Rekindle 2003

Chapter 499 Mr. Guangyong, you need rules and regulations

Chapter 499 Mr. Guangyong, you need to control yourself

a year?
Overtaking the UK and catching up with the US?

People who are now accustomed to the historical context of a strong country can laugh at this idea with the benefit of hindsight.

Actually, there's nothing wrong with it.

Because at the beginning of the century, looking back, I felt that this was a joke. It completely disrespected the objective laws of economic development.

Looking at his wife's hard-pressed look, Shi Guangyong felt helpless. He smiled bitterly and said,
"This 'year' has fully demonstrated the eagerness of the Chinese people to catch up when faced with the terrifying gap with developed countries, and their lack of understanding of the development laws of the semiconductor industry.

This cognitive gap soon opened up and plunged China into a "semiconductor rout."

Huating Component Factory No. 70, the leading semiconductor company in China, was booming in the 1980s. In 2070, its profit reached 1980 million yuan. This was 2070 million yuan in [-]! "

Momono Mukanai was shocked when she heard this.

In 1980, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Chinese national currency was 1.5303. Of course, the black market price was much higher, but how much money could there be in the black market at that time? Most of the exchanges were official exchanges.

(Don’t be ridiculous, this is the price for normal people to exchange currency through normal channels. The so-called black market was formed by the exchange demand of the group of people who could not go abroad through normal channels. Not to mention 1:5, 1:10)

Shi Guangyong smiled and continued, "But with the reform and opening up, cheaper and better-performing chips from America, your country, and Yizhou Island began to pour in in large numbers. Domestic chips began to be unsaleable, which made it difficult for people to survive. The struggling semiconductor industry dealt a fatal blow.

By 1990, the gross profit of Huating Component Factory No. 10 was only a few hundred thousand yuan. After deducting labor and equipment costs, it was already a loss.

As a result, our country became ruthless, and the leaders shouted, "Sell the iron to sell it, and we must also develop the semiconductor industry!" ', and mobilized the whole country to launch the three major battles of 531, 908 and 909. "

Speaking of this, Shi Guangyong was silent for a long time.

'Three major battles', as a term, has always been victorious in the history of China, but it has become a joke only in semiconductors.

In 1986, the country began to implement the 531 strategy, which is to 'popularize 5 micron technology, develop 3 micron technology, and tackle 1 micron technology'.

Why should we popularize the backward technology of 5 microns?

Because under the blockade and suppression of the Western country 'Batum', China can only buy second-hand obsolete equipment.

However, many places could not manage so much. In that era when efficiency came first, various places began to rush into semiconductor projects, regardless of whether the technology was lagging behind, as long as they could make money for the time being. Shaoxing Huayue, Huating Belling, Huating Philips, etc. were born one after another. Enterprise, chip production also reached 1988 million pieces in 1.

Even Shougang, a company that has nothing to do with chips, introduced NEC technology to build chips, and achieved sales of 9 million in the year it was put into production.

But the good times did not last long. With the iteration of chip technology, the chips produced by these manufacturers soon became uninterested. If they wanted to upgrade, they had to continue to invest money. Sansang was "the more it lost, the more money it invested." However, in China, which is short of money, But no one had the courage, and the vigorous 531 strategy failed.

Seeing that coercion was not enough, the state changed its focus to support. In August 1990, the state decided to implement the 8 Project, investing more than 908 billion yuan, and planned to build a 20-piece, 1.2-inch, 6 -0.8 micron chip production line.

However, all aspects of the domestic and international environment were unfavorable to Project 908. It took 2 years for administrative approval, 3 years for technology introduction, 2 years for factory construction, and it was not put into production until 1997. At this time, 7 years The previous chip standard had already lagged behind. It fell behind when it was put into production and lost money when it was put into production. As a result, the monthly output was only 800 pieces and it fell into a serious loss.

In desperation, Huajing could only entrust the factory to Chen Zhengyu, the founder of Yizhoudao Maosilicon Electronics, and Chen Zhengyu attracted his classmate Su Chongwen from Stanford, and Su Chongwen had a subordinate at Texas Instruments, his name was Zhang Rujing .

It happened that Zhang Rujing had just returned to China and was attracted by Su Chongwen to Huajing. This was Zhang Rujing's first appearance in the mainland's semiconductor industry.

Zhang Rujing completed the upgrade of Huajing in just half a year, allowing Huajing to break even in 1999 and complete the acceptance of the 908 project.

Although the 908 project passed the acceptance inspection and 'reached the domestic advanced level', 908 still failed and was eventually taken over by China Resources.

The failure of Project 908 also made China realize that simply introducing obsolete foreign technologies will not work.

On April 1994, 4, due to the fall of the red giant bear, Batumi, which restricted China's introduction of advanced technology, officially announced its dissolution. This also rekindled China's hope of introducing advanced semiconductor technology. In 1, it decided to implement the 1995 project.

This is a huge project that reflects the will of the country and the total investment exceeds the total investment in all integrated circuit projects since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The first-phase investment is 12.5 billion US dollars and the total investment exceeds 300 billion yuan. It was personally led by Hu Qili, the Minister of Industry at the time, and the central committee The Ministry of Housing and Huating City jointly funded the construction.

In order to purchase advanced technology from abroad, the Central Accounting Department also specially allocated 10 billion US dollars from foreign exchange reserves.

At that time, Cizai said to Hu Qili: "This is the central government using the fiscal deficit to run a business for you. You have to pay it back to me!"

However, in 1996, the Western world once again dealt a blow to the 909 Project. 17 Western countries, including the 33 countries of 'Batum', re-signed the "Wassenaar Agreement", which included electronic devices, computers, Embargo on 9 categories of high-tech products, including sensors and new materials.

Hu Qili fought against great pressure. He later recalled: The project was established, but it was still difficult to find a partner. Foreigners ridiculed that "Chinese people think that they can develop semiconductors if they have money." The project started construction, which coincided with the semiconductor industry. The market is sluggish; negotiations with Sakura's NEC were concluded, but they attracted criticism.Some people say, 'The Chinese buy a firecracker and let the Sakura people set it off'.
In short, all kinds of sad twists and turns.

But Hu Qili did not believe in evil. He used the previously introduced technology to explore and build the factory at the same time. He learned the lessons from the seven-year factory construction in 908 and went through the procedures and negotiations in person with the dignity of a minister. He completed the factory construction in just two years. In the year of trial production, It made a profit of 5.16 million. This is Huahong.

The benefits brought by Huahong are huge. Before Huahong was established, Huahong imported all SIM card chips with an average price of 82 yuan.After the emergence of Huahong, the average price of SIM cards dropped to 2003 yuan in 8.1.

It can be said that every citizen in China who uses a mobile phone is a beneficiary of Huahong.

However, Huahong was born at the wrong time and caught up with the 1998 financial tsunami. The global semiconductor market shrank. Silla Sakura Enterprises also launched a price war against Huahong. In the end, although Huahong survived tenaciously, it did not The high hopes of "becoming the leader in China's semiconductor industry" that were pinned upon the project at the beginning were not realized.

"The three major battles of 531, 908 and 909 took the country more than ten years and tens of billions of funds, but only left us with a barely qualified Huahong. The Western "Wassenaar Agreement" brought The successive blockades have also made it difficult for China to escape the vicious circle of 'introduction-building factories-putting production-falling behind-re-introduction'."

Shi Guangyong picked up a cigarette, and Momono Muxiang meekly picked up a lighter and lit it for him, listening to what he said next.

"Actually, in my personal opinion, the 'Three Major Battles of Semiconductors' were not a complete failure. It at least ended the national system of China's chip industry, and it made the country reach a consensus that the market is indispensable for the development of semiconductors. A configuration element.”

Momono Mukauchi was a little confused when she heard this. The market is just a configuration factor?
Shi Guangyong gave her a joking look, "Don't forget, I am an economist."

Momono Mukanai rolled her eyes in embarrassment...

Judging from her knowledge and the development history of the semiconductor industry over the years, the market is decisive, and can even be said to be the only limiting factor.

After all, semiconductors are an application technology category and an industrial category, not a scientific research theory category.

To apply technology, you first have to apply it.

Shi Guangyong chuckled twice. He knew his wife's disapproval, but her gentle personality made her unwilling to refute him face to face.

"I'm used to looking at problems from an economics perspective. Since the market is a configuration factor, just solve it and that's it.

Actively integrate into the global industrial system, and then gradually replace it with localization. In the process, we continue to accumulate experience and funds... Qing Yun's idea, in my opinion, is the most correct one I have seen so far.

It is indeed difficult to exchange 8 million shirts for one airplane. The difficulty is that a shirt is a shirt. After excluding luxury goods, it is just an ordinary piece of clothing, and its price has a ceiling limit.

In fact, he and Hua Wei have the same idea. Use high-yield products to make the company bigger, and then increase investment in scientific research to make it stronger. The steps are small but steady, and small steps will lead to thousands of miles. "

He didn't want to argue with his wife, so he directly skipped the topic, "The school is willing to deeply bind with the Yanhuang Group. This is a win-win situation."

Momono Mukanai also knew that her husband did not want to argue with her, and sometimes 'putting aside disputes' was also very applicable between husband and wife.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment, "But what does this have to do with Caiwei Jiang?"

Shi Guangyong smiled, "The Qin family, if they hadn't picked up Qing Yun as their son-in-law for free, Hopu Holdings, except Qin Tianchuan's Hopu Group, which is in charge of agriculture, would all have been suppressed by macro-control.

Especially Qin Laoer, I heard that the country was supposed to take action on him this time. His aluminum and electricity co-production was purely a jeopardy for the development of state-owned enterprises.

It was also because of the soybean defense war and drug consistency evaluation that Qing Yun had worked on that the senior management saw the Qin family's loyalty and opened up to the Qin family network, allowing him to vacate SMX Aluminum's foreign investment during the shutdown and rectification period. "So..." Momo Nokanai said hesitantly, "So, the school doesn't want the Qin family to come... to gain fame?" "

Shi Guangyong nodded, "With students like Qing Yun, the school can gain huge reputation and financial benefits in the future. However, Qing Yun also has the possibility of failure, so the school hopes to carry out the binding step by step, which is how it is currently done. .”

Momono Mukanai laughed out loud, "This is exactly the style of the old principal."

In her opinion, Fudan and even Chinese people have the idea of ​​​​having both.

Shi Guangyong shrugged his shoulders, "This is mature and prudent."

However, his wife's laughter also made him a little embarrassed, and he forced the topic to continue, "So the Qin family's existence in it is just a drag in the eyes of the school."

Momono Mukana frowned and thought for a while, and then said uncertainly, "So, the school hopes that Caiwei-chan will become Yunjun's wife?"

Shi Guangyong waved his hand, "I have such an idea, but we all know that it is impossible based on the current situation.

The school also takes things step by step. After all, Qing Yun is still young and no one can tell what will happen in the future. What if Su Caiwei has this fate?

Anyway, for the school, this doesn't affect anything. It's Su Caiwei's choice. However, from the school's point of view, they prefer Qing Yun to marry Su Caiwei instead of Qin Manman.

So creating conditions for her was done easily. "

Momono Muxiangnai roughly understood. In other words, similar to Fudan, as the natal family, they hope that Su Caiwei's status is higher, and they will speak more forcefully in front of Qingyun.

But when he said this, looking at his wife's face, Shi Guangyong felt something in his heart.

In fact, in his cross-border marriage, Momono Mukanai, who was full of loneliness and courage and gave up everything, made a huge sacrifice.

Now in China, in addition to teaching in schools, she also spends her time translating materials online.

After extinguishing the cigarette in his hand, Shi Guangyong put his arm around his wife's slender waist and asked gently, "Taozijiang, do you want to work at Yanhuang Group? It's really hard for you to be a Chinese teacher in an elementary school after studying for ten years. It's so wronged.

Don't be too busy objecting. Listen to me. I'm still a bit thin-faced in front of that guy. He can definitely arrange a casual position for you in Yanhuang Group, so that you can take care of your family and work in an atmosphere you like. . "

Momono Mukanai still shook her head, and then smiled gently, "Hiroyong-kun, actually I prefer to deal with children. When I am with them, I will feel very happy."

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her unconsciously touching her little finger and then twisting her hands together, making Shi Guangyong feel helpless.

As long as his wife touches her little finger, it means she is saying something she doesn't mean, and he still knows this.

He noticed his wife's expression, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Since you like children so much, how about we have one?"

Momono Mukanai's eyes suddenly widened, she turned her head slightly backwards, with a look of disbelief on her face, " agreed?"

It was Shi Guangyong himself who didn't want children before.

Although he is already forty, he is actually not ready to be a father yet.

But I don’t know what’s going on lately, but I have ideas again by chance.

But more importantly, I feel that my wife is too lonely at home alone.

His teacher, Zeng Huixian, had tricked him into coming to Fudan University, and he would be able to make the trip in a few days.

He is an orphan, and his teacher is widowed and has a daughter. He has always regarded this mentor as his mother.

Among the brothers, he has the simplest family, and he is the most suitable candidate to provide for him as a teacher in the future.

But the teacher was unwilling to live in his house.

Shi Guangyong knew that the teacher had always disliked Momono Mukana from the Sakura Country. When the wedding was held, the teacher also felt sorry for him because he had no father and mother. He sat in his parents' place and accepted tea from Momoji. But after the wedding, He lost his good looks.

In the past year or so, although Momoko-chan is so sincere that she no longer shows her any favors, it is impossible to live together.

But if Momoko-chan is pregnant with her own child...

Shi Guangyong, who was thinking in his mind, nodded with a smile, "It's time to give birth. I heard them say that the sooner you give birth, the faster your body will recover."

Momono Mukana blushed and pushed him, "Guangyong-kun, then you need to take some Chinese medicine to regulate your body. I also need to start taking folic acid to prepare for pregnancy. And..."

At this point, she pointed to the ashtray on the coffee table and said seriously, "Guang Yongjun, please be sure to quit smoking for half a year, otherwise the child's respiratory system will easily have problems after he is born."

After saying that, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded solemnly, "I also want to give up milk tea and coffee, and increase my physical activity. At the same time, I need to see a dental doctor. If I am pregnant, oral diseases will be very uncomfortable. of."

Seeing his wife's serious and cute look in his eyes, Shi Guangyong's heart melted. He agreed repeatedly and asked casually, "What else?"

Momono Mukanai hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "Hiroyong-kun, we need to go back to Sakura Country. There are no qualified pregnancy preparation drugs in China."

At this point, she waved her hand hurriedly, "Guang Yongjun, please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Hua's medicine is not good... I mean... I mean..."

Seeing his wife's anxious look, Shi Guangyong laughed and put his hands around her waist, "It's okay."

He shrugged, "To be honest, I don't trust our country's medicine either."

If it weren't for the consistency of the medicine that Qing Yun had worked out when he was secretly building a plank road in Chencang, he wouldn't have known that domestic medicine could be so... crotch-stretching!
Folic acid perfectly meets the two characteristics of 'safety and effectiveness'. Shi Guangyong wanted to know the attitude of domestic manufacturers towards this.

There will definitely be a qualitative leap after drug consistency, but now...

He is patriotic, but he will never let his future children take risks.

Besides, he also knew some things when Sakura was studying abroad.

In the open-minded Sakura Country, there are actually very few gynecological diseases, and most women have no gynecological worries. This is due to the fact that they attach great importance to physical health.

In fact, female diseases, such as fallopian tube blockage, pelvic effusion, cervical inflammation, adnexal inflammation, etc., will affect the pregnancy rate.

This objectively results in the fact that women from Sakura Country are notoriously prone to pregnancy.

Therefore, the women of Sakura Country, who are in the East Asian cultural circle, attach great importance to scientific pregnancy preparation for the "starting line" project of the next generation, and specially combine scientific pregnancy preparation drugs.

Momono Mukana breathed a sigh of relief. When he talked about it just now, she was worried that he would ask for it and not give her any time to prepare.

But in the blink of an eye, she bit her lip, blushed, and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito, "Guang Yongjun... and you need to pay attention to... moderation..."


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(End of this chapter)

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