The demon world I designed.

Chapter 256 Lu Ming's Hole Card!

Chapter 256 Lu Ming's Hole Card!
"Which bitch is that, willing to degenerate, and seduce you?"

A beautiful woman with a soft voice, but the cold air in her words penetrated into the bone marrow, making the dignified No. [-] Duke feel a chill in his heart.
Many people know that the mistress of Duke Qin's mansion is powerful, but they all think that she has a strong personality. Few people know that she is really powerful!
The Lu family is a thousand-year-old family with great power. The Xiao family did not dare to stabilize his Lu family. When the country was founded, it had to be treated as a prince, and Lu Ming was rarely seen by the Lu family for hundreds of years. Since the warlord's scuffle, how many aristocratic families have taken refuge in his outstanding children?
The God of War who was fought in iron and blood, afraid of guilt?

Without any capital or means, why should Lu Ming be afraid of guilt?

"Ah, your taste has changed now." The woman took out the sachet from Lu Ming's arms from nowhere, and sneered, "You're still interested in widows, tsk tsk"

"I didn't do anything out of the ordinary." Lu Ming frowned and said, "It's just that when I was in trouble, I was temporarily relying on the mother and daughter to cover."

"A widow, willing to take you in for a year? Is it because of kindness?"

"What she thinks has nothing to do with me." Lu Ming frowned: "You didn't come here to argue with me about a widow, did you?"

"I'm very fussy." The woman touched Lu Ming's handsome face and said, "You know it, since you don't care, it's even better. I guess you don't care about how I treat them, right?"

Lu Ming: "."

"Okay, let's get down to business!" The woman saw that Lu Ming's face was getting worse, but she didn't say much, she got up and stretched her waist and said, "This time you've done too much, if this plan doesn't succeed, You should know the consequences!"

Lu Ming lowered his head when he heard the words
Why doesn't he understand this truth?

The Lu family's capital has been slowly accumulated over the millennium. When the Xiao family became the emperor in the Jin Dynasty, he had such a great power, like cooking oil on fire, and was extremely unstable. However, no matter how much the Xiao family suspected him, he would be He didn't dare to do it, because once he did it, with his appeal and the strength of the Lu family, he would be able to take away half of the Great Jin in an instant!

But it's different now
The entire army of 30 Golden Dragon Guards was wiped out, most of them were soldiers from his Lu family, and then Xihai was wounded. In order to deploy the Dragon Palace, he deployed a large number of troops in Xihai, and even arranged for his best eldest son to go there.

It was even at the time of the outbreak in ancient times that he won the position of coach who presided over the Jiangnan Campaign.

It can be described as the right time, place and people!

But man is not as good as God, he never thought that his plan for many years was actually arranged by that guy Xiao Mingyue!

But it's not like there's no chance at all. In the year in the south of the Yangtze River, he was at a loss, until the Battle God Army arrived in Yunzhou, and the magical flow of the divine way spread in Yunzhou, and the world around him was being changed by a young man.

This time he was sure that the boy named Chen Qing was the real reincarnation!
Before in the capital, he heard that the young man could see through the illusion of the thousand-faced fox, so he had some guesses. That's why he recommended Chen Qing in the court, just to take a closer look. Now it seems that I didn't pull him into the game at the beginning. wrong.

What was wrong was that he acted too late, and he never expected that that guy would be able to be like a fish in water when he arrived in the south of the Yangtze River. In just a few years, he could have such power!

It is even more terrifying than the original King Qin!
But fortunately, this young man has a more miraculous secret than King Qin, but he doesn't have the patience of King Qin, has an impatient pace, and is full of loopholes!

This is also his chance.

When he learned that the merchant ship could get out of the south of the Yangtze River and go to the capital with the seal of the gods, he secretly sent a letter to inform the person he didn't want to notify at first.
"The Pang family is not easy to get along with. Pang Shangshu won't last long there." The woman laughed softly.

"I trust your means," Lu Ming replied lightly.

Pang Shangshu is the head of the Pang family. Once he dies, the spells on his body will explode, and he will immediately lock the murderer, so that the Pang family will know who the enemy is while the head is dead. This is the ability that most families have, so the magician family Generally few people will offend.

And the Pang family is even more difficult to offend. The Pang family's technique is a curse, which makes the generals fear the most. Once they go crazy, even the Lu family will not be able to bear it.

Now that the Lu family has suffered heavy losses, if the Pang family is offended and the crime of murdering Shang Shu is added, it is not impossible for the Lu family to be destroyed
But Lu Ming is not worried. My wife, the assassination method is top-notch, and the method of torturing people is even more top-notch!
Mu Hongqing's younger sister was cut into a pig, and she has been suffering in the garden for decades, but she is still alive.
As long as she is willing, even the skinned Pang Shangshu can live for decades.
"Thank you for your trust, husband." The woman said with a silly smile: "When you sent me the letter, I knew that you were going to win this last wave. If that's the case, don't talk about the Pang family, it's the prince. I dare to do it too."

Lu Ming's face twitched when he heard the words. It was obvious that his wife was mocking him for being cheated for supporting the prince for many years.

"I really didn't expect that Xiao Mingyue could make such a deep layout."

"How deep is that?" The woman laughed and said, "There are only a few people in the entire capital who can be behind the scenes of the Thousand-faced Fox incident. Wei Guogong is in the north, and he can't reach here. It is impossible for the emperor to kill his own queen. Although he was a hypocritical person, it was obviously unnecessary, many people were suspicious of our family at that time, but we knew that it had nothing to do with us, so who else could there be besides Xiao Mingyue?"

"With the level of the prince's pustules, and Xiao Mingyue's ability to collude with the thousand-faced fox, you should have doubted it a long time ago. You can only say that you were blinded by greed!"

"That's right." Lu Ming sighed.

"You gave up our son!"

"As a last resort, Dragon Palace has a secret medicine that can save the child."

"Really?" The woman smiled slightly: "From the beginning, you didn't intend to let me intervene in this matter. The idea was to use the elixir to revive your acquaintances, right?"

Lu Ming: "If I really cared about those women, I wouldn't let you torture them to death like that."

"That's because you can't do anything." The woman smiled and said, "What am I going to do, can you stop me? I tortured and killed them, but you just didn't dare to turn against me, not because you didn't want to turn against me!!"

Lu Ming: "."
"My lord, everything is ready, but Lu Ming doesn't seem to have taken any action."

In the government office, Chen Ying respectfully reported the situation, causing Chen Qing to frown slightly.

Lu Ming's method doesn't seem to be that simple.

Originally thought that this desperate Duke would aggressively kill Pang Shangshu, and then use his own prestige to control Yu Chipeng's [-] army in the name of the court, causing chaos. Time suppressed, the eldest princess, Wei Guogong, and Boss Shen, who already had thoughts about themselves, probably couldn't help but do it!
If he can catch himself at that time, then he will be able to become one of the four forces and renegotiate how to distribute the Dragon Palace.
While the other party was paying attention to her, Chen Qing was also paying attention to the other party.

The Quartet Alliance, relying on the effect of the magic circle alone, is not enough to deter those old fritters, but Lu Ming's weight is enough.

The number one prince in the world, if he can kill and capture him alive, then not only will he be full of deterrent power, but he will also be legitimate in name!

After all, when Lu Ming killed Chaotang Shangshu, he was still a minister of the court in name, so killing such traitors was justified!
But now. There is no movement at all.
This Lu Ming, do you have other cards?

Chen Qing frowned suddenly. The enchantment can only last for a limited time. This alliance must be reached within a limited time to let the Quartet stop fighting. From then on, her reputation will increase greatly in the world, and the Shinto style will have a chance to spread.

But if Lu Ming doesn't do it for a long time, and he can't come up with a shocking method in a short time, this alliance may be a little troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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