Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 202 The Goal of the Illithid Warlord

Chapter 202 The Goal of the Illithid Warlord
Although Zhuo Shaohang plans to let Zhuo Shaohang take over the priesthood of dinosaurs, he is not allowed to take over immediately. Li Qing will take over at first. After his strength reaches a certain level in the future, at least he himself will become a real demigod and have his own priesthood. Only then will the priesthood of dinosaurs be transferred to Zhuo Shaohang.

Zhuo Shaohang himself was a demigod, at his peak he was definitely a high-level demigod, only one step away from becoming a god.

Although this step is the difference between heaven and earth, but the distance is really not far.

If he is allowed to take over the priesthood of dinosaurs early, with his experience, there is a high possibility that he can be granted the godhood directly.

The master is weak and the servant is strong, and it is easy to have side effects.

Even if there is an oath to guarantee loyalty, but after a long time, what about his subordinates?

The dinosaur priesthood includes many different types of dinosaur branches. Some powerful branches such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, and Deinonychus are qualified to bear a true god. Theoretically, the dinosaur race can bear the existence of a god system.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Li Qing must ensure that he is strong, and he must be stronger than his subordinates.

They didn't stay here for a long time, and their subordinates successively received information about the detection. Five of the seven teams found traces of dinosaur tribes or illithid warlords within a range of [-] kilometers.

One of them directly discovered a huge illithid war fortress, and was even spotted and hunted down by the other party.

Fortunately, they all mastered the power of space and teleported away early.

A month later, Li Qing summarized the information collected by his subordinates and came to a conclusion that surprised him.

"There is a very powerful spiritid warlord who is driving more than five spiritithid warlords to conquer the dinosaurs in this area."

He held his chin in thought for a while, and immediately sent a letter to An Erqiu, asking him to prepare a batch of elite space dragon descendants.

The current space dragonborn must be above the seventh rank to be called an elite. After many previous battles, most of the survivors can reach this rank.

He found two thousand space dragon descendants above the seventh level, and gave them an order to completely open up the map. Some of them started to explore from the wild city, some started to explore from the dragon city, and the other half came to them. side, scattered exploration to the east of the plane.

Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be victorious in all battles. He had to explore the plane first and find the base camp of the illithid warlord.

If they didn't guess wrong, they should have a base camp similar to the wild city in the plane.

Maybe it didn't take long to build it. It was definitely impossible to build it in the era of His Highness Chun Yu'an. It was only dared to build it after the fall of His Highness Chun Yu'an. But after so many years, it should have reached a considerable scale.

It even directly fixed the spiritual fortress of a powerful spirit sucker war lord.

To defeat them, their main base must also be destroyed.

During the exploration, Li Qing also asked An Erqiu to make preparations, and gather a force to stand by without affecting the defense of the wild city and the dragon city.

And Li Qing didn't wait. Based on the information collected by his subordinates, he built a small base in an extremely hidden valley, and then summoned Dai Lirong to stand by.

However, when he sent his men to scout around, his actions were also discovered by the illithids.

From time to time, when space dragon descendants were sneaking in the primitive jungle, they were besieged by teams of elite heroes led by illithids, which indicated that the illithid warlords had discovered their traces and were ready to attack them.

Fortunately, there are many people they sent out, and all of them have the ability to teleport through space. If they find something wrong, they will flash away and escape, and it is difficult to be caught.

When Li Qing received the news, less than five space dragon descendants were missing.

As time went by, many subordinates slowly opened up the plane and discovered more tribes of dinosaurs.

Especially in the south of the plane, there are also large-scale dinosaur tribes.

The wild city is located in the northwest of the plane, and the distance between the wild city and the dragon city belongs to the opposite corner between the west and the north of the plane, and the area of ​​many illithid warlords discovered now is located in the east of the plane.

As for the south of the plane, Li Qing previously planned to go around from the north to the east, and then to the south, but he hasn't explored it in a serious way yet.

According to the information obtained from the subordinates, there are also dinosaur tribes in the south that are not inferior to those in the east of the plane, and there are many plains and rivers and lakes in the south of the plane.

The terrain in the east is not much different from that in the south, but the water network is not so dense.

However, according to the information collected by my subordinates, almost half of the dinosaur tribes in the east of the plane have been defeated by the illithid warlords. The elites have collected them and established a huge dinosaur tribe on a large eastern plain. Kingdom of people.

A kingdom secretly controlled by illithid warlords and ostensibly ruled by dinosaurs.

This country is composed of high-density dinosaur city clusters. Each city has hundreds of thousands of dinosaurs, and dozens of cities add up to tens of millions of dinosaurs.

What made Li Qing even more surprised and delighted was that he did not know which illithid war lord had done it. They actually found a staple food for the dinosaurs that could be grown on a large scale, and only then could they establish a kingdom.

Li Qing immediately became interested, and immediately asked the men who discovered the kingdom of dinosaurs to steal some back.

This is a tuber plant similar to a sweet potato or potato type. When planted in the ground, it can produce a large number of tubers, which can be as small as a fist egg and as large as a watermelon.

Li Qing tried to eat it, but the raw taste is not good, and the cooked taste is not so good, it must be served with other seasonings to be able to eat it.

However, this stuff has a very high starch content, so it is no problem at all as an ordinary staple food.

Commoners eat these and other foods, nobles eat meat, perfect.

Seeing this, Li Qing realized that his exploration in this plane had fallen into a disadvantage.

The illithids had been prepared early in the morning. It is estimated that they had slowly conquered the dinosaurs in the depths of the plane before His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an fell. Up to now, they have controlled tens of millions of dinosaurs. This is a very terrifying force. .

Dinosaurs are inherently stronger than humans, and almost all the people are soldiers. As long as there are so many armed with 200 million people, Dragon City and Wild City may not be able to stop them.

The only problem restricting them is that the environment of the plane is too harsh, the whole plane is full of lush primitive jungles, if you want to transfer a few million from the east side of the plane to the west side of the plane, and the journey is [-] to [-] kilometers, the logistics requirements are extraordinary. high.

However, this is also a common problem for normal warlords in the conquest strategy of foreign planes.

They generally try to occupy as much territory as possible first, grab the territory first, wait for the territory to be seized, then start operating the territory, and wait until they are ready before gathering a large army to attack other forces.

Or natives, or other warlords who also want to conquer this plane.

Most war lords do not have the ability to quickly transport millions of troops, so many troops need several times the logistics, and they are not like Li Qing, whose giant dragons and tens of thousands of space dragon descendants will send troops through the space gate.

This forced them to fight positional warfare and expand step by step.

In the east of the plane, there is basically no future. According to the reconnaissance, most of the dinosaur tribes have been defeated by the dinosaur kingdom of the illithids, and they are either incorporated or killed. Now there are not many wild dinosaur tribes left in the wild. Even if the total conquest is estimated to be less than half of the Dinosaur Kingdom of the Spirit Sid.

The key point is that they have already taken a step too late. How could the illithid warlords watch them gather the remaining dinosaurs.

Now there are only two paths before Li Qing.

The first method is to give up the east side of the plane and go to the south side of the plane. The illithid warlords have not yet expanded there, and he still has a chance.

The second method is to directly mobilize the main force to attack the Dinosaur Kingdom and the Illithid Warlord behind it.

Or another method, directly adjust the space dragon and many flying space dragon descendants, and directly attack the spiritual fortress of the war lord of the illithid.

All the members can fly, except for the flying pterosaurs, most of the dinosaurs are useless in battle, so naturally their numbers advantage cannot be brought into play.

The first method is safe, but takes a long time.

The second method is risky, and it may take a great risk, especially since he is not a legend now, if he encounters a very powerful illithid war lord, he may not be able to beat him.

"What do you think?"

He threw the question to many of his subordinates.

Many subordinates who had already gathered looked at each other, and after a few seconds, Xie Zhu said:
"I don't think there is any need to take this risk. We have plenty of time to develop, and our strength is definitely growing faster than theirs. There is no rush at this moment, and"

He smiled and said to Li Qing:

"Boss, the biggest problem now is that you haven't been promoted to legend yet. Don't you need to accumulate combat experience? Go to the south and conquer those tribes. There are so many ten-level and even legendary totems there. You can definitely be promoted to legend if you kill a circle in the past. "

"When you become a legend, Mr. Zhuo can unlock all the seals and restore the strength of a demigod, and we can start to promote the legend."

"As long as we promote a few people, all these problems can be solved without any effort."

"Well, yes!"

Li Qing quickly made a decision.

But before leaving, he made a few arrangements.

First of all, many hidden outposts were left between the east and the middle of the plane, and many space dragon descendants were sent to monitor the outposts. If they saw a large army of illithids or a spiritual fortress passing by, they would gather immediately dragon city.

In addition, he also found Long Luo who was enlightened by him, and brought him to the south of the plane together.

This trip to the past is not just about killing, but also conquering these dinosaurs.

Long Luo can take it with him, let him kill the high-level leaders and totems of these tribes, and Long Luo will bring the dinosaurs over to receive the defeated tribes of dinosaurs.

With Long Luo, who is also a dinosaur, coming forward, the resistance of these dinosaurs will be minimized, basically none.

In the tribal era, conquering and being conquered was a common occurrence, and the tribe often changed its name in an accident, or was merged by other big tribes.

Except for the opposition of high-level tribes with great power, ordinary dinosaurs don't care who rules at all.

I haven't seen you for a few months, and Long Luo has already recruited more than 2000 dinosaur warriors and more than 6000 dinosaur civilians. Li Qing packed them up and took them away in one go. At that time, he just used these dinosaurs to start a business, so as not to have to do it all over again. effort.

More than a month after Li Qing left, six huge spiritual fortresses were moored above the kingdom of dinosaurs.

The size of the central one is larger than that of the other five combined, with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. There are dozens of tentacles more than ten kilometers long covered with spikes on the surface, and the surface is covered with complex golden patterns. The material of the spiritual fortress itself is also Dark golden in color.

In the internal network of the illithids, more than a dozen masters of the illithids gathered together, and a loud voice sounded in the minds of all the masters of the illithids:

"Judging from the news received by the swarm, the group of human war lords has left."

Immediately, the spirit sucker war lord said:
"They teleported away directly, I can't locate their landing point, I don't know where they went."

"Continue to be vigilant. In addition, speed up the conquest of the remaining dinosaur tribes. I need to complete the conquest of most of the dinosaur tribes within two years. In the fifth year, I can gather a troop of more than 200 million dinosaurs, and at the same time complete the food and grass preparation."

Having said that, the voice became extremely majestic:
"I need no more than eight years for my main force to appear in the west of the plane, under the barren city of humans."

"According to the current conquest progress, the problem will not be too big!"

"Do not let me down!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

A week later, Li Qing came to the south of the plane, and came to a swamp as large as the sea.

It is not so much a swamp as it is a group of lakes.

This group of lakes is more than 2000 kilometers wide and more than [-] kilometers long, directly separating the east and south of the plane.

This water area is all waters with a depth of a few meters to more than ten meters. From time to time, floating islands emerge from the water, and occasionally a large piece of huge water area that can't be seen, or a continuous piece of land.

There are a large number of prehistoric beasts living in the waters, including prehistoric giant crocodiles, various prehistoric pythons, dinosaurs in the water, and a large number of huge monsters live in some deep lakes.

The ancient dragon flew high above the waters, a huge shadow swept across the lake, and a large number of beasts in the water sank into the water as if frightened.

Li Qing didn't kill them on purpose, except for occasionally catching a few prehistoric pythons to chew as spicy noodles, most of them were on their way.

Less than a hundred miles across the lakes, I saw a tribe of dinosaurs built on the edge of a certain river in the lakes.

Li Qing circled around, summoned Long Luo and his tribe, and showed him the direction.

As soon as the velociraptors were summoned, they felt Li Qing's presence, and quickly knelt down to bow down to him.

After Long Luo bowed to Li Qing, he jumped onto a big rock and roared loudly to the dinosaurs below:
"My people, the mighty dragon is watching us, go in that direction and conquer them."

Many dinosaurs rushed towards that direction, screaming like chicken blood.

(End of this chapter)

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