Rekindle 2003

Chapter 139 Seeing the Archmage for the First Time

Chapter 139 Seeing the Archmage for the First Time

"Back then, Mr. Li..."

Li Ning's memories were interrupted by the secretary who broke in suddenly.

"Chairman, it's bad! Mr. Li is critically ill!"

Li Ning, who was still remembering when he was young, immediately recovered his sharp eyes when he heard the words, "Speak clearly!"

"Several reporters went to the ward to interview Mr. Li. When talking about the current situation of Jianlibao, Mr. Li's cerebral hemorrhage recurred again."

The panting secretary who ran away didn't dare to take a breath at this time. He knew that this former gymnastics prince had the same love as father and son with 'Old Mr. Li'.

Li Ning took two deep breaths, and squeezed out an ugly smile on his face, "Brother Qin, I'm sorry today..."

Qin Tianchuan waved his hand, "Here you are, I'll go and have a look with you."

Li Ning didn't talk nonsense, and hurriedly called the vehicle to go out.


Outside the ICU, Li Ning patted the shoulder of Li Jinwei's son Li Jiandong with red eyes, "Dongzi, I want to be more open, your father's merits and demerits will be judged by future generations, those people are not worthy."

Li Jiandong wiped away his tears, "My dad's current situation is really better than being alive."

Li Ning shook his head, persuading him to hurry to comfort his mother.

This is not easy to answer, and now he is no longer the gymnast prince who dared to yell at the referee, but a mature entrepreneur.

There are not only a few of them outside the ICU, there are also reporters, police officers, discipline officials, and people from the yamen.

Because the person lying inside at this time is the founder of Jianlibao, Li Jinwei.

After placing a bouquet of flowers at the door to express his heart, Qin Tianchuan took Qingyun away in no hurry.

Weng and his son-in-law were sitting on a bench in the distance, and he told Qing Yun about Li Jinwei's life's merits and demerits along the way.

"Actually, Mr. Li's youth experience is similar to yours. He was raised in an orphanage, but his grades are not as good as yours.

At the age of 10, he began to do odd jobs, connecting water pipes, repairing electricity, and working as the youngest apprentice in a brush factory. He did everything.

Because he played basketball well, he gradually became famous and participated in many small competitions. Fortunately, he was favored by the leaders of the county sports committee and entered the work of the county sports committee.

Later, in his 30s, he was sent to a winery as a group leader.

At that time, he took a few young men, carrying rice wine weighing several tens of catties, to restaurants near Yangcheng, and sold them door to door.

In just over a month, he has mastered all aspects and processes of winery operation.

For a while, the orders of the winery plummeted. Mr. Li was appointed as the deputy director of the factory because of his outstanding performance, and took over the heavy responsibility of product development and sales.


Behind it is the history of the magical beginning of the Oriental Magic Water.

Although Qing Yun had learned about related experiences through newspapers and magazines in his previous life, he was also fascinated by the comments of Qin Tianchuan, an entrepreneur of the same generation as Li Jinwei.

Li Ning who was over there also came over and sat down at this time, and joined in.

He couldn't get into the ICU, so he could only wait outside. He was idle, so he simply added the details for Qing Yun.

"It can be said that Mr. Li has used the advertising effect to the extreme. At the [-]th National Games, the newly built Tianhe Sports Center was covered with advertisements of Jianlibao, ranging from large walls to small spittoons and trash cans. .

The most exaggerated thing is that at the entrance of the closing ceremony, all the staff were required to wear all sportswear with the Jianlibao logo printed on it.

They also presented a can of Jianlibao drink to each of the 8 spectators who entered the venue.

At that time, I looked around the entire sports field, and there were dots of Jianlibao beverage cans shining, and it was like an orange-red ocean.

And for all of this, Mr. Li only spent more than 200 million in naming fees. "

Qing Yun smiled, "Mr. Li, this move is very similar to when you passed the torch of the Asian Games back then."

Li Ning wanted to laugh, but felt that he would be taken advantage of by others for laughing on this occasion, so he shook his head after holding back, "I just learned from Mr. Li."

Qin Tianchuan continued, "Boss Li's entrepreneurial experience certainly makes people feel passionate.

But what I admire the most is that Mr. Li still maintains a clear mind under this development situation.

The rise of Jianlibao means the arrival of spring in the domestic beverage market, which has greatly stimulated people's imagination.

A group of very ambitious entrepreneurs have poured into the field of beverage and food, such as Hercules, Wahaha, Robust, Feilong, and Sanzhu, all of which developed slowly in this era. "

Li Ning covered his cheeks with his hands to block other people's sight, and snickered, "Brother Qin, speaking of this, I think of the Sun God at that time.

At the beginning, Huai Hanxin took the can of Jianlibao and said to the designer, "This is the best drink in China, so you can design it according to his appearance." '"

Qing Yun almost couldn't hold back her laughter, it was so frankly simple and rude.

Sure enough, high-end business competition is always so simple and unpretentious, it is simply copied.

What Li Jinwei did was craniotomy and evacuation of hematoma, and he was transferred to the general ward after 24 hours of observation in the ICU.

Li Ning has always been a nephew and nephew to Li Jinwei, and needs to stay in the hospital.

But the ICU ward couldn't get in, so Qin Tianchuan simply invited him to go downstairs for a walk.

The main few people sat together, very attractive to the reporter's camera.

The local officials saw that Qin Tianchuan, the God of Wealth, was there, and came over to say hello from time to time.

"Mr. Li's research on advertisements was indeed unique in China at that time. I still remember the phrase 'If you want to be healthy, please drink Jianlibao!'"

Qin Tianchuan also laughed when he heard the words, "You may not know that when I chatted with Zhong Qinghou, Mr. Zhong, he said that he launched Wahaha Children's Nutrition at that time. The whole inspiration for the phrase 'drinking Wahaha, eating is delicious' is It was stolen from Mr. Li."

Li Ning chuckled, "We asked Mr. Zhong, but he still didn't admit it."

Qin Tianchuan laughed loudly, "How could you admit such a thing."

Li Ning took three bottles of Jianlibao from the grocery store and handed them to the two.

Li Ning smiled when he saw Qingyun pull the tab to see the word stamped on the tab for the first time,

"This idea was always thought of by Mr. Li.

I remember that it was in 90 or 91 that there was a prize for the pull ring. As long as you pull the pull ring with a special pattern, you can get a bonus of 5 yuan.

This activity lasted until 94, and achieved unexpected success nationwide, directly driving Jianlibao's revenue from 3 million to 18 billion. "

Qing Yun scratched his hair, looking at Griphook with disgust, "This thing was popular around our village two years ago, but it was all used by scammers.

They sat on the long-distance bus and suddenly exclaimed that they had won a can of Jianlibao with a huge prize of 5 yuan, and then resold it to those passengers who were greedy for petty gains. "

In fact, he was thinking more about the scene in Crazy Stone, which seems quite realistic now.

Qin Tianchuan also shook his head. This kind of thing looks very stupid, but it happens every day in the countryside of Huaguo.

Li Ning took a sneak peek at Qing Yun, he had no idea that the son-in-law of the chairman of Hopu Group was from the countryside.

What made him even more unexpected was that Qin Tianchuan worked so hard to cultivate his son-in-law.

This is completely raised as a son.

But after thinking about it, he understood, his heart moved slightly, and while listening to Qin Tianchuan teaching Qingyun, he quietly sent text messages.

"In that era, Jianlibao stood at the top of domestic health products and beverages.

The wealth effect is huge, so a large number of entrepreneurs have poured into this industry.

The number of health care product manufacturers has increased from nearly 3000 to 12 in just two years, and the annual sales of the entire industry have increased [-] times in four years.

The health care product industry has become the fastest-growing golden land in the country. "

Qin Tianchuan glanced at Li Ning, and then said, "As the number one beverage brand in China, Jianlibao's positioning is to walk between health care products and beverages, and has been greatly impacted by the industry quickly."

Li Ning waved his hands when he heard the words, "Brother Qin, don't be so polite, don't beautify, just tell the truth."

After finishing speaking, he pursed his lips, and simply started talking by himself, "Although I make clothes.

But I have been the spokesperson of Jianlibao during that time, and I also held a position in Jianlibao. I am very clear about that period of history.

That is, since 94, Jianlibao has been attacked everywhere in the entire market.

In the next two years, Sun God achieved a turnover of more than 10 billion, and their avant-garde and cutting-edge brand image has already surpassed Jianlibao.

In major urban markets, multinational corporations and Guangzhou Robust, which has a relatively good brand image, grabbed a large market share.

In the urban market, Wahaha, which has switched from children's nutrient solution to nutrient solution, has made it very difficult for Jianlibao to compete with its strong channels.

However, Jianlibao has always supported the concept of invincible health care, but was robbed of the limelight by the more daring Feilong and Sanzhu. "

Qin Tianchuan nodded, and said seriously, "Just now we said that Jianlibao started from the success of advertising marketing.

Then what he then faced was the competition in advertising, or to be clear, disorderly competition.

Mr. Li's advertisements are of a state of technology close to the Tao, while his opponents are all unreasonable and false propaganda.

For example, the product launched by Feilong is Yansheng Hubao Liquid, which is said to have a therapeutic effect on men and women with kidney deficiency.

It does not pay attention to marketing skills and brand image like Jianlibao, but blindly uses advertising bombing as the only means.

Its ads are not cast, and one end is a full-page cover, and it follows up on TV and radio at the same time in a row. The density of ads is unprecedented.

This kind of intensive advertising bombardment without placement skills and artistic effects at all can create a suffocating hot atmosphere, which is actually very effective in the urban market with a heavy sensibility.

Jiang Wei, the head of the company, does not build factories, buy assets, or even renovate office buildings, and insists on the marketing cycle strategy of 'advertising-market-benefit'.

Just these three tricks made Jianlibao miserable. "

Li Ning was also full of anger when he thought of the situation at the beginning, "The flying dragon is not bad. The advertisement is just an exaggeration of the product effect. Only the three plants are shameless."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, "Actually, if you want to say that Sanzhu is a bad company, you can't justify it. In my opinion, I still appreciate his business ideas.

His founder is Wu Bingxing. Based on the idea of ​​encircling the city from the countryside, he carefully designed a 4-level marketing system in the rural market, and adopted a layer-by-layer penetration method to ensure that Sanzhu oral liquid can be widely distributed in urban and rural areas.

What is shameful is that in order to achieve the purpose of promotion, his marketing staff will do everything possible.

Arbitrarily exaggerating the function of the product, promoting the Sanzhu Oral Liquid as a miracle medicine that can cure no disease.

At the same time, they also boldly implemented the model of 'let experts speak and patients witness'.

On the one hand, it fabricated consumer evidence, and on the other hand, it pioneered the marketing method of free expert clinics.

Many so-called free clinic consultation activities are held in various places every year, the purpose of which is to determine that the patient is sick and must take the three-strain oral solution. "

Qing Yun almost said "Fuck me".

Free is the most expensive.

This model is almost common in later generations, and it was originally created here.

Qin Tianchuan clapped his hands unconsciously, "So, Mr. Li was really sober at the time, and he didn't follow this wave of false propaganda."

Li Ning scratched his head, "At that time, I almost followed the wind of Sanzhu!
It is also the road of consumer demonstration, and the advertisements are all shot.

Mr. Li put the ad on the company TV and watched it repeatedly all night. The next day, his eyes were red and he asked to destroy the ad.

He said that one cannot live without a bottom line. "

Qin Tianchuan continued to comment, "During that time, Jianlibao was beaten badly, and its annual revenue fell by about 30% for two consecutive years.

But when we look back now, the entire beverage market has experienced marketing chaos for about three years, and Jianlibao has not been deeply involved in it.

It did not follow the Sun God to engage in an advertising campaign. Its advertising has always been very restrained, and it has always used sports as the main axis of advertising, featuring news and public relations planning with small investment and large effects.

It also did not follow Feilong and Sanzhu to arbitrarily exaggerate functions and deceive consumers.

Therefore, when the national health product credit collapsed in 98, Jianlibao was not affected, but instead moved towards a road of diversified expansion.

Until 2001, the entire company had a good cash position, and capital operations were always carried out within its capabilities. "

After all, he looked at Qing Yun and said slowly, "The health care beverage market in the mid-to-late 90s was, frankly speaking, a chaotic industry with no moral bottom line.

This place is full of temptations, and business games in which pros and cons drive out good money are popular everywhere. The construction of order and brand often means being attacked, low-efficiency, or even eliminated.

Looking back now, there are only two survivors in this troubled world. One is Wahaha's Zhong Qinghou, who withdrew from the health care product market in 95.

The other is Mr. Li who refused the temptation.

In this wave, Mr. Li has demonstrated his outstanding business determination and kind-hearted humanity, so he has also reaped huge rewards.

When you go back later, you go to collect information on the losers mentioned by Mr. Li just now, and carefully study why they succeed in a short period of time and fail quickly. "

Just when Qingyun nodded and was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from behind,
"Huh? Isn't this our gymnastics prince? Oh! The Feed King is here too? Oops! Nice to meet you!"

Qing Yun followed Qin Tianchuan and Li Ning and turned around, almost unable to hold back his laughter.

He doesn't quite match the photos and people of other business leaders in this era, but he is too familiar with this one.

It can even be said that people who have experienced this era basically know this famous 'mage'.

From 'Special Prodigy' to 'Tantric Master' to 'Capital Giant', and finally to 'Wanted Person'.

He can perform special functions such as turning big leaves into small leaves in his mouth, reading books on his head, and dialing watches with his mind.

In the next ten or so years, the mothers who are estimated to be beaten by uncles and aunts on the street don't know each other.

But in the special years of the last century, Zhang Hai enjoyed the worship of everyone with these deeds.

At this time, Zhang Hai was only 28 years old, but Qing Yun could also tell that this person was already so floaty that he didn't even need his feet to walk.

The one that other people ride is called chariot, the kind that is carried by four people.

Those who dare to call Qin Tianchuan the "King of Feed", currently looking at the country of Hua, there is only one mage Zhang Hai.

No wonder Jianlibao, which was in full swing, was almost bankrupt and liquidated in just two years.

Facing Zhang Hai's approach, Li Ning just said lightly, "I am an entrepreneur with more than 10 years of business history, please don't regard me as a star idol."

Qin Tianchuan lit a cigarette and said, 'What the hell! '

The voice of this sentence was not low, and Zhang Hai wanted to get angry when he heard it.

The four believers carrying the chariot glared at Qin Tianchuan, put down the chariot from their shoulders, and wanted to come up to vent their anger on behalf of the 'Great Master'.

Qin Tianchuan's security chief, Li Guodong, took a step forward with several people.

These bodyguards are all veterans who have retired, and many of them are fierce soldiers who have ravaged monkeys in the south. Naturally, their aura is not comparable to that of a few fanatics.

Seeing this, Zhang Hai had no choice but to admit his cowardice. After all, he, an 'archmage', had no mana and couldn't justify it in a fight.

"The world bullies me, slanders me, humiliates me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, how should I deal with it?"

The four believers clasped their hands together, "Tolerate this situation, avoid it, let it go, step back, keep it at a distance, and deal with it calmly."

Hearing this, Qing Yun gasped, blinked her eyes, and wondered what would happen if she went up to slap him across the face.

Zhang Hai nodded in satisfaction, and smiled at Li Ning who was talking to him just now,
"I don't know Mr. Li's current condition. How is it? Is the operation successful?"

Although Li Ning despises this person's various evil deeds after staying in Jianlibao, but seeing that he asked about his condition, he still replied,
"The operation was successful, and I am still under observation in the ICU. The doctor said that the problem is not too serious, and my life is saved, but there may be some sequelae later."

Things like cerebral hemorrhage depend on fate.

Fate is good, there is nothing wrong with it, and absorption is no different from normal people.

Those who were close to their fate just left, which is actually quite straightforward.

The most fearful thing is to damage the functional area and live half-dead.

Zhang Hai sighed and nodded, "It's good to save your life, let's talk about the rest later."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the flowers on the chariot seat behind, "Why don't Mr. Li take them up for me?
I won't go up, I will go up, some people may not be able to sleep tonight. "

(End of this chapter)

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