Rekindle 2003

Chapter 206 Picking Wei Fudan University, Living Up to Qingyun.

Chapter 206 Picking Wei Fudan University, Living Up to Qingyun.

In the conference room of Fudan University, a group of old scholars were sitting in their seats, all of them staring at the projected TOP Group announcement through gnashing their teeth.

"Damn Emma!"

Deputy Secretary Zheng's furious roar echoed the hearts of everyone.

How embarrassing!
It's so bullying!
A group of people who guaranteed their Ph.D. supervisors were treated as fools for almost a month by others, and accompanied them to stage a big drama in the capital market.

Shi Guangyong also looked at the announcement with a livid face, unable to utter a word.

His fierce research and judgment, various analysis of the trend of the situation, and countermeasures looked like a fucking joke at the moment!
Moreover, he is sure that this matter will be recorded in the annals of Huaguo's securities history and economic history.

And Fudan University is the best supporting group!
Bank cleanup, Mingxiu plank road secretly playing fantasy, manipulating public opinion, unknowingly instigating rebellion, dismembering TOP...

This is the real strategizing, and it is really beautifully played.

However, when it fell on him, he also just wanted to scold his mother.

Shi Guangyong was already thinking about how to wear small shoes for Qing Yun after he entered the school.

A business tycoon who fails every year?
But he only dared to think about it in his mind, not to mention whether Qing Yun minded the question of failing the subject, if the news of "National No. Not even Fudan University?
Moreover, maybe the school will have to find him for alms in the future, so don't look for trouble.

The principal Wang Dechao above the conference room smiled wryly, "From another perspective, it's not a bad thing. At least, we haven't been forced to buy."

Xu Zeng, the executive vice-principal, looked depressed, "It was all used as a gun."

Vice-principal Li, who accompanied the last seat, said with a smile on his face, "Isn't this right? We have also avoided the risk of decision-making, and we can also implement the road of holding shares that Xiaoshi said. I think the result is very good now."

Vice-principal Li was overjoyed. Not only did he watch a high-level intellectual being played like a monkey, but he also easily and safely pocketed the information fee of 30 yuan provided by Yang Zhiyuan.

What's more, his father-in-law was hopeless and dying, and now he was just lingering in the hospital.

It has reached the point where the doctor says to eat whatever you want.

This day, it's just not too cool.

Wang Dechao glanced at him, and nodded helplessly, "Let's talk about it, what should we do now? Should we announce the resumption of trading in Fuhua immediately, or wait until Hopu Group clearly informs us that we will give up the reorganization and then resume trading?"

Shi Guangyong sighed unconsciously when he heard the words.

The failure of reorganization is a major negative for listed companies.

It seems that Fuhua's stock price will have to limit down at the opening.

And the stock price will not rise in a short time.

He is very optimistic about the development of Fuhua, and has insisted on investing in Fuhua since a few years ago.

Oh well, at least one car is gone.

But what should be said still has to be said, "Leaders, according to the rules, we have to wait..."

Before the words were finished, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and Zhao Quan, Wang Dechao's secretary, walked in quickly, and then whispered in his ear.

Seeing this, Shi Guangyong had no choice but to shut up.

It's not a big deal, and it's impossible for Secretary Zhao to come in and disturb her.

Wang Dechao frowned when he heard this, and after instructing the secretary, he said to the crowd, "Qin Tianchuan is here, in my office."

"Why is he here? To humiliate people? How about we go to a meeting together!" Deputy Secretary Zheng's temper was very hot, and he couldn't suppress his anger immediately.

Wang Dechao had an unbelievable expression at the moment, "He said, he came to talk about compensation to Fudan University."

Shi Guangyong rolled his eyes and made up for it!
Fudan is dignified, how many stinky money do you care about?

Deputy Secretary Zheng coughed twice, "Well... I think you can still listen to it. This injury, I think... it should be worth a building, right?"

Xu Zeng, the executive vice president, took a sip from his teacup, "It seems that the parents of the students are quite sensible. As a university, we should be more generous. What do you think of a laboratory?"

There was a coughing sound in the conference room.

Shi Guangyong rubbed his face vigorously, feeling that he was still too young.

Wang Dechao stood up, "Then... adjourn the meeting first."


Wang Dechao, who had a stern face along the way, walked into his office and closed the door, but with a smile on his face, "Mr. Qin, why did you make a trip in person?"

Qin Tianchuan, who was originally sitting, got up when he entered the door, smiling all over his face.
"Last time I saw that your old heart was not good. No, I went back and searched for some medicinal materials and brought them to you."

Wang Dechao glanced at him helplessly, "Dong Qin, isn't this bad?"

"What's wrong with it? It's just a little souvenir from the parents of the students, and it's not worth a lot of money. The discipline rules have also made it clear that small amounts of favors are allowed."

While chatting and laughing, Qin Tianchuan took the box on the sofa and opened it, "Gastrodia elata and Danshen are all prepared by Hopu's own old doctor, sliced ​​and boiled eggs, one a day."

Wang Dechao saw that it was indeed a native product, so he didn't insist on anything, and said, "Parents are interested." '

However, having been in a high position for a long time, he still made a change, and took a box of tea leaves from the bookshelf as a reward, "The tea leaves from his own tea garden are fresh, and Chairman Qin brought them back to taste." '

Sophisticated dealings, as for equality, don't worry about it.

The local product of Qin Tianchuan was made by Hopu himself, who can explain the price clearly?

After some politeness, the two sat down to chat about business.

"Thanks to Mr. Wang for setting up the stage and singing. Without Fuhua's cooperation, my kid might not be able to complete his performance this time."

Facing Qin Tianchuan's thanks, Wang Dechao laughed and waved his hands,
"It's right to help the students of my own school. However, Director Qin, you may have to bleed a little this time, otherwise I will be under a lot of pressure."

Qin Tianchuan smiled, "I won't embarrass you, Mr. Wang. Hopu plans to build a microelectronics experiment center with Fudan University."

Wang Dechao glanced at him helplessly, "It's not kind! I just know how to pave the way for your son-in-law."

"Fudan can also make up for its shortcomings." Qin Tianchuan narrowed his eyes narrowly.

Seeing this, Wang Dechao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pointed at him, "It's serious, the drug consistency platform that you talked about in the closed-door meeting last time when you went to Yanjing, is it really going to be done by Fuhua?"

Qin Tianchuan nodded, "It really should be placed in Fuhua, and Fuhua is backed by Fudan University.

In terms of pharmacology and toxicology, although Fudan is not as good as Xiehe, University of Chinese Medicine, and Yanda, it is a leader in the country and even in the world.

Under the combination of business, business, industry, education and research, Fuhua is the best choice. "

Wang Dechao frowned and thought for a while, "That is to say, Xiaoqing, won't you enter Fuhua?"

Qin Tianchuan waved his hand, "He doesn't need to hold shares in Fuhua."

"Sign a commitment agreement?" At this point, Wang Dechao shook his head. "You big families, the water is too deep. I don't feel relieved if I don't sign the agreement."

Qin Tianchuan looked at him amusedly, "Old Wang, you are overthinking. I came today to tell Fudan explicitly that the Qin family and...Xiaoqing have no intention of seeking shares in Fuhua."

Wang Dechao was completely dumbfounded when he heard the words, and the surprise on his face could not be concealed.

Qin Tianchuan smiled, "The name is just a coincidence, coming to Fudan is actually my daughter's own initiative, Qing Yun didn't know it at first.

The kid said that if Fudan University thinks his name is bothering him, he can apply for a transfer. "

Wang Dechao frowned immediately, and squinted at Qin Tianchuan, "You son-in-law, you have a tough temper!"

Yo hoo!

Continue to install!
Qin Tianchuan shrugged his shoulders, "Don't look at me, he really said it, if you don't believe me, you call him and ask him yourself. To be honest, what he does is more suitable for Huaqing or Huake University."

When Wang Dechao saw that he said it firmly, he felt even more uncomfortable.

What the hell, I am a majestic Fudan University, so I am so unpopular?
This kid still doesn't want to rub Fudan's name?

Wang Dechao suddenly remembered something, and hissed, "Director Qin, tell me the truth about how much Qing Yun participated in the acquisition of TOP this time?"

Qin Tianchuan smiled slightly, "The whole plan is all his plan, including the consistency of medicines, which was also proposed by him. In this plan, I and even the whole Qin family are his pawns."

Wang Dechao sneered, "He's only 18 years old, it's not a good thing for you to praise him too much."

Qin Tianchuan smiled helplessly, and then said lightly, "If I had just said a single word of lies, I would never be able to hug my grandchildren for the rest of my life."

Wang Dechao's face immediately changed when he heard the words, and he quickly made up his mind, "Dong Qin, it's over! It's over! I believe it! How can you swear on such a thing."

Qin Tianchuan winked at him in embarrassment, "Because what I said is true."

"Really?" Wang Dechao sucked his teeth in disbelief.

Qin Tianchuan nodded solemnly, "Really, he didn't use any of the Qin family's strength, but instead allocated a piece of the proceeds to my elder brother.

It can also be seen from the transaction structure that he pulled Shi Yuzhu and Sun Hongbing into a game.

This, there is no need to lie to your old man. "

There was a huge wave in Wang Dechao's mind, but his expression remained calm.

"The name is just a code name, let him not care about these pretentious claims.

Come here, let him study hard at Fudan University. "

Qin Tianchuan smiled, "Yeah, the four years in college are wonderful."

Wang Dechao's face changed, "Dr. Qin, I think your ideas will change. For Xiaoqing's generation, a bachelor's degree is not enough.

Especially entrepreneurs, now that we have begun to embrace the world, we must follow the pace of the times and look forward.

Fudan also pays attention to an 'eclectic' in the cultivation of talents.

I think, as Xiaoqing's national college entrance examination champion status, it is also possible for us to apply for a '4+2+3' nine-year combined undergraduate, master, and doctorate for him. "


"He really didn't have to lie to us."

In the conference room, when talking about the details of the secret conversation with Qin Tianchuan, Wang Dechao was very helpless.

Vice-principal Li asked, "Businessman, hehe! Old principal, how can you guarantee that Qin Tianchuan is still not lying to us?

No profiteering, no business!In order to achieve their goals, businessmen can do anything.

Swear and swear there is a fart!Lu Buwei also killed Ying Zheng, not his son.

The point is, who will believe it?A doll whose hair may not even grow fully, turning hands into clouds and hands into rain in the capital market?

Is it credible?is it possible? "

What Wang Dechao said just now is that he wants to support Qing Yun with all his strength.

Vice-principal Li immediately became angry, what a joke, that doll will take all the advantages in the world!
Even if Qing Yun had taken up a new position when he entered the school, he would mess up the matter today.

The same son-in-law, how can Qingyun be able to live freely in the world, and everyone revolves around him?

Could it be that on this stage of life, he is the protagonist and everyone else is a supporting role?
Fuck off!

Wang Dechao shook his head, "Xiaoshi, tell me about the transaction structure. Qin Tianchuan said that it can be seen from the transaction structure that this is Qingyun's independent operation."

Shi Guangyong was stunned for a moment, and after giving the old principal a strange look, he walked to the laptop in the meeting room, opened Excel, and began to draw the transaction structure diagram.

"From the perspective of the entire transaction structure, Hopu did not make any contribution in it, as you can see...


Based on the information available at the moment, especially in light of Qin Tianchuan's itinerary, Qing Yun was indeed responsible for the acquisition of TOP.

At that time, none of the Qin family was in Jincheng, and Hopu had no accompanying executives, so there was no basis for equal conversations with Song Ruhua.

And... To be honest, we can already see Qing Yun's level of enchantment from the futures.

Therefore, I think... Qin Tianchuan's words still have a considerable degree of credibility. "

After Shi Guangyong finished his analysis, Wang Dechao laughed jokingly,

"Actually... I don't understand any transaction structure, so I only half believe Qin Tianchuan's words."

Deputy Secretary Zheng was stunned, "Then..."

Xu Zeng's heart fluttered suddenly, and his eyes rolled, "Old principal, what do you mean, Qin Tianchuan's two son-in-laws have no attempt to take over Huahua anyway, or specific measures, why don't we just follow the trend and treat it as a favor?"

After hearing what Xu Zeng said, everyone understood.

In the final analysis, as long as the two sons-in-law didn't try to seize Fuhua's shares, then if Qing Yun wanted to have a real relationship with Fudan University, unless Fudan University admitted it.

Just a well-known name without official certification is useless.

Wang Dechao laughed loudly at this time, "No, I only half believe his words, but another thing is the main reason why I confirm that this acquisition is led by Qing Yun."

After all, he tried his best to wipe his face, trying to be as serious as possible, because what he wanted to say was not very serious.

"The main reason is that Qing Yun... besides Qin Manman, also has a girlfriend, and the Qin family knows about it."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

What the hell is this?

There was silence in the conference room.

After a while, Vice Principal Li murmured, "This...the Qin family can bear it?"

As a son-in-law, he has the most say in such matters.

What a joke!
Even if he was walking on the street, holding his own tank by the hand, he had to endure the discomfort in his stomach and praise the tank's 'beautiful appearance'.


Vice President Li took a deep breath.

None of his children were named Li.

Everyone understood that Wang Dechao's words had three meanings.

First, Qing Yun is definitely not a son-in-law.

Second, Qingyun himself has great ability and strength, making the Qin family willing to give in to the existence of his other girlfriend, turning a blind eye to it.

Thirdly, since Qing Yun has such ability, he doesn't care about the reputation of Fudan University at all.

"Yes, Qin Tianchuan also euphemistically expressed this meaning to me, even Qingyun is upset and will transfer schools." Wang Dechao spread his hands and said helplessly.

Qin Tianchuan said it politely, but he heard it as if he was being threatened.

But think about it, people who are capable have never suffered from being useless.

But Qin Tianchuan's statement made everyone understand that for a young genius who can swallow ants and elephants at the age of 18, Fudan University's previous precautions were really petty.

"How can that be done! Qingyun is Fudan, and Fudan is Qingyun! This is fate!" Deputy Secretary Zheng said sternly.

Are you kidding me, holding gifted students from three listed companies and sending them to other schools?

Who the hell dares to snatch it!

Executive Vice President Xu Zeng also patted the table, "Xiao Shi! Qing Yun is a student of your School of Economics! Your school must do a good job of caring and taking care of the freshmen!"

Vice President Wang Yuan rubbed his chin, and then hissed, "Isn't the country holding the 'Hua Guo College Students Entrepreneurship Competition' now? You say, let's put Qing Yun's name on it?

Isn't this... the gold medal easy to grab?It is also an excellent publicity demonstration effect! "

Everyone froze for a moment, and then their eyes lit up.

Qing Yun, are you going to participate in the Entrepreneurship Competition?

Swallowing TOP, Qingyun himself is a giant elephant, and now he goes back to the ant nest to compare himself?

One step down, the ant nest is gone.

These shameless words made Vice President Li choke and coughed, and he stopped for a long time before he said with difficulty, "Strictly speaking, he hasn't entered the school yet, so where does Fudan provide guidance for him?"

Wang Yuan chuckled, "Xiao Shi, your college will send someone immediately, didn't the principal just say that the nine-year undergraduate, master, and Ph.
Why don't you just be his tutor, head teacher... It's fine for the head teacher, and arrange for their head teacher to go to Jincheng right now, even if they go to do odd jobs for him. "

Vice-principal Li looked in horror at the group of old scholars who were nodding their heads in the conference room.

He finally knew why his grades were not good.

When these scholars are shameless, they are really shameless!

Wang Dechao pondered for a moment, then nodded, "That's it! Xiaoshi, the instructor of Qingyun's class, how did you arrange it?"

Shi Guangyong was stunned for a moment, how did he know?

This is a matter for the Ministry of Education and Industry!
Huaguo's college counselors have a special identity, having dual identities of teachers and cadres, so they are also under the dual leadership of the Ministry of Education and Industry and the college.

Vice President Li looked at his notebook and coughed, "It's Su Caiwei."

He is in charge of the academic department.

Xu Zeng's eyes widened when he heard this, "Confused! How could it be her!"

Vice President Li was dumbfounded by his question, and the constipated faces of everyone in the conference room made him even more puzzled, "Why can't it be her? Xiao Su is qualified.

Isn't this matter settled at the joint ideological and political work meeting in March?At the beginning, you also said that you would give Xiao Su more opportunities. "

Wang Dechao waved his hand depressedly, "Forget it, let's just leave it at that. Anyway, Qing Yun already has a girlfriend, so I'm not afraid of anything happening."

Wang Yuan could only smile wryly, "I'm just afraid that Xiao Su will be embarrassed in the future."

Xu Zeng sighed, "If Qingyun is single, it would be..."

Vice President Li was even more confused, "What's going on?"

Shi Guangyong, who had been holding back his laughter, said quietly at this time, "Caiwei, which describes the ups and downs of life in the Book of Songs, is Fudan University's adherent academic attitude.

So... We often say 'Plucking Fudan, Live up to Qingyun'. "

(End of this volume)

(End of this chapter)

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