Lord of Time!

Chapter 295 Prey hunter, who lives and who dies

Chapter 295 Prey hunter, who lives and who dies

The city of Huai'an, the capital of Chu, is indeed very large. The golden-domed Dharma Tower is located in a poor area in the south of the city, far away from the palace.

Even if Chen Ping could run several times faster than a leopard, it would still take a long time.

When he was originally designing, Chen Ping only wanted to mobilize his opponents so that the masters invited by King Chu Qing would not get together and defeat them one by one...

The first priority is certainly not the restoration of the country.

It is the inheritance controlled by the royal family of the King of Chu, and the core of the Tongtian Pagoda that King Chu Qing carries with him.

For him, as long as he becomes stronger, he can get ahead of everyone and gather most of the pagodas...

With the general trend in hand, no matter how many steps the other party takes first, they can only make a wedding dress for themselves in the end.

For this reason, you can mobilize the opponent's troops to divide into two groups and run as far away as possible... At least, you have to ensure that the experts assigned cannot come back for reinforcements within a short period of time. In this way, you can have more time to concentrate. Attack the palace and achieve the goal.

The plan was implemented smoothly.

However, Chen Ping had no idea that these people, including King Chu Qing, who seemed to be much stronger than his own on paper, would be extremely vulnerable.

This made him unable to help but laugh.

"If you reserve too much time, the overall situation will be decided. The risks that Senior Sister and Xiaoyue will take must be much smaller."

While running, he took out two Tongtian Tower Seals.

Just approaching slightly, like a magnet approaching, the two-story pagoda should emit a faint light, and naturally come together, turning into a two-story pagoda two fingers high, with a little more weight.

What made Chen Ping even more delighted than the change in appearance was that after the two-story pagoda was closed, his body shook wildly. It originally followed the rules of changing the soul and transforming the fine particles of the body in a strange way, but suddenly a mysterious thing appeared. Variety.

He only felt that the running body seemed to be expanding, expanding crazily, with power from unknown places, from the mind and soul to the ends of the body.

The huge power is poured into the sea of ​​soul consciousness and the body as if it were born.


Chen Ping landed softly.

The ground with a radius of ten feet sank slightly by three inches. The figure was originally running like an arrow. At this moment, the speed suddenly increased by nearly twice.

A "whoosh" sound brought up a whirlwind of wind. After hundreds of feet, the howling sound of the wind disappeared again.

The merchants and civilians passing by suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and the dust and sand passed everywhere, and they were a little confused.

Several people leaned sideways and stretched out their hands to cover their eyes. They saw that the strange wind had stopped and there was no change in the surroundings.

A scholar looked around, his eyes full of confusion, and said doubtfully: "It seems that someone ran past just now. It's impossible. From the street to the end of the street, how could anyone disappear in the blink of an eye..."

He rubbed his eyes heavily and laughed at himself: "The teacher said there will be an assessment, but there is no time limit, so there is no need to study hard day and night. The important thing about the contention of a hundred schools of thought is to have true knowledge and insights, bring out the old and bring out the new, and memorize by rote. It hurts the body, but it’s of no use.”

The scholar sighed and rubbed his eyes heavily, thinking that he had to take a good rest.

You are so young, and you have not even married a wife yet, but you are already suffering from dazzling eyesight. When you get older, will your eyes still be useful?

There are many others in the same situation as this scholar.

In broad daylight, many people intuitively feel someone running around them, but even if they can't see it, those with the best eyesight can only see a thin and faint green shadow, just like the sunlight sweeping through the leaves and the wind blowing the light and shadow. , it seems real or false.


Chen Ping sensed the sudden changes inside his body, and the joy in his heart lingered for a long time. He did not wait for the complete transformation of his body and soul to complete. With a thought, the two-layered tower seals responded like this...

Dozens of ripples invisible to the naked eye flashed in two directions in Chudu City and then disappeared, many times faster than the speed he was running at.

This ripple only exists in induction. This is because he controls the second-layer tower seal. Another person would not feel anything abnormal at all.

Just as thinking is generated and achieved with thought, the distance in space does not become a distance at all.

Chen Ping knew that the power blessing of the second-story pagoda had benefited all his "subordinates". Of course, this blessing did not occupy the inheritance quota, but was a very idealistic thing. All forces loyal to him would Be blessed.

This is also the reason why the group of people who were on the way to escape from Young Master Dongyuan of the Yan Kingdom ran very quickly.

Even the cavalry that Yan State was chasing received some gains.

Chen Ping didn't understand it at the time, but he understands it now.

Mr. Dongyuan of the Yan Kingdom fled with the treasure inherited from the royal family. In fact, he did not really get the recognition of the pagoda seal. To put it bluntly, it was because he did not have enough souls and the time to get it was very short. Therefore, he had not yet refined the pagoda seal.

Therefore, the pagoda seal at that time was blessing all the soldiers and horses of Yan State, including the fleeing team.

Those who pursue and those who escape are all blessed, so it’s a bit funny.

As for Chen Ping, who had profound experience in refining treasures, he immediately took the Tayin as his own by virtue of his powerful soul essence.

Of course, the timing of this meeting was related to the death of the previous owner of the pagoda seal and the disintegration of the brand. Chen Ping was not sure.

However, he only knows one thing: the current tower seal is easy to use.

That's enough.


"Dong Chongyang, you have been fooled."

Han Xiaoru was wearing golden armor, and in his hand was no longer the narrow-edged spear that he had captured earlier, but a broad bronze sword.

It is four fingers wide, two fingers thick, seven feet long and weighs 72 kilograms.

With the strength of Han Xiaoru's body, he can use it with ease. The Hunyuan Sword Technique of the Perfect Realm seems clumsy and skillful, and he can use it with ten swings and ten strikes, and is domineering and majestic.

When the broad sword dances, the surrounding winds are turbulent, and the yin and yang rotate, which is quite powerful and invincible.

However, in this situation, Han Xiaoru did not gain any upper hand. Instead, she was in a rough fight and played very cautiously.

The jade-faced general with heavy eyes on the opposite side wielded a flowing golden bell, which was thick and thick. When attacking, it made a dull roar, just like dancing a big tree.

Han Xiaoru understood at a glance that this guy was holding a weapon that weighed at least two to three hundred kilograms and danced like a lantern. If she competed with him in terms of strength, it would be a fight.

But, fortunately, there is no need to compare strength with weapons. In terms of speed, I am two or three times faster than him.

Let a strong general who is used to running rampant use the method of fighting.

Han Xiaoru felt that this feeling was actually not good.

In fact, Han Xiaoru originally thought that compared with five times the strength and three times the speed, the faster one would naturally take advantage.

But after the fight, she discovered that this kind of advantage was not easy to take advantage of.

The other party started to dance, although the speed was slightly slower, but the air around him stirred up violent waves, and with the roaring wind, it was impossible to break through.

A typical one force drop ten meeting.

However, this is enough.

If you want to kill this person, you can still kill him with the Hunyuan Sword Technique that has reached the perfect state. Until his strength is slightly exhausted, killing him is like killing a chicken.

It doesn't matter if you can't kill it quickly, it can take a long time.

Han Xiaoru is not anxious at all, she does not look down on people in the world.

What's more, this is Dong Chongyang, who has the title of "the most powerful general in Chu State".

The task given to me by my junior brother is to hold this person back.

As long as it is completed, it is a great achievement.

On the contrary, it was a bit difficult for Xiao Mingyue.

I don’t know if she can hold on.

"Witch, you can't run away this time."

Dong Chongyang seemed to be dancing with a thousand golden lights in his hand, and the energy was as strong as a mountain.

But he knew that he actually didn't use his full strength.

He could finally see that the strength of this female general had reached the limit of ordinary people. Without the inheritance of the Chu Kingdom, his own strength might not be able to surpass this person.

I don’t know how a woman can develop this strength to over a thousand pounds. It’s very unreasonable.

He also saw that this woman was blessed by the inheritance of the Yan Kingdom, but because she had not practiced for a long time and did not understand the inheritance deeply enough, she did not develop this magical power to her bones and use it for herself.

Therefore, it does not reach five times the maximum speed.Quick reaction, quick attack, quick movement...this is normal.

However, it's only three times the top speed, which is still a bit short of that.

She definitely didn't know that if you truly cultivate your magical power into your physical body and soul, there will be an extremely special explosion.

Just like the most experienced hunter, Dong Chongyang waited quietly while showing off his tricks.

On the one hand, he was waiting for Mr. Jiang Taiyan, the leader of Yushan Academy, to defeat his opponent first, and on the other hand, he was waiting for his opponent to reveal his flaws.

When she wanted to escape, it was already too late.

Jiang Taiyan didn't think so much, and he didn't need to be as subtle and calculating as Dong Chongyang to show weakness to the enemy.

As a teacher of Qi State and a sword sect in the world, his reputation is even far higher than that of Dong Chongyang.

Perhaps when leading troops in battle and charging in front of the battle line, he might not be able to defeat Dong Chongyang. When fighting alone, he asked himself that there were countless ways to win and easily kill his opponent.

This time, King Chu Qing invited Jiang Taiyan over, which was a guarantee.

The original plan was for Jiang Taiyan to immediately return to the palace after capturing Han Xiaoru, attract Young Master Dongyuan of the Yan Kingdom, and, as the main force, deal with the young master who could not see the depth.

It was originally something that came easily.

I also found out that Han Xiaoru was the only one who challenged Zen Master Bai Xiang at the Jinding Dharma Tower. However, I didn’t expect that when the two of them suddenly took action, a sword light shot out from Xiezili, and they actually held him back. Own.

It is obvious that his swordsmanship is at least several times more advanced and sophisticated than that of his opponent.

But his hands were tied, and within a short period of time, he was unable to take down this petite little girl in a green dress.

'What the hell. '

As a master of Qi State, Jiang Taiyan couldn't help but feel the love for talents in his heart, and couldn't help but the murderous intention.

"The sword's heart is clear and its weak point attacks."

Jiang Taiyan saw through Ji Mingyue's swordsmanship at a glance.

Seeing through but not being able to break through, this feeling makes people feel so sad that they want to vomit blood.

The transparent sword heart of the Tianxin Mingyue Sword can directly attack the weak point, coupled with the triple speed, the sword takes the lead and must save the enemy when attacking. Jiang Taiyan obviously has extraordinary skills to defeat the opponent easily, but he cannot use it.

Every sword strike and every attack he made was interrupted just after it started.

The opponent comes and goes like lightning, and his moves are deadly. It seems simple, but it seems to be the most simple way, and it can lead to endless changes.

He was about to circle his opponent with his sword light and kill him with one strike, but he always missed it by a hair.

This line is the end of the world.

Ji Mingyue's face tightened and she was expressionless.

In her heart, she was not as calm as on the surface.

I felt that this middle-aged Confucian scholar with a very good appearance and an ordinary green steel sword turned into everything in the world. One moment, it was upright and bright, and the next moment, it turned into a strange and gloomy one.

Once the sword is thrust out, it will turn hundreds of times, the five elements will flow, and the yin and yang will become one.

Hard and soft, fast and slow, light and heavy, completely integrated into one.

The opponent's hand seemed to be no longer a sword, but a realm and a world.

If he hadn't had the attitude of being able to retreat immediately with one strike and never be greedy for success, and always walk away as soon as he touches it, he would probably have been enveloped by the sword light and be killed in an understatement.

"Is this the unparalleled swordsmanship of Qi State, the world's sword sect?"

Ji Mingyue did not seek merit, but sought no faults. All her previous thoughts receded at this moment. She and Han Xiaoru thought of each other at this moment.

That's one word.


Although this place is dangerous, the winning point of the battle has never been in the Jinding Dharma Tower, but in the palace.

The longer you delay, the greater your chances of winning.

As for fleeing.

They never thought about it.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the direction of Beicheng.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp roar that passed through the city and reached the ears, which made people's eardrums numb.

Ji Mingyue and Han Xiaoru smiled at the same time.

The expressions of Dong Chongyang and Jiang Taiyan changed drastically.

They heard it.

That voice was King Chu Qing whom he had met not long ago.

The despair and unwillingness in the voice can be clearly heard even from a distance of more than half a city...


Thousands of thoughts flashed through Jiang Taiyan's mind, and he immediately reacted.

His body flashed back, and his sword turned into a vast ocean, cutting out a thick patch of water in front of him.

He had the upper hand and his swordsmanship was almost perfect. He could still retreat if he wanted to.

Logically speaking, when one heard that something had happened in the Chu Palace, one should rush to the Chu Palace as part of the spirit of cooperation among allies. However, this head Jiang had no idea at all. He moved around and opened an empty path. Jump off the golden-domed Dharma Tower and escape toward the south city gate.

As for Dong Chongyang, the ferocious look on his face has not faded. After hearing the desperate scream, his eyes were full of disbelief, sadness and entanglement.

On the one hand, the king and his family, on the other hand, his attachment to his life, were torn back and forth in his heart, and he could not make a decision.

But the golden clang in his hand suddenly erupted into millions of golden lights, the light and shadow were like waves, and the power was three points greater.

"What a good man, don't retreat but advance, do you want to fight to the death? I will grant you a favor and let you reunite with your brother underground."

Han Xiaoru chuckled softly, her eyebrows flying up, her eyes flashing with bright starlight, she stepped back and then forward, shouting loudly, and a strange power came from the sky.

Not only is the strength doubled, the speed is also much faster, reaching four times.

When the difference in strength is reduced and no longer crushed by the opponent's aftermath, when the speed increases again and breaks through a certain critical point.

Han Xiaoru only felt that the heavy golden light in front of her was full of flaws. With a slash of the sword, the entire golden-roofed dharma building roared and shook, and suddenly collapsed sideways.

Her figure turned into a red light, flashing through the golden storm.

There are two parts of yin and yang in front of me, half black and half white.

At the same time, split into two pieces, there was Dong Chongyang's tall and burly body.


A trace of sadness flashed in Dong Chongyang's eyes, then he felt relieved again.

He could already tell that the opponent's power suddenly surged. The aura of magical power was very familiar, and he could never admit his mistake again.

As for himself, he had faintly lost a certain source of power, seeming to have cut off his path to martial arts.

What does this represent.

No need to think about it at all.

The only explanation is that the King of Chu is dead and the inheritance has been taken away.

"That's fine too."

Dong Chongyang half turned around and took one last look in the direction of the King's Palace of Chu. His body split into two pieces with a crash.



(End of this chapter)

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