I was regarded as a demon god by a witch

Chapter 252 The High Witch's Special Power!A contract with hell!Enter the sea of ​​words!

Chapter 252 The High Witch's Special Power!A contract with hell!Enter the Sea of ​​Crosses!

Under the threat of death, the duck-feathered captain had no choice but to command the remaining eleven pirates to help Ivita and the others on the Ivita Caravel, and stop the grievances of the people who kept attacking the ship. Spirit crows.

After about two and a half hours, the passage of the supernatural hell was closed, and those wraith crows could only return to the passage before the passage was closed.

In this crow attack, six more pirates were killed by the duck-feathered pirates, while Iveta's people basically only suffered some injuries because of the female ranger's energy-absorbing skills and healing skills.

Looking at the dead crows on the ship, Wilson ordered the five pirates who were still alive to clean up the dead crows on the deck.

Captain Duck Feather watched this scene with grief.

He didn't expect that what he thought was a soft bone actually caused his entire pirate group to disintegrate.

They didn't die in battle, they didn't die on the gallows in the coastal town of the Republic, but they died helping merchant ships stop monsters.

Captain Duck Feather was very depressed.

After the deck was cleaned up, Captain Sam asked Wilson to ask five soldiers to help him tie up all six pirates.

Captain Sam looked at the six pirates with contempt, and at the same time had some understanding of the strength of his boss.

Unexpectedly, even the little pirates from Cross Island couldn't move the ship, but this was normal, they were going to Cross Island after all.

Captain Sam, said: "Boss, we exile these pirates to some desert island, do you have any objection?"

"Or let them jump into the sea now?"

Ivita glanced at the vampire Wilson. The vampire Wilson can only control two people with mental force, and Davina can control one person, which means that the rest of the pirates are unstable factors and can only play a negative role in their team. Effect.

Ivita said to Captain Sam: "Let these pirates tell the place where the treasure is hidden on their ship, and then let Davina use mental force on the duck feather captain to implant completely loyal to my order. Everyone else, all Find a deserted island and exile them."

The remaining five old pirates were all impatient.

"Don't, I'm more useful than the captain, control me!"

"That captain is useless at all!"

When Captain Duckfeather heard that he was still alive, he seemed to be saved from a desperate situation. He immediately said happily: "No, no, big boss, you must let your vampire control me with mental force. All the money on board I put it in the captain's cabin, you..."

Davina came over and pinched his face, and the golden circle Modi's eyes were fixed on him. "You are completely loyal to Mr. Ivita Augustus, he is your boss, and you are his most loyal subordinate."

Captain Duckfeather repeated it to himself. "I am completely loyal to Mr. Iveta Augustus, I am his employee."

"I am completely loyal to him."

Under the terrified eyes of the five pirates, Captain Duck Feather looked a little confused. He glanced at Ivetta, and then said to Ivita, "Boss."


"I'll help you deal with those five pirates. I know they still have some weapons with blades hidden on them. Their idea is to use these blades to cut open the bandages that bind them when you tie them up in a cabin. rope, and then sneak attack you."

The five pirates were dumbfounded.

The captain had completely betrayed them.

From the ability of vampires to force an idea into the human brain, they feel fear.

Ivita nodded, and it seemed to be a success.

The vampire Wilson immediately asked the two hunters to search the pirates for weapons, and they immediately found the blades.

In the utter despair of the pirates, they were escorted into the cabin by two hunters.

The apprentice hunter's wind walk and tendon cutting skills are very useful for guarding the enemy.

After half an hour, five soldiers found 15 gold pounds and 2 shillings from the pirates' ships.

Ivita was speechless, "They are really poor."

But in this way, he has earned 340 five gold pounds so far this time.

Captain Sam said to Ivita, "No way, boss. Even if these pirates have money, they will take the money to prostitutes to live their lives. They can't save any money. They can save money. Live for money, and won't be pirates."

Ivita looked at Captain Duck Feather.

At this moment, because of Davina's relationship, this guy has become completely loyal to himself.

Captain Duck Feather said in embarrassment: "That's really it. You have completely robbed us. Because we have been losing money for the past few days, and the income we robbed can't keep up with what we need..."

The female ranger of Seville, said: "My lord, what about the pirate ship at sea?"

Ivita was just about to say to abandon it, but the Hearthstone Witch had already stepped onto the deck. The Hearthstone Witch glanced at everyone, and then said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, we can still sell that boat for money. Woolen cloth."

She is surrounded by powerful magic power, because she has just been promoted, she has not yet mastered the magic power on her body.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch, "The mast of that ship is broken, we can't drive it away."

The Hearthstone Witch laughed, and said to Evita, "Thanks to your great help, I have finally been promoted to the High Witch."

"This high witch is different from the big witch."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes were shining. "Those annoying people that I couldn't kill before, now I can go back and settle accounts with them again, hahahaha..."

"Your Majesty, there are two problems for the Grand Witch to advance to the High Witch. The first is that the Law of the Night will open the passage to the supernatural hell and come to prevent me from becoming a High Witch. Because every High Witch will become a magician in the Black Forest. big trouble."

"Second, my promotion is likely to attract some interpersonal disasters, such as the pirate ship attacking us."

The Hearthstone Witch walked up to Captain Duck Feather and looked at him bleakly.

Captain Duck Feather said immediately: "I...I have already surrendered to Master Ivita."

Evita nodded to the Hearthstone Witch.

The Hearthstone Witch gave him a regretful look. "Actually, digging out his heart and torturing him slowly is not bad."

"But since His Majesty needs your little talent, then forget it."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Evita: "I have a way to take that pirate ship away, please give me a glass bottle."

Ivita frowned, and asked Captain Sam to find a glass bottle in the ship's warehouse, and handed it to her.

Under everyone's gaze, the Hearthstone Witch stood on the deck holding the glass bottle, then lifted the glass bottle and placed it on top of the destroyed pirate ship, then she summoned the carriage and took out an inlaid Ruby magic ring.

She is also a little excited. "Your Majesty, you are optimistic. High-ranking witches can cast advanced law magic combined with rule-based transfiguration spells and law magic."

"You've seen head drop magic before."

Ivita and the others also observed carefully.

The Hearthstone Witch said loudly, "In the name of the Hearthstone Guardian and the High Witch, I proclaim the following law!"

The ruby ​​ring on her finger burned with a green flame.

"The glass bottle in my hand will be able to hold the pirate ship in front of me, unless the glass bottle breaks!"

Suddenly, a completely pitch-black hand pierced the barrier between the dark realm and the human world, stretched out in mid-air, and took the ruby ​​ring from the Hearthstone Witch. "I declare that the law is established."

After the ring was taken away by the Queen of Darkness, the Hearthstone Witch threw the glass bottle into the sea, and then under the horrified eyes of everyone, the glass bottle that fell into the sea seemed to be a glutton, and it actually started to stop. Swallow sea water.

The seawater swallowed more and more, and what the Hearthstone Witch dropped didn't look like a glass bottle, but a huge pothole.

Soon, a huge vortex appeared under the pirate ship with the broken mast.

Then, the pirate ship was gradually submerged by sea water. After about 15 minutes, the vortex disappeared, and only a glass bottle was floating on the sea surface.

The Hearthstone Witch stretched out her hand triumphantly, took the glass bottle in her hand, and put a wooden stopper on the glass bottle.

Only then did everyone see that there was half a bottle of sea water in the glass bottle in her hand, and the damaged pirate ship was floating on the half bottle of sea water.

Evita thought about it.

Is this the spell that only high witches can cast?
It seems that every time a wizard upgrades his magic power, he not only improves his strength, but also changes his soul structure and increases the level of magic power.

A low-level wizard might be far more powerful than a high-level wizard, but there are certain spells that only high-level wizards can cast.

For example, the rule of official wizards is the transformation spell;
Simple legal spells that can be cast while the Grand Witch;

The rule-based high-level magic that combines transformation and legal magic can only be cast by high-level witches.

After seeing this scene, Sevilla Landwalker sighed and said: "The power of the high witch is really too powerful. There are many evil witches in the northern forest. No wonder they have not been eliminated for so many years."

Two knights from the Persepolis family even said: "A ship more than [-] meters long was actually packed into a glass bottle no bigger than a human hand."

The duck-feathered captain looked at his ship, and was put into a glass bottle by the witch, wanting to cry.

He didn't know whether to congratulate Evita or feel sad.

This is the horror of the vampire's mental compulsion.

It can't change your personality and thoughts, it just drives a nail into your brain and implants an idea.

The Hearthstone Witch turned around, shook the glass bottle in her hand, and said to Evita, "Your Majesty, this way we can take away your spoils without any trouble."

"At the stage of the High Witch, the Transfiguration Spell can be truly cast. It can change from big to small, and from small to big."

"The price you pay is just to consume mana, and there is no need to consume extra life and damage the source of magic power."

Evita nodded.

The Hearthstone witch was very happy because she had just been promoted, and said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, not only do I feel that my magic power has doubled, but I also feel the call from hell. According to the covenant between the witch and hell, Hell should send a demon to sign a contract with me when a witch advances to the high witch stage, so that I can use the power of hell."

"Generally speaking, the demons sent here are just low-level demons who can't get along."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Hell will send demons of different levels according to the potential and power of wizards and witches. I don't expect the 72 pillars of hell to sign a contract with me. But I hope that at least one high-ranking demon will come and sign with me." Contract, if you encounter a garbage demon like Hugo Demon, it will be very troublesome."

The Hearthstone Witch suddenly said in a low voice: "I hope the other side of hell, for the sake of me being around you all the time, send over a decent high-ranking demon."

Evita raised an eyebrow. "Leave aside the matter of demons. But Hearthstone Witch, don't you think you owe everyone an explanation?"

"I don't care, but other people seem to have a little big opinion of you now."

The Hearthstone Witch looked up, and found that the captain's dozen or so professions were all looking at her with dissatisfaction.

And Ivita has already left the deck and returned to the bedroom, because he needs to use the mirror spirit to deal with affairs.

The Hearthstone Witch was also a little anxious when she saw everyone looking at her.

Because among these people there are two official knights with magic swords, an official ranger with evasion and energy absorption, a fourth-generation vampire, and seven other professionals. at a disadvantage.

The Hearthstone Witch took a half step back and said hypocritically, "Aren't we all companions? Aren't we friends?"

"That's what being a friend is about, sacrificing for others, isn't it?"

The ranger rolled her eyes. "Old witch, you can't just let us sacrifice for you!"

Vampire Wilson also looked at her dissatisfied. "Give us an explanation."

The Hearthstone Witch became more righteous. "You give first, so I can give. The social atmosphere is spoiled by those of you who don't know how to give first. It's really incomprehensible that such a small matter should bother me."

"This is all your fault!!"

Everyone was speechless.


After some squabbling, they set sail again, and everyone was a little happier as they robbed a pirate ship.

After the battle in the morning, the sailors knew their own position, and they didn't dare to complain anymore, and they worked hard.

After all, Iveta's feat of repelling hundreds of wraiths in the morning by a thunder snake, and a thunder that destroyed the main mast of a pirate ship impressed them deeply.

Only then did they understand that the professionals on this boat were not small people.

In the afternoon, they actually came across a small island with an area of ​​less than 600 square meters. Although the five duck-feathered pirates were very reluctant, Ivita still asked Captain Sam and Wilson to send someone to Throw the pirates off the ship and onto that small island reef.

As for whether these pirates can be lucky enough to meet passing ships on the small island reef about three rooms in size, that is not an issue for Ivita to consider. After all, the pirates want to rob themselves.

The five pirates looked at the distant ship, and suddenly envied the duck-feathered captain and helmsman who were controlled by the vampire's mind.

How lucky they are!

We also want to be controlled.

The five pirates looked at each other miserably, and then they could only sit down on the island reef. The five strong men looked at the blue sea and the blue sky on the line of the sea and the sky in a daze, not knowing what their future would be. Where?

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the ship where Ivita and the others were on, under the command of Captain Sam, had left at least [-] kilometers from the coast.

In other words, they are about to enter the far sea.

Captain Sam was under a lot of pressure. He said to Ivita worriedly: "Boss, a little further ahead is the far sea."

"There is the Cross Sea."

"We have now come to a place that ordinary merchant ships dare not come to."

Ivita saw that the sea ahead was very black.

Captain Sam said: "The Cross Sea has another name - the Black Sea."

"The sea water there is very dark because the bottom of the sea is very deep. The distance between the sea surface and the bottom of the sea is hundreds of meters deep at the shallowest point. Sea monsters, evil gods, heretics, and evil Naga may all appear in this sea. The only time I entered this sea area was that I lost my fortune, lost my reputation, and managed to escape from that nightmare with my life."

"And now... we are about to enter that sea area."

"Boss, it's too late to regret it now. Are you really going to enter that sea to ask for what Cross Island owes you?"

The professionals on board are also confident, but also feel a lot of pressure because of the upcoming challenges.

The female ranger stared brightly at the unknown sea ahead, while the two knights had firm eyes. Wherever the employer went, they would go there.

Wilson the vampire is an old fritter, very dismissive, because he doesn't think there is anything that can kill a four-generation vampire.

The immortality of vampires makes them the strongest race of the night clan.

The Hearthstone Witch tried to persuade Iveta several times, or else they should not go to such a dangerous place.

But reason kept her silent.

Ivita glanced at the compass, and the compass pointer that seemed to be broken actually moved, and the compass pointer pointed to the east direction of 69.6 degrees.

Ivita was overjoyed, the natural magic she wanted was in the black sea.

Ivita said to Captain Sam and everyone: "Cross Island owes me something, and it must be returned to me. Otherwise, I will turn it upside down."

"We didn't come to this sea area to discuss life this time, but to go on an expedition!"

"I am Lord Augustus. Whatever I want must be mine. And you are my army!"

Everyone's heart trembled, and they quickly adjusted their mentality. They are the army who came to expedition to Cross Island!

Captain Sam laughed and stared at the sea ahead. This was his second time here.

This time, he will definitely not repeat the same mistakes.

Captain Sam said, "Fountain of Youth, here I come again."

Most of Ivita and the many professionals who knew the truth looked at Captain Sam, with weird expressions on everyone's faces.

(End of this chapter)

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