Rekindle 2003

Chapter 449 Fame needs to be realized

Chapter 449 Fame needs to be realized

Before Su Peizheng could say anything, Su Guogang glared at him displeasedly, "That's your sister-in-law! You're not qualified to make irresponsible remarks about her!"

Seeing that his father was angry, Su Shaoping quickly shrank his neck.

However, he didn't think so in his heart.

If Su Caiwei is really the aunt-in-law recognized by her family, why doesn't she have a share in her great-grandfather's inheritance?
According to the provisions of laws and regulations, adopted daughters and biological daughters are both children in the legal sense, and there is no distinction by blood.

The law doesn't talk about this stuff.

Therefore, Su Shaoping knew very well that in fact, as the adopted daughter of his great-grandfather, Su Caiwei's inheritance order was still above his father, the eldest grandson.

He didn't know how much the inheritance was.

There are more than 200 people in the Su family, but his grandfather's generation is silent about this, and he can understand it.

But Su Shaoping was sure that the floating wealth was at least tens of millions, and he wouldn't be surprised even if it was hundreds of millions.

Although his great-grandfather was essentially a teacher, he could not support his numerous books. The royalties for textbooks used all over the country, accumulated over the years, were not a small sum.

What's more, his great-grandfather still has many application patents in hand, not to mention those newly purchased properties.

This was the case with Mr. Tan, his great-great-grandfather’s former neighbor in Jiuyuan. Mr. Guo of Fuxing Group’s ex-wife was Mr. Tan’s granddaughter. As a genetics expert, Mr. Tan injected patented technologies into the Fuxing Group’s fortunes, but the original stock .

So he thought it was normal for his great-grandfather to leave something somewhere.

So, having said that, Su Caiwei doesn't have a penny, which explains the problem. Except for the great-grandfather, I'm afraid the entire Su family does not regard this little aunt as one of their own.

Su Shaoping sneered in his heart, you don't treat her as a sister or an aunt, so you still want me to treat her as a sister-in-law?
Su Peizheng waved his hand and smiled warmly at his eldest grandson, "Her going to Yanhuang was arranged by us, with the unanimous consent of your grandfathers."

He has several grandchildren, but he only raised Su Shaoping with his own hands, so he naturally likes him very much.

Of course, what's more important is that the other grandsons are still young and cannot be mentioned, but Su Shaoping, the eldest grandson, can allow him to hold his great-grandson as soon as possible.

He stroked his beard. Su Shaoping had been dating his girlfriend for more than a year. It was time to get married. His son and grandson were all gone, and he could only look to the next generation.

Su Shaoping, who didn't know that his grandfather was plotting to become a tool, was stunned when he heard this, and asked his grandfather in confusion why he did this.

Su Guogang looked at his son's crystal clear eyes and said with a feeling of hatred that iron cannot become steel,
"The chairman of the Yanhuang Group is named Qingyun. You should know the relationship between this name and Fudan, right?"

Su Shaoping curled his lips, "Of course I know, but what does this have to do with our Su family..."

Having said this, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his grandfather and his father uncertainly, "Don't you want my little aunt to fight with the little princess of the Qin family?"

Su Shaoping felt that this matter was ridiculous.

Grandpa is 78 years old, so it makes sense that he is old and confused, but his father is not yet 60, so what is wrong with him?

What's more, according to them, this whole family is sick!
The Houpu Qin family is at the first table of entrepreneurs at the state banquet. Is this a family that can't even get in, so they can fight with each other?

Su Guogang blew on the tea foam, took a sip, and said lightly, "Why not?"

And Su Shaoping didn't want to argue with his father.

Regardless of whether you win with leverage or not, the key point is that if you win with leverage, you will probably get beaten, which is not necessary.

He turned his gaze to Grandpa.

Su Peizheng laughed, "You don't understand. Qing Yun's rise is too fast, and in this process, the Qin family can hardly help him.

And in the future, the Qin family will only become more and more of a drag on him. "

Su Shaoping thought about it again and again, but didn't understand it at all.

How could the Qin family, which was famous and well-liked by both the government and the public, become a drag on Qing Yun?Facing his grandson's doubts, Su Peizheng simply said, "The Qin family is an imperial merchant."

Su Shaoping became even more confused, "Yes, the Qin family is an imperial merchant. Doesn't this mean that the Qin family's status is indestructible?"

Su Guogang on the side sighed and patted his son's knee, "Think about it, where is the emperor in China today?"

Su Shaoping, who was still confused at first, suddenly understood after hearing this.

Where is the emperor?

Today's China has a tenure system.

Then this imperial merchant is worth pondering.

"You see, although the Qin family will not die due to this macro-control, it will be very uncomfortable and may even decline. Then..."

Su Zhengping understood completely and laughed, "The stronger the Qin family is now, the greater my aunt's chance of winning."

As for whether Qing Yun would like Su Caiwei, Su Zhengping, who had heard about it, said, how could such a big pervert let go of a top beauty like Su Caiwei.

As for whether the cheap little aunt is willing to marry Qing Yun, that's not her decision.

If she were forced to do that, more than two hundred people would cry until she agreed.

However, compared with entering politics, this path...

It still feels almost meaningless.

Facing his grandson's doubts, Su Peizheng shook his head, "This road is wrong, and all we lose is your sister-in-law. But that road, if we stop on the wrong road, maybe our whole family will be gone."

Besides, our Su family is following the path of learning, although it is noble, but..."

Su Peizheng pointed to the room full of books and the slightly crowded living room, "We are far apart in terms of wealth. You also know that reading depends on talent."

Having said this, not only Su Shaoping was very ashamed, but even Su Guogang blushed a little.

His father, Su Peizheng, was at least a professor, but he was a specialist.

Although there are factors of the times, and his generation has been delayed a lot, he still knows what kind of material he is.

Can't read it.

As for the eldest son, that's even more ridiculous. He got his degree abroad.

But let alone the younger son, he is even less talented. He can't even get a bachelor's degree, so he can only be sent to the army.

The entire Su family, from Mr. Su on down, has completely declined in talent for reading and learning.

Even the youngest generation in the family is like this.

The fact that the children of the Su family can memorize the multiplication table incorrectly also proves the correctness of materialism.

If it were not correct, Mr. Su would have crawled out of the coffin long ago.

Su Peizheng continued, "It takes several generations or even a dozen generations to produce a seed like this that can change the fate of a family.

Now, the situation before us is that our Su family's identity is getting further and further away from the academic world, and we cannot even maintain our current status.

Therefore, what we have to do is to realize the family reputation brought by your great-grandfather.

We alone cannot do this, but your sister-in-law can do it. "

(End of this chapter)

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