Chapter 441 Autumn Tour
Because Shen Fang is a lesbian, no one laughed too much this time, and could only watch the two people turning into gourds in silence.

After this episode passed, things became really smooth in Shanghe Village, and all the food was quickly delivered to the designated granary.

If the situation last year had been the same, they would have been bragging and chatting under the shade of the trees on the roadside, waiting for Village Chief Zhao and Captain Liang to get the receipt from the grain station to settle accounts before returning to the village together.

But this year, the two of them actually asked everyone to go back first and just leave the carriage to them.

Next came the days when everyone was waiting for the food to be distributed, but no one was idle. Those who should go up the mountain to collect firewood, and those who should look for nuts and mountain goods, were also busy every day.

Since Qi Zhaodi and Hou Yuhua were taken to study at the sales agency by the Yun sisters, Han Li not only prepared enough firewood and mountain goods for his own family and He Mi's family, but he even sent a lot of it to Hou Yuhua.

Of course, when delivering firewood, it can also help Zhang Shulan consolidate her symptoms of yin and yang imbalance. One thing I have to say is that Zhang Shulan is indeed a girl who can get deeply involved in novels.

In some aspects, her reaction is often more powerful than others, and the skin of southern girls is relatively tender.

That feeling made Han Li deliver firewood to their home several times a day.

In the end, Zhang Shulan kept saying that she was cured, really cured, absolutely cured, and then Han Li stopped sending firewood to their home.

After Han Li solved all the problems in the past two days, he said to the two sisters during dinner tonight.

"How are Qi Xiaomei and Hou Yuhua doing at the consignment point recently? Can you cope without them?"

"There is nothing too complicated at the consignment point. Just follow the form when buying things. Just pay attention to the dryness, humidity and debris when collecting the goods. The two of them have no problem doing these things."

"Really, then let me take you for a tour in the mountains and see the secret base I found. I said this last year, but I never had the chance until now."

"Brother Li, really?"

"Of course it's true. It's not too cold to go into the mountains now, and the scenery is the most beautiful. Let's bring all the guns at home and keep a dog and two lynxes on guard. In this way, as long as our force and firearms are not too There is basically no problem with safety if you go too deep.

And according to the food distribution time in the village last year, we can go deeper and enjoy these beautiful scenery, and come out when we have enough fun in the mountains. "

While Yun Yingying was cheering, Yun Jingjing looked calmer, but she couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes. After all, who would refuse a relaxing outing?

Just as they were told, the two sisters quickly began to figure out what they needed to bring into the mountains.

Han Li watched from the side without saying a word. This time he couldn't use his golden finger during the trip to the mountains. Now let's see what the two of them can plan. It won't be too late to add in the shortcomings.

"Sister, you must bring the small pot at home, otherwise we won't even be able to have a hot meal."

"You can't just think about eating? You have to bring a tarpaulin to build a shack, and even the animal skins to cover it need two or three pieces, right?"

"There are also two bundles of rope, otherwise the tarpaulin cannot be fixed."

“You need a machete to open a road, a shovel and an ax to build a shack, and you need to bring some salt and other seasonings if you want to cook delicious food.

The two sisters wrote it down on the paper as they spoke. After they finished speaking, they were dumbfounded when they looked at the long list.

If they had brought all these things with them, plus the guns and bullets, they might not be able to walk very far before they collapsed from exhaustion. However, they felt that all these things were useful, and none of them felt appropriate.

While the two sisters were still thinking about whether they could get rid of something, Han Li sat next to them and spoke with a smile.

"No need to bother, we only need to bring axes, machetes, ropes, tarpaulins and some simple seasonings. Did you forget the secret base I discovered when you were planning just now?

I have been operating there for more than half a year, and some basic daily necessities are still quite complete. We can go there to replenish supplies, and you don’t have to carry the things you bring from home. You can tie them to the head dog and lynx when the time comes. That’s it. "

"That's right. We were so busy thinking about this place that we forgot about this place."

"Brother Li, isn't that secret base you mentioned a cave? Can't we just live there directly?"

"It's okay to live there, but the light in the cave is dim and the surrounding area is relatively closed and not suitable for enjoying the scenery. But it doesn't matter. As long as we have the tools at hand, we can build a tall tree house at any time to enjoy the scenery."

Han Li crossed off a large part of the list they had planned, and the two sisters prepared the rest before they remembered to say hello to Qi Zhaodi and Hou Yuhua.

However, they did not say that they would go to the mountains to play, but that they would accompany Han Li to the mountains to collect herbs. They had left it to the two of them whether it was a sales agency or at home these days, and they left enough money for Qi Zhaodi to collect things in the past few days. ,ticket.

After coming back, the two sisters worked hard for a while. Not only did they bake a lot of cakes, stir-fry meat sauce, cut some shredded pickles, and then went to bed on the kang.

The next day, the sky outside was still dark. Yamamoto, the head dog of the Han Li family, and the two lynxes Ruhua and Ruyu were more or less tied up with something. Even the fat little squirrel was tied up. A small bag sewn by Yun Yingying.Han Li held a machete in his hand, with five or six half bags slung on one side of his waist, a satchel and a water bottle on the other side, and the backpacks on his back containing most of the supplies for the three of them. He walked in front and used the machete to clear the way.

With the two sisters, they couldn't do whatever they wanted and could only camp step by step. When he was alone, Han Li only had to go around and over the places where there were tall trees and dead branches. But now he had to use a machete to chop them off so that they could be given to the sisters. An easy road has been cleared, but now that we have just entered the mountain, the villagers have already walked here countless times, so there is no need to consider the issue of clearing a road for the time being.

The two sisters held a spear made of iron birch in their hands. Han Li specially made it and took it out for them to use as a crutch. An official gunpowder gun and a double-barreled shotgun were carried on their backs respectively, with baskets on their backs. There were only some scattered little things inside, and they followed Han Li closely.

As for the beasts, there is no need to worry at all. One is that it is not too far from the village now, and the other is that the leader dog and lynx are always patrolling around.

Moreover, Han Li suspected that the lack of wild beasts coming down the mountain to destroy the crops near Shanghe Village this year had something to do with the two lynxes, because they often ran out to have fun and hunt for food in the middle of the night, and they used urine and feces to mark their territory nearby. Probably.

The three of them walked and stopped all the way. When they climbed over two mountains, the sun finally came out. Han Li took them to stop here.

"Let's take a break here. There's no need to rush out to play. And you haven't walked such a long mountain road. Let's simply have something to eat here and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sunrise."

The two sisters breathed a sigh of relief when Han Li said this, but they were immediately attracted by the scenery in front of them. They stood on the rocks and admired the contrasting beauty in front of them.

Han Li called the leading dog over and took a tarpaulin from it and spread it on the rocks. He invited the two sisters to sit down and watch while they ate.

This meal is relatively simple. The sisters baked the flatbread last night and rolled it with meat sauce, shredded pickles, and cucumber strips.

After eating, the two sisters' spirits recovered a lot, and the group continued to move towards Han Li's secret base.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived here. Han Li opened the door to the surprised eyes of the two sisters, and then carried them across the stream one by one.

While the two sisters were carrying lanterns and looking back and forth in the cave, Han Li took off the things on the lynx and the dog.

"How's it going? Isn't this secret base good?"

Although they had heard about this place from Han Li more than once, they were still surprised when they visited it for the first time. The cave was not big, but it was perfect for a temporary stay.

Han Li took them to lie down on the stone bed to rest. During this period, he repeated how he found this place and how he transformed it later.

It was completely dark outside as they chatted, and next was their first meal in the secret base.

Han Li carried a wooden bucket to the stream to fetch water, while the two sisters were busy in front of the fresh stove.

Since they had been hiking all day today, the sisters boiled water to wipe their bodies after eating.

Even every inch of their skin was very familiar to Han Li, but under the dim light in the cave and the sound of rushing water, their beautiful figures seemed like little fairies from mythology.
The next day, Han Li's biological clock woke him up early. Feeling the soft bodies on his left and right, he couldn't help but reach out and hug them hard.

Maybe it was a change of environment, maybe they felt the concealment and safety of the cave,
It may be that the cave is too empty and the echo is a bit serious, so the echo in the cave last night was one wave after another, one sound louder than the other.

Thinking of this, Han Li decided to change the training venue today, and then slowly turned his body sideways.
Here, there is no need to worry about going to the agency to open the door, no need to worry about people coming to the clinic to see a doctor, and no need to worry about other people's eyes after their late stage. So when they get up and go to the door to fetch water and wash up, the time on the watch has already reached 10:30 in the morning. [-].

There were also hares and pheasants caught by the three little ones last night at the entrance of the cave, which made the two sisters extremely happy.

He rubbed the heads of the dogs and lynxes, and kept saying that his little ones were not in vain.

By the time they finished eating, it was already past twelve o'clock, and Han Li took them around for a while.

The two sisters knew that their physical strength was weak and they couldn't keep up with Han Li's pace. They said in unison that the scenery here was very good. They didn't want to go further into the mountains. They might as well have fun here if they were always on the road.

Han Li brought them out just to relax and unwind. Of course, it was based on their wishes, but since they were out, they had to experience more other fun.

So, under the protection of lynxes and dogs, the two sisters had a great time picking flowers, picking mushrooms, fishing, and touching shrimps.

Han Li chose a nearby place with broad views and beautiful scenery to start building a tree house. By then, they would have a lot of fun away from the ground.

 Thanks: You Fang Dao Ren You Si Fang Reward: 500 points.

  Thanks: Yu Wanning's father for tipping: 1666 points.

  Thanks to: Afraid of the Dark article. Reward: 100 points.

(End of this chapter)

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