Rekindle 2003

Chapter 159 Searching for him in the crowd

Chapter 159

Seeing that Yang Zhiyuan was still thinking hard, Zhiliu said dully,

"You go to say hello, let the license approval and certification seize the time, and each link will be delayed for a few days, which is enough to delay our negotiation."

Once negotiations have begun, the status of fantasy is unshakable.

Huaguo's local company has acquired the mighty Yingguo's number one computer giant Abby Emu. Under the current public opinion environment, fantasy can directly become a god.

Zhiliu is very clear that in the past two years when Huaguo officially embraced the world, he has made a lot and lost a lot.

In particular, some enterprises in some domestic industries were defeated and devastated.

And imagine that this news is like a shot in the arm, and he doesn't need to say anything, public opinion will help him shape a golden statue of a national hero.

As for the details, the reporter will not care, and the general public will not know.

And will the top management care?

Zhiliu smiled, the higher-ups knew very well what was important to Huaguo now.

Keep a low profile and accumulate strength.

So it will definitely be approved, it is nothing more than a processing industry with supplied materials.

As for the so-called negotiation, there is an intentional consensus at the beginning of the negotiation, and what is discussed is nothing more than the issue of price and benefit distribution.

As early as 2000, Fantasia had talked with Abby Aimu once, but the restructuring had not been completed at that time, and Zhiliu felt that it was not good for him to be all state-owned, so he didn't want to talk about it.

Now, things are different, so I restarted.

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhiliu's mouth curled into an arc, "Zhiyuan, arrange it, the official announcement is that we plan to invite Qing Yun to be the spokesperson for the fantasy student notebook."

Yang Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, "Teacher, the Qin family is clearly trying to build momentum for Qing Yun, why do we... help them?"

Zhiliu shook his head, "It's not to help them, but Qingyun is really suitable for the brand image of our student notebooks.

Immediately after the official announcement, contact Qing Yun himself. If necessary, you can go there in person to show our sincerity, no matter how much money you have. "

Yang Zhiyuan is stupid, teacher, is this for real?

How could the Qin family agree?
For the heir of Hopu, going to other people's house to endorse and advertise is not a matter of price drop, but a matter of dignity.

"Teacher, this is impossible. Judging from Qin Tianchuan's training plan, I even think he will retire in the next few years and hand over Hopu to Qingyun.

Maybe, after a while, that child will start to take up an important position in Hopu. "

Although Yang Zhiyuan felt a little sour in his heart, other people's lives are so good, so there is nothing to say.

But the idea of ​​the teacher is completely whimsical.

Zhiliu twitched his mouth, rolled his eyes cryptically, and cursed, "How is that impossible? Don't you know that the Olympic team will come forward!"

Only then did Yang Zhiyuan come to his senses, scratching his head in embarrassment, "Understood, teacher."

Indeed, under the Olympic strategy, everything needs to be compromised.

As for Fantasy, the top sponsor of the Yanjing Olympic Games, the Olympic Committee led the negotiation, and no one in the country could stop it.

He then hurriedly stated, "Then I will ask the planning department to come up with the advertising plan in advance according to Qing Yun's characteristics."

Zhiliu couldn't take it anymore when she heard the words, and slapped the table heavily, "Stupid!"

After that, he covered his chest and said after a while, "How could the Qin family agree!"

Seeing that Yang Zhiyuan was completely stupid, Zhiliu also had no choice but to explain for him,

"I'm forcing the Qin family to reveal their relationship with Qing Yun in advance!
No matter what plans they have, if the relationship is exposed at this time, all the halo on Qing Yun's body will be destroyed.

In the end, in the hearts of the general public, he is a champion who eats soft food.

If they put up with it and let Qing Yun speak for them, then they won't be able to use Qing Yun's brand for several years.

It's impossible for the top executives of Hopu's computer company to come out and speak for Fantasia. "

Speaking of this, Zhiliu sneered, "Zhiyuan, in addition to official endorsements and keeping an eye on Fudan Fuhua's hardware approval, Fudan University also has articles to do."

At this time, Zhiliu didn't bother to let Yang Zhiyuan realize it, and said directly, "Fudan, Hongyu alone? Haha! Their calculations are quite sophisticated.

After all, Fudan University is a century-old top school, and there are many different voices in it. Making good use of these voices can cut off the cooperation between Fudan, Fuhua and Hopu from the root. "

Zhiliu picked up the cigar and smoked a couple more, then said slowly,

"The restructuring of universities and the decoupling of schools and enterprises are the general trend, and no one can stop them.

But who the buyer is is highly debatable.

Everyone has seen the failure of Yanda's restructuring.

Therefore, whether the school-enterprise transfers shares to private companies or state-owned assets, everyone is now inclined to the latter, after all, the responsibility is too great.

Even though Hopu was an imperial merchant in ancient times, it was still a private enterprise after all.

From this aspect, make some public opinion, and cooperate with the internal voice of Fudan University, even if they can succeed in this matter, it will take a lot of trouble.

After we exchange shares with Aibi Aimu, no matter how strong Qin Tianchuan is, he won't be able to make any waves. "

How can state-owned enterprises not purchase computers from 'national hero enterprises'?
Don't look at the fact that Dell is having a lot of fun now, sweeping a lot of shares in the country, and making the fantasy live the throne of the number one brand machine.

But when the whole country mobilized, Dale couldn't do anything about it.

After so many years of deep cultivation in this industry, Zhiliu is well aware of the big cycle of the country's replacement.

Very simple, the tax law stipulates that the depreciation period of fixed assets and electronic equipment is 5 years (adjusted to 08 years in 3).

At the end of 1993, in order to adapt to the global trend of building information highways, the country officially launched the initial project of national economic informatization - "Three Gold Projects", namely the Golden Bridge Project, the Golden Pass Project and the Golden Card Project.

The following year, that is, 1994, the state purchased a large number of computers and related equipment.


In fact, in 99 and 94, the depreciation of the computer bought in [-] was exhausted, and it was time to replace it with a new one.

In other words, based on this calculation, taking into account the cycle of collective procurement, starting in 2004, state-owned enterprises across the country will usher in a new wave of machine replacement.

It is also impossible for the state to allow these agencies and state-owned enterprises to use foreign computers. For Fantasia, the main enemies are always many domestic and foreign companies.

And at that time, as long as I rush to complete the negotiation in the second half of 2004, then this tens of millions of branded phones will be eaten up by fantasy in one go.

The computer brand of the unit will directly affect the willingness of individuals to purchase.

Therefore, Zhiliu doesn't care about the public opinion that the fantasy will die after joining the WTO.

What is lost is only a small market. As long as the basic market is stable, the rest is not to be feared.

Yanda Fangzhen, Huaqing Ziguang, Haichao, and Shenzhou Computer, which has just entered the market, are completely ignored by him.

What he is most worried about is people like Qin Tianchuan who play cross-border and play cards out of common sense, so once there is a sign, he will definitely kill it in the cradle with the power of a lion fighting a rabbit.

Yang Zhiyuan nodded quickly and went out to make arrangements.

He is very clear that Zhiliu is very dissatisfied with his performance at the moment.

But Yang Zhiyuan was also full of anger.

grass!In a situation where information is not equal by nature, how does he know so many twists and turns!

"The top scorer in science in the college entrance examination won another endorsement, Hopu Dairy added an additional 800 million endorsement fees, and his worth is comparable to that of a first-line superstar!"

"Old drama bone Cheng Daoming said that the number one scholar Qingyun's acting skills are better than the industry's fresh meat!"

"You don't need a stand-in to ride a horse, and you are almost disfigured when you fall off the horse several times. Hu Jun praised Qingyun as an iron-blooded man!"

"Huayi Brothers Wang Zhonglei said that Qingyun has great potential and is willing to sign with a lot of money to help him develop in the entertainment industry!"

"Professor Shi Guangyong of Fudan University stated that Qing Yun has not entered the school yet, so he does not know the situation for the time being. I hope that the public opinion will treat it with tolerance, and don't let college students live under the spotlight."

"Fantasy Group frankly stated that it is seriously considering hiring Qing Yun as the group's image ambassador. The Hong Kong stock market recorded a net inflow of 28 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the stock price soared!"

"Huaguo Lining will invite Qingyun to be the spokesperson of its youth brand image, and the stock price will be closed at the daily limit!"

"Qindao Beer said that it has no plans to change its spokesperson for the time being. It is rumored that Qingyun's endorsement is a rumor, and the closing price plummeted by more than 8%!"

"Qin Tianchuan, chairman of Hopu Group, visited Fudan University, and the two parties signed a package of cooperation memorandum!"

"Professor Zhang Weiying of Yanda University called on the society to treat gifted young people well, saying that Qingyun's success is the progress of society!"

"A big rout! The price of the long-term iron ore agreement has risen by 88.3%!"

"According to people familiar with the situation, the champion Qing Yun and the HOPU Group Qianjin are high school sweethearts, both enrolled in Fudan University, and their relationship is stable now!"

"South Weekend published an editorial article: The No. [-] Scholar whose eyes were lost by money! Is it personal greed or the death of the times?"

"Fudan Fuhua responded to investor inquiries, and there are no matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed."

"Top Group was exploded in arrears of wages to employees for up to 4 months!"

In a building in Haizhu City, Shi Yuzhu was reading Xinlang's news with a smile in his office.

This kid is more popular than a superstar in the entertainment industry right now.

Countless media workers flocked to Jincheng and Anyue, wanting to interview the hottest stars in China.

Qing Yun's last public appearance was at the Jincheng No. [-] Middle School's recruitment meeting for non-local students.

After that, no matter how hard the reporters searched, they could no longer find Qing Yun.

It seemed as if the world had evaporated and disappeared.

People began to believe that the lover relationship between Qingyun and Qin Manman, daughter of Hopu Group, otherwise an ordinary person would not be able to hide it.

However, Qing Yun could hide, but those teachers and classmates couldn't hide.

To Zhiliu's helplessness, Qing Yun's classmates who were interviewed all claimed that the relationship between the two began when Gao Yi fell in love at first sight.

Even many teachers implicitly expressed that they noticed the hazy relationship between the two as soon as the school started.

The Zhuyeqing incident on the first school day, three years of getting along in the piano room, Qin Manman's voluntary confession, the score-control madness of the second diagnosis, Qing Yun doing 100 squats on Qin Manman's back...

The details burst out from the mouths of the students. While the people who eat melons are sour, they express that they believe in love again.

Shi Yuzhu chuckled, reached over and pressed the button on the remote control.

The shade cloth of the floor-to-ceiling windows was slowly opened to the two sides, and the strong light of the summer sun swept away the darkness in the house.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, his hands were crossed behind his head, he put his feet on the desk comfortably, but his eyes looked into the distance against the sun.


Qing Yun, who had been searched for him thousands of times by the crowd, was standing on the platform of a villa, looking out.

The villa is built on the mountainside, surrounded by virgin forests, as if it grew naturally in the mountain environment, without any sense of disobedience.

It's better to say it's a daze than a distant view.

The thick clouds in the Xishu Basin covered the starlight, except for the lights in the room behind to illuminate the surroundings, and the outside a little further away was dark.

In the distance, there are endless mountains that can be seen in the daytime, and at this moment, even the outlines cannot be seen clearly.

This is Mount Qingcheng, a famous 5A-level scenic spot in Xishu.

But Qingcheng Mountain is not a scenic spot that is open to the outside world. There are always some places that only a few people can appreciate the scenery there.

He wasn't thinking about anything in the business world, the arrow had already left the string, and it was useless to think about anything else.

Just cool off.

too hot.

After taking a shower, just wearing a bathrobe, standing on the platform outside the room, with the cool breeze passing by, it feels very refreshing.

If only I could have a cigarette.

Qing Yun, who had just brushed her teeth, clicked her mouth twice, feeling a little pity.

The lights in the room dimmed, but the corners of his mouth curled up.

A gust of fragrant wind came from behind, and soon, a fiery delicate body was stuck behind him.

Qin Manman, who was only wearing a white veil, put his head on his shoulder, followed his example, and looked into the distance.

Small hands wrapped around his waist, and on one side of his head, Qin Manman's eyes were much brighter than the night sky, "Brother, what are you looking at?"

Qing Yun hissed, "Look at Bai Suzhen at the foot of Mount Qingcheng."

It's almost impossible to talk properly, this woman's finger skills have been trained so well by him.

Qin Manman smiled lightly, then blew slowly into his ear, "Liar, where is the white snake? I only saw a little black snake."

Qing Yun narrowed his eyes, turned to meet her sly eyes, and asked dangerously, "Little black snake?"

Qin Manman pursed his lips and nodded his head twice, "Yes."

Hearing this, Qing Yun twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "Why, can my lady do it again at night?"

Previously, because the reporters were chasing and intercepting them, the two could only hide in Qin Tianchuan and Chen Wan's Huxin Island villa.

The main reason is that the wooden floor is actually quite hard.

Arriving at the mountain villa in the afternoon, the two rolled together shamelessly as soon as they entered the house.

However, what made Qing Yun very curious was that Qin Manman had only recovered from his strength in the evening, and now he actually took the initiative to ask for a fight again.

Qin Manman snorted twice, shook his little hand twice, and the word 'provocation' was written all over his pretty face, "Why, won't you grow up?"

As soon as the words fell, she blinked her eyes twice, "Okay, grow up."

Seeing this, Qing Yun raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth suddenly curled up.

It just so happens that he has nothing to do when he is free, and he has never had a good time.

Emperor Yun didn't say much harsh words, bent over to be hugged by a princess, and went straight into the room.


Looking at the misty hot spring, Qing Yun, squatting on the bank and throwing medicinal flower petals, always felt that something was missing.

This villa was built for this hot spring, and it is the private property of the Qin family.

It is not right to say that it is private property, it is rented land, and the house was repaired by myself, but it has a year of use.

When the year comes, the house belongs to someone else.

Qingyun is quite clear about this matter. In the next few years, there are many homestays in Qingcheng Mountain, and that's how they came here.

Qin Manman, who was wearing a white tube top swimsuit, lifted his jade legs lightly, and slowly slid into the soup pool, closed his eyes comfortably and hummed.

Qing Yun rubbed her chin, knowing what was missing.

For Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, Xiaoqing is missing.

It was Xiaoqing, not Xiaoqing.

If Master Qianying, who loves to wear tender green clothes, was in it, this life would be perfect.

He quickly shook his head, this kind of thing can only be thought about in his mind.

Tang Qianying is very miserable at the moment, staying at home, learning to drive in the morning, and receiving advance teaching from the aunt who majored in Arabic at Shu University in the afternoon.

After all, she filled in Arabic on a temporary basis, and she was far behind those students who were recommended to foreign language universities in advance.

Fortunately, Shu University's resources are not bad. After two months, it should be no worse than recommended students, at least much better than other college entrance examination candidates.

Fair, unfair, not to mention, there is a college entrance examination for children in the mountains, which is already considered a very fair thing.


Qing Yun rubbed his chin and smiled.

The pool is actually pretty big, and it won't be too crowded if you put a few more people in it.

If you have money, you must have such a set.

Qin Manman over there smiled and raised his hand to shake the water off his face, interrupting his daydream.

Prepare melon and fruit drinks on the tray, push them into the pool for Qin Manman to catch, Qing Yun took off his clothes and ran into the pool.

The splash of water and the sudden head popping out of his eyes made Qin Manman turn pale with fright, and gave him a few small fists angrily, "Skin or skin?!"

Qing Yun chuckled, did not do anything unsuitable for children, but hugged her lightly, lying on the couch in the soup pool.

Qin Manman leaned lazily in his arms, lazily looking at the sky, chewing the green grapes that Qing Yun fed one by one in his mouth.

Before coming here, Qingyun still felt strange, shouldn't the hot springs be soaked in winter?

Soaking in hot springs during the dog days?

Running after heatstroke?
It was only after he had soaked once when he arrived that he realized that he was ignorant. In fact, summer is the best time to soak in hot springs.

It not only relieves the pressure and fatigue of the whole body, but also is a very good activity to cool off the heat.

As for what Qin Manman said about soaking in hot springs in summer can detoxify and nourish the skin...

This made him feel nonsense.

It is possible to lose weight.

After all, in theory, soaking in hot springs for an hour in summer can consume 900 calories.

Combined with a little exercise, this works great.

But no one can soak in the hot spring for that long, at least with Qing Yun's time, both of them had to be sent to the hospital after such a toss.

Therefore, it was rare for Emperor Yun to be honest.

However, his honesty does not mean that the empress is willing to be honest.

The little hand was gently paddling and pulling in the pool, which was very provocative.

(End of this chapter)

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