Rekindle 2003

Chapter 274 Harmonious but different, beautiful and beautiful together

Chapter 274 Harmonious but different, beautiful and beautiful together
"However, Mr. Guo, this is somewhat contradictory to your speculation that 'Qing Yun wants to go the software way' that you said in the first meeting."

A discordant voice sounded in the conference room, directly pointing out the contradiction between Guo Wei's previous and subsequent statements.

Guo Wei squinted at the person who made the sound, and the disdain in his eyes flashed away.

Everyone also looked at the speaker in surprise.

In the meeting, because the information and the location are different, the butt decides the head, and the words in the meeting are often contradictory.

Now that 'Tong Yan Wuji' points out this matter, isn't it just to kick Guo Wei?

This Lin Min...

It seems that he really can't sit still.

After all, Lin Min, who was born in 69, has been Zhi Liu's secretary for ten years.

If it were Guo Wei before, he wouldn't even glance at Lin Min.

At this time, he entered the state of Buddhism, but he explained seriously with a smile on his face, "Xiaolin, this is not contradictory. I always insist that Qingyun's main goal is the software market.

Think about it, if you just do... To put it bluntly, but also to put it bluntly, doing machine assembly trade with supplied materials, this is not something the Qin family would like to see.

In other words, the tax control machine is only a means for him to obtain capital accumulation.

These words are indeed hurtful, but the fact is that the Qin family's word of mouth or amulet for so many years is "for the country and the people", so..."

Guo Wei spread his hands, endured it but did not say anything excessive, "Then how easy is it to make hardware in China? Various patent systems and foreign blockades make it difficult for us to develop hardware.

Perhaps, he will do hardware in the future, but not now. The current Yanhuang Group is big but not strong. The entire company has a large structure and assets, but it does not have a stable and clear cash flow business.

Therefore, this is why I think he will definitely use Song Ruhua's tax control machine contract, after all, it is very profitable.

But you know, he's just using it to make money to support his software team.

Kobayashi, look at his actions after Huating. In order to build a software team, those actions are really costly.Logically speaking, if he didn't have the idea of ​​expanding the software team for this kind of thing, why did he promote it so hard?
Just to show off that your company treats you well? "

Guo Wei shook his head amusedly, "No, his purpose is very clear, that is to poach people. As far as I know, among our Digital China employees, there are already many software engineers from the TOP Group. The thought of going back.

When he does not have the ability to do hardware research and development for the time being, software is his only choice. "

Speaking of this, Guo Wei smacked his lips, carefully glanced at Zhiliu's face, and seeing that there was nothing unusual, he smiled and continued,

"Although we were tricked by Fudan and Fuhua. However, I personally think that he will eventually get involved with Fudan, but it may not be him who does it, but Fudan takes the initiative.

After all, Fudan University is happy to see the success of an outstanding alumnus, or an outstanding student.

The name is there. If you don't make good use of it, but clear it up, I don't think Qing Yun or the leaders of Fudan University will be so demented.

Well, this also determines one thing, Qingyun needs to shoulder at least a certain amount of responsibility, so that Fudan University can have a reason to coat him with its own golden light.

In my opinion, compared to the difficulty of hardware, it is the easiest to implement a national software. "

Guo Wei's explanation was very detailed, which made Yang Zhiyuan frowned.

Lin Min couldn't sit still, he had already noticed it.


Everything is weird today.

His suspicious eyes circled around Lin Min and Guo Wei.

Guo Wei shrugged his shoulders, "Teacher, Mr. Yang, if there is no such information, I think this is the most likely situation.

Software and hardware walk on two legs, which is the scary thing about TOP Group's rapid rise to the top.

And the nine founders of Qingyun who were able to instigate rebellion against TOP must have relied on the routine of talking about feelings.

Without this, I don't think it would be possible.

As for whether he will focus on hardware or software in the future, frankly speaking, in my position, because of poor information, I cannot make a definite judgment. I can only say that I personally tend to He goes software.

But, after all, he can rely on Chengdian, and TOP's background is quite deep, and it is possible to go in any direction.

Even with his financial strength, I am not surprised that software and hardware go hand in hand.

Even if there is no fundraising from Qin Tianchuan's daughter, it doesn't matter.

But this is all for later.

Finally, to sum up, on the premise of excluding that information, I personally think that Yanhuang Group should have realized sales by now. "

If Emperor Yun was here, I'm afraid he would have murderous intentions.

Guo Wei made a lot of guesses about his intentions after three times, five divisions and two divisions.

Zhi Liu was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately looked at Yang Zhiyuan, "Hurry up, go and investigate! Find out more about the situation."

It doesn't take much effort to find out about this kind of thing.

But the more Zhiliu thought about it, the more he felt that the situation might be as special as Guo Wei said.

The worse the situation, the more likely it will happen.

At this moment, Zhiliu's hands and feet were a little numb.

Yang Zhiyuan laughed when he heard the words, nodded at Guo Wei with a smile, then turned to Zhiliu and said, "Teacher, there is a piece of information that I haven't communicated to everyone in time.

Yanhuang Group is doing branded machines in the retail market. Last night, I got confirmation from Intel's Yang Xu that Qing Yun asked Intel for a large number of Celeron CPUs. "

After hearing the news, Zhiliu glared at Yang Zhiyuan angrily. He also knew that there was something wrong with his emotions, so he quickly said, "Then there's no need, Sai Yang...hahahaha!"

Zhiliu breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that he feels uncomfortable. Although it's summer, he's sweating all over his back in the air-conditioned room.

It's no wonder that Yang Zhiyuan didn't report it when he knew about it. Under the established measures, Yang Xu's information last night was just proof that Yang Zhiyuan didn't need to report it to him in such a hurry.

Li Qin also laughed, "Sai Yang is good! Young people like Sai Yang!"

Everyone also laughed.

Using a Celeron computer for a country official is something that can only be done after eating a lot of brain damage.

Amidst the laughter, Guo Wei froze for a moment, and then laughed too.

My wife is right, I am just a professional worker.

It's amazing, gold collar.

Harmony but difference, beauty and beauty together!
After a while, Zhi Liu's face darkened, "Then keep the previous plan, just..."

He paused, looked at Yang Zhiyuan, with a murderous look on his face, "Intensify efforts, and require everyone in the sales team to go all out, and we must not allow Yanhuang Group to gain a foothold in the market!

From now on, start the summer promotion activities!Be sure to empty the wallets of Yanhuang Group's potential customers first! "

After that, he glanced at Lin Min who was seriously taking the minutes of the meeting, and thought about it, "Lin Min, from today onwards, you will go to Rongke Land to be the vice president and learn from Mr. Chen."


(End of this chapter)

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