Rekindle 2003

Chapter 485: This world is so unreasonable.

Chapter 485: This world is so unreasonable.

Su Caiwei, whose ears were red at first, immediately wanted to fight him after hearing this.

visit a prostitute?
She whored him? !

Why doesn't he die!

Before she could get angry, Qing Yun curled her lips and said, "Optimal Transport, do you understand?"

In this world, there are not even [-] but [-] people who know mathematics better than him.

However, absolutely no one knows better than him which fields will see major breakthroughs in the next 20 years.

No way, in his previous life, Qin Manman, a bitch who wanted to climb the peak of mathematics, was involved. As an academic, he also knew the past winners of major mathematics awards and their achievements very well.

Therefore, he actually understood Su Caiwei's sour mood at this time.

Mathematics research is about metaphysics and fortune-telling.

Even though many mathematicians are talented, they have written countless papers throughout their lives and have not produced any results.

Because they chose the wrong direction and the wrong topic.

For example, there are not even one thousand but eight hundred mathematicians who study Goldbach's conjecture. Those who dare to choose this topic are definitely not mediocre people. Maybe they will succeed if they change the topic, but if Goldbach's conjecture cannot be broken, it cannot be broken.

Therefore, Qing Yun, who knew Su Caiwei's background at this time, did not worry at all about the reason why she was unknown in her previous life.

This woman also chose the wrong topic.

She wants to continue her adoptive father’s K-space research.

The K expansion space is part of general space differential geometry, which is derived from Riemannian geometry.

Well, after in-depth research, Su Caiwei will find that the zero-point conjecture of the Riemann zeta function in Riemannian geometry - the Riemann Hypothesis, the brightest pearl in the crown of mathematics in the 21st century, is right in front of her.

How can Su Caiwei do what Mr. Su has not been able to do for decades?
and so……

Emperor Yun understood that Su Caiwei must have been a hydrology professor in her previous life, or she would have become a hydrology academician when she was several decades old.

But unlike him, who is proactive, she is a forced person who cannot produce results.

It is celibacy itself, and then in those papers made of water, youth is wasted, time is wasted, and I am alone for the rest of my life...

Emperor Yun decided to change Su Caiwei's life.

Change the subject.

Well, he admitted, he just wanted to show off in front of her.

He was to become the man behind the first female mathematician to win the Fields Medal.

After much hesitation, Qingyun still let go of Schultz's pseudo-perfect space and cohomology.

He took a fancy to the results of Alessio Figali, a mathematician who won the Fields Medal in 2018.

"Optimal transportation?"

Su Caiwei didn't have time to turn her back, so she nodded quickly, her heart dancing wildly.

Qing Yun searched for a small stone in the surrounding area, and took Su Caiwei to the lawn and squatted down.

"Two piles of soil, shovel from soil A to another place, and finally pile up soil B.

It’s just like the linear planning in junior high school in the past: 3 cities (A, B, C) have 1, 0.5, 1.5 tons of coal, and then they need to be transported to 2 other cities. These two cities (C, D) are respectively 2 tons of coal are required.

Then, the costs to different cities are different, so you can calculate the optimal transportation plan and cost..."

Although Su Caiwei knew this concept well, she still listened with concentration.

Because, 'optimal transportation' is a very popular research field.

The optimal transportation problem was first proposed by the French mathematician Gaspard Monge in the mid-19th century. It is a minimum-cost solution to transport a given mass of soil to a given hole.

The problem reappeared in Kantorovich's work in the mid-20th century, and research in recent years has revealed some surprising new developments, such as the Sinkhorn algorithm.

Optimal transportation is widely used in several fields, including computational fluid dynamics, color transfer between multiple images or deformation in the context of image processing, interpolation schemes in computer graphics, and economics, through matching and equilibrium problems, etc. .

Therefore, if Qing Yun proposed another field, she might still wonder if this bastard was deceiving her, but this thing was closely related to computer algorithms. She was [-] sure. Qing Yun had definitely thought deeply about this. of.

Because, from her chat with Qin Manman, she had heard that Qing Yun valued algorithms.

The problem of black people taking photos at night made Su Caiwei sigh with emotion. There will always be people who are more talented than a genius in this world.


He is the most business-savvy... mathematician in the world?

She still didn’t know that Su Caiwei was touting her to a very high level of Cloud Emperor in her heart. At this time, she was still holding the stone pieces and pulling them around, "Look, you can completely explore the evolution of the groom's distance along the gradient flow." Partial differential equations, combining the most advanced transport theory with branches of mathematics such as convex geometry and manifold theory...

Then, in the optimal transportation problem, the general result is that the solution has a smooth distribution, but when there are mutations or multiple solutions, the nature of the breakpoint set is very critical...

Whether it is economics or computers, we can draw a conclusion from common sense that the solution to the optimal transportation problem must be unique.

If we connect convex optimization and quasi-linear equations, this entire proof process can be widely used on computers and can play a huge role in solving image processing and building basic machine algorithms. "

Having said this, he stood up with a smile and threw the stone flakes in his hand aside. "Look, as long as you can break through a little bit, there will be no results? The paper you write is enough to win a mathematics award. No matter what, you might win the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Then, if you improve the algorithm from the perspective of computer application, then I think it will not be difficult for you to win a Turing Award in addition to the Fields Medal. "

Su Caiwei couldn't close her mouth.

She was stunned.

She even felt that the trees and grass beside her were frozen, and the whole world was frozen.

Between heaven and earth, there was only an 18-year-old boy standing in front of her against the light.

Looking at the pink tongue in her open mouth, Qing Yun couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

He didn't know what Su Caiwei was thinking at this time, he just wanted to know how to win her over.

This issue is a bit tricky.

She is the same kind of person as him.

A type of person who has a strong sense of inferiority to extremely high self-esteem.

It's hard to say whether we share or not, but one thing she said is right, she can't accept being a small child.

Because she will instinctively compare her gains and losses, and will fight for everything she can get.

This was an instinct engraved deep in her soul from the moment she was abandoned by her parents.

He is.

Qing Yun knew very well that he could get her body and her heart, which was not difficult.

It is too easy for two people with the same thinking mode to get together.

Even from the look in Su Caiwei's eyes, he could tell that it would take no more than 48 hours to capture Su Caiwei from launching the attack to crawling into bed.

The difficulty is that he can't keep it for a long time.

Su Caiwei and Qin Manman can't coexist.

Qin Manman thought it was easy. Once Su Caiwei entered the situation, it would not be long before there would be a war.

Thinking of this, Qing Yun even burst into laughter.

His women all focus on contrasts.

Qin Manman, on the outside, the empress is unparalleled in domineering Qin Zhao and Qin Zetian, but on the inside, she is the gentle and gentle Qin Wugou.

Tang Qianying looks like a dirty demon king, but on the inside she adheres to the traditional values ​​of ancient women and is conservative to the extreme.

Chen Yue, on the outside is a smart, capable and heroic strong woman, but on the inside she is an extremely weak little girl.

And Su Caiwei... Like Qin Manman, two characters can be compared.

Lin Daiyu on the outside, Mu Guiying on the inside.

Thinking of this, while Su Caiwei was in a daze, he glanced at her waist and peach buttocks with a strange expression.

Judging from her graceful figure and the tight skin or muscles that were occasionally exposed in the past, Emperor Yun knew very well that among the four women, Su Caiwei, who I felt sorry for, was probably the one with the best physical fitness.

And because of his personality, in the future... he won't be ridden by her, right?

Qing Yun shook his head and brought his absurd thinking back on track.

With the personalities of these two women, once a war breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

The pleaser personality is not without its merits.

In other words, people-pleasing personalities are very easy to go to extremes. In order to gain, they can compromise and seek perfection, but their essence is against their will and repressive.

Also, vengeful.

When they can no longer suppress it, or when it is certain that they cannot obtain it, such people will go to the other extreme and begin to take revenge.Su Caiwei will definitely give Qin Manman a hard blow, because she knows very well that this kind of thing is impossible to please, and happiness can only be achieved by herself.

Qin Manman couldn't give in, she would choose to fight actively.

Changsun Wugou is indeed a model of virtuous and virtuous empresses through the ages, but don't forget that during the Xuanwumen Incident, she also wore armor and held a sword to kill the concubines in the harem who were inconvenient for Li Shimin to kill without mercy.

Qing Yun in his previous life had already learned how terrifying Qin Manman was in the form of the empress. His intelligence and tactics were top-notch, and the power he could use was too huge.

It's like changing a copy of Zhuge Kongming. At the beginning, it is Cao Cao's territory without Cao Cao's checks and balances.

He was worried that no one would be left with Su Caiwei anymore.

And he couldn't let Qin Manman lose.

So on the surface, the only loser is Su Caiwei, but in fact, he also loses if he loses Su Caiwei.

Qin Manman, who passively participates in the battlefield, will eventually find that she is also a loser.

Because he had betrayed his oath to her at the very source of his thoughts.

Emperor Yun, who had no ideas for solving the problem, could only let it go.

His 40 years of life experience in his previous life told him that apart from mathematics, there is no unsolvable problem in this world!

It's just a problem that cannot be solved for the time being.

Either the conditions are insufficient, or the timing is just not right.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Su Caiwei, "Hey! I'm back! The principal is still waiting for us."

Su Caiwei screamed and was startled.

With a slightly blushing face, she had a pair of deer eyes wandering around, not daring to look into the eyes of the young man in front of her.

What Qing Yun gave sounds like the direction of research.

But it can actually be said to be a research idea, an idea.

All she has to do is to verify whether this road is successful and whether it can be passed through.

Compared with Qing Yun's efforts to show off her words, her workload of verification is huge. It may take her several years, even ten or even decades to complete.

But in mathematics, the workload is never the problem, the problem is the idea.

She seems to be...

It was really a waste of money!

Seeing her awkward expression of 'nothing to repay', Qing Yun shrugged his shoulders, "Let's go! Don't make me let the principal off."

After all, turn around and leave.

After Su Caiwei glanced at his broad back with a complicated expression, she knelt down and picked up the stone piece he had casually thrown on the roadside.


The principal was not in the principal's office, but in the office of the dean of the School of Economics, which made Qing Yun feel a little uncomfortable.

A bunch of old guys!
There are more cells in the mind than there are in a honeycomb!

Meeting him in the president's office is a dialogue between the president of Fudan University and the chairman of Yanhuang Group, and meeting him in the dean's office is a proper decision.

Do you mean to tell him that today's conversation is based on what the principal said to the students?

Seeing the gloom that could not be concealed on Qing Yun's face, Su Caiwei thought for a moment and quickly explained, "School Wang's office is being rectified according to the opinions of the inspection team. He said that if it is in the conference room, it will look too out of place."

After all, she had been with the Yanhuang Group for a few months, so Su Caiwei understood the "ceremonial sense" inherent in this guy.

In other words, orphans value face more than anyone else.

Emperor Yun's face became a little brighter, but it wasn't much better.

This explanation can only be said to be barely adequate, just a little better than no explanation at all.

He hoped that the school would understand that he, Qing Yun, was an entrepreneur first and then a student of Fudan University.

However, in the eyes of principal Wang Dechao, this is the opposite, "Xiaoqing, you must understand that you are first a student of Fudan University, and then the chairman of Yanhuang Group.

Doing so will be good for you. "

Wang Dechao was also helpless when he looked at the non-classic student who emerged as the non-classic top pick in this non-classic year.

How to treat this student who makes the entire school's top management lose so much hair.

Qing Yun's growth rate was so fast that they had completely overturned their plans several times.

At first, I thought it was just Qin Manman, the little princess of the Qin family. Then came the disgusting name fetters. Then he became the last national science champion. Then he started to become more and more extraordinary. He was an advertising star. , futures genius...

Just when they thought it was almost done, this kid actually used them as a gun, played with the people in the game, and completed what Business Weekly called "a great miracle in the history of business mergers and acquisitions", becoming three listed companies in one fell swoop. The actual controller of the company.

Although the three listed companies were immediately dismembered, changed hands, and delisted, Qingyun's business map has been completed.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that the only shortcoming of Qing Yun, or the Yanhuang Group, is that it takes time to show off its achievements.

He was already a dragon, a dragon circling in the valley preparing to soar into the sky.

Wang Dechao believes that at this point, they have high enough regard for this student.

However, he never expected that the Yanhuang Group's industrial output value reported by Xishu in August would be over one billion.

Unlike Zhiliu who was on the outside, Wang Dechao knew from Qin Tianchuan that Qing Yun was working on a tax control machine.

Being unfamiliar with business, he didn't care at first when he got this data. Yesterday, when he and Shi Guangyong were exchanging opinions on how to cultivate Qing Yun, they casually mentioned it.

Unexpectedly, after Shi Guangyong heard this, he went crazy and asked for details frantically.

That posture...

Wang Dechao even thought that this was even more uneasy than when Xiaoshi was proposed to by his Sakura wife in a wedding dress on campus.

Unable to defeat Shi Guangyong, he dialed Qin Tianchuan's phone and got the truth from the mouth of the pretender opposite, who imitated Xie An and kept showing off "The young thief returns home".

Now, it was Wang Dechao's turn to be uneasy.

Good boy Longge dong!
He knows the term falsifying financial statements.

He also knew that financial fraud went in two distinct directions.

Even in schools, it is normal to report lower figures.

Oh, according to their accounting department, this is not financial fraud, but a lack of fairness in statement disclosure.

But this was the first time he had seen such a heartbreaking lack of fairness.

Fudan University is such a big university, and it only has a budget of millions and tens of millions for one year. I hope it will be more comfortable next year.

As for Yanhuang Group's report, the sales revenue will be adjusted by several hundred million or even one billion.

While this does not affect their tax liability, just monthly figures, this...

Wang Dechao persuaded his wife that night not to speculate in stocks.

It’s boring, it’s really boring. No wonder my wife’s capital of 30 yuan was invested, but after three years, it was less than 3 yuan.

While mentally scolding these unscrupulous listed companies for manipulating financial statements, Wang Dechao was also shocked.

According to Qin Tianchuan, the total profit in a single month was more than 4 million. Based on this figure, Qing Yun earned as much as half a billion in a year.

And, this is just the beginning.

Such huge profits are also profits generated by the real economy. Wherever they are placed, they are always the guests of the top local leaders.

Moreover, compared to his achievements in industrial management, Wang Dechao was more frightened by Qing Yun's academic achievements.

During Qin Manman's cross-examination a few days ago, he confessed that it was Qing Yun's idea when they were chatting about the source of the topic's ideas.

When it comes to economics, he really doesn't understand, but when it comes to academics, as a teaching and scientific researcher who has long been engaged in the fields of precision tracking radar, radio astronomical telescopes and large antenna system structural design and computational mechanics, he knows Qing Yun better than Su Caiwei. Its role in Qin Manman’s paper.

Why can Fudan University compete with the School of Mathematics at Yanda when its student pool is one level lower than that of Yanda?

It is because in the field of mathematics at Fudan University, there are two leaders, Mr. Su and Mr. Gu. Their existence can guide those young people and avoid many detours.

This is why he spent a lot of money to recruit Academician Qiu immediately after establishing the International Center for Mathematics, even though he knew he had character flaws.

And Qingyun...

He is so young and terrifying, yet such a rare genius like this is actually going to be a businessman? !
Wang Dechao feels that this world is too unreasonable.


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(End of this chapter)

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