Rekindle 2003

Chapter 148 What is a good life? (Add more for high 3 parties)

Chapter 148 What is a good life? (add more for the third party)
This contemptuous look baffled Qing Yun, and he asked suspiciously, "Dad, did I say something wrong?"

Qin Tianchuan sneered, "Professional grain merchant? I haven't lived enough, and I'm still waiting to hug my fat grandson."

After all, he gave Qing Yun a contest, and said seriously, "Boy, don't even think about such an idea!

In Huaguo, to be a professional grain merchant is to seek a dead end.

You remember, no matter which industry you are in, my current agriculture, or your so-called emerging industries, in the end we, private capital, can only stick to it..."

"Insist on cooperation and not competition, complement but not substitute, subsidiary and not overstep!"

Qing Yun recited weakly.

Qin Tianchuan squinted at him, "What? Feel aggrieved?"

Qing Yun shook his head, "Being aggrieved is not enough to be aggrieved, but..."

In fact, he understood the truth of Qin Tianchuan's three sentences better than anyone else in the world at this time, even more profound than Qin Tianchuan's understanding.

After all, in the previous life, there were vivid examples before my eyes.

However, he really came down this road, at least the word 'subsidiary' still hurt his heart.

So what is the purpose of running a business?
To be honest, it is not as comfortable as being a scholar.

Under the banner of 'academic freedom', as long as you don't say anything that violates the law, you can scold whoever you want, and you can say whatever you want.

Although academics also have family rivalries, at least they are standing up and making money.

He licked his lips, "Dad, if I make a fortune overseas, don't I... At least the overseas part doesn't have to follow this?"

I can't do it in China, I went abroad, I didn't even bring money, and I made a fortune with my bare hands, so I don't need to be 'affiliated'!
Qin Tianchuan laughed loudly, and then said seriously, "No, unless you change your nationality."

After that, he patted Qing Yun on the shoulder, "Boy, in terms of the overall cycle of business, there is no national border, but entrepreneurs have nationality.

Just like an ordinary person, if there is no powerful country standing behind you, it is difficult for you to walk outside.


He paused, then smiled contemptuously, "Unless you are like those Hebrews."

Qingyun broke into a sweat when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that his cheap father-in-law was still a pure anti-Semitism in his bones.

"'People' and 'country' are interdependent, without 'people' there would be no 'country', and without 'country' there would be no 'people'.

Life is worse than death, and this 'human' is no longer 'human'. Believe it or not, he is even worse than livestock. "

Although Qingyun was still a little unconvinced, the patriotic education left him speechless.
"I believe that modern history is not like this?"

After all, he suddenly felt a little dull, "Dad, I've always been curious, how necessary is it to make the industry so big...?
The money you earn now cannot be spent by dozens of generations, but you still work so conscientiously every day? "

Freedom of wealth, the ultimate desire that ordinary people can hardly escape, in people's past conception, means that wealth has reached a certain level.

Ten million?

tens of millions?
Over [-] million?


Different people have different standards for the amount given.

In fact, no one can clarify the specific indicators of wealth freedom.

Qingyun also considered this issue in her previous life, thinking that being able to afford what she wants is the freedom of wealth.

For everyone, when he wants to buy something but finds that he cannot afford it, then he is not free—he is not free to buy what he wants.

For example, Qin Manman, this little princess's standard of living and what she wants are completely different from Tang Qianying.

What she wants, he may not be able to afford.

For example, a private jet, as a professor in his previous life, he couldn't afford it all his life.

But can he say that Qin Manman is too materialistic?

Sorry, no, because the little princess can afford it by herself, and she buys that stuff like a toy.

This kind of freedom or lack of freedom is experienced by everyone.

The vast majority of people are still far, far away from wealth and freedom.

Consequently, the vast majority of people live in unfreedom.

However, if we understand freedom of wealth as a state, or to put it further:
When my lust is small, I am free; when my lust is inflated, I am no longer free.

In Qing Yun's eyes, Qin Tianchuan's daily life has nothing to do with the word "freedom".

There are endless official duties to be dealt with every day, and taking himself out for a "thousand-mile journey" is generally regarded as a kind of tourism, but in fact, even when he is on the road every day, Qin Tianchuan is still working.

Qing Yun felt that this was really a bit difficult.

Income determines work attitude, this is a joke made by netizens.

Low income, you will not live?
It's nothing more than self-deprecation in leisure time.

Contemporary netizens know how to laugh at themselves. After the self-deprecation is over, the bully is still the bully, and no one has really laid down.

Introversion is engraved in the genes of this nation.

In other words, the yearning for a better life and the belief in working hard to get rich are engraved in the genes of this nation.

It's like the bully said, 'I never review when I go home', after returning home, each paper is better than the other.

Only scumbags would believe that bullies don't review, or they are willing to believe it, so as to give themselves a reason to escape from reality.

Of course, the god of learning...

Indeed, the gods of learning never review. For them, why do they need to review the knowledge they have just learned in this life?
However, because of the stratification of education, or the educational strategy of 'teaching students according to their aptitude', it is difficult to meet true academic gods and scumbags.

So when he personally experienced Qin Tianchuan's daily busyness, Qing Yun felt a little uncomfortable and incomprehensible in his bones.

Including Qin Tianming, the eldest uncle of the Qin family, his son-in-law has begun to take over, but he still holds on to the power.

He believed that even if he made it clear that he would take over, Qin Tianchuan would most likely do the same, and would not be able to truly retire.

It is even possible to be like Zhiliu, to retire endlessly, to be the overlord who points out the country, and until he is lying on the hospital bed, he still maintains amazing control over the fantasy group.

Created a lifetime of karma and struggled for a lifetime, really can't enjoy enjoying life?

"Dad, the bigger the Qin family is, the more afraid you are. Why bother?"

Qing Yun couldn't bear it anymore, so he simply vomited the doubts in his heart.

The theme education of 'traveling thousands of miles' made him more and more confused.

What he saw and heard, he saw the bottom line at a glance, and felt that greed was at work.

Greed, in his opinion, is not a derogatory term. Without greed, the world cannot progress.

But greed without boundaries is likely to bring about the destruction of life.

Li Ning, the prince of gymnastics.

If he doesn't take the road of business, with his lofty prestige, what he will leave in the future should be a famous name in history.

Instead of the mixed appearance before he was reborn and came back.

Li Jinwei, the creator of Oriental Magic Water.

If he stopped in time, did not take the path of clear property rights, always worked within the scope of state-owned property rights, and retired at some point, Jianlibao might not be able to do much, or it might die with the failures of its successors. He is personally harmless, even the more miserable Jianlibao is, the higher his prestige will be.

Shi Yuzhu, a national youth idol in the 90s.

If he hadn't carried the banner of the so-called "glory of national software" and made a fortune silently, how could there be any "sorrow of the giant beast"?
Like Qiu Bojun, he will become a god worshiped by the entire software industry and even the IT industry in Huaguo.

Qin Tianshan, one of the founders of HOPU Group, has made great contributions to HOPU's ability to control costs and establish its dominance by defeating Chia Tai.

If you don't squeeze in the direction of the heavy chemical industry at this time, you won't need to be silent for nearly 20 years.

Before Qingyun was reborn, if one out of ten young people knew who Shi Yuzhu was, then none among 1000 young people knew who Qin Tianshan was.

The tragedies of lighters and PHS are actually caused by the greed of entrepreneurs themselves.

Even Sun Hongbing, who is still sitting in the lobby of the hotel waiting to see Qin Tianchuan, if he is satisfied with being a real estate tycoon in this area of ​​Jinmen City, it will not lead to future tragedies.

There are too many things like this...

For example, Dai Guofang, who is currently building a large steel factory by the Yangtze River; for example, the successor of Cologne swallowed his breath at the moment and concentrates on running Cologne; for example, Tang Wanxin only focuses on his troika...

Control the so-called "beyond the ordinary" heart, then their tragic fate will not happen in the future.

However, Qingyun became even more confused when he thought of Mr. Ren who was revered by the later generations.

He can do without a mobile phone at all.

And he is almost 80 years old, and he is still vigorously fighting on the front line of the chip war. If you want to say that he loves power and money, it is not true.

What are they greedy for?
Most of the entrepreneurs he saw during this period were impeccable in terms of their personal qualities and morals, and even the strictest self-discipline reached the point of harshness.

Their lives are very simple, they don't pay attention to food and clothing, they don't show their faces like ordinary nouveau riche, they are sincere and frank, and they are serious and devoted to everything...

What are they drawing?
People like Zhong Qinghou and Qin Tianchuan are putting on a show of "diligence and thrift", but they have been doing it for decades...

It doesn't make sense anywhere.

Qin Tianchuan was not angry when he heard the words, but looked at Qingyun with a face of relief, and did not speak.

This kind of look made Qing Yun's heart shudder.

"Dad, with your eyes, it's like watching a child do the right thing 1+1=2..."

Qin Tianchuan patted him on the shoulder amusedly, and then said pointedly, "At this moment, I feel like I am a father."

What's the matter, let's not talk about my daughter, in her childhood experience, in terms of education, Qin Tianchuan really didn't experience the sense of accomplishment in children's education.

And this kid is also a monster, in the process of teaching Qing Yun, he has already skipped many steps.

Qin Tianchuan clasped his palms together and lightly pressed the bridge of his nose with his index finger, and said slowly for a while,

"I wanted to tell you what the 'big man of the country' is, but I called you Dad...I don't want to fool you."

After that, he smiled unscrupulously, "I won't talk about this question."

Qing Yun rolled his eyes helplessly, and he couldn't make any coquettish and disgusting movements of calling out "Dad" with a long tail.

If you don't talk, don't talk.

Qin Tianchuan looked helplessly at the son-in-law who was as steady as an old dog in front of him, "When you get to that point, you will naturally understand."

After all, he straightened his face, "Now you have made a mistake that science students love to make, you want to see the answer at a glance, or you think the answer is the only one.

I tell you, wrong!This is a liberal arts question, the answer is not unique, and you can only summarize it yourself in the process of practice. "

Then he suddenly smiled, "In fact, in the process of starting a business, at many critical moments, we need the romanticism of liberal arts, or irrational thinking."

Qing Yun was a little taken aback.

Old thief, tell me about your feelings, right?


He can only listen now.

Perhaps, as Qin Tianchuan said, the answer can only be found in the process of development.

Turning this corner, Qing Yun suddenly laughed to himself.

When doing experiments, avoid recklessness, but in 90% of life, recklessness is the best solution.

Without execution, it's just a deduction, no matter how perfect the plan is, it's empty talk and fantasy.

Try, feedback, revise, advance, this is a positive cycle.

There is no inherently perfect plan, only first-class execution ability will make the seemingly imperfect plan end in perfection.

So I can't even talk about success. It makes a lot of sense to pursue things after success.

Get rich first.

Seeing the clarity in his eyes restored, Qin Tianchuan's mouth curled up slightly, and he quickly restrained himself.

Qing Yun's confusion, to put it bluntly, was too much planning for a rainy day.

Thinking of this, he curled his lips quietly again.

This son-in-law is just like Sun Hongbing sitting in the hall now, "seeing through the essence of the industry at a glance"?
He has hated these academic gods the most since he was a student!

To do a question, you have to make a draft!
I always want to figure out the answer directly, what a problem!

Qin Tianchuan shrugged his shoulders, "Let's go, it's time to meet him. After waiting for so long, it's enough to express my attitude to the outside world."

Only then did Qing Yun, who came back to his senses, notice that the car had stopped at the entrance of the hotel at some time.


Sun Hongbing, what left the deepest impression on Qing Yun was not his three ups and downs.

After all, as a melon-eating crowd in his previous life, what he liked to talk about the most was the handwriting skills of this big boss who frequently made golden sentences.

'Good life, what is this thing?That is, it is Baonuansi... that beautiful life! '

'The greatest joy in our life is to find a partner. If the computer matches the most suitable one, then we might as well die. '

'I lent him 100 billion... I'm a fool! '

Looking at the famous 'receiver man' in front of him, Qing Yun was actually more embarrassed.

LeTV is just a joke.

It is common for an investor to fail a company, and there is nothing to say about it.

But Sun Hongbing has been abused by the children of the big courtyard all his life.

Zhiliu sent him to prison when he was young and full of vigor.

Master Wang directly strangled him when he was full of ambition to set foot in the country.

Wang Jianling, before the industry capsized, threw all the weight on him to him and successfully landed, leaving him struggling in the deep sea.

Before Qingyun's rebirth, this master was struggling to undergo the fourth Nirvana rebirth, and it seemed that the possibility of success was not small.

"Mr. Qin, the current real estate market is booming. This is a historic opportunity..."

As long as the money and identity are in place, the cafes of five-star hotels that are full of aggressive styles can naturally provide tea.

Qing Yun took a sip of tea, quietly observing Sun Hongbing's deceit.

In fact, it's not a fool.

What Sun Hongbing said was the truth that the people at the moment didn't want to hear, but it was extremely correct.

Those who dared to say this back then, one was Ren Dapao, and the other was him. If the masses listen to their words, they will not be unable to afford a house later.

"With the improvement of the macro economy, the domestic real estate market will have a relatively long period of rising, and the rate of increase can basically directly add a zero to the end of the current house price.

This is very similar to the economic take-off period of Pearl Harbor, Sakura, Silla and other places.

Against this backdrop, the vast majority of real estate companies across the country are content to stay in one city, and only a handful of companies such as Wanke and Wantongdeng have sensed business opportunities and started off-site development.

Mr. Qin, I think there is a lot to do here.

Under the reform of the tax system, there will be a major turning point in the concept of operating cities in various places.

At the moment, they really hope that powerful foreign real estate companies will enter into the development, and the land bidding system is also to provide guarantees for enterprises to acquire land.

Mr. Qin, many of your four brothers are involved in real estate. You should know that the real estate industry is a very profitable industry.

And housing prices are on a continuous upward path, now is the best time to go to the whole country to harvest leeks..."

Having said that, he took a big sip from one of the teacups, and then said eagerly, "Mr. Qin, I am here today to invite you to share this cake with me..."

Qing Yun understood that Sun Hongbing was willing to dilute 49% of the shares and invited Qin Tianchuan to become a shareholder of Instant.

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Instant Chi, in fact, is the homonym of "Sun Family", giving up the shares of Instant Chi, this is undoubtedly changing the quality of "Sun Family".

Faced with the hidden battle in the industry these days, Sun Hongbing has nowhere to go, and has to find Qin Tianchuan, a bigwig outside the industry, to be the white horse knight.

Qin Tianchuan didn't express his opinion in a hurry, he closed his eyes and thought quietly.

Sun Hongbing didn't dare to urge him at this time, but just observed Qin Tianchuan's expression with a smile.

He knows that observing words and demeanor is ineffective against some big shots.

The expressions on their faces, in a sense, can also be a kind of camouflage.

For Xueba, it is possible to blindly guess the answers to English listening multiple-choice questions through the internal connection between the answers to the questions.

Generally speaking, as long as the teacher's logic is not too outrageous, the accuracy rate of blind guessing can be as high as 80%.

Well, this kind of blind guessing is actually just a boring move for a top student when he just gets the paper for the exam.

Sun Hongbing is in the same mood at the moment, mainly idle and idle.

But at this time, the voice from the TV made him break his defense.

(End of this chapter)

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