Chapter 178 Happiness Index
Yun Jingjing felt her whole body trembling slightly, and the whole feeling was gradually strengthened with the massage force of Han Li's fingers.

Han Li's hands kneaded and tapped from the shoulders little by little, from the tension at the beginning to the soothing relaxation later.

Yun Jingjing felt that all the exhaustion accumulated since she went to the countryside disappeared, and she really seemed to have gained a new life as her little sister said. If she had known this effect, she would have asked Han Li to give her a massage.

But when Han Li's hand kneaded and hit her waist, Yun Jingjing's nerves seemed to become extremely sensitive, and the slight trembling feeling became more intense.

Followed by an indescribable feeling, very comfortable, but very shy, every kneading and tapping seems to be tempting her to make that little girl-like voice, but...

Yun Jingjing bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from making that sound, every second became extremely long at this moment.

After finally waiting for Han Li's hands to knead and tap the calf, Yun Jingjing's mind immediately relaxed. Just when she was about to feel the comfort brought by the massage, she immediately felt something was wrong.

Yun Jingjing felt that her face was very hot, needless to say, she could have imagined that her face would be completely red at this time, so she covered her face with her arms,

After an unknown amount of time, Han Li's voice came from next to his ear.

"Okay, if you feel that something is missing, I will make it up for you."

"No, I feel like I've pressed everything. It's really comfortable. I want to lie down here for a while."

Yun Yingying smiled and said, "Sister, I'm not wrong."


"Then lie down for a while."

Han Li and Yun Yingying sat on the other side of the kang to talk, Yun Jingjing just lay face down on the kang, and waited until she felt that her face was not so hot, then quickly turned over and sat up on her legs Said.

"Well, I'll go back and see how the kang is doing, little girl, come back sooner later."

After Yun Jingjing finished speaking, she put on her shoes and left without looking back, she was stunned by Yun Yingying.

"Sister, what happened today?"

Han Li: "Your sister is enlightened, she already knows how to leave enough time for the two of us to study our homework."

"My sister hasn't gone far yet, can you take your hands away first?"

Yun Jingjing trotted all the way back home, and changed into a pair of underwear for herself with a flushed face. When she was thinking wildly in her heart, that familiar feeling struck again.


The next day, Han Li's place finally calmed down, and the villagers had already checked almost all of them.

However, there are a lot of people in the clinic, the firewood in the stove is very hot, and the temperature in the room is very good.

Villagers, educated youths, aunts, and sisters-in-law gathered here to chat and chat. After this village-wide physical examination, Han Li's relationship with everyone changed from familiar to very familiar, so they gathered in his clinic.

As for the uncles and elder brothers in the village, they all like snow, and the weather is not too cold now, so they seldom waste time chatting.

Because many animals have nothing to hide in front of them after snowing, and various footprints can guide them to find their prey smoothly.

Experienced people can even judge the height and weight of prey from the animal's footprints, as well as the time when these footprints were left.

This kind of situation can only be done for a certain period of time. When the weather is colder and the north wind is blowing smoke and snow, it doesn’t make any difference that going into the mountains is really looking for death. Most people can’t even find the direction in this kind of weather. , Once you lose your way, you will either be frozen to death or eaten by animals.

At this time, the atmosphere in the clinic room is very lively, everyone is chatting about various topics, but the most popular topics are always various gender topics.

The fly in the ointment is that there are a little too many big smoking guns in the house. Both men and women are smoking long pipes, which makes the house feel like a fairy movie. Fortunately, the house is not sealed at this time, otherwise Han Li feels that he It won't be long before I get drunk.

Listening to everyone's gossip about ten miles and eight villages, Han Li's thoughts have drifted into the mountains. He is wondering if he will also go to the mountains for a walk. At this time, the prey he brought back can be thrown directly into the snowdrifts in the yard. , but it would be even better if you could take Yun Yingying to live in the secret base for two days.

At this moment, Zhang Xiangjun leaned over to Han Li, flipped through the books on the table, and said, feeling bored.

"Is there a way to fix the well platform on the other side of the well in our village? I almost fell into the well when I went to fetch water today."

Han Li: "No way, why are you so unsteady at your age?"

Zhang Xiangjun: "The well platform is covered with a thick layer of ice, don't you know?"

"I know? Isn't it normal that water often spills out and freezes there?"

"It's because of this layer of ice that I slipped directly with the bucket. If it weren't for the eaves of the well protruding from the ground, I might have slipped directly into the well."

Han Li's chassis was very solid, so he seldom paid attention to this problem when fetching water, but Zhang Xiangjun's words were picked up by the aunt next to him.

"Where is it now? After a period of time when the weather is colder, the inner wall of the well will be covered with ice. If it is serious, even the willow cans for fetching water will not be able to fit in. Everyone uses iron rods every now and then. You can fetch water only when you drop ice cubes, and if you don’t pay attention, the bottom half of your cotton trousers and cotton shoes will freeze hard for you after a few trips of water, and that’s when it’s really difficult.”

Willow pot: a unique item in the local countryside in this era, and some people call it willow pot bucket.

A willow pot is a tool used to draw water from a well with a pulley handle. It is woven from thin wicker.

Because using wooden barrels to fetch water is not resistant to falling and is easy to break, and iron barrels are very precious, and they are afraid of being knocked flat when used in winter.

The main reason is that the winter temperature in the Northeast is too low, ice is everywhere on the edge of the well and at the bottom of the well, and the iron bucket can no longer be used if it is touched, so people invented the willow can by using the wicker that is everywhere. .

Because the willow pot is made of wicker, it swells after being soaked in water, and the gap in the middle of the wicker is swollen to death, so it does not leak much when it is fetched.Moreover, it is resistant to knocks and bumps, and it has good elasticity when encountering hard things. It is durable and economical. Willow cans have become a tool for everyone to get water from wells.

Han Li once saw Tie Dan taking a group of children to unload the willow can from the well rope, and then they kicked the willow can as a ball. .

After hearing this, Han Li quickly thought of one thing, and began to think about how to implement it as soon as possible. This is related to his happiness index for a long time.

 Thanks: 588 reward: 500 points.

  Thanks: Xiao Se Reward: 100 points.

(End of this chapter)

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