Rekindle 2003

Chapter 466: Not all of them are copying me!

Chapter 466: Not all of them are copying me!
Now that it's September, Yang Zhiyuan knows very well that Qingyun doesn't have enough time to build his own ground direct sales system.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how much overtime you work, it usually takes at least three weeks for the direct operation system to be established from scratch.

Decoration alone actually takes that little time.

Yang Zhiyuan still tried his best to overestimate, assuming that Qingyun could directly take over ready-made terminals, such as Founder and Ziguang, and just change the store's tricks.

Therefore, Qing Yun can only do it through the air, that is, through electronic sales and online sales.

Unless he simply doesn't want to launch the product during the back-to-school season.

But, obviously, the industrial production numbers speak for themselves.

You have produced so many computers and you are not selling them?
This is not spicy instant noodles that you can stock up on for several months.

For computers, if you wait a few months, the configuration will be behind the times.

"Del's set?"

Lin Min looked confused when he heard this. He opened the folder in his hand, which contained information that he had not yet reported. He pulled out the page and handed it over, "Chairman, judging from today's information, they are contacting Synnex International."

Synnex International, an IT channel distributor, is one of the top four channels.

Zhiliu glanced at the paper in his hand, put out the cigarette, sighed deeply, and said with a half-smile, "He has seen the essence of this industry."

Yang Zhiyuan also had a weird expression on his face, "Teacher, tell me... is there actually a rift or disagreement between Sun Hongbing and Qing Yun?"

As a fantasy former prince, although Sun Hongbing has been defeated for ten years, he is the one who sees the essence of the industry.

People always say that in the IT industry, products are water and channels are canals. The bigger the water, the wider the canal. The wider the canal, the faster the water flows.

Sun Hongbing said that the longer the canal, the more leeks that the product reaches, and the more leeks, the greater the possibility of product transactions.

As soon as Qing Yun got started, he directly contacted the largest distributor in the Asia-Pacific region. He obviously understood this truth.

However, it turned out to be Synnex International...

Hearing this, Zhiliu shook his head, "Both Qing Yun and Sun Hongbing are people with extremely strong personalities. They will only cooperate in the short term, not in long-term alliances.

Therefore, you don't need to consider Sun Hongbing's influence. He is just giving Qing Yun a move. "

After letting Yang Zhiyuan go out, Zhiliu walked to the sofa next to the coffee table and sat down. He smiled at Lin Min who stayed behind, "Xiao Lin, come and sit down."

Lin Min, holding the intelligence folder, quickly walked over and sat down with his waist straight.

"What? Are you so reserved now that you don't want to be my secretary? I remember you weren't like this before!"

Zhiliu smiled and cursed and took out the cigarette case. Lin Min quickly cooperated and lit it for him. He smiled apologetically and said, "Chairman, look at what you said. Just because I am no longer your secretary, I have to pay more attention to my words and deeds and not to embarrass you." "

After ten years of being Zhiliu's chief secret and serving him for ten years, Lin Min knew Zhiliu better than Zhiliu knew him.

It was obvious that Zhi Liu was acting like this now because he was preparing to confide in him.

The purpose, of course, is to compete in the ring with Yang Zhiyuan.

After Guo Wei retired, Yang Zhiyuan became the dominant executive member, which was not in Zhi Liu's interests.

"Let's chat with this old man like me." After blowing out a smoke ring, Zhiliu smiled slightly, "I remember you joined Fantasy in 91, right?"

After getting Lin Min's affirmative reply, he nodded and said with emotion, "It's been 12 years in a flash... You have grown from a little kid to where you are now, and I am getting old too."

Lin Min also quickly recalled the past, "It's all thanks to the training of the chairman. I got into a lot of troubles back then. It's because you took the trouble to teach me that I got started."

Perhaps remembering Lin Min's embarrassing incident when he first entered the workplace, Zhiliu burst out laughing, and then smiled, "Actually, we have a half-teacher, half-disciple relationship. If you don't mind it, you can follow Zhiyuan and Xiao Wei and others, just call me teacher."

Lin Min was stunned for a moment, and then a look of disbelief appeared on his face, his lips curled up, and he looked very excited.

After a while, a loud "teacher" made Zhiliu Laohuai feel relieved.

Not everyone can call him teacher.

Lin Min knew very well that he finally gained Zhiliu's favor and became one of his disciples.

However, you must maintain a clear understanding.

Zhiliu definitely has a desire to cultivate himself, but more of it is for balance.

But what about cultivating heirs?
That's just kidding.

Unless Zhiliu is dying.

However, it is a pity that according to Ji Liu's physical condition and fitness habits, it may not be a problem to work for another 20 years.

Therefore, neither Yang Zhiyuan, Guo Wei, nor he is the heir.

It's just Ji Liu's remote-controlled fantasy hand.

"Xiao Min, our country is a very large-scale, multi-level, three-dimensional market..."

Since Lin Min was not sensitive to the information that "Qing Yun was contacting Synnex International", Zhi Liu knew clearly that if he wanted to support Lin Min to compete with Yang Zhiyuan, he still needed to make up for it.

It was normal. After Lin Min joined the company, he had been in the general department and then worked as a secretary by his side for ten years. He was not lacking in vision, overall view, and meticulousness in doing things, but what he lacked was business practice.

Seeing Zhiliu starting to teach, Lin Min felt a chill in his heart. He put aside other thoughts and began to listen and write down the key points in his notebook.

“This market is too vast, so no one company can reach every corner with direct organizational capabilities.

Based on this, both manufacturers and brands must design a set of channel models that match themselves to link factories, marketing companies, sellers, outlets, and consumers. In the words of Yizhou Island, it is called a channel, while in Yizhou Island In China, we call it the 'distribution system'.


Lin Min remembered carefully and asked questions from time to time.

Teaching complements each other, and the teacher-student relationship will also be well promoted in this process.

There's nothing you can do about it, leaders more or less have the habit of being a teacher.

Seeing their students or subordinates gradually making progress and success under their guidance will give them a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Of course, while Zhiliu obtains a sense of satisfaction and achievement for his own needs, he also likes to use this as a means to gain more social connections.

"So, the focus of the next step is to prevent Qing Yun from gaining access!"


"They are all copying me!"

Sitting in the conference room of Yanhuang Group Huating Company, looking at the names of the four distributors on the projection screen, Sun Hongbing's eyes were filled with disdain.

Qing Yun across from me blinked her eyes and said in a very gossipy manner, "What a shame!"

Today is the day he reports for duty.

However, Dean Shi Guangyong called last night and asked him to report again this afternoon.

The reporter friends were so enthusiastic, and Xiaoqing always kept a low profile despite their advice.

Qin Manman didn't need to check in, she had already done so.

Recommended students are so willful.

Even recommended students can start earning credits in advance at the university after confirming their eligibility for admission.

Of course, Qin Manman's early registration was requested by Fudan University.

Otherwise, that paper would not be considered worthy of Fudan University.

But Qin Manman still went to school early this morning.

She hasn't finished the thesis cross-examination yet.

He originally had a free day, but he planned to stay in the hotel today to comfort Master Qianying, who was treated badly by Qin Manman last night.

After returning home last night, just as he was reporting to Tang's father about Tang Qianying's change of major, Master Qianying was pinned down by Qin Manman on the sofa and began to toss.

That whole tossing made him very uneasy. Within a few minutes, Tang's father said, "I don't care, she is your wife," so he hurriedly hung up the phone and started tossing together.

The War of the Three Kingdoms was naturally long-lasting and devastated all living beings, so they needed to be recuperated.

But with a phone call from Sun Hongbing, he could only come to the conference room.

"Actually, distributors, in the mainland of China, refer to 'manufacturers that do not have factories of their own, do not produce products, and others produce them and put their own brands on them.' The most typical ones are Colorful, Shuangmin, Onda, etc. in graphics cards. Yingtong and Mingxuan, they are both 'Tongdeka'."

Speaking of this, Qing Yun, who was still a little sleepy early in the morning, suddenly stopped feeling sleepy.

Computer City has always been a playground for high school boys.

Colorful electronic gadgets are boys’ favorite.

Of course, every weekend, the beautiful ladies on the exhibition hall stage dance vigorously and cheerleading, and the enthusiastic beats, those looming and swaying with the movements, are even more representative of the youthful ignorance of urban students in that era.

Qing Yun is no exception.

If you can’t afford it, why not go shopping?
It's not illegal to watch the ball.

Therefore, although he is a child from a rural area in the mountains, he is really no stranger to electronic accessories.

Therefore, he was shocked, "What the hell? Do you mean that these five brands of graphics cards are actually from the same family?"

Sun Hongbing laughed when he heard this, his eyes full of laughter, "Don't tell me, you installed the machine yourself and compared prices with these five companies."

Qing Yun rolled her eyes at him, "Do you think I could install a computer before?"

With the school's subsidy, he doesn't have to break a dollar into two flowers every time he eats, but he doesn't have the spare money to install a computer.

Sun Hongbing patted his forehead, threw a cigarette apologetically, and then continued talking.

"Actually, it's not just you, I dare say almost all consumers think these are five different graphics cards."

After saying that, he paused and gave Qing Yun a funny look, "Boy, you must treat me to a good meal at noon! I am equivalent to giving you extra lessons. These are common sense you should know."

Qing Yun showed his eight big white teeth at him, indicating that he could not survive at noon.

You can doubt the current strength of Yanhuang Group, but you cannot doubt the quality of Yanhuang Group's canteens.

But he knew very well what Sun Hongbing said, and it was indeed a make-up lesson.

He knew the development trend in the next 20 years, so he entered this industry, but he really didn't know the ancient secret history of this industry.

As for Sun Hongbing, no one knows these secret histories better than him.

After all, he was the only person in China who could see through the nature of this industry.

As Sun Hongbing narrated, Qing Yun also understood.

There are many manufacturers of graphics cards in the world, but there are two main ones that develop, design, and produce the core of graphics cards.

One company is the leader in the world of game graphics cards: nVIDIA, and the other company is catching up: ATI. These two companies are fighting fiercely around the world, and it is very lively.

However, their own production scale is too small, so they sell the display cores they develop to other board card manufacturers. These manufacturers then add PCB circuit boards, capacitors, video memory and other auxiliary materials according to the specifications, so a complete graphics card is Produced.

In order to better compete with their opponents, both nVIDIA and ATI must control quality, so they have certain requirements for manufacturers of graphics cards developed by themselves. NVIDIA has 19 AICs (core partners) around the world, and ATI There are 10 AIBs (the highest level of certified partners) in China, and there are 2 manufacturers specializing in ATI, Sapphire (Pannon) and Dilan Hengjin (Shaxun).

Only these manufacturers have qualified production bases and can produce the above two graphics cards.

Therefore, some manufacturers that cannot produce without a production base or cannot meet the shipment requirements can only find these 19+13 manufacturers to help them do it. This is called OEM.

Tongde, headquartered in Yizhou Island, is the largest graphics card OEM manufacturer in Yizhou Island.

Palit graphics cards have always been called the "arms supplier" of the domestic non-public version graphics card camp. It is NVIDIA's AIC and ATI's AIB, and it makes both graphics cards.

The factory is known for being good at controlling work costs and reducing costs. Its production cost is low, so it has become the favorite partner of domestic OEM manufacturers.

Therefore, when installing computers in the computer city, there is actually no difference between the five brands Colorful, Shuangmin, Onda, Yeston, and Mingxuan. They are all Tongdeka, and these five brands are all distributors.

However, in fantasy, distributor has another meaning.

It refers to the business organization responsible for connecting producers and final consumers in the supply chain of products or services.

To speak human words is to help manufacturers deliver products to consumers.

This is the original meaning of 'channel dealer'.

But why in mainland China, the name of the channel dealer has not changed, but the concept has undergone earth-shaking changes?

Just because of fantasy.

In fact, it was because of the talkative Sun Hongbing in front of Qing Yun.

What is little known is that Sun Hongbing, as the fantasy prince, has made groundbreaking contributions to the IT industry around the world.

The world's largest IT distributor is called Ingram Micro. It was founded very early and was established in America in 1979.

However, when it was first established, it was not an IT channel, but a logistics company.

In fact, it only started to become an IT distributor in the late 90s after seeing the opportunities in IT distribution.

In 1990, with the introduction of the 80386 series CPU into China, computers no longer belonged solely to agencies, units, and scientific research institutions, but began to enter some wealthy families.

That year, the real era of home computers in China began.

Also at the beginning of this year, Sun Hongbing, who was sitting on the throne of the Fantasy Prince, keenly discovered this historical trend.

He knows that the new market for computers in the future will be among families as economic conditions continue to improve.

Then the traditional sales method that relies on company purchases and sales will be completely subverted.

At that time, there were actually not many people who saw this trend. It can even be said that there were many people.

As a result, the electronic device distribution market that was originally like a wet market began to gradually upgrade to the 2.0 era - the 'Computer City Era' this year. Major computer brands also began to pay attention to the establishment of their own brand image, and settled in the Computer City one after another. Brand display and sales are carried out in the form of counters.

Fantasy is no exception.

As the computer overlord of China, Fantasy is naturally wealthy and is opening new direct-operated stores across the country.

However, only one month later, Sun Hong's troops were all stopped against all objections.

At that time, Sun Hongbing's actions could even be said to be arbitrary. Even if all the management team objected, he suppressed them all.

There was no way. At that time, Zhiliu was busy dealing with the nonsense of Fantasy International in Pearl Harbor. Sun Hongbing, the prince, was equivalent to the period of supervising the country, and he had this power.

After Zhiliu found out, he immediately returned to Beijing with a group of veterans, but was unable to stop Sun Hongbing.

Instead, I was convinced.

Sun Hongbing, who was 27 years old at the time, said that not building self-built channels would be courting death, but relying on self-built channels would be courting death.

He was the first in the world to propose the concept of IT pathways.

“This chain, in the words of today’s Fantasy Group, is called a secondary distribution system.

That is to say, reducing direct sales and allowing distributors to manage many agents can minimize operating and management costs and reduce customer acquisition costs.
Moreover, this model is the dominant channel for fantasy to build and control itself.

The top four distributors in the Asia-Pacific region that you see now are actually all based on fantasy..."

After listening to Sun Hongbing's story, Qing Yun was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, "Wait! I can understand the others easily. I know Ingram Micro, Synnex International, and VST. Digital China is also a distributor?"

Sun Hongbing sneered, "Nonsense, the foundation of Digital China is the channels I established back then. Don't be fooled by its software services. In fact, 60% of its profits come from channels.

Oh, yes, they are called distribution. "

Qing Yun instantly understood that the channel dealer turned into a distributor, but Zhiliu was cleaning up Sun Hongbing's traces.

At this point, Sun Hongbing suddenly laughed, "Guo Wei inherited my channel foundation, and that's how he became the predecessor of Digital China. But do you know the relationship between Yang Zhiyuan and Shentong Company?

Back then, if there hadn't been an order from Shentong Company, Yang Zhiyuan's pig would have been purged by me long ago.

Synnex International is a distributor under Shentong Company and is also Yang Zhiyuan's most important partner.

The two are complementary to each other. Without Yang Zhiyuan, there would be no Lianqiang International in Yizhou Island. Without Lianqiang International, Yang Zhiyuan would not be able to stand out after I fell.

So, young man, if you contact Synnex International, you are just asking for death. They wear a pair of pants. "


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(End of this chapter)

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