Rekindle 2003

Chapter 489: National Level 1 Arrogant Athletes with Special Abilities

Chapter 489: National first-level pole-fighting athlete special ability

Qing Yun blinked and wisely ignored the Yunying Fund, "Yanhuang Group and Huating Foreign Languages ​​have reached a joint school-enterprise training model..."

However, even so, it also made the other three people in the office breathless.

Ha ha!

Students from your own school go to other schools to donate money?

Is there any reason?
Is there still king law?
If we talk about it in person now, it’s too inappropriate to be related to Fudan University, right?
Su Caiwei, in particular, felt even more unhappy.

If she hadn't heard it accidentally, she would have never expected that short, yellow-haired girl to call her Su Daji!

How has she caused harm to the country and the people!

How is she so evil?

Regarding this point, Su Caiwei was extremely angry. She had always shown a cold face to others and kept an absolute distance from Qing Yun. How come Tang Qianying's mouth turned out to be a seductive vixen!

The little girl movie is so bullying!

If you don't think well of your man, blame her!
After briefly talking about the cooperation with Huating University of Foreign Studies, Qing Yun quickly ended the topic in the face of the unkind looks from Wang Dechao and the others, "We have to admit that there are many chronic diseases in today's universities. But in my opinion, the most What matters is employment."

At this point, he added, "Of course, my perspective at the moment is that of an entrepreneur and student, not the dean of Yanhuang College."

Wang Dechao nodded in understanding and asked him to continue.

He decided that he must force Qing Yun to increase the size of Yunman Fund to twice that of Yun Ying Fund... no, three times!
It must be tripled!
There are three of us here!
"In my opinion, if employment cannot be solved, there is no need for universities to exist."

This sentence made Shi Guangyong frown immediately, but he endured it and did not interrupt Qing Yun's words.

Qing Yun glanced at Dean Shi and knew from his expression what his point of view was.

But this kind of thing...

It can only be said that the butt determines the head.

Shi Guangyong majored in economics. Compared with others, he understood the market and economics, so he was already good at it. However, a great professor who had never been in a company could not fully understand the company.

“Ever since the package distribution pattern was broken in 1996, every year during the employment season, newspapers have been full of stories about ‘the most difficult employment season in history’ and ‘the employment winter is coming’.

I still remember that in 2000, CCTV did a special report on the private Huaxia University in Ludao. There were more than 400 undergraduate graduates in that year, but only 7 found jobs after graduation.

There are other people who ride three-wheelers, sell vegetables, drive taxis, and so on. A return visit half a year later showed that the number of employed people had only increased by about 10 people, and they were still working in sales. "

Shi Guangyong burst out laughing, "So, that Huaxia University was downgraded to a vocational college in 2001."

These days, I have only heard of colleges and universities that have been upgraded, but I have never heard of colleges and universities that have been demoted. Therefore, Shi Guangyong took this matter as a joke and understood the ins and outs of it clearly.

How can private universities compare with public universities?
Amid his laughter, Qing Yun said quietly, "Today's data for July shows that the employment rate of Huaxia Vocational College is 7%."

"Cough cough cough!" Shi Guangyong laughed so loudly just now that he was coughing now.

He really didn't pay attention to the subsequent development of the matter.

But he felt that this boy said this just to make a fool of him on purpose!

The real employment rate of Fudan University last year was actually less than 80%. It reached 93% because of the shenanigans of forcing students to enter into tripartite employment agreements.

Wang Dechao ignored the distressed beard on his hands and asked with furrowed brows, "Is the change so big?"

Although he knew very well in his heart that Qing Yun had no need to lie to him. Checking this kind of thing was just a phone call away.

But Wang Dechao still thinks all this is incredible.

Change the name and compare the employment rate data before and after, one in the sky and the other underground?
You said that if you change things for the better, it's still possible. What kind of university will be downgraded to a higher vocational school, and the employment rate will rise instead of falling?
Qing Yun shrugged his shoulders, "I don't think Song Ruhua dared to lie to me. This is all the data he researched, and I checked it myself. It's true."

He paused and continued, "Of course, changing the name cannot lead to such a drastic change in just one and a half years.

Instead, Huaxia Vocational College has changed its thinking on running schools and has cooperated with Luzhou local company King Long Automobile, as well as China Construction and Haid Group. It is really developing vocational education. They will train whatever talents the company needs and come up with a set of talents. The three-year internship allows students to go to companies to do things according to the standards of formal employees. "

Shi Guangyong said that he understands and admires this kind of thing, but in his opinion, this is a last resort for private higher vocational schools.

"Fudan University is not a private school, we..."

"Oh, it means that all the students at Fudan University don't eat or drink. They all want to become immortals, right?"

Shi Guangyong had just taken a breath, but before he could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Qing Yun.


I don't know why, Shi Guangyong wanted to shout 'Baga'!
So annoying!

Qing Yun rolled her eyes at him, "What am I? Shiyuan! Employment is the foundation of a university! If a school cannot solve employment problems, where do you think you will get the students for your education?"

Shi Guangyong chuckled, "In 2003, the number of undergraduates at Fudan University was 3019, of whom 23% were studying for graduate school, 30.5% went abroad for further study, 11% passed the civil service examination, and only about 35.5% were employed."

Qing Yun sneered when he heard this, "Shi Yuan, from what you said, it seems that graduate students and those who go abroad will not work in the future, right?"

"You!" Shi Guangyong felt that the kid in front of him was a little unreasonable.

Fudan students, are you afraid of not being able to find a job after studying for graduate school?

The big joke of slipping the world!

Qing Yun shrugged his shoulders, "Whether it is Qingbei, Fudan, or ordinary schools, whether students are taking the postgraduate entrance examination or going abroad, they are all doing it for future work. They are just entering the job market later."

Having said this, he jokingly glanced at Shi Guangyong, who was blue in the face, "Shi Yuan, that's me, the 30.5% rate of going it glorious? Is it worth showing off?
If I ask, 'Who is Fudan cultivating talents for?', how should you respond? "

Shi Guangyong felt disgusted in his heart.

There are some things that really can’t be said on the table, and it’s wrong no matter how you say them.

This kid really has the characteristics of the keyboard warriors in the online iron-blooded forum!
A national first-class pole player is really good at poles, right?
Qing Yun waved his hand, "In the final analysis, it can only mean that the domestic employment environment is not ideal. Double-choice and double-choice, whether it is social employment or employment in university research institutes, are not satisfactory, so there are a large number of outflow."

The words "back pocket" made Shi Guangyong's face look much better.

However, Wang Dechao on the other side heard the implicit meaning, "You want to say that there is a problem with the quality of the graduates, right?"

Qing Yun sighed and said a little impatiently, "Principal, Shiyuan, we don't discuss employment in a school at Fudan University, it makes no sense.

From the perspective of college employment as a whole, as an entrepreneur, my most intuitive feeling is...

What on earth is the university doing? !

The university trains college students for four years, and what they learn in school cannot be applied in society and enterprises at all.

I think college students are unemployed after graduation. In fact, universities have to bear the main responsibility, because schools have not cultivated students' employability at all.

In other words, there are too many things you learn in college that you cannot use, and you cannot use them in business and society at all.

In the end, it was found that students were unemployed after graduation, and then the school attributed all the employment difficulties to insufficient academic qualifications, or the school name on the academic qualifications was not strong enough.

Well, when a student changes his destiny and graduates from graduate school, he will find that companies still don’t want him, and society still doesn’t want him.

This is simply a fraud on academic qualifications.

The most typical example is that the department manager of my general department is a freshman this year just like me.

I don't deny that she was able to sit in that position because she was my high school classmate. "

At this time, a soft hum sounded suddenly in the office.

Su Caiwei said, are they just high school classmates?
Deceiving yourself!

Cover your ears and steal the bell!
However, two more chuckles were heard immediately after, causing her to react and quickly watch her nose, nose and heart.

Wang Dechao's face was almost broken with laughter.

Really hammered!Really hammered!
It seems that he will be able to see his junior aunt get married before he retires.Qing Yun gave a helpless look at Su Caiwei, who was wearing a red-faced ostrich, and then continued, "But in just two months, she started from a blank piece of paper and firmly settled into that position."

This woman seemed to be born with nothing to deal with Chen Yue.


It seems that Tang Qianying doesn't have to deal with him either.

I don't even say hello to anyone I meet on the street.

Shi Guangyong coughed, "Classmate Chen Yue is not a blank slate, she is the student union president of your high school.

In a sense, she is better than those in your school who passed the exam to restore diplomatic ties with Qingbei, okay? "

Qing Yun smiled and nodded, "Well, Shiyuan, do you think it is necessary for Chen Yue to come to this university?

If a graduate of Qingbei's resumption of diplomatic relations wants to sit in her position, it may not be possible for him to work for ten years, right? "

Shi Guangyong suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "You are so shameless. Chen Yue only had the opportunity to sit in that position because of... her relationship with you! If she didn't have that relationship with you, a high school student, even you Yanhuang You can’t even enter the group’s door!”

Shi Guangyong didn't know why, but he glanced at Su Caiwei beside him unconsciously when he spoke.

This glance made Su Caiwei's little head bury even deeper, feeling a little embarrassed.

Little butterfly, what were you doing just now!

By some mistake, she quietly glanced at the little bastard over there from the corner of her eye, but she managed to meet his burning gaze.

For a moment, Su Caiwei was speechless herself.

Little butterfly, wake up, you want to stay away from this scumbag, not have an affair with him! ! !

The frantic Su Caiwei felt that this office was really poisonous!
The corners of Qing Yun's mouth curved slightly, then quietly turned away. After straightening his expression, he shook his finger against Shi Guangyong's unhappy expression.

"Shiyuan, it's not me who is cheating, it's the social environment that is cheating. In fact, a large number of positions in enterprises are not suitable for college students."

At this point, he paused and then sneered, "In other words, the university did not teach these college students anything about employment, but instead wasted four years of other people's youth.

Difficulty in employment is seen from the perspective of schools, but in companies, it is not the same thing. The difficulty companies face is recruitment.

I can say clearly that Yanhuang Group is facing a very serious problem now. I wanted to use fresh graduates to adjust Yanhuang’s salary structure, but in the end I didn’t dare to use it. Why? "

Qing Yun shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "What I need is the ability to fight and win as soon as I come in. Fresh graduates cannot achieve this.

I asked the head of my human resources department and several project leaders from the Software Institute when this group of graduates would be able to reach 'available' status. They told me that it would take at least 9 to 12 months.

After doing the math, I think it would be better to directly recruit people with 1-3 years of work experience.

This is my most intuitive feeling about university education as an entrepreneur, it’s useless! "

Speaking of this, Qing Yun was really depressed.

Only when he is deeply involved in the industry can he understand why Mr. Ren wanted to hoard a few graduates from electronics colleges regardless of the cost?

The extent of hoarding is almost equivalent to encompassing all relevant major graduates from those schools.

Hua Wei is big enough, strong enough, and has a complete training system. It can greatly shorten the time of "blank paper to be used", and any old man can afford the graduates.

At the same time, when Huawei used this trick, it also indirectly hit its competitors. If competitors want to obtain talents, they can only poach them with high salaries.

In front of Hua Wei, who is famous for his high salary, poaching people with high salary?
You think you haven’t lost enough, right?

This also forced Qingyun to strengthen cooperation with universities and solve the problem from the source.

Otherwise, he would also be dragged to death by Hua Wei's move.

This time, the office was even quieter.

Qing Yun took out his cigarette case and glanced at Su Caiwei.

Su Caiwei rolled her eyes delicately, curled her lips and turned away.

Emperor Yun then spread the cigarettes for Wang Dechao and Shi Guangyong, stood up and lit them for them, then sat back down, took a puff of the cigarette, and continued,

“Now, coming back to my perspective as the dean of Yanhuang College, difficulties in finding jobs and recruiting are caused by the structural imbalance of talent supply and demand, that is, the imbalance between the structure of talent training in colleges and universities and the structural imbalance of social demand.

So why is there an imbalance in the talent supply and demand structure? "

While Wang Dechao and Shi Guangyong looked thoughtful, Qing Yun blew a smoke ring at the ceiling, and then said leisurely, "We can only accept and adapt to major political policies. Complaining discussions have no effect. .

In my opinion, apart from major policies, the main crux lies in the structure of higher education.

There are three types of higher education in our country: academic research, professional and technical, and vocational education. The talent targets for training are academic research talents, professional and technical talents, and applied skills talents. These three types of talents should be engaged in scientific research, Technical research and technical application work contribute to the country's scientific development, technological development and application development.

Judging from the current economic development stage of our country and the types of talents needed, higher vocational colleges should be the main body of higher education, but in fact..."

Qing Yun spread his hands, and Wang Dechao then shook his head with a wry smile and motioned for him to continue.

"This directly affects the correctness of the school's school-running model and school-running routes. In other words, the current school-running models and routes of most schools are not in line with the school's own positioning.

We all know that in fact, different types of higher education institutions have different school-running models, school-running rules, and school-running routes.

For example, major settings, training objectives, teaching content, teacher allocation, teaching methods, and quality control should have their own unique set of aspects.

However, if we observe and analyze carefully, our domestic institutions of higher learning do not have any essential differences in the six aspects I just mentioned.

Therefore, I personally believe that the biggest problem in current higher education is that higher education institutions, no matter what their names are, no matter what type they are, are completely adopting the same school-running model of academic research-oriented higher education institutions. "

The fundamental problem...he didn't dare to say.

But it was this 'biggest problem' he said that resonated with Wang Dechao.

He actually knew the unfinished meaning of Qing Yun's words.

Therefore, at this moment, he especially appreciated Qing Yun's ability to see through things without telling them.

The phrase "acceptance and adaptation" expresses the child's bottom line and red line awareness in doing things.

He is frustrated, but he can go further. Although he is young, he is more stable than Guo Guangchang and Cheng Tianqiao.

After looking at the young man in front of him with a smile, Wang Dechao sighed again, and then said slowly,

"That's true. You've got to the bottom of it. The school's positioning reflects both the type of school and the stage of schooling.

The school's educational orientation is different, and various policies and work priorities should also change accordingly.

Take scientific research as an example. We have seen in some application-oriented universities that the school uses the National Natural Science Foundation of China rather than applied research as the most important indicator to measure teachers’ scientific research. Is this appropriate? I think it is really worth it. Discuss.

It is true that all universities must attach importance to scientific research, but different schools have different orientations in scientific research.

Lao Ding, the former president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that in the innovation chain, basic research comes first, followed by technology development, and then engineering and industrialization.

For research-oriented universities like Huazhong University of Science and Technology, scientific research must move forward in the technological innovation chain and focus on the research and development of original technologies, common technologies and key technologies.

Local undergraduate colleges that take the application-oriented path should hold high the banner of applied research, base themselves on local areas, industries, and enterprises, proceed from practical problems, highlight applications, and serve local areas, industries, and enterprises.

As for higher vocational colleges, many schools should focus on solving the last mile problem of technology application and carry out integrated innovation, technology development, and scientific and technological services. The goal is to solve some key technical problems that are needed and urgently needed in the production line. "

Emperor Yun listened carefully while studying Wang Dechao's way of speaking.

As expected of a veteran cadre, this kind of official language comes casually, and I really need to learn more.


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(End of this chapter)

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