hollywood billionaire

Chapter 311 An unprecedented real-life stage

Chapter 311 An unprecedented real-life stage (Part )

"...The fourth point, if there is a fire at the scene, don't try to put it out yourself. If you encounter a sudden violent incident, make an assessment first to see if you can prevent the situation from getting worse. If not, don't rush into the crowd rashly... …Don’t be a hero, this is a part-time job, we don’t want the audience to get hurt, and we don’t want you to get hurt. Do you understand?”

Standing in front of Gate 4 of the Las Vegas festival venue, a full-time employee wearing a black uniform from BEST Crowd Management Company was explaining the safety rules for staff at this music festival to part-time security guards.

October 10th was the first day that BEST convened part-time staff to conduct simulation exercises.

"Okay, very good... If there is any unexpected situation, use the walkie-talkie in your hands and notify us as soon as possible. If the police, firefighters or first responders are around you, seek their help first and then notify us. Always For us, your first priority is to ensure that you can get paid happily and safely. So, what kind of mentality should we maintain?"

"Don't be a hero." Twenty or thirty part-time security guards responded in a sparse voice.

"In other words, no matter what happens, we only need to watch from the side and use the intercom?" Pedro dos Santos da Silva Jr. brought him to Mad City to work part-time. Douglas Perez, the eldest brother, whispered in his ear, "It would be great if Hard Rock asked us to do the same... The black man who was drunk yesterday was really fucking strong."

"At Hard Rock we are full-time, and if anything goes wrong, the insurance company will pay." Douglas Perez glanced at Pedro, "Here, we are temporary workers earning $16.88 an hour. Their full-time employees have insurance, The venue is insured, even the fucking speakers are insured, but we are not. If something happens to the audience, the insurance company will pay according to an accident. If something happens to us, guess who will pay?"

"Ah." Pedro suddenly realized, "Then let's find an opportunity to break Eduardo's legs, then split the money and leave."

"Why don't you break your own legs?" Eduardo in the front row turned his head and spat at him, "You little bastard, don't think I can't hear you."

"So what if you heard me? There will be so many people there, if I give you a knee, can you tell who it is?"

"What the hell..."

"Hey, hey, guys!" The full-time employees who were still lecturing looked at Pedro, Douglas and Eduardo, frowned and raised their voices, "Is there any problem over there?"

"No, Mr. Sorensen." Douglas licked his teeth with his tongue and replied with a smile.

"Okay." Sorensen slowly walked back to his previous position, his eyes still drifting in the direction of Douglas and the group from time to time. In part-time security work, a mixed bag of good and bad is the norm, especially for large-scale events like Mad City that attract much attention. There are always people with ulterior motives who want to get into the ranks of the staff to facilitate their ulterior plans.

Douglas Perez looks like such a person, but he has signed a part-time contract, and there is no evidence to fire him now. The most important thing is that there are still two days before the music festival starts, BEST in Las Vegas There is no other better choice in the Sri Lanka area.

"Let me remind you again, the event site is all under surveillance." So Sorensen could only give a few verbal warnings without mentioning specific names, "We are concerned about your safety, and you don't want to have any fun." What a trick. You are not allowed to act alone, you are not allowed to leave your post without permission, and you are not allowed to take advantage of your position to let people in without buying tickets - do you understand?!"

Sorenson looked at Douglas and shouted the last half of the sentence word by word.

"Yes sir."

The other part-time security guards all turned their attention to him, but Douglas remained calm. He puffed out his chest and responded loudly. He sounded energetic and confident, but the joking smile on his face was even more obvious.

"Good!" Sorensen snorted through his nose and suddenly closed the folder in his hand, making a violent sound. "Now, team three, come with me to the designated location and familiarize yourself with the movement."

"I think he discovered us." Pedro seemed a little nervous as he followed the large army step by step.

"What did you find?" After asking this question, Douglas immediately put his index finger to his lips, "If you answer me, then you are even stupider than I thought."

"I told you before, Doug, this guy is very cowardly." Eduardo took two steps back, patted Pedro heavily on the shoulder, pulled the scar at the corner of his mouth, and his smile looked quite ferocious. .

"Don't touch me." Pedro waved his fist at Eduardo. Although the latter was covered in tattoos, he was actually not as good at fighting as a Brazilian who had learned a little jiu-jitsu - he had beaten the drunken group yesterday. Pedro only realized this when the troublemaking black people were driven out of the Hard Rock Hotel. If he was still a little afraid of Eduardo from Honduras before, he is no longer afraid of him at all. "I was just thinking, Doug, there are indeed surveillance everywhere here... How will we bring people in then?"

The reason why Douglas and his team applied to become part-time security guards in Mad City was actually to do this business. Basically all the tickets they grabbed were sold out, which was a bit of a sweet taste. However, they are not professional scalpers after all. When a dozen or so people gather together, they can only queue up to buy seven or eight tickets. There are more wolves and less meat.

Therefore, Douglas Perez decided to take his brothers and try something big together.

Sign up to be an event security guard, and then take advantage of your position to secretly bring people in when the scene is relatively chaotic.

A trade without capital and profit.

There are a total of sixteen of them, a group of good security guards. Apart from two or three vacations where they want to spend time with their families, and one or two who are too timid to do it, there are still eleven people left who have applied collectively. The temporary worker positions posted by BEST Crowd Management were organized into three different groups.

Douglas jokingly called them a real-life version of "Ocean's Eleven."

"The surveillance cameras are here, but do you think anyone will look at them?" Douglas sneered, "80% of the security guards are part-time, and there will be a few people who sit in front of the computer seriously and observe the details of tens of thousands of people. trend?"

"What you said... seems to make sense." Pedro thought for a moment and nodded.

"With 70,000 people entering and exiting the music festival at the same time, no matter how orderly the system is, it will become extremely chaotic." Douglas patted Pedro's arm to reassure him, "Bring in a few or even dozens of children. Not a problem at all.”

"For what reason?" Eduardo touched his bald head and grinned, "'We suspect that these kids brought leaves with them when they entered the venue, so we need to take them to the on-site office for a search'... The people outside the venue, aren't they? Have you come in?"

"Shhh, Eduardo. Hay gente viniendo hacia nosotros." Douglas pressed down his left hand and glanced at a group of people who passed by them wearing professional suits and looking like organizers' staff, burying their heads. He came down and suddenly stepped forward at a faster speed.

"If you have any gossip, let's talk about it tonight."

"As you can see, the 450-person security team is divided into 30 teams, guarding 8 entrances and exits, as well as the VIP area, stage area and backstage area. The one who passed us just now is the third team, and The captain of the third group, Anders Sorensen. He was originally the ace of the Swedish Army K4 and a commander of the Nordland Dragoon Regiment. And each of the thirty groups has a person with a similar resume. Retired military personnel lead the band. With their presence, the music festival will definitely be in a very safe state."

The big fat guy leading the team is Jeff Spendel, the vice president of BEST Crowd Management Company. As soon as he and Ori solved the paperwork problem of the K9 patrol, they met Han Yi and Zhao Youzhen who came to the music festival with Jacqueline Berto.

Since most of the production team is at the venue, there is no reason for Han Yi not to come here for an inspection.

After all, this is the music kingdom he spent 30 million US dollars to build for music fans around the world, as well as for himself.

"Where's the security backstage? Jeff, I didn't see anyone when I went downstairs just now." Jacqueline pointed behind her and asked. The artists at this music festival have high status and have many reception requirements. Setting up a temporary boardroom behind the stage as a lounge will definitely not be able to meet their requirements. Therefore, the executive team of Han Live took a different approach and directly rented out all the remaining 19 conference rooms of the Sahara Hotel for the reception of artists.

For in-house entertainers with less demanding requirements, use the Gordo Hall and Marcel Hall, which can accommodate 16 people. The outside artists were arranged in the grand banquet hall, with separation walls installed and their respective areas divided according to the area requirements in the rider. When waiting for the venue, the convoy will pick up the artists from the Wynn Hotel, drive along Paradise Avenue where temporary traffic control will be implemented, and enter the Sahara Hotel through the VIP channel. Fifteen minutes before the show starts, on-site executives and the security team will pick up the guests and directly enter the venue through the northern section of Las Vegas Boulevard, which was closed by the police and guarded by SWAT police cars that night.

Saved money and trouble, and exceeded the reception requirements.

"The people in charge of the artist's backstage are Group 27 and Group 28. They were just training the artist's entrance movement, and they should be back to work now."

"Okay, because the first batch of rehearsal guests will arrive at the scene shortly, so we have to make sure everyone is where they should be... You know, the first actual battle must be perfect."

"I understand, Jackie, I'll do it myself... Sorry, give me a moment."

Halfway through his words, the cell phone he had been holding suddenly rang. Jeff Spendel showed an apologetic smile to Han Yi and others and pressed the call button.

"I'm Jeff. Mike here? Okay, I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, Jeff put the phone back into his pocket and explained to Han Yi: "Mr. Han, I have to go to Gate 8 first. Mike Jacques has brought someone here. I have to follow him. He signed off the review form."

"You go ahead, Jeff, thank you for your hard work."

Watching Jeff drag his heavy body away quickly, Han Yi turned back and looked at Jacqueline Berto and Ori Blistan.

"Who's Mike Jack?"

"The state fire marshal of Nevada." Ori, who is the person in charge of the actual implementation, is more familiar with this name. "Don't we prepare fireworks shows every night? After the acceptance of the Las Vegas Fire Department, the Office of the State Fire Marshal We have to go back to the site for an audit to make sure that the fire insurance, operator qualifications and fireworks list are in compliance with NFPA 1123 before we sign and agree to set off."

"I see." Han Yi nodded clearly. I originally thought Nevada would be a blue state with less regulation of the entertainment industry in general, at least on the surface. But after actually doing it, I realized that the rules and regulations here are extremely complicated, and one file that is not handled carefully can bring the entire project to a standstill.

This is one of the reasons why the large-scale performance market in North America has been dominated by the two giants Live Nation and AEG Live all year round. To successfully hold a music festival with a scale of 10,000 people requires professional talents, industry experience and public relations networks. Only these two Only companies have it.

Of course, there are weird exceptions like Han Yi, who is rich enough to use money to break all the joints.

He doesn't need to worry about these things himself. He can just write out checks every day that will never be used up and leave his worries to others to bear.

With the help of the continuous cashback rewards from the memo, Han Yi is simply...

The least worrying organizer in the world.

Completely throw away the shopkeeper.

Looking at the Las Vegas festival venue, which is as busy and noisy as a beehive, but still maintains a potential order in the chaos, Han Yi is quite emotional.

In the past month and a half, he traveled around Europe and visited all the famous places of interest. Buying a yacht, buying a famous painting, buying a manor, although every preparatory meeting is not missed, the immersive feeling of personal participation is still missing.

Now, he was literally there.

"Xiao Zhen, this stage, as I imagined it, is really..."

Walking to the front of the three-in-one stage located in the northwest corner of the venue, Han Yi looked up at this man-made wonder built within two weeks, and couldn't help but exhale a breath of heat from his chest.

"How does it look like...as you imagined?" You Zhen also raised his head, his eyes flashing with starlight, "Is it exactly the same?"

"No, it's much more spectacular than I imagined."

I missed the construction cycle of the main stage that grew day by day after the first foundation pillar was laid. I directly saw the finished product that was only half an hour away. The shock of a tall building rising from the ground was even more intense.

Imagine a live stage that combines the bright stars of Hollywood, the dazzling neon of Manhattan, the excitement of Broadway and the raw roughness of the streets.

On the left side of the stage, there are hills made of red soil transported from the depths of the Nevada desert, about three or four stories high.

"In order to imitate the topography of the Hollywood Hills, we also planted low shrubs and transplanted palm trees on the hills. Boss, every palm tree you see is real and alive. Life." Ori Blistan walked to Han Yi and Zhao Youzhen and explained softly to them.

"This is too crazy." You Zhen exclaimed, "I remember...in the last preparatory meeting I attended, didn't you say you would use fake trees?"

"That's what I thought before." Ori nodded, "But we tried it two days ago and it looked too fake. It would seriously affect the overall artistic expression and credibility of the stage. So, we went directly to the moon. Gu Nursery purchased more than a dozen palm trees from their park and transplanted them here... Don’t worry, we will transplant them back after the show is over.”

"Are we the first organizer to plant trees on the stage?" The hill is already more than ten meters high, and the canopy of the palm tree at the top is almost the same as the main building of the Circus Circus Hotel in terms of visual effect. circus decorations flush. Han Yi looked back and forth and asked with a smile.

"As far as I know, yes." Ori responded with the same smile, "To be precise, this hill cannot really be considered part of the stage, because it is not really built on the load-bearing pillars, but is just stacked against the stage. But...yeah, who else would be as crazy as us and just build a mountain?"

"The Hollywood sign can also be said to be a perfect replica scaled to the same scale."

 I originally wrote the preparation chapter before the music festival in one go today, but I have something to do at home, so I have to divide it into two chapters and finish it tomorrow. Sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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