Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 168 Divine Tyrannosaurus

Chapter 168 Divine Tyrannosaurus

At this time, there were less than [-] human troops in Li Qing's divine domain, all of which were elites above the third rank, and there were not a single recruit.

None of the many fifth-order elite unlocking cards obtained before was used, nor were the 10 extraordinary helicopter cards and 620 ordinary helicopter cards.

In addition, there are 455 dragon snakes and 450 space dragon descendants.

220 Iron Golems.

24 space dragons.

At this time, there is nothing to save. Li Qing divided the 620 quotas for direct promotion of ordinary units into two, half for dragonscale heavy infantry, and half for elite marksmen. Considering that this original plane is not It is suitable for the cavalry to play, so it is not given to the cavalry.

Li Qing returned to God's Domain, transferred a group of civilian husbands and transferred them to 310 infantry recruits and 310 archer recruits.

Then use the unlock cards of these two professions to remove the restrictions, and then use the promotion card to directly upgrade to the limit of the arms, and be promoted to 310 Tier 310 Imperial Dragonscale Heavy Infantry, and [-] Tier [-] Imperial Elite Marksmen.

Then, a second batch of civilian husbands was transferred, 2500 recruits infantry and 2500 recruits archers.

When Li Qing came out, the steel golem that opened the way ahead had already opened a straight road with a width of 500 meters.

The main force came out of God's Domain and took position, advancing behind the steel golem that opened the way.

The recruits have not been transferred out for the time being. If the army in the jungle is too large, it will be too slow to advance.

The commander of the ground troops, Li Qing, was handed over to An Erqiu and Xie Zhu. Although An Erqiu changed his bloodline to a high-ranking space dragon, he did not fall behind in command. Now God's Domain is dedicated to researching and commanding only two people, he and Xie Zhu.

Li Qing hadn't read books on command tactics and strategy for a long time, and he was no match for An Erqiu in terms of command.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and the position of the two of them is to command, and they are not needed in frontal battles.

The team advanced slowly, and such a big movement quickly attracted the attention of the dinosaur tribe. A group of dinosaurs sat on the back of the pterosaur and flew over to scout. When they found their size and direction, they immediately returned to report.

It didn't take long for the thundering drums to sound from the direction of the dinosaur tribe. From a high altitude, the whole tribe looked like a disturbed ant nest. A large number of dinosaurs rushed out of their residences with weapons and gathered at the gate of the tribe.

The vast majority of Dinosaurs are unarmed Dreadclaws who fight with a pair of big claws in their hands.

A small number of more powerful velociraptors also have no weapons, but wear simple leather armor.

Not to mention the Tyrannosaurus, with such a large body like a tank, they don't need weapons.

But in addition to these infantry, this dinosaurian tribe also has some peculiar arms.

On the mountain in the center of the tribe, there are a large number of tame pterosaurs with a wingspan of more than ten meters.

A large number of tamed dinosaurs, including more than [-] large ankylosaurs with armored heads, thick heads, armor and rams.

Even Tyrannosaurus, a close relative of Tyrannosaurus, has more than a dozen heads.

Compared with their formation, these dinosaurs fight in a swarm.

When they were almost assembled, under the order of a Tyrannosaurus, they rushed directly into the jungle outside the tribe.

The pterosaurs flew in the air, making continuous calls to guide them.

Ankylosaurus and Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus mingled with the crowd of dinosaurs, plodding forward.

Obviously, humans who are not tall enough are not considered opponents at all in their eyes.

An Erqiu, who was sitting in the middle army, responded immediately, mobilizing five space dragons to pounce on the pterosaurs in the air.

Most of the dinosaurs are beasts, and only a few are extraordinary species, such as the Fengshen pterosaur with the power to control the wind. This ordinary pterosaur is just a beast. Where is the opponent of the giant dragon? The pterosaur's body was split in two by the space breath, which was as thin as a cicada's wing, and fell down.

The crushing killing lasted less than 1 minute, and all pterosaurs were killed.

Without pterosaurs to guide the way in the air, the dinosaurs charging below were obviously a little confused, and some of the forwards rushed to the direction of 3000 meters, which was a little off.

But An Erqiu was not careless because of this, but quickly mobilized part of the troops to turn sideways, preparing to meet the impact of the flank later.

It's just temporarily sideways. If there is a battle ahead, the runaway dinosaurs will come back from the flanks, so we have to guard against it.

In just 10 minutes or so, the fastest group of Terrorclaws saw the steel golem cutting down trees, and swung their claws without fear.

What greeted them was a five-meter-long and door-wide fine gold sword that swept across, and immediately blood flew.

The foreign natives who had never seen the iron golem taught their companions a terrible lesson.

With a height of five meters, the steel golem made of pure solid steel is a tireless tank on the battlefield, constantly swinging two adamantine swords to sweep back and forth, and the continuous stream of dinosaurs was dismembered.

Occasionally, he bypassed the steel golem with a quick reaction, and pressed his backhand paw on the neck of the prey in his impression. Apart from splashing some sparks and making the paw numb, there was no gain.

The steel golems didn't even turn around to fight back, but kept pushing forward.

The dinosaurs who escaped from their swords will soon face the elite infantry phalanx advancing from the rear and the arrows of the sharpshooters.

There is no need to worry about accidentally injuring teammates. The sharpshooters draw out an arrow and put it on the bow, draw it fully, and let it go.

The arrow flashed and hit the dinosaur man's neck with precision.

The combat experience and skills of the fifth-level elite sharpshooters have reached the limit below the extraordinary, and the accuracy is very high. If they can be equipped with super strong bows and fine steel arrows, even the extraordinary troops above the sixth level will not dare to fight. wave in front of them.

Li Qing didn't have a suitable bow for them. It is possible to make a strong bow out of fine gold mixed with fine steel, but archers of ordinary human origin are not strong enough to draw a fine gold bow.

Li Qing's idea is to wait for the space dragons to reproduce on a large scale in the future, with hundreds of thousands or more space dragons, then create two arm systems of their own.

One is infantry and the other is archers.

With the physique and strength of the dragonborn, it is absolutely possible to easily draw the fine gold bow, coupled with the fine gold armor-piercing arrow, the lethality can definitely reach the level of the sixth order.

The same goes for infantry, dragonborn with fine gold plate armor and fine gold large shield, fine gold weapons, fine gold javelins, a set is an extraordinary unit.

Moreover, the upper limit of the space dragon's level is by no means more than six. As the ancestor of space, Li Qing knows that the upper limit of the dragon's strength is related to his own strength. When he is promoted to legend, the upper limit of the space dragon's level will reach level nine.

When he is promoted to a demigod, the upper limit of the Space Dragonborn is tenth rank.

If he can be promoted to a true god in the future, the upper limit of the space dragon descendant is the legendary rank.

As for the high-ranking space dragon descendants transformed from the blood of the space dragon and the ancient dragon, their upper limit of strength is equal to that of Li Qing. If he is promoted to legend, they can also be promoted to legend.

The archers, who basically had no chance to play against the undead skeletons in the last experience, finally played their marksman's strength this time.

With the 150% extra power bonus of Li Qing's god descendant and ancestor ancient dragon talent, the bow is drawn wider and stronger, and arrows pierced through the air, and few of them failed to nail the dinosaurs who passed the steel golem. die on the ground.

The physique of these dinosaurs is far stronger than that of humans, and even the lowest level of the Dinosaurs in the dinosaur tribe has twice the physique and strength of ordinary humans.

Head-on one-on-one, no BUFF bonus, and infantry below Tier [-] without steel armor will definitely not be able to fight a Dreadclaw.

Level three or above is not a sure win, the difference in strength is too much.

However, the ability of human civilization to overwhelm so many powerful alien races and become a famous and powerful race in the billions of planes of the chaotic void sea relies on wisdom and unity.

Crushing of weapons and equipment.

The crushing of the combat system.

They never fight alone. Every dinosaur who rushes needs to face the concentrated fire of several shooters, and they shoot at the face, neck, chest and other vital points.

Most of the dinosaurs were naked, and flesh and blood faced sophisticated weapons, it was a one-sided massacre.

"Very primitive way of fighting!"

Li Qingfei was watching the battle from high in the sky. He could clearly see that after the dinosaurs in the front row were killed one after another, the dinosaurs in the back did not change their ways and continued to charge.

At the same time, some of the dinosaurs who had strayed before also took a detour and killed them from the side. There were about 800 people, but they were firmly blocked by more than 100 fifth-tier dragon-scale heavy infantry transferred by An Erqiu.

What greeted them was not the rain of arrows, but the space blades of more than 100 space dragon descendants.

This spell is much more ferocious than Arrow Rain. It can be cut off wherever it cuts. If it is straightened, it will be divided into two parts, and the ground will be full of mutilated corpses for a while.

"Weaker than expected!"

Xie Heng clicked his tongue, looked at the main force of the dinosaurs approaching from behind, and said to Li Qing:

"Boss, do you want to go up and cut their back now?"

Li Qing raised his head and glanced at the Dinosaur Tribe who hadn't moved yet, shook his head and said:
"You don't need to do anything now, stay alert. There is a big guy in that tribe. If the big guy makes a move later, you, Long Shou and Long Fa, will take my 24 children to intercept it."

Speaking of this, he paused, looked up and glanced at Xie Heng's current rank of fifth rank, and he was still far from being promoted to sixth rank with a lot of combat experience, so he said to him:

"You don't need to go later, go down now to accumulate some combat experience, and advance to the sixth level early."

Xie Heng nodded excitedly:
"Good Le!"

Leaping down from the air, dragon scales quickly appeared on his body in mid-air, and the wings on his back turned into a half-dragon man. He opened his mouth to form a half-moon space blade with a width of six or seven meters, cutting off an armored dragon in the middle.

It was almost a one-sided massacre, with two hundred steel golems lined up and pushing forward.

The charging dinosaurs came and died. After a certain number of deaths, the tribe leaders behind did not find anything, but there was a reaction within the tribe.

Only a loud roar was heard, and a stone building on the back of the dinosaur tribe exploded, and an extremely large tyrannosaur drilled out of it.

This tyrannosaurus was exceptionally large, about 23 meters high, with a layer of gold floating on the black cuticle on its body, which looked dark golden under the light.

And when Li Qing saw this tyrannosaurus, he suddenly regained his energy, and said to himself in surprise:
"Interesting, actually collecting the power of faith!"

This is a tyrannosaurus beast with a rank of nine. It seems that it has not long started to collect the power of faith, or has already collected the power of faith, but it is a small tribe with only a few thousand people, and it is still a dinosaur with little intelligence. The power of faith provided is too little.

It has already begun to absorb the power of faith, but it has not yet been promoted to the tenth level, which is really a bit of a stretch.

Li Qing looked at Long Shou and Long Fa beside him, and ordered:

"Let's do it, summon the children, and kill it!"

Long Shou Long Fa nodded, and rose into the sky. Accompanied by the sound of dragon chant that shook the sky, it quickly transformed into two huge space dragons.

The 24 space giant dragons circling not far away were attracted by the sound of dragon chants and quickly gathered into a group of dragons, flapping their wings across the battlefield and rushing towards the Tyrannosaurus rex that was rampaging in the dinosaur village.

What is the experience of 26 giant dragons, the smallest of which are all bigger than yourself?
Anyway, the anger of the Tyrannosaurus rushing over quickly dissipated, and then slowed down, hesitated, and felt fearful.

The ninth rank is indeed higher than them, but it is hard to beat dozens of hands with two fists.

All the giant dragons flew over the tribe, breathed out their breath in unison, and the space blade more than ten meters long swept across, quickly cutting through the tyrannosaur's skin and deep into the flesh and blood.

Fortunately, this tyrannosaurus can be considered a divine creature after absorbing the power of faith, and its physique is far stronger than that of the same kind. The space blade can only cut nearly one meter deep and cannot continue.

But the severe pain in his body angered the divine tyrannosaurus, raised its head and let out a sky-shattering roar, kicked the ground hard with its thick thighs, soared into the sky like a missile and rushed towards the nearest space dragon.

Its speed is very fast, and it is difficult to dodge in normal flight, but the space dragon just fled with a flash of thought.

The divine tyrannosaurus flew into the air and fell down, hitting the ground heavily, and then dozens of space confinement shots fell, even the splashed dust was instantly suppressed, the dragon guarding dragon method flew into the sky, opened its mouth and sent two space wave blade slashes At the same place, blood shot out, the divine tyrannosaurus let out a painful roar, and a dragon leg seven or eight meters long was chopped off.

It couldn't fight at all, and lost a leg. Before the divine tyrannosaurus had time to break free from the 26 rounds of space confinement, it was hacked to death by the space wave blades that spewed out one after another.

It's always been a group to slay dragons, this time it's a group of giant dragons, the efficiency is simply explosive.

The enshrined divine tyrannosaurus died in battle, and the morale of the dinosaur tribe plummeted on the spot. While one side was still charging, the latter had already begun to retreat.

At this time, many space dragons don't need to stay behind, they hover in the air and breathe out dragon breath, or use space blades to kill the fleeing targets on the ground.

Long Xi's physical strength was almost exhausted, so he rushed down to fight hand-to-hand, or grabbed a group of tyrannosaurs and flew to a height of several thousand meters and threw them down.

It was a one-sided massacre.

Nearly fifty ten-meter-tall tyrannosaurs are theoretically ferocious, and four or five of them together can already threaten a giant dragon, but the premise is that they can fly, or the dragon's brain is not good enough to give up the air superiority and fight hand-to-hand.

The massacre lasted only an hour, and most of the dinosaurs were killed.

Two hours later, Li Qing appeared among the dinosaur tribe, came to the place where the divine tyrannosaurus appeared on the stone wall, and saw a huge blood sacrifice site.

"Brutal Faith!"

Harvesting the power of faith through blood sacrifice cannot give birth to real gods, only the most primitive totem creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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