Rekindle 2003

Chapter 238 The Complaint Conference

Chapter 238 The Complaint Conference
As technicians, Li Liang and the others are afraid that the leader will stick to the end, and they are even more afraid that the leader will require the underlying technology developers to be market-oriented.

After all, there are specializations in the technical industry. After all, there is a job called architect in the software industry, and not all technical developers are architects.

To put it bluntly, in Huaguo at this moment, there are no more than two hands of qualified architects.

Technical developers, what they have to do is to implement the model, and let them extend it to do other things, which is nonsense.

Everyone looked at each other, and felt a bit confused. Regardless of whether the company made money or not, at least the working environment was good.

Seeing that Li Liang had finished speaking, Qing Yun motioned for the next one to continue talking.

"My name is Zhang Yongqiang, and I am the project manager of LDAP..."

"I joined TOP Group Huating R&D Center at the end of 2000..."

"At that time, TOP was going to set up a research center based on open source software such as LINUX in Huating..."

"I am more interested in the direction of database technology, and at the same time, several like-minded friends have gone to TOP..."

"Boss Song Ru Hua Song really wanted to do things technically, which attracted me too much, so I rushed from Yanjing to Huating to join TOP..."

One person continued.

Qing Yun smiled after hearing this, and asked Gao Youping, the resigned employee, "Mr. Gao, regardless of management, what do you think of the technical force and talent team of TOP Software Institute?
Or it is not limited to this topic, you can say whatever you want to say, and we will open up tonight.I really, really want to hear the real voice. "

Gao Youping smiled, "Mr. Xiaoqing, I can see that you are a person who does practical things. Don't worry, I will know everything without saying anything."

He also knew very well that the tens of thousands of dollars of the young man in front of him was not just a hush money.

Otherwise, it would be reasonable not to give a penny.

To put it bluntly, what Song Ruhua did before has nothing to do with Mr. Xiaoqing now. On the contrary, it was this young man who rescued himself and others from the devil's den.

It is not for nothing that others give tens of thousands, and he also wants to form a good relationship, so he said very sincerely,

"Let's talk about personnel first. There are many sources of technical personnel in TOP Software Institute. Most of the fresh graduates come from key universities. In addition, there are also many people from companies such as Zhongxin and Huawei who come to work in TOP.

There are indeed quite a number of experts here. For example, Luan Zheng, the current person in charge of M++, was already an old programmer with eight years of experience in GIS system development.

At the same time, he has a strong understanding of new technology architecture and is a C++ master. In 2000, he discovered the memory leak problem in Borland VisiBroker, which surprised the people of Borland.

Hey!In fact, I am a technical person, so I can’t fully explain this issue. Lao Zhuang actually understands it better. Lao Zhuang, please tell me. "

A middle-aged man named by him smiled and took over the topic,
"President Xiaoqing, I am Zhuang Maoke. I used to be the person in charge of the development of the TOP tax system. I also have part of the management function, so I have a relatively right to speak in this regard."

Zhuang Maoke understood what Gao Youping meant, and after briefly introducing himself, he began to introduce,

"The staff of the Software Academy is composed of two parts, most of them entered TOP directly after graduating from the school, and came to Huating from Jincheng.

These people are basically graduate students of related majors from Jincheng Electronic Science and Technology University and Shu University. Very few undergraduates come in after graduation. It should be said that their technical level is at the same level as the average technical level of the industry. cornerstone strength.

And the other part is senior technical engineers like Lao Gao and Zhou Yan, who were dug from Huating, Yanjing, and Pengcheng. The technical level of these personnel is relatively high... Forget it, to be honest, the peak moment , should be the leading level in the industry.

Of course, to be honest, it is TOP's salary that makes these senior technicians very satisfied.

When graduates like Fangyuan first came in, their salaries were only the average level in the industry, which I personally think is quite reasonable.

It’s just that TOP has always had an old problem, that is, the promotion mechanism for technical personnel is seriously blocked. There are only so many mid-level and high-level positions, and everyone wants to climb up. After all, the income of middle-level and high-level positions is much higher.

However, one is that the road is so narrow, and the other is that the people who climb up...

Mr. Xiaoqing, let's put it this way, good technology doesn't mean good management ability, right?Those who understand technology do not necessarily understand management, and those who understand management do not necessarily understand technology.

Like Fang Yuan, he is good at technology, but letting him do management would be a disaster. Fang Yuan, are you right? "

Fang Yuan chuckled, "Don't bother me with management matters, I'll just type the code."

After all, he looked at Qingyun, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "President Xiaoqing, but the technicians can't suffer."

One of the resigned employees opposite him also said, "President Xiaoqing, my name is Yan Kaiyuan, and I used to be the person in charge of TOP's telecommunications industry software.

I think it's not just about salary, but also about status and right to speak in the company.

Before 1999, TOP relied on software for a living, and the status of technicians was very high.

The original TOP was the home of intellectuals, and it really made some intellectuals get rich first, and then drove more intellectuals to get rich together!

Back then at TOP, a young man in his 20s could own a car and a house, and he was the envy of his classmates.

But after 99, in TOP, technicians are always at the bottom of the company.

TOP has always had a concept that 'the market is more important than technology'.

So every year TOP's New Year's greetings to employees are written like this: management personnel, marketing personnel, ..., technical personnel.

I'm not saying that whoever should be ranked what position, but the status of technicians can be reflected from this detail.

All TOP new employees have to receive a one-week training and military training before entering the company. One of the TOP rules that everyone must remember is: 'No matter what the customer says, agree to it first, and then talk about specific issues when you come back'.

As for the share of project bonuses, the number of technical personnel is the least, and some projects even have none at all.

Whether it is money or not is a trivial matter, but marketers get 80% of the money...

Mr. Xiaoqing, I'm not saying that 'the market is more important than technology' is completely wrong, but that TOP has done too much before.

This kind of mechanism will make market personnel talk nonsense and make promises with their mouths open in order to attract projects outside.

If the requirements cannot be realized, it is all the fault of the technicians, but some requirements cannot be realized by human beings! "

Speaking of this topic, all the technicians were complaining, and it was so lively.

Qing Yun laughed inwardly.

Complaint conferences have always been the best way to unite comrades.

(End of this chapter)

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