Rekindle 2003

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Free delivery?

Shi Guangyong rolled his eyes when he heard this, "As an economics professor, I can tell you responsibly that there is no tax on bragging."

It is still possible to say that Yanhuang Group will develop into a Huaguo giant in a few years.

Not only is the land free, but maybe Huating will repair the office building for you.

In this regard, Huating has always been willing to spend money.

However, with Yanhuang's current management status that is only superficial, the local leaders in Huating haven't lost their minds.

Free gift?
Go daydreaming!

Qing Yun didn't get angry, some things don't need to be debated, "You just take the words back, it's up to me whether you can do it or not.

I also only need Fudan University and I to jointly acquire the land. You don’t have to worry about anything. If the land payment cannot be avoided in the end, I will pay all the money, and the cost of the school’s construction... I can also bear part of it. "

Seeing that he spoke so firmly, Shi Guangyong couldn't say anything more, "Okay, I'll take this back, and the school leaders should talk to you then."

These matters are not something he, the dean of the School of Economics, can decide.

But after saying this, he quickly added, "You must think clearly, you are from the School of Economics, and the new campus cannot have a place for the School of Economics."

The ass decides the head.

The School of Economics belongs to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, not within the scope of science and engineering as Qing Yun said.

Although the old campus has a long history, its 80-year history means that some buildings are too old...

The office building with wooden floors and staircases has an antique look and creaks in the corridors. It is very popular among literati and writers. It is full of a sense of history, but it also means that rats, cockroaches, termites and other creatures are also fond of it.

The new campus does not have any historical heritage, but in terms of office and living conditions, who wants the old and poor historical heritage!
I want new ones!I love the new and hate the old!

Shi Guangyong shouted frantically in his heart.

He didn't even have to think about the idea proposed by Qing Yun. The school leaders absolutely agreed. Anyway, whether the land should be acquired or not is a matter for the Yanhuang Group.

It's just a joint letter. Fudan University will not lose anything at all, it will only gain. It would be weird to disagree.

Qing Yun rolled his eyes at him. In his opinion, Shi Guangyong's words were nonsense.

Shi Guangyong was fine, it was just that the office building was a bit older, but for Qing Yun, there was also the dormitory problem.

Some day or some days if they are not guaranteed, I will live in the dormitory.

Although Fudan University was the first university in the country to renovate dormitories, only four people can live in the crowded space that used to be six people to a room.

Each person has their own desk, cabinet, and TV and Internet are also installed in place. At least students don't have to go to the reception room to make phone calls like the seniors and sisters in the past.


Still no private bathroom.

After all, it is an old dormitory building, so soft decoration is fine, but hard decoration is really impossible due to the structural problems of the house.

Although it is said that 'it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal', Xiao Qing, who came out of the mountains, always said that a house without an independent bathroom is not as good as a village.

After giving Shi Guangyong an affirmative answer, he continued, "Secondly, I ask the school to provide convenience for the further education of Yanhuang Group employees."

Shi Guangyong pondered for a moment, and then replied, "Only for graduate students, undergraduate students really can't help it, the system no longer allows, graduate students can be oriented, but the prerequisite is that Yanhuang Group must become a national key enterprise recognized by the Education Committee. "

Qing Yun nodded, "I don't need the school to bother with undergraduates. Once the vocational college opens, I can enroll students myself."

Shi Guangyong couldn't help laughing, but forgot about it for a moment.

He thought for a while, "Your college...can reserve some mobile places."

After all, Shi Guangyong winked his eyes at him, "Since you want to make it so big, these... are all out of the world."

There are twists and turns inside, Qingyun's heart is clear.

It is nothing more than what the college is called International Business School, International Engineering College, International Software College and the like.

It can be done.

The stamp on the diploma is from Fudan University, which is more beneficial to enrollment.

But specifically, it was up to Song Ruhua to do it.

"Third, I will set up a fund. The operation model will be imitated by Mr. Li Zhengdao's 'Political Fund' in memory of his wife, Ms. Qin Hui. It will provide targeted funding to 700 poor college students on campus every year, 100 for each grade from undergraduate to third year graduate students. 1 yuan, the name of the fund... Yunman Fund."

100 for each grade, which is actually quite a lot. Qing Yun even thinks that after a few years, the school might not find many people to use these 100 places.

In China, there are many poor students, but there are really too few poor students.

Most of the poor students that people see are not really poor students, because the real poor students cannot be seen, and the media has no interest in the real poor students.

The poor students that everyone sees are the poor students who can change their destiny through their own efforts. Because they counterattack, because their achievements that exceed ordinary people will attract attention, everyone thinks that poor students are like that.

Actually not.

Most parents of poor students have a completely different view of their children from normal people, and normal people can't understand it.

The only question they care about is how much money can they give their children?

How can I get my child to give him more money?

It doesn't matter what the child was, is and will be.

Children can steal or rob. Parents can teach you if they don't know how. If children don't want to go, parents can force you, or even kneel down and kowtow to beg you.

Teaching children to study hard is a joke, and finding ways to make money is their business.

Marrying a daughter in her teens to a disabled person in her 40s is considered bad, but not very bad.

Because...Frankly speaking, apart from the natural endowment of the geographical location, the family is still so impoverished after the re-opening.

They are the real generation of the ancestors who lie flat.

Blame the sky, the land, the people, the society, the way of the world, but they don't blame themselves anyway.

A truly poor student has no chance to change his destiny, no matter whether he works hard or not, no matter what he does.

Who cares about those poor students who have no chance to change their destiny?

They graduated from elementary school, junior high school, and high school. The so-called inspirational stories of those poor students who can change their destiny, those deeds that moved everyone to a mess, in the eyes of these poor students who have no chance to change their destiny, they can only smile knowingly.

Children from drug-addicted families, when have they ever seen them fight back?

Children from alcoholic families, when did you see them counterattack?

Children from gambling families, when have you seen them counterattack?

Families with such problems are counted in millions or even tens of millions, but the children of these families are as unknown as grass that no one pays attention to.

But these, Qingyun can't control, he is willing to subsidize those children who can climb out of hell and stand in the sun.

God helps those who help themselves, but God does not help them. Why does this person want to go against heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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