in the fields the next morning, all the villagers guessed that something happened that they didn't know about.

But now Ma Runping just feels like her whole body is falling apart, and she can't think about all the messy things in the house.

Not only all the female educated youths in her Shanghe Village, but also the four new educated youths all fell silent, but the sales of Han Li's blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing ointment increased a lot.

But the villagers are different. Those seven aunts and eight aunts are running to the homes of Village Chief Zhao and Captain Liang. They are not unable to do it, but they just want to know when this kind of life will end.

However, none of these aunts and aunts could find out what was going on, and they just assumed that things were going to be strict like in previous years.

So as this speculation spread, everyone in Shanghe Village suddenly became quiet, and no one was working hard anymore.

This situation among the villagers makes the educated youths even more afraid to have other ideas and can only work in the fields down-to-earth.

This situation did not affect Han Li's family at all. When everyone gathered together to talk, they all guessed why it was like this, so they didn't even have the slightest mental pressure.

However, people adapt to the environment very quickly. Within a few days, both female educated youths like Hao Hongmin and new educated youths like Ma Runping have adapted to the current intensity of labor. After work, there was some laughter and chatter in the Educated Youth Home. .

Once this person feels that he is not so busy, it is easy to become restless, especially those new educated youths. Although they were bathing in the river and heard about some people and things in the village from their roommates.

For example: Han Li, an educated youth, was reluctant to let go of his partner and gave up his job at Bingcheng Hospital. The Yun sisters were extremely lucky because Han Li and the others now became sales agents.

He Mi and Qi Zhaodi, who had fallen for themselves, actually settled in Shanghe Village on their own initiative. Wu Lili, who had brought it upon herself, now has a yellowish-green face. Zhang Qianying, one of the villagers, became a eunuch, and his wife would take a knife if she disagreed. Kill people and so on.

In the past, they only heard about it, but now they feel that they have more energy. They are more willing to visit many places by themselves, and many people are more willing to learn about it by themselves.

And Ma Runping now thinks about the house again. The old educated youth who have not moved out either have no money or are just waiting to return to the city.

Liu Liyan, who was the only one who had the chance to build a house with her, had no intention of spending the money. She was now focused on returning to the city.

At this time, Ma Runping thought about the kang in Hao Hongmin's house that day when she saw it. It would be okay for four people to sleep in it. It was said that the houses and kangs of other educated youths were the same size. So if she spent part of the money to build the house, could she do it? What about living with them?But who among those female educated youths who have their own houses would agree?
Ma Runping didn't take the situation of Wu Lili's family into consideration at all when she was thinking about it. She had heard a lot about the other party in the past few days. Unfortunately, there were almost no good things to say about the other party. Even if Wu Lili agreed, she didn't want to live with such a person. Together.

Also because Wu Lili caused so much trouble living alone, Ma Runping also gave up the idea of ​​building a house by herself.

Next, Ma Runping excluded Hao Hongmin's family first, because when she went there last time, she found that the living conditions of these two people were very good, and they were not close to her, so she felt that she had no chance here.

Then the only ones left were Hou Yuhua, Zhang Shulan's family, and the He Mi family whom they had only met once.

It's a pity that when Ma Runping came to Hou Yuhua, she said her thoughts straight to the point after the greetings.

Hou Yuhua was still a little excited about this proposal, because since she had a biological brother, the support from her family was almost as good as being cut off directly. But after hearing this, Zhang Shulan shook her head and said.

"Sorry, it's fine for the two of us to live together. We have no plans to add a roommate for the time being."

In fact, Zhang Shulan was afraid that adding a roommate would affect the treatment Han Li came to give her. In fact, she could also receive simple treatment if she went to the clinic.

However, she had to bite the towel during the whole process, which was really not a good experience. After she tried it once, she stopped going there for treatment.

Ma Runping left here a little disappointed, and then came to the door of He Mi's house. Looking at the closed street door, she could only step forward and knock, but it was Qi Zhaodi who opened the door, and she only opened the street door a crack, not at all. I intend to let her in.

"Comrade Ma, what's the matter with you?" "I'm here to visit and have a chat with you."

"I'm sorry, Sister He is feeling a little unwell today. She just took medicine and fell asleep. How about waiting for Sister He to recover some other time and ask her to go over and apologize to you."

"Well, Comrade Qi, this is what happened..."

Ma Runping expressed her thoughts, and Qi Zhaodi patiently waited for her to finish speaking without moving away from the door.

"Comrade Ma, you should have heard that this house was built by Sister He. I only live here for a living, so when Sister He feels better about this matter, I will tell her for you. Do you agree?" She needs to make up her mind to agree.”

Ma Runping once again left with disappointment, but this time she returned directly to the Educated Youth Academy due to time constraints.

Han Li knew about it that night, but it didn't matter to him. He just smiled lightly and passed away.

Moreover, Han Li has more important things to think about now, which is that he recently discovered an unknown prescription that can slowly strengthen the body in the prescription he obtained at the same time as the Five Elements Yin and Yang Soul Sutra.

Han Li then made repeated calculations based on the efficacy and combination of medicinal materials recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Records of Yuyi Tang". So far, he feels that this prescription is usable.

This situation surprised Han Li very much, because if this prescription was feasible, even if the improvement effect was small, it would benefit their whole family.

In order to make it more direct and easy to remember, Han Li gave the final product of this prescription a simple and popular name that makes it easy to understand what it does when you hear it: "Strengthening Body Dali Pill".

But at present, Han Li wants to make a sample test to check the effect, but he can't do it because he doesn't have many of the medicinal materials needed for the Strengthening and Strengthening Pills, and he can't even buy them in the county.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Li finally sent money and a letter to his pen pal Fu Weihong in Bingcheng, asking her to help him look for it in Bingcheng and buy it directly for him so that he could send it over.

If Fu Weihong cannot be found in Bingcheng, then Han Li will have no choice but to write to his family in Sijiucheng.

In any case, he could only try to make the first batch of samples after the medicinal materials arrived.

However, before the medicinal materials arrived, Han Li needed to go through the process of cooking and brewing several times, so that he could try not to waste these expensive and hard-won medicinal materials.

Simple time always passes quickly. On the third day after Ma Runping went home, He Mi personally told her that she had no plans to accept new roommates.

In the past few days, several new educated youths came to Han Li's place to drink a cup of tea and chat for a while, deepening their impressions of each other.

Among these people, Ma Runping came the most often, and Han Li felt that the way she looked at him was a little different every time.

Han Li was now considered a battle-hardened figure. He could tell that the way Ma Runping looked at him was definitely not love, but rather as if she was looking at a rare item. This made him murmur in his heart. What the hell is this?

But now Ma Runping's time to come to Han Li's place is very limited every day, and most of the time the Yun sisters are there, so she doesn't do anything strange during this period.

At this time, the crops in the field have begun to grow into green gauze tents. This situation makes it even hotter when everyone goes to work every day.

However, this situation makes the captain and his team's monitoring less effective, giving everyone a chance to be lazy. Of course, if they are too poor at the end of the performance, they will be scolded badly, and if they fail, they will be detained. Work points.

This afternoon, Village Chief Zhao received a phone call in the village committee. He then called Captain Liang back and said.

"I just received a call from my comrades in the county. The quota system that Han Li said is really coming. I hope our efforts during this period will be useful, right?"

When Captain Liang heard this, he knocked on his pipe irritably, put another pot in his mouth, lit it, and took two long puffs before speaking.

"The time is still too short, and it is difficult to deal with the lack of progress in this season. It would be great if this could be put before spring plowing. Uncle Zhao, do you think we can postpone it until next year's spring plowing?"

"Don't even think about this"

(End of this chapter)

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