Rekindle 2003

Chapter 324 The scumbag must die a happy death!

Chapter 324 The scumbag must die a happy death!

Looking at the delicate white lotus in the accompanying team, Qing Yun frowned unconsciously.

However, he didn't say anything. He just glanced at Qin Manman and walked to the security checkpoint.

Qin Manman quietly stuck out his tongue and followed him with his long legs.

Tang Qianying on the side was a little confused, wondering what kind of riddle they were playing.

However, she knew very well that her brother's mood just now was one of dissatisfaction.

After all, it was hard for her to follow him too closely in a public place like this at the airport.

After all, Qing Yun is now a public figure, and his social image can be considered positive, so he often needs to pay attention to his image.

In the public opinion environment in China, especially when the gap between rich and poor is getting wider and wider, there are some things that you would rather others think than be seen.

However, in the eyes of Su Caiwei, who was beside her, this kind of behavior felt that this person was extremely hypocritical.

Who are these people!
Obviously Qin Manman and Tang Qianying are both his girlfriends, but they only walk side by side with one person when they go out. This is something you have the guts to do, but you don't have the guts to admit it!

Self-righteous, irresponsible scumbag!

Not to die!

Both girls are blind!
Glancing at the little girl walking and bouncing next to her, Su Caiwei had no desire to speak.

You are already a college student, and you are still pretending to be young!

Moreover, those who know the best of three things are not a good person.

She could clearly see Tang Qianying's dislike for her, and she didn't want to force herself to talk to him if he wasn't alone.

However, she still couldn't stagger her steps.

With such a short leg next to her, how could he be slower than her?
It cannot be done with strength.

Even taking two steps will not work.

But she didn't want to deal with the two students in front of them who didn't look like students at all.

Su Caiwei left feeling frustrated.

However, fortunately, the opinion of people in the industry is that Yanhuang Group is big but not strong. In the minds of ordinary people, this is a top-notch company, so it still has priority in some matters.

Su Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief as she went through the security check through the VIP channel without having to wait in a long line outside.

In fact, she is not used to appearing in public.

She has known that she is beautiful since she was a child. After entering puberty, especially after her hair grew, she had to endure the lewd looks that lingered on her every day.

However, being surrounded by Yanhuang security personnel and isolated from those sights, she felt a sense of security.

After all, she was their master's teacher, and the security guards looked at her with a hint of respect, which made her feel much better.

Quietly gouging out the tall figure in front of her, Su Caiwei felt that the world was so unfair!

What is this person capable of?
No security personnel down there respect the teacher!

As Qin Tianchuan's daughter and son-in-law, Qing Yun and Qin Manman naturally have to respect Qin Tianchuan's reputation.

Therefore, when they go out, they still choose economy class if it is not necessary.

Otherwise, public opinion will say, "You see their dad always goes out...and they..."

Of course, more importantly, there is no room for three people in one row in business class.

In the eyes of the flight attendant, among the three people, the most comfortable seat selection strategy is for the little girl to sit in the middle.But from the envious eyes of most of the men on the passenger plane, she had to admit that the sunny boy sitting in the middle was the one who best met everyone's expectations.

It is obviously the narrowest middle position, but when the two armrests are pulled up, it becomes the most spacious.

Although it does not comply with the airline's consistent regulations on aircraft takeoff and landing safety.

But flight attendants also know that there are some rules that some people do not need to abide by and can only turn a blind eye.

No way, frequent flyers are also registered, and the airline system clearly knows who they are and who they are.

Even when delays are caused by traffic control, the order in which flights take off and land is based on the importance of the people on the plane.

"Why are you taking her with you?" After sitting down and fastening the safety buckles on the two women, Qing Yun couldn't help but speak.

There were security guards sitting in front of and behind them. Qingyun and the other three sitting in the middle lowered their voices so as not to worry that Su Caiwei a few rows ahead would hear them.

He gets annoyed just looking at Su Caiwei now.

It's the same for everyone. If a person you hate in your heart hangs in front of you every day, the level of disgust in your heart will only increase.

Qin Manman chuckled secretly in his heart.

She arranged it this way on purpose.

In fact, many things in this world need to be struck while the iron is hot. In most cases, it is the optimal solution.

It just allows two people to deepen their impression when they are disgusted with each other. Even if they know it is a misunderstanding, they will not have any good impressions of each other in the future.

Because, after all, it was a minor misunderstanding.

And the big disgust caused by a small misunderstanding will not lead to a big reconciliation and a fundamental change in attitude after the misunderstanding is solved.

Because each other's image has been infinitely deteriorated in their minds. This is human nature.

But on the surface, she still looked at him helplessly, "What can I do? After all, she is a teacher. She just came today. I can only let her be my assistant first, and..."

Qin Manman rolled her eyes at him, "Teacher Xiao Su is actually very strong. Her research direction is very helpful for the project you mentioned last night, so I can only keep her by my side."

Then, she patted his thigh and said, "Brother, you can't hire people based on your own preferences."

After saying that, she curled her lips resentfully, "You know what I think, and I can tolerate it. What can't you tolerate?"

These words made Tang Qianying, who knew the inside story, clutching the soles of her shoes with her toes.


This woman actually has such a trick! ! !
Fortunately, I surrendered quickly!
Tang Qianying was extremely lucky to have listened to her old man's words and handed over the bracelet. Otherwise, she would have been tricked to death by Qin Manman without even knowing it!
As she expected, the face of the bratty brother next to her turned red, with an expression of shame.

Qing Yun had no idea that Qin Manman would be so generous and would even keep the people she was worried about by his side in order to better advance his project.

Emperor Yun reached out his hand and held Qin Manman's little hand. Their fingers were intertwined, making Master Qianying pout.

Silly brother!
However, she would not expose Qin Manman's hypocritical face at the moment. Su Caiwei's entry into the situation was inconsistent with her fundamental interests.

After all, Qin Manman is her best friend, and she can control Qin Manman's temper, but Su Caiwei forgets it.

Those who study mathematics have dirty minds!

Master Qianying didn't feel unbalanced for long. After the stewardess handed over the blanket and Qing Yun covered the two of them with the blanket, the drama under the blanket that men loved to see naturally began.

However, after all, it was still in public, and it couldn't be too much. It was just that both sides held their little hands in the same way, and Emperor Yun clasped and played with their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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