Rekindle 2003

Chapter 435 Mr. Xiaoqing’s harem is still not very stable.

Chapter 435 Mr. Xiaoqing’s harem is still not very stable.

Use Guo Guangchang's experience to teach Guo Guangchang that the parallel universe is so wonderful.

Moreover, it does not bear any cause and effect and will not cause future changes. This kind of B is very cool to pretend.

The history of his previous life told him that it didn't take long for Guo Guangchang to figure it out on his own, and he started to use various tricks within the red line. He handed over the control to the state-owned enterprise half-sold and half-given. This was a clever move. To the point where people are amazed.

So, this time, the quick one died on the beach, and the tall Dai Guofang was crushed to death by the Yangtze River.

Guo Guangchang, who didn't know all this in this life, smiled, reached out and patted Qing Yun's knee, and then said solemnly, "Getting the land does not count as payment, I still owe you a favor."


Building a learning organization is the tone set by Qing Yun for the healthy development of Yanhuang Group.

Cultivating a learning atmosphere that permeates the entire organization and giving full play to employees' creative thinking abilities are the practical goals of knowledge-based organizations.

He is still very young, and his partners are also very young. Being young means being very malleable.

Therefore, we not only encourage employees to learn more in terms of salary policies and make full use of the tax deduction subject of 'employee education funds', but also set up a weekly lecture system within the company to encourage employees to stand up and learn cutting-edge knowledge. Or share professional skills.

But at this moment, Emperor Yun, sitting in the conference room, was doubting his life.

who am I?
where am I?
what am i doing?
I must have committed a lot of sins in my previous life to sit here and listen to the Book of Heaven!

But it happened that this company lecture hall was a rule set by him. He didn't say he had to abide by it and come every week, but he had to be present the first time.

"MTK uses the nucleus real-time operating system and encapsulates it with a kernel abstraction layer to adapt to a variety of real-time operating systems, such as oscar, ThreadX, and nucleus.

The entire software system includes the nucleus operating system, platform device driver, protocol stack, file system, WGUI, MMI, J2ME, etc.

The MMI part here includes almost all parts above the operating system kernel, protocol stack, and file system, including WGUI.


Next, let’s look at how MTK’s mobile phone software system should be structured based on specific engineering practices…”

The lecturer on the stage is very beautiful, and his figure and temperament are indistinguishable from Qin Manman next to him. He wears a small suit with a black jacket, a white shirt, a hip skirt, long black stockings, and only a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

The red lips that opened slightly in response to the words, with the cooperation of the pointer in her hand, made Emperor Yun feel a little uncomfortable.

He said he couldn’t understand it, he couldn’t understand it at all!
He just wanted to shut Su Caiwei's mouth.

This is completely brain-feeding by magic sounds.

On the other side of him, Tang Qianying looked like a crouching dragon and phoenix chick, leaning on her head and quietly drawing cartoons.

Chen Yue, who was a little further away, listened with great interest and recorded something in his notebook from time to time.

But Emperor Yun said that he bet Chen Yue couldn't understand it either!

It's just a show there.

The programmers in the large conference room were all focused, following Su Caiwei's guidance and trying hard to understand the contents of the PPT.

Even a few Hulu babies whom I haven’t seen for a long time are now in the back row, taking notes carefully.

The gap of nearly two months is reflected here. After the acquisition of TOP, the Hulu babies who had just learned how to install the computer were thrown into the Jincheng Software Department for some practical programming teaching.

At this moment, although most of them couldn't understand it, they were much better than Yun Di, a novice.

At least they know where to find information afterwards, or who to ask to understand their notes.

Su Caiwei was personally appointed by Qin Manman and represents the Software Institute to share cutting-edge knowledge with the entire company.

The first topic is the latest MTK system. This can be regarded as an advance preview of the group's next move, so that when it comes to making mobile phones, everyone will not be mentally unprepared and have to hold coordination meetings to unify their thoughts.Well, Emperor Yun admitted that this teacher Xiao Su has a lot of skills and can make a bunch of senior programmers sit here and listen obediently, which shows that her strength is as high as dozens of floors.

As we all know, standing on the podium, the teacher can actually tell the status of the students below at a glance.

Therefore, as a teacher, in order to prevent his soul from being severely hit, he usually makes the students who can best understand the course sit in the C area.

As a result, Su Caiwei on the stage felt disgusted for a while.

She found that the person sitting in seat C among seats had such beautiful eyes.

Those starry eyes are full of beauty that has not been tainted by civilization, so clear that they can be seen to the bottom.

Get out of here or go to the leisure area, don't be an eyesore, okay?

However, she also knew that as the company's chairman, Qing Yun could not sit anywhere else except in the middle of the first row when he appeared in the conference room.

What's more, the fact that he can sit here is actually a kind of support for her work.

Is this...a gesture?
Su Caiwei was a little unsure.

After all, Xiaoqing is notoriously moody.

However, the bad thing is that because of her little tricks, her current persona is that of his woman.

So Su Caiwei not only couldn't show a look of disgust, she even had to have... at least an expression full of ambiguous dissatisfaction on her face.

"PWM in MTK is a change in duty cycle while the frequency remains unchanged. I don't want to explain the duty cycle. Everyone who knows something knows it.

As for why PWM is used, you all know the principle, but it’s still a matter of duty cycle, don’t you understand?Come down and ask me!
Rest for a few minutes!Everyone, hurry up and go to the bathroom. We have a heavy task today. "

Su Caiwei bit her lip with a hint of hatred on her face.

Emperor Yun frowned, looking confused.

He said he couldn't understand Su Caiwei's expression at the moment.

He doesn't even know what PWM is.

Qin Manman on the other side thought it was Su Caiwei who thought the Hulu babies behind were too stupid, so she smiled and gave them an apologetic look.

After all, before the class started, Su Caiwei reminded her that with the current level of several Hulu babies, it was impossible to understand. It was better not to listen, so as not to waste time, and continue to complete the basic programming training.

After receiving Qin Manman's eyes, Su Caiwei on the stage smiled helplessly and lowered her head to drink water.

This interaction, in the eyes of others, has a different interpretation.

"What did Mr. Xiao Qing do? Why is Teacher Xiao Su so resentful?"

"Emmm... have you noticed? Dean Qin made Teacher Xiao Su surrender with just one look."

"It has to be Dean Qin. I think the relationship between Teacher Xiao Su and Secretary Tang is very bad. Secretary Tang doesn't even look at Teacher Xiao Su."

"Hey! If you don't tell me, I haven't noticed yet. Assistant Chen also looks at Teacher Xiao Su wrongly."

"What's the point? It's just jealousy. Secretary Tang and Assistant Chen are best friends and are Mr. Xiaoqing's high school classmates, so they will naturally form an alliance. Dean Qin is a big lady, so she has to reconcile the conflicts."

"It seems that President Xiaoqing's harem is still not very stable."

"Actually, it's very stable. With a lady like Dean Qin here, it's nothing more than a struggle between two factions."


(End of this chapter)

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