Rekindle 2003

Chapter 597: To find a boyfriend, first check his calculus score

Chapter 597: To find a boyfriend, first check his calculus score

After a meal of love brain output, Teacher Xiao Su felt comfortable.

But the students below felt uncomfortable.


Boys, especially those who are single, said they were deeply insulted.

Amidst the boos, Su Caiwei chuckled, pointed to the blackboard with another question, and showed a weird smile to the girls.

The girls in the audience all leaned back, showing fear.

"Teacher Xiao Su! No!!!!"

"Teacher, please, be a human being!!!"

They were afraid.

Sure enough, high math and all that is so annoying!

it is good!

Teacher Xiao Su, what you said makes sense!

These sincere words gave the single cute dogs some psychological comfort.

And if you are the person he is waiting for, you will definitely know that there is a function hidden in this equation.

What kind of dog food is the scariest?

Just dog food that makes sense.

It won't do this, it will just hide everything in an equation. To people who don't understand, this is just a bunch of symbols. He will only smile slightly, because it means that you are not the person he wants to wait for.

The implicit function is the latter kind of person. Unlike the explicit function, it will express its love directly and tell you clearly and unmistakably in what scope it belongs and in what way it loves you.

What I mean is that you have to remember that those moments in love that start out as ordinary, contain the true meaning of the entire love and are also the most precious moments in the relationship.

Although you may not be able to write his analytical formula, you can definitely feel his presence, just like his love for you, lying there quietly.

But combined with the official announcement photos of a doggy couple yesterday, the damage has been increased to the extreme.

Those who can sit here are actually top academics.

She also has stress that needs to be released.

The students in the audience let out a cry of panic.

“Give it back to our Mr. Xiaoqing!!!”

After venting the psychological pressure of facing Qin Manman for a while, Su Daji suddenly felt refreshed.

This sentence is unremarkable. It is hurtful but not very harmful. It is more like a piece of nonsense that everyone knows.


The true nature of life?

An ordinary moment?

It’s just that Xiaoqing always takes care of your hair with great pampering, right?

Su Caiwei smiled and said, "Actually, have you discovered that functions also have personalities?"

Pointing to Rolle's mean value theorem in the Q&A just now, Su Caiwei laughed and said,

"Girls, in the integral mean value theorem, the integral area of ​​an interval can be expressed by multiplying the value of a specific point. 99% of Rolle's theorems require the construction of the original function. This is to restore the true nature of life.

Obviously, Teacher Xiao Su has a lot of skills and is full of tonality.

Ha ha!

However, looking at the group of single puppies below who were hit hard, she felt a little sorry and quickly made amends.

And all of this, only you can understand, it is your implicit function.

Although everyone said no, Teacher Xiao Su's words made their eyes sparkle.

It makes sense that when you pinch your nose and have to eat, you actually agree with it from the bottom of your heart.

Understand? "

What they love most is this kind of tonality that can introduce everything into the subject to describe it.

Su Caiwei stood there and thought for a while, what is the function of a little man?

For a moment, she curled her lips.

When you read about him, it's like reading "Once upon a time, everything was difficult to overcome, except for Wushan, it was not clouds." Although there is not a word about love in the whole article, the unforgettable love of lovesickness has burst out.


"Ah!!! Teacher Xiao Su, are you done yet!!!"

I hope that each of you, classmates, can find your own unique implicit function. "

This time, it was the girls' turn to go crazy.

She pointed at the entire blackboard and prepared to continue speaking.

This is the sign of true mastery.

The truth is true, but they don’t want to eat dog food!

But today, it was obvious that Su Caiwei was prepared not to talk about martial ethics.

"Ah? Are you still coming?"

"Can you give us a boyfriend first!!!"

Well, if you don’t have a love brain, you can’t learn advanced mathematics.

"Function... Just like people have different personalities, there are people who are passionate and passionate, and there are people who are reserved and gentle.

That little bastard is a piecewise function!

Within its domain of definition, there are different corresponding relationships for different value intervals within the domain of definition!

A complete scumbag.

Seeing that get out of class was still a few minutes away, Su Caiwei simply asked them if they had any problems in study or life.

After all, in addition to being a math teacher, she is also their counselor.

And while Teacher Xiao Su was in a good mood and entered the chatting session, someone also asked him directly about his doubts.

"Teacher Xiao Su, what is the use of learning calculus well? Will we use calculus in our work and life in the future?

For example, if I go to the vegetable market and I decide to buy some vegetables, do I need to count the limit? Do I need points to bargain with the boss?

Or do we need to use series to sum up when we work in the future?

I looked through our professional books in the library. I won’t need them in the future. Why do we need to learn this stuff now? "

This question resonated with many people in the classroom and started chattering.

University, why not just take professional courses?

And why is Fudan University, a top institution like this, proposing general education now? Isn’t this a waste of time?

Su Caiwei thought about it and found that this problem was a minefield.

The advantages and disadvantages of general education are actually very obvious, but this should not be commented by her as a teacher, or even by someone who is not technically a teacher now.

She doesn't have such high vision and experience.

At this time, she wanted to catch the little man back.

The little man knows quite a lot, and he and the old principal can sit down and talk about it.

But Su Caiwei also knew that this was the result of seeking his own policies in his position.

Although the little villain is still a student, he is still the president of a vocational university. Position determines his thinking, and he will think about this issue.

But as a little counselor, how could she have the motivation to think about this issue!

She knew what prompted the student to ask the question.

In fact, many people sitting in this classroom are confused at the moment.

The beautiful vision of "you can do whatever you want in college" and "it will be easy after college" and the cruel reality of early childhood education have made even some college graduates at Fudan University feel a little nervous.

They feel that the university they went to is completely different from the university mentioned by their parents and teachers.

In the first few days of school, I felt as free as a wild horse running wild. But gradually, within a few days, the taste changed.

Each one can roll better than the other!

This atmosphere forced them to follow the roll, but they didn't know what they were rolling.

I don’t know why they learn this forced calculus.

But since the student asked this question, she couldn't avoid answering it.

Su Caiwei thought about it for a moment, then raised her head and said seriously, "Talk about the matter, yes, what you said makes sense.

Shopping for groceries...even most of the careers you want to pursue in the future may have nothing to do with calculus. "

Everyone gasped.

No... Teacher Xiao Su doesn't have a fever today, right?

How could such words come from the teacher's mouth?

They also know that it is indeed difficult to answer this question from a teacher's perspective.

Even the person who asked the question did not expect Teacher Xiao Su to give a positive answer, but was prepared to be brainwashed by Teacher Xiao Su to give him a reason to persist.

But at this moment, Su Caiwei's direct affirmation shocked them all.

The students' stupid looks made Su Caiwei smile.

The little rascal is here, and I'm afraid he doesn't have this expression.

Most of the time he would hold his hands and look at himself with a sneer... Pretending?

Su Caiwei quickly shook her head, shook the figure of the stinky king out of her mind, and continued talking,

"But you have to know that many times whether your calculus is good or not will determine where you buy groceries, who you buy groceries with, and whether you need to buy groceries yourself."


There was a burst of boos from the students in the audience.

"Teacher Xiao Su, you are too naughty!"

"Yes! We are tired of hearing this in middle school!"

When Su Caiwei heard this, she spread her hands and looked at everyone with an innocent face, "Isn't it wrong?"

This sentence made everyone choke.

I can’t say it’s wrong, it’s just...

It’s too old-fashioned to talk about it again!

Su Caiwei also knew that her ears were ringing when she heard these words.

However, it still worked, and she successfully brought the topic back to the subject of calculus.

Rather than just being almost led into the big, wide and pitfall problem of general education by this group of students.

She flashed her deer eyes and smiled, "Okay, let me tell you what you are interested in.

In my opinion, if a girl is looking for a boyfriend, remember to check his grades in calculus.

Don't look for boys who don't do well in this class. "

Speaking of this, the whole class was no longer sleepy.

This argument...

Why does finding a boyfriend have to do with calculus?

Is this topic worthy of someone who doesn’t understand gentle calculus?

Although they knew that Teacher Xiao Su was talking nonsense, they were willing to listen to how she was talking nonsense.

In fact, Su Caiwei also knew that she was talking nonsense.


It seems so.

In the field of mathematics, I have never heard of any mathematician being a scumbag. On the contrary, some popular love stories all happened to mathematicians.

It is a public opinion that there are many scumbags in the physics world.

Einstein, who proposed the theory of relativity and the mass-energy equation and advanced human understanding of the world and physics a big step forward, was an out-and-out scumbag when it came to personal relationships.

He abandoned his first love girlfriend Mileva, who became pregnant out of wedlock, and even gave his illegitimate daughter to relatives for adoption in order not to affect his reputation, with the intention of destroying this evidence.

Later, after marrying his cousin, he got together with his secretary, and even tried to have a wife and a concubine.

Do you think this is scumbag?

Wrong, Einstein is the most responsible physics scumbag.

Although he always gave up on Mileva, Einstein did what he said and won the Nobel Prize. He sent half of the prize directly to Mileva, and the other part was transferred to his account, and the interest was equal to Mileva's. Use it to provide her with food and clothing until she grows old.

Then there is Paul Langevin, the originator of "no initiative, no refusal, no commitment". Many people may not be familiar with it, but I believe everyone is aware of his scumbag: Marie Curie.

Because of Paul Langevin, Marie Curie was ruined. He published their love letters in newspapers and was slandered as a slut.

As for the chief scumbag in the physics world, it must be Schrödinger, the prince of academia.

But what makes him even better than Prince Duan is that his lovers can get along harmoniously. Whether he is living with his wife or breaking up with a pregnant woman, he can always make women fall in love with him and leave him willingly. A fighter among scumbags, scumbag to the highest level.

Thinking of this, Su Caiwei couldn't help but hissed.

She suddenly remembered that the little man seemed to have said that his strongest subject was actually not mathematics, but physics!

Depend on! ! !

Teacher Xiao Su, who decided to punish a certain bitch tonight, frowned, "Girls, remember, only men who can learn calculus well are worthy of entrustment.

Because such boys often have four excellent qualities.

First, make progress. After learning about limits, he will know that most limits are often unreachable and he can always be closer to the goal. Therefore, he will never say "I have reached my limit" because he knows that he can always work a little harder.

Second, delicate. After learning differential calculus, he will know that love should be reflected in meticulous care and consideration, so he will definitely work hard to fill your life with his love in every detail.

Third, long-lasting love. After learning integrals, he will know that love is not only reflected in the details, but also should withstand the test of time and be reflected in the accumulation of time. Therefore, his love is often not just a momentary passion, but a long-term companionship. "

At this point, she paused.

The students in the audience all looked constipated. They felt that although Teacher Xiao Su's deception was reasonable, she was still forcing dog food into their mouths.

I don’t know whether Mr. Xiaoqing is in love or not, but progress is certain.

As for delicacy...

Well, yesterday's official announcement photo of this couple was so sweet that it could make people suffer from diabetes. The way Xiaoqing always doted on Mr. Su's hair is enough to prove his delicacy.

Everyone smashed and smashed their mouths, feeling a little sweet in their mouths for no reason.

But just as they were still reminiscing, they suddenly noticed that Teacher Xiao Su looked strange.

It looked like anger, shame and anger, with a hint of ferocity.

When everyone was still confused, Teacher Xiao Su said in a bad tone, "Fourth, concentration. After learning differential equations, he will know that although there are infinitely many general solutions to differential equations, those that satisfy specific initial conditions There is often only one special solution!”

There was a burst of chirping sounds in the classroom.


(End of this chapter)

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