I was regarded as a demon god by a witch

Chapter 235 The Iron Crown Law of the Lombard Principality

Chapter 235 The Iron Crown Law of the Lombard Principality

On the second day, Ivita brought the nine previously recruited professionals and Tartax, as well as vampire Wilson, vampire Davina and the Hearthstone Witch, as well as a carpenter, a chef and A doctor, on the road!
The reason why he took the two vampires out was because the mental compulsion skill was really easy to use, and the second was that he was worried about these two night creatures staying in his territory.

This group of seventeen people brought a bunch of bread for food and beer for water.

This is the habit of those people on long-distance travel. Air-dried bread is not easy to go moldy, and beer can be stored for more than a month, which is much easier to store than water that will stink in a few days.

Therefore, many people who often go to sea have contracted the habit of drinking.

Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome.

Because Iveta has mastered water magic, he can summon water for everyone to drink.

But after Ivita found out about this, they had already set off.

They rented a ten-meter-long boat with a single mast and single sail in the city of [Marlina], and then set off along the Po River in Ambrose, passing several cities and dozens of towns. Then they came to the southernmost pass of Ambrose.

After paying a tax of 12p each, they left Ambrose.

The farthest place the boatman went was the southern end of Ambrose, and it could not be sent any further.

So Ivita and the others spent another two hours renting a new boat in a place that was already a foreign country, and took them to the far side of the Po River.

The country to the south of Ambrose is the Lombardy Principality located in the mountains, which is a typical feudal country.

Therefore, on both sides of the Po River, there are stretches of feudal lord territory, continuous fields, and scattered and small manor villages.

The men and women who came to fetch water with kettles all looked numb and lived a mediocre life. Their life seemed to be worse than that of Ambrose’s serfs. All of them were very thin and most of them had Many poor people have no clothes to wear.

On the boat, the female ranger with elf blood was sitting alone in the stern, the four warriors and the two trainee hunters had become friends, joking and joking with each other, while the two knights sat silently in the corner of the boat.

The two vampires and the Hearthstone Witch are very familiar with him, so they have been sitting around him.

Ivita originally thought that life in the Principality of Lombardy was basically like this.

The poor, the countryside, the fields of rice paddies.

But two days later, when the ship passed by the royal city, the magnificent city was full of ladies wearing gold and silver, and the streets on both sides of the river were full of pearls, reds, sapphires and emeralds. The gap between rich and poor in the country is so large.

This principality is a more feudal country than Ambrose, and it is a typical feudal serf country.

The composition of this country is the feudal lords and their kings, the biggest feudal lord.

But Ivita didn't care about the affairs of this country, he was just a passerby here.

What's more, this is the duchy, and the strength of this duchy is many times stronger than the combined national power of Ambrose.

It's just that the people in this country are poor and weak, but it doesn't mean that the country is weak.

Of course, the people of Ambrose are undoubtedly much richer than the common people of this country.

Along the way, Ivita could see that there were basically no merchants in the Principality of Lombardy. Instead, the lords of various territories set up numerous passes and toll stations.

However, because Tartaxus used his connections at the Lombard court, they somehow became ships of tribute to the king.

Therefore, Evita and others were exempted from the transit tax.

In addition, the general soldiers at the toll booth saw that the professionals on this ship were not easy to mess with, and they did not dare to embarrass Ivita and others.

Ivita also noticed that among the toll booth soldiers of the Principality of Lombardy, there were some low-level professionals, the first and second levels.

It shows the strength of this country.

However, when they crossed the country, they were transported by water and did not go ashore. Therefore, Evita could only see some superficial things of this country, and could not observe deeply.

When passing by the royal city, Ivita saw a huge stone mountain standing in the center of the capital of the Principality of Lombardy, and the entire magnificent capital was built around that stone mountain.

The most interesting thing is that the stone mountain is very tall, standing on the ground, and looks similar to other mountains as a whole, but there is a huge crown on the top of the mountain.

It turned out to be a huge iron crown worn on the top of the mountain, so the iron crown soared into the clouds, half hidden.

Like a miracle.

Those who look at it can't help but have the illusion of their own insignificance.

When approaching the huge iron crown, Ivita felt the magic power boiling in his body. The magic power that had been activated because he left the holy mountain and desert became more excited when he approached the iron crown.

Ivita felt a little uncomfortable, and glanced at the huge iron crown.

As for the other people on the ship, none of them dared to look directly at the iron crown.

Ivita asked the Hearthstone Witch, "What's the situation with that huge crown? It's actually worn on the mountain?"

The Hearthstone Witch said to Evita, "Your Majesty, that is the body of the law of the Principality of Lombardy—the Iron Crown."

"The Principality of Lombardy has the law of the Iron Crown. Whoever is recognized by the Iron Crown can become the monarch here, and be recognized by all the noble lords of the descendants of Odoin in Lombardy. Ordinary people can't even look directly at the iron crown on the mountain. crown, for that is the crown of kings recognized by the sons of Odo."

"There is a legend here. On the Lombardy Mountains, there once was an ordinary slave boy grazing sheep. He once met an archangel on this Lombardy Mountain. The archangel handed over a crown to his hand. , and told him, 'I give you the crown, it is the will of the God of all things, and here you will establish your kingdom, and here your descendants will rule for generations to come.'"

Ivita asked strangely: "This boy should be Odoin."

"Then he became king?"

Everyone looked at the old witch.

The old witch said to Evita, "Your Majesty, you are quite right."

"But Odoin, who got the crown, did not become a king. He exhausted his whole life, but became a wealthy free man with a group of slaves to herd sheep for him."

"Later, Odo died of depression because he could not understand why he was holding the iron crown in his later years."

"But his son [Odordo]'s third son [Odoric] became the creator of the Lombard Kingdom."

"His descendants became the vast majority of feudal lords in this kingdom."

"According to Aldoric, he and his descendants received the Iron Crown from their ancestor Aldoin, so they can decide the life, old age, sickness, death and funeral of everyone in this country."

The Hearthstone Witch seemed to think of something, and said: "Under the Iron Crown Law, only by praying to the Duke of Lombardy and the God of All Things can one be eligible to be buried in Lombardy land, otherwise even if you are buried in this land , the corpse will not be accepted by the earth, it will not rot, and there is even a risk of turning into a living corpse."

After hearing this, Ivita frowned, as expected of a typical feudal serf country.

(End of this chapter)

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