Lord of Time!

Chapter 290: Intercepting in a narrow valley, showing great skill and boldness

Chapter 290: Intercepting in a narrow valley, showing great skill and boldness

"Stop chasing me, business is more important."

Seeing that Han Xiaoru was fighting hard and aroused her fighting spirit, Chen Ping quickly shouted to stop the horse and wanted to pursue him again.

These Yan State's gale force troops have been weakened and their leader is dead. As long as they have some brains, they will not pursue them relentlessly.

By the time the general of the Yan State sent reinforcements and ordered the pursuit, he had already left the Yan territory, so there was not much hindrance to these people.

"Are Seventh Brother worried that those people will get the benefits one step ahead and take control of the Tower of Babel?"

Ji Mingyue controls the Tianxin Pavilion intelligence organization and is very clear about some things.

The key point immediately came to mind.

"This is indeed something that must be guarded against. Although it is difficult to clear the first three floors of Babel Tower, Taoist Taoist Mingxin of Black Lotus Palace has been in business for tens or hundreds of years. It is very likely that he has figured out the method of breaking into the tower long ago. He could not do it before. Go, I just don’t want to take a risk, I just want to wait until I am more confident before I go get the tower."

Ji Mingyue's analysis was also serious, and it made sense to hear it.

"As for the group of people at the back, we can't see where they came from. However, judging from the brutal and domineering way the swordsman acted, his inheritance is indeed extraordinary. They most likely belong to foreign masters. They came straight to the Tower of Babel, and they must have mastered the There are some secrets that we don’t know, so we can force Babel to send a message for help.”

On this point, Ji Mingyue guessed that there was not much difference.

The last time they passed the level, she, Fang Qingzhu, and Han Xiaoru could only complete it fairly well. It was originally difficult to pass the level, but if they were really strict, they didn't get the approval of Babel Tower.

However, Chen Ping almost cleared that world and obtained the highest achievement of soul cultivation in that world. It would be unreasonable to say that he could not be recognized.

This is probably not just about reaching the level of cultivation. There is also another point. What Chen Ping did must be in line with some of the ideas of the Babel Tower or the refiner behind it.

This is the reason why Babel Tower directly transferred a few of them to the world in front of them without going through another trial.

Seeing that layer of pocket tower-shaped cubes with strange abilities, Ji Mingyue could not guess that there were actually rare opportunities hidden in this world.

Most likely, it is the control core of the Tongtian Pagoda outside.

Thinking about it this way, there is indeed no room for error. Once someone gets it and gathers them together first, it will be extremely difficult to come back in this world where souls, auras, blood, and all kinds of extraordinary powers are suppressed.

Of course, it's not without good news.

That is, in this world of great strife where extraordinary power is not apparent and individuals cannot be superior to military formations, it is extremely difficult to get even one, let alone collect all the pagoda blocks from all levels.

On my side, I had already received one just after entering the country. It could be said that the Tower of Babel was directly feeding me, and the opportunity was delivered to the door.

However, there are only so many advantages for the time being.

"That's right, soldiers are valuable and quick."

Chen Ping looked at Ji Mingyue, his eyes filled with admiration.

The little girl grows up and becomes smarter, and her rare mind becomes clearer and clearer.

Most of the time, you can see right to the heart of the problem and know what to do next.

"Dig a hole and bury this young master."

When Chen Ping said this, when he saw the eldest princess coming over sadly, he immediately stopped talking about the Babel Tower and just ordered Han Xiaoru to call on the guards and civilians to dig holes.

But he was imaging in his mind, moving his muscles, bones, flesh, and face, and his face and muscles had slight changes.

It turned out to be eighty-nine points similar to the dead Young Master Dongyuan of the Yan Kingdom.

However, the seemingly different appearances give people two completely different feelings.

If this appearance were on the dead young master, it would have seemed gloomy and arrogant, but when it was on Chen Ping, it would make people feel kind, sweet, handsome and gentle.

The eldest princess Dong Li had just approached. Wan Fu saluted. When he looked up, he saw Chen Ping's change in appearance. He was so frightened that he took three or four steps back. He stumbled on his feet and almost fell to the ground.

"you you……"

"It was just a little trick of disguise, but it frightened the princess. I am deeply sorry that the rescue was not enough this time. Please forgive me."

Chen Ping has a smile in his eyes and a gentle voice.

He obviously said he was sorry, but there was no trace of regret at all.

By this time, he was too lazy to even act.

Zheng Dongli's eyes were very complicated, both happy and sad, and his lips were pursed, and tears were flowing out. However, this woman was obviously very aware of current affairs. She quickly wiped away her tears, calmed down, and said with a forced smile: "This... Mr. Chen Saving me is like fire and water, the little girl is grateful enough, if you need anything, just ask."

"Princess, do you still call me Young Master?"

There is a profound meaning in Chen Ping's words.

Zheng Dongli understood it as soon as he heard it, his eyes were sad, and he quickly changed his words: "My original brother is fine, that's the best."

After saying this, her eyes turned red again.

Apparently he was thinking of his own brother, who had already been crushed to death, and now he was waiting to be laid to rest.

She forced herself to say a few words to Chen Ping, then covered her face and went straight to Zheng Dongyuan's body. Looking at the unclosed eyes and bruised face, she was silent for a moment.

Therefore, even if he is a bad person, he does not necessarily have no family ties.

It can be seen that although Mr. Zheng Dongyuan has a mean temperament and treats his subordinates like ants, he is still very close to his biological sister.

The relationship between siblings seems to be very good.

However, no matter what Princess Zheng Dongli thinks in her heart, whether she secretly blames herself and others for not fully supporting Zheng Dongyuan, it doesn't matter.

Situations are stronger than people. Sometimes, you can't be too willful and have to learn to accept your fate.

"Can you deceive others like this? Many people know that Zheng Dongyuan is dead." Han Xiaoru habitually did not want to use her brain.

Don't like these twists and turns.

So if you don’t understand, just ask.

Chen Ping smiled when he heard this: "So what if it's true, or what if it's fake? Is there any difference?"

Han Xiaoru tilted her head and thought for a moment, then suddenly realized: "There is no difference."

The eldest son Zheng Dongli did not want his younger brother to die, which would mean that she had completely lost her support. Not to mention the matter of revenge for the country, whether she could survive to the capital of Chu State was still a problem.

And these remaining guards and civilian husbands are even less willing to let Master Dongyuan die, because even if no one holds them responsible for protecting their master, they will become fugitives from now on...

In this era, it has never been an easy task for people of no background to survive and live well.

When everyone hopes that Chen Ping is true, then of course he is true.

"Set off."

Chen Ping looked back at Shen Tuhong and others who were watching him leave from a distance, then ignored them, got on the carriage first, and ordered everyone to continue moving forward.

The +632 calamity value floating in the corner of my eye passed by quietly and silently.

Chen Ping felt a sense of joy that he had not seen for a long time.

Sure enough, my guess was correct.With his own strength that has been suppressed by the world now, it would certainly be a disaster to face all kinds of dangers again.

'In this way, as long as this loophole is blocked, the luck of the disaster is infinitely improved, and then a massive amount of luck is obtained from it, can it be infinitely improved just by sitting on Bingli Island? '

Thinking of this, Chen Ping couldn't help but feel excited.

If something is not seen, it does not prove that it does not exist.

After he brutally killed Ziyun Longnu, he already knew that at least in a short period of time, he would not be able to escape from that world. Even if Ji Hai was a fool, he would not be able to let go of his wife-killing generously. The hatred and hatred of destroying the way.

Although no manpower was sent into Bingli Island subsequently, everything seemed very peaceful.

The more this happened, the more Chen Ping dared not ignore it.

This is totally the calm before the storm.

If he is not strong enough, he will definitely be caught once he leaves that world.

At that time, with the other party's level of Dao elixir cultivation, and the talented monk who also practices the Hidden Dragon Sutra and has cultivated to a very high level to condense the Dao elixir, if he wants to defeat the other party, the chance of winning is not only zero, but also very slim. thing.


Looking at the calamity value that has now become more than 3800, Chen Ping faintly saw a glimmer of hope for breaking the situation.

If you can continue to improve, then why bother leaving that world early to seek opportunities.

If you are strong enough to protect yourself, why would you care if there are people outside guarding you?

I believe that Ji Hai would not have thought that he would retreat and seek inward rather than outward.

Strength will also grow by leaps and bounds.

When the two of them actually meet, I believe his expression will be wonderful.


"After passing Queshi Ridge, we will enter the Chu Kingdom. The Imperial Auntie will probably send someone to greet her. I remember that when I was still young, I had met her as an old woman and she was very fond of us, my sister and my brother."

They had eaten and slept in the open, and walked through scorching sun and heavy rain. Although Chen Ping studied the power of the pagoda and was blessed with speed, they still had a miserable time.

Especially when walking through the junction of Zhao and Qi, Princess Dongli was frightened three times a day, fearing that the two countries would send troops to intercept her, or that nobles from the two countries would be bribed or persuaded by General Ying Yang of the State of Yan.

Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Perhaps the two countries Zhao and Qi do not want the neighboring countries to become complete and unified, and may even hope that the two forces of the Yan State will be at odds with each other and remain divided for a long time.

Of course, according to Chen Ping's guess, these countries may not know much about it. In fact, the escaped Young Master Yan has a huge secret. That layer of the pagoda is no less than a huge treasure.

"Will the general of the Yan Kingdom know that Mr. Dongyuan has taken away the most precious thing?"

Thinking of the actions of Shen Tuhong and Sun Yi a month ago, Chen Ping was really not sure.

After Shen Tuhong captured Zheng Dongyuan, he first wanted to capture him alive. Seeing the power of Chen Ping and others, he killed Zheng Dongyuan directly, hoping to remove the reason for the conflict between the two parties.

From the beginning to the end, the general never thought of searching Zheng Dongyuan's body.

Obviously, the first task is not to capture the treasure.

Later, Sun Yi wanted to get back the royal token. Judging from his appearance, [-]% of his thoughts were focused on beauty, but [-]% was focused on beauty. He had a serious lack of understanding of the importance of the "token".

Could it be that the general of the Yan Kingdom vaguely knew how special the royal token was, but he didn't know what it was.

"In this case, it will be somewhat easier to handle."

Chen Ping only hoped that the fewer people who knew the news, the better, so that they could gather all seven or more floors of the pagoda before others could react.

"What is your imperial aunt's status in Chu State?"

The memory Chen Ping received did not contain too detailed information, so he stopped pretending at this time and asked directly.

The two siblings of the Yan Kingdom traveled thousands of miles and wanted to defect to the Chu Kingdom. They put all their hopes in the other party to support their restoration of the country. They must have their reasons.

"The imperial aunt is the Empress Dowager of the Chu State. She has been in charge of the Chu State for 30 years. She is very friendly with our Yan State and helps each other."

Speaking of this, Zheng Dongli was slightly excited.

Understand, this is a marriage from the previous generation. The princess of the Yan Kingdom married into the royal family of the Chu Kingdom, and later came to power. The son she gave birth to became the King of Chu, and then ruled for some years. Nowadays, she must still have a lot of rights.


Chen Ping changed his mind slightly, looked at Zheng Dongli, and suddenly thought of a question.

"Who is the current King of Chu?"

"This is King Zhaoye of Chu Qing. He is the grandson of the imperial aunt. I heard he is over 16 years old. He is a little younger than me. I think he will be in charge soon..."

Speaking of this, Zheng Dongli suddenly looked slightly stagnant and looked up.


Chen Ping's eyes flashed slightly. This escape may not be as easy as the two foolish and bold siblings imagined.

Suddenly, he opened the carriage curtain and shouted: "Go forward at full speed, don't skimp on your strength."

The entire team felt as if someone had whipped them. They were quiet for a moment and then immediately rushed forward.

Han Xiaoru and Ji Mingyue were riding in the lead, riding fast to clear the way through Quegui Ridge.


On the dangerous peaks on both sides, dozens of large rocks suddenly collapsed and collapsed, with smoke and dust billowing and rumbling over them.

It was faster than the stone, whizzing and whistling incessantly, and arrows falling like rain.

"So, losing soul perception will cause all kinds of inconveniences. However, it's a bit funny that some bandits dare to ambush us."

It's not that Chen Ping hasn't thought about sending scouts, even if he didn't want to, Han Xiaoru has led the army forward countless times, and some things have been engraved in his bones, so he will never lack precautions.

In fact, they also have their own arrogance. Even if they suppress their souls and blood, they don't really feel that there is any ambush that can ambush them and others.

Go forward cautiously and tentatively all the way, that can only be done by the weak, and there is not much need.


Han Xiaoru took the lead, attacking like a mad dragon.

Self-confidence naturally has the capital to be confident.

Over the past month, I have received the blessing of the pagoda's magical power every day, forcibly changing the bone marrow and tendons, but I have gained eight points of the true meaning of the magical power. At this time, the man and the horse merged into one, charging into the formation, like a strong wind passing over the earth, fast and fierce.

The narrow-edged spear in her hand picked up the bombs, whether they were large or small rocks, crossbow feathers, or arrows, all of them lost their momentum and were swept away by her.

After seven or eight breaths, she rushed to the intersection of the narrow valley and saw dozens of riders ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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