Rekindle 2003

Chapter 224 You are the one who dragged me out for a monkey walk!

Chapter 224 You are the one who dragged me out for a monkey walk!

Yang Xu was very speechless. The boy in front of him bought TOP and gained too many benefits.

And all this only cost him 3000 million, and Song Ruhua also allowed him to 'give it when he has money'.

What's the difference between this and a free gift!
Qing Yun handed him a cigarette, "I can't help it, I'm afraid of death."

TOP's security team and interior guard team, who are used to fighting, were all taken over by him, but they were all turned to the bright side and appeared in the sun.

This group of people has done a lot of disgusting things, but there are not many things that actually break the law.

Frankly speaking, breaking the law can't be considered, at most it is violating public security regulations.

After all, this is a group of hooligans who understand the law, and they are very cautious in doing things, and they will not touch the level of criminal law at all.

In the past few days, Qing Yun felt that Yang Bingnan was too easy to use.

Grasping Yang Bingnan's handle, he asked Yang Bingnan to pass false news twice to tease Yang Zhiyuan, which can be regarded as a trick of alienation.

Of course, it can't be used too much. In terms of security, brothers in the same family are most at ease.

Yang Xu took the cigarette and lit it, but then looked at Qing Yun who was empty in his hand with a dazed expression, "Do you smoke or not?"

At this time, Qing Yun said with a smile, "I'm a celebrity now, so I can't smoke in front of fans."

After all, he politely waved to the fans who were taking pictures in the distance, the smile on his face mainly portrayed the image of a gentle and humble gentleman.

Yang Xu was speechless for a moment.

With the reporter on the side, he couldn't give a middle finger either.

But he has seen the brat's shamelessness in front of him.

"You are a bad guy, smoking and drinking will almost burn your head." Yang Xu didn't know what to think of, and laughed.

Qing Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Can you buy tickets for Deyun Club?"

There are many things he wanted to do since he was reborn, and going to the small garden to listen to the old couple's cross talk between the emperor and the empress was one of them.

After all, if future generations want to listen to Xiao Yuanzi, scalpers may not be able to buy it.

Those Deyun girls are just insane.

Yang Xu was obviously stunned for a moment, "You know the Deyun Society? No... you need a ticket to see the Deyun Society?

As for the garden of Tianqiao, you can go in casually, and if you are lucky, it will be reserved. "

The cross talk at this time is very small, especially in this small garden. As an audience, if you answer the phone, the person who talks about cross talk has to stop and wait for you.

If you don't hear a sentence clearly, you can ask the speaker on the stage to repeat it.

Qing Yun was a little taken aback, then shook his head and changed the subject.

After all, this is 2003, and Guo Zi now has to pretend to be a grandson in the window in order to support Deyun Club.

While eating and chatting, Yang Xu's phone rang in the middle, and after apologizing to Qing Yun, she went out to answer the phone.

After a while, Yang Xu, who had returned to his seat, took a puff of cigarette, "You boy, you have no good intentions to treat me to a hot pot meal."

Qing Yun stared at him with wide open eyes.

His face was full of innocent expressions, just like a little milk dog.

The female fans in the distance couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts, and they all screamed, and then the flash lights lit up.

Seeing this, Yang Xu had a chill and said angrily, "You're the one who dragged me out for a monkey walk!"

The phone call just now was from Yang Zhiyuan.

After just exchanging a few pleasantries, Yang Zhiyuan asked about the content of the negotiation with Yanhuang Group today.

Yang Xu was also funny, he even had the feeling that Yang Zhiyuan called to catch rape.

Speaking of this, he chuckled, "Hey! Boy! How did Zhiliu offend you? Are you worthy of such a trick?"

From Yang Xu's point of view, he could understand Chen Cang's insinuations during the acquisition of TOP.

After all, what fantasy likes to do most is to strangle new entrants in the cradle. In the past ten years, there have been eighty new players who have fallen under the iron hands of fantasy.

In order to get the license, it was necessary for this kid to do this, and he did it really well.

But the follow-up operation, Yang Xu felt that it was unnecessary.

On the bright side, he released a corporate promotional video aimed at the youth market, but secretly engaged in tax control machines.

The point is, how long can Zhiliu be concealed from this action?
Now he dragged himself out to eat hot pot in the public, maybe those reporters were attracted by his own rumors.

This is undoubtedly sending another message to the outside world. He Qingyun and he Yang Xu have a good personal relationship. Under the influence of this personal relationship, Intel is likely to favor him in policy.

After all, Yang Xu is in control of the Interinside Fund, which promotes and distributes support subsidies to Huaguo brand machine manufacturers.

Qing Yun gave him a piece of hairy belly, "Have you heard the story of the wolf coming?"

Yang Xu shook his head helplessly, "You tricks!"

Combined with the Centrino II platform that Qing Yun mentioned at the beginning of the negotiation, Yang Xu felt that this scene was still worth watching.

He picked up a cigarette and tapped it on the table, "Boy, you want to lose the reputation of the fantasy brand, right?"

He lit the cigarette, and did not wait for Qing Yun to answer, "Indeed, price wars are double-edged swords. While knocking down your opponent, it will also have a negative impact on your brand image. You play it several times in a row, and let the fantasy continue to unfold." In the price war, he lost not only cash income, but also the fantasy brand.

But, kid, do you know that Fantasia is negotiating with Abby Aimu about a share swap?There is a lot to read here. "

Qing Yun could only shake his head at this moment, "Speak in detail!"

He has no reasonable source of information for this kind of thing, so he can only listen to Yang Xu's nonsense.

Yang Xu lowered his voice, and started to babble in a low voice.

After a while, he smiled, "Whether it is a merger or a share exchange, it has nothing to do with us.

But, kid, after having the brand of think, the depreciation of the brand image of fantasy is certain, and your actions actually don't have much impact on fantasy.

If you don't do it, imagine that you can do it yourself.Otherwise, why would Fantasy go to BMD? "

This point, Yang Xu also figured it out in combination with the information given by Qing Yun.

While Intel is expanding the Huaguo market on a large scale through fantasies, why is it that fantasies are not monopolizing with the help of Intel?

At this stage, the brand phone market has entered the red ocean of stocks, and everyone is wondering where the next blue ocean is.

After Fantasia gets BMD's chips, it will inevitably start a bloody price war, just like what Qing Yun said '2999 yuan, fantasy computer to take home', actively sinking to the fifth- and sixth-tier markets.

The reason is very simple, after embracing the world, Huaguo's economy will inevitably usher in a landing.

How to adjust the industrial structure to ease the landing pressure? On this point, the government and the opposition have reached a consensus, which is to expand domestic demand, promote consumption, and activate the potential of townships.

Therefore, the real motivation for fantasy to invest in the BMD camp is fully understood.

Qing Yun looked at him, and said playfully, "Old Yang, what if Fantasia and Abby Emu failed to exchange shares?"

(End of this chapter)

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