Rekindle 2003

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

At first, Qing Yun actually didn't think about how to break this crisis, but the great man once said that things that are difficult to solve should be left to more capable people.

So, what is the crux of the matter and what is the key question?
is the one who asks the question.

To solve Fangyuan is to solve the problem.

Just like a king starting a group, against the wind, as a dog king, you must always say a word silently in your heart:

If my teammates don't go up, I won't go up, but if the enemy has residual blood, I will go up again.

At this time, Fangyuan is like an enemy with a self-mutilation aura. You have to wait for his own blood and skills to be used up, and then use Master Di's three skills to complete the key kill.

Fang Yuan was successfully killed by Emperor Yun, and he couldn't find a way out of the key problem.

But following the leader's train of thought, he still found the key.

"Mr. Xiaoqing, you are saying that the key to returning to the main business is that we must not waver around the main business, and we must not be greedy for everything and start a new battlefield blindly, right?"

Qin Manman took a deep breath, his beautiful eyes filled with the words 'I can't laugh or cry'.

And Qing Yun blinked, nodded quickly and gave Fang Yuan an emperor's affirmation.

The name of Fangyuan's 'Housekeeper' just now made his head burnt out, and he couldn't think of any good solution when he was in a hurry, so he could only sit there and wait for others to escort him.

If you are forced to make a move, you can only be fooled.

However, Fang Yuan, who had a relatively clear brain circuit, made up his own mind, and he immediately came to an idea.

"Yes. It is necessary to think about your family financial software. It can be seen that you are a very hard-working person, which is very worthy of recognition.

But frankly speaking, our top priority at the moment is to correct the mistakes that TOP has made in various industries in the past, so that everyone can return to the main business.

Is the prospect of home financial software good?Of course!Whether the female consumer market is attractive, there must be.

However, this is not the best time for us to intervene.

The acquisition has just been completed, and we urgently need to establish a strategic image of our Yanhuang Group in the market. The tax control machine can guarantee our cash flow, so that the entire Yanhuang Group has the foundation to survive in the market.

Then what do we need to do?I once said it when I was with the senior executives at the group headquarters, and then Secretary Tang will sort out the documents and distribute them to everyone.

Yanhuang Group's corporate vision is to be an "overall solution provider for the electronic needs of the entire human life cycle"! "

Except for the three daughters, it was the first time for everyone else to hear such an awkward vision.

As a last resort, Emperor Yun had no choice but to speak human words.

After listening to the "people's words", everyone had to agree that the original corporate vision sounded more modest.

Taking the words of old man Ren from later generations to come to this pretentious Emperor Yun, he shrugged his shoulders calmly, "It's actually the 'Internet of Everything'."

Fang Yuan was shocked by this grand vision, and instantly understood the leader's intention,
"President Xiaoqing, that is, our software institute, needs to cooperate with the hardware department of the group company, right?"

Everyone also understood that the IT industry, since its inception, has been an industry that combines software and hardware to complement each other.

Qing Yun nodded, "The Internet of Everything is the direction, and meals must be eaten bite by bite.

The most critical question before us now is how we can survive and grow stronger under the background of foreign IT industry aggressively attacking the country.

In my opinion, in the current situation, hardware is the foundation and software is the access. Good software can bring a moat to the sales of hardware.

You can also see this trend from the tax control machine. The reason why Yanhuang was able to obtain the qualification of the tax control machine is all due to the tax software foundation laid in the past.

Therefore, our energy should be focused on researching and subdividing industry software. The purpose of special research is not only to sell industry software, but also to drive hardware sales. "

Qing Yun immediately threw out the concept of enterprise software, and following his narration, everyone really understood the focus of the next step.

Fangyuan has completely understood, it's not that the 'housekeeper' software is not good, but the main attack direction of Yanhuang Group at the moment.

Yanhuang Group is an enterprise that wants to walk and develop with both software and hardware at the same time. A "housekeeper" software cannot bring direct benefits to the group in terms of hardware development.

Although she was a little unwilling in her heart, Fang Yuan also accepted this statement.

You can't have both.

That corporate vision, which sounds very awkward, is actually doomed to the tendency of Yanhuang Group to be "hard" in its development.

Yanhuang's software serves the hardware.

As a programmer, this kind of statement will certainly make them feel a little sour.

But as an IT person in Huaguo, they also understand that in order to achieve the goal of "Internet of Everything", which obviously has a certain trend of thought, it is impossible for hardware to rely on globalization like European and American countries.

Is Huaguo's software bad?
Objectively speaking, there is still a certain gap with the international leading level at this time.

But this gap is obviously much smaller than the hardware.

Therefore, the development of hardware, for these IT people, is a BUFF with a halo of patriotism, which makes their blood boil involuntarily.

"Returning to the topic just now, although Xiaofang's thinking is a bit off, the direction of the financial software is correct, and I agree with your thinking.

That being the case, at this stage, in addition to continuing to promote the development of the Linux self-developed system, the Institute of Software has preliminarily determined two key products, one is the enterprise check software just mentioned, and the other is financial software.

For the enterprise search software, I have arranged for Dean Qin to take the lead, and Li Zhi of the group company to organize the development.

Financial software, Manager Zhou Yanzhou, you can take the lead and write a development plan first. "

Zhou Yan didn't answer immediately, he frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Qing Yun and opened his mouth hesitantly,

"President Xiaoqing, I personally think that for financial software, it might be easier for us to acquire a ready-made professional financial software company."


In the eyes of Zhou Yan and others, Mr. Xiaoqing has plenty of money.

There are ready-made ones, can’t you just buy them and buy them?

Although you can wait for others to do financial software, isn't it time-consuming and troublesome?

Qing Yun also nodded when she heard the words, "M&A is indeed the fastest path."

Then it changed the subject, "But the main players in the market now do not have the possibility of mergers and acquisitions.

UFIDA and Kingdee together account for 70% of the entire market, while the remaining dozens of financial software companies, the largest Xinzhongda, have a market share of less than 5%.

Both UFIDA and Kingdee are listed companies. To acquire these two companies, we have to pay a high price and take the risk of corporate culture incompatibility, which is not so easy. "

Zhou Yan thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

The big ones are too big, the small ones are too small.

He really wanted to make it simple.

Qing Yun smiled, "It's okay, you just go ahead and do capital operations like mergers and acquisitions, I'll do it."


(End of this chapter)

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