Chapter 252 Village Chief Zhao is Back
Yun Yingying touched her sister's forehead and there was nothing unusual, then she said seriously.

"Sister, I feel that you are a little strange today. Do you have something to hide from me?"

"No, we've lived together since we were young, what can I hide from you?"

"Sister, don't talk about it, even if I give you half of Brother Li, I don't mind. You don't know that it's good to be with him. That feeling is worse than what you feel occasionally, but Recently, I seem to go to bed a little early, and I don't know if Brother Li will be angry."

Yun Jingjing was secretly happy when she heard this, she also wanted to sleep with a large hot water bottle until dawn, instead of coming and going in a hurry like now, but she still said in a reprimanded tone.

"Little sister, what nonsense are you talking about? If outsiders hear this, how can we go out? Don't say that again in the future."

"Oh, in this kind of day when you can see the head at a glance, I thought you couldn't think about it when you brought up the topic just now, but if you really meet such a person, it's better for us sisters to be together forever, It's not that I said, you can find a few people in our circle from childhood to compare with Brother Li."

"If you say that again, you won't be afraid that I will snatch Han Li away like Mu Zhanhong snatched her sister's partner."

"Sister, if you really meet that kind of person, I would rather you rob Brother Li, at least Brother Li is capable of taking good care of us."

"Don't talk about my little sister for the time being. Let's hurry up and cook. Han Li should get those medicines ready soon."

Han Li has already processed all the medicinal materials needed. Tomorrow, he will need to blend them according to the proportion, and then make them into small pills.

After Han Li turned off the light in the bathroom, he returned to the main room. The two sisters were making dinner.

Rice is steamed on the pot on which the kerosene stove sits, and beef tongue is fried in the pot on the stovetop.

There are sliced ​​capers, peppers, and pork on the chopping board next to it, and some dried mushrooms are soaked in the water basin.

Judging by their posture, today's dinner must be very rich.

"Brother Li, after washing your hands, sit on the kang and have a cup of tea. Today, Yang Xiuying came to talk about the excitement. We cook a little later, and we have to wait a little longer for dinner."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"No need, all the dishes have been cut, and now my sister is in charge of the stove and I just set the fire."
At this time, on a carriage on the way to Shanghe Village, Village Chief Zhao looked like a snowman, his eyebrows and beard were covered with icicles, and his clothes were covered with snow. When he got to the entrance of the village After saying thank you to someone, he jumped out of the carriage with a large travel bag.

Village head Zhao was standing at the entrance of the village with his travel bag in his hand. He felt the same in his heart as when Han Li came back. It's better to be at home.

In the evening, for Han Li, it was feeding and walking the dog after eating.

After returning home, I chatted with my wife and sister-in-law, and listened to the two of them talk about the widow's pregnancy that Yang Xiuying said today.

However, Han Li did not comment on this, because in future generations, not to mention the widow's pregnancy, even those three children can inherit the inheritance openly, and they don't have to bear some of the stains of the previous generation.

But in this era, what is important is the correct route. Even if the widow named Xiao Chunhua can handle it now, her life will definitely be difficult in the future.

A person of her status seems destined to live a lonely life, and no one dares to marry her again.

And as long as the child's father does not announce it to the public for a day, this matter will be added with all kinds of mystery, and it will become the center of everyone's discussion or a pastime after dinner. This pastime may last as long as ten or twenty years.

Washing his feet, getting on the kang, and turning off the lights were all Han Li's hard work in the end.

But today Yun Jingjing hugged him and let go, and said what Yun Yingying said just now, Han Li touched the same smooth back and thought about it.

"What's today's date?"

"What's wrong with today being the 25th day of the [-]th lunar month?"

"The 28th of this year is the winter solstice, which is the first day of counting nine. According to the rules of our Forty-Nine City, we should make a fuss on that day. Let's celebrate that day.

Aren't there two jars behind the cabinet in the outhouse that you won't be able to move?That's where I make wine and cider, and when I strain it that day, let's get drunk. "

"You're thinking."

"I'm not, I don't, don't guess, I've forgotten which day is the Mid-Autumn Festival today, and we have to go back and make up for it on the first day of counting nine."

"Can that be done?"

"Baby, there is a saying that everything depends on man's effort. If you don't work hard, you will never set foot on the other side of happiness."


"You don't want Yingying to just keep looking, and you don't want me to be like this every day, either."

Han Li lingered here until midnight before returning, but he finally managed to 'clear' Yun Jingjing's ideological work.

The next day, snowflakes were still falling in the sky outside, and Han Li felt that it was like the rainy season in the south.

Sweeping snow, practicing boxing, kung fu, adding firewood, washing, teasing his wife, and eating, Han Li came to the clinic to continue the unfinished work yesterday.

Blending the various processed medicinal materials together required a step-by-step process, and Han Li had to do it himself.

However, the next step of kneading into pills requires the use of cornmeal or white flour, which was directly synthesized by Han Li.

The pills made are not only uniform in size but also very shiny. Just because of this appearance, they can sell for a lot more than similar products.

Han Li immediately poured a meal's worth into his mouth, and took all the rest back into the decomposition space.

The prescriptions that consolidated the source did not have immediate results, and Han Li was not in a hurry to sit down. He continued to study the principles of the monarch and ministers of the medicinal materials in the prescriptions by the stove. At this time, Village Chief Zhao's voice came from the yard.

"Han Li, Han Li."

"Uncle Zhao, when did you come back? It's cold outside, let's sit inside and talk."

"I came back last night."

Han Li led Village Chief Zhao to the clinic, and Yun Yingying brought over a cup of tea after hearing the shout.

"Uncle Zhao, how is Uncle Liu?"

"Haha, your kid's craftsmanship is still worthy of praise. The old leader can now patrol the railway back and forth, and his legs don't need to worry about walking like before.

And the ointment you left him for relieving old wounds is very useful. Some old wounds are not as uncomfortable as before. The old leader also said that please help me out when you have time, medicinal materials and money. you do not need to worry. "

 Thanks: Xiao Se Reward: 100 points.

  Thanks: book friend 20170703205616242 reward: 100 points.

  Thanks: Nurima HJIJ reward: 100 points.

(End of this chapter)

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