hollywood billionaire

Chapter 201 Moths to the flame

Chapter 201 Moths to the flame

"You're right...I'm scared too."

Zhao Youzhen was startled for a while, and then burst out laughing.

"Dinning at noon today, I heard him say, when you kissed..."

"What did he say? Forget it, I don't want to know."

Xu Yiru shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Oh, why does he talk about everything..."

Xiaoru, who is as sweet as honey in her heart, wishing the whole world would know that they kissed, has to maintain a shy and shy appearance on the surface, and even looks a little sullen because of the secret exposure.

After all, she was the one who took advantage and took the lead... Don't act too much in front of Sister Yuzhen.

"Miss Yuzhen, continue talking."


Zhao Youzhen's eyes lingered for a while on the corner of Xu Yiru's deliberately drooping mouth.

How could she not see through the other party's small thoughts at the moment?

My chest feels tight, but I still have to keep my bearings.

"I was thinking..."

"No one in this restaurant knows me."

"Why don't you grab his collar and kiss him?"

"Let him have a taste of me, will he really be worse than you?"

"You can kiss him, and so can I. I never think that girls need to wait for charity in this regard. We can actively start or end an interaction or a relationship according to our own wishes, without waiting for a signal from a man."

"Just do what you want."

Zhao Youzhen's calm and composed tone seemed to be telling other people's stories, only she knew how much courage she needed to gather in her heart, so as not to get stuck in embarrassment when she said such things in front of outsiders.

"At that moment, 99% of my brain was repeating this idea, and only 1% of my rationality was... sending a signal of fear."

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Yiru asked softly, holding his chin, listening intently.

"Fear... My entire career may be linked to his wealth and power because of this matter, and only linked to his wealth and power."

"Your concern is..."

Zhao Youzhen's words were a bit convoluted, but Xu Yiru was very clear about the hidden meaning in her words, every bit and every drop.

From the perspective of how to fight for women's independent status, Zhao Youzhen and Xu Yiru's values ​​are very similar.

If you want to pursue true equality, don't let your career depend on anyone's growth.

"If you cross that line and really end up with him, everyone in the company will no longer think of 'Zhao Youzhen' as 'Zhao Youzhen', but 'Han Yi, the girl who also happens to work at Han Music. friend', or more seriously, 'the gold digger who stuck to him to make money'."

"That's right. I agree with what you said. The gap between us and him is gradually widening."

Speaking of this, Zhao Youzhen paused, considering his words in his heart.

"So... maybe working with him is indeed my advantage. As long as I don't leave, I can always have him in a certain way. But it is also my biggest weakness. I can't accept my hard work for so long , Just because we are with him, we are branded as useless. The society is very unfair to us, such as, what defines a man is their career, and the partner is just an icing on the cake, but when it comes to us, it is the other way around..."

"I can't let myself live in such a stereotype."

"I know that Han Music has spent every penny from the beginning to the present. At least so far, the company is still in a state of loss, and because of the large investment, so For the time being, it seems that the loss is also huge... Without Han Yi's financial support, any start-up company may have closed down a hundred times. But..."

"However, I also gave all I can to this company, these artists, and these works. Maybe not enough, maybe so little, maybe compared with Han Yi, my contribution can only account for 1% , or even 0.01%... But I hope that when Han Music truly becomes great and well-known to the world, this 1% contribution is entirely my own, not because I am the boss's... partner, Or someone else, it was bestowed on me."

"Also, if I earn every penny in my pocket, even if there is no way to compare with his wealth, we are equal in terms of...personality."

"Before I get him, I need to gain...my own respect and recognition."

"If I become a person who doesn't even look down on me, just to be with him, then what's the point of all this? Being with him should make me better and happier , more contentment, not the other way around.”

"So, I didn't choose to do that. Although I really wanted to, I held back."

"This is the battle you need to face yourself, Miss Yuzhen."

Xu Yiru cast an encouraging look at the other party, and said softly.

"His appearance...maybe it's all positive for us. It's like a lighthouse, you can see it shining, and you can work hard for it, trying to get closer to it. Maybe you may miss it in the end, But even passing by it means that the other shore is not far from you."

"Xiao Ru, have you ever heard the term moths to a flame?"

"Ah, this...how do you feel that you are more Chinese than me." Xu Yiru pointed to her nose and smiled in surprise, "My mother tongue is Chinese."

"What I mean is, the two of us are just two moths, spinning around by the torch." Zhao Youzhen pulled Xu Yiru's cup a little towards the center of the island, then pushed his own glass, slowly circling it. go in circles.

"And as long as the torch is still burning, there will be no shortage of moths, right?" The person who shouldn't have such a tacit understanding at this time can help the other party finish the sentence at this time, Xu Yiru pondered for a moment, and smiled slightly, "Even if You chased me away, I chased you away, and there will be more moths coming soon."

"Those moths will be stronger than us." Zhao Youzhen smiled helplessly and sighed, "Compared to the upcoming competitors, the two of us have no advantage at all. Think about what you just said, Angelina- If Julie and Jennifer Aniston were 20 years younger, maybe they would also have feelings for Han Yi. We will face opponents of this level in the future. They are better-looking, richer, and famous than us. Girl, it's all over Hollywood."

"Fucking Hollywood."

Xu Yiru picked up the cup again and took a big gulp, then sweared recklessly.

Hearing Xu Yiru's swear words, Zhao Youzhen first opened his eyes slightly in surprise, and then laughed together with him.

"I'd drink to that."

The two clinked glasses again and drank barley tea instead of tequila.

"Since there are so many little guys flying around..." Xu Yiru waved his right hand in the air, as if he was really chasing away moths, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"Let's toast." Zhao Youzhen pointed to the cup in Xu Yiru's hand, "Shouldn't I be the one asking you?"

"Okay, you can ask me instead."

"Same question." Zhao Youzhen tilted his head, "I'm curious about your answer."

"My answer is..."

"If you are only satisfied with being a moth, there is absolutely no way out."

"So, working hard and turning yourself into a torch is the only solution."

"If we get together in the end, we can use our own energy to burn all the extra guys. Even if we don't get together in the end, we can still attract our own moths."

"If you want to maintain a relationship, the best way is not to guard it all night, but let him guard you all night." Zhao Youzhen added, "Only if you have something that he can't let go of, he will Will always be by your side. Any other means are only temporary, you and I should know this best... If entanglement is useful, we may have been with someone else long ago."


"I came here today to tell you two things..."

"First, I want to know why you suddenly changed your mind and are so anxious to advance the relationship between you and him."

"Second, no matter what answer you give, I want to tell you that I have never regarded you as an enemy."

"Me too." Xu Yiru nodded slightly, and responded generously, "We should never be enemies, girls, the catfight era should have passed by long ago."

"Two men can pursue the same woman, and vice versa. This does not make us hostile, nor does it detract from our value. Anyone has the right to fight for his own happiness."

"Our enemy is ourselves." Zhao Youzhen poked his index finger on the island platform and said word by word.

"It's the value we embody..." Xu Yiru's expression also became serious.

"Of course, there's also his nature." Zhao Youzhen joked with a change of style.

"Yes, if he's too greedy, I don't want him." Xu Yiru shrugged, his tone equally humorous.

"We happened to fall in love with the same boy, it's a very unfortunate thing, but Xiaoru... I really think that you are a very good girl." Zhao Youzhen gently put his hand on the back of Xu Yiru's, "No matter how our story with him develops in the future, I hope you will become better and brighter, and you deserve the best of yourself."

"You too, Sister Yuzhen." Xu Yiru responded sincerely, "I also hope that you will become better and better, not for others, but for yourself..."

"However, let's talk about it first. Although we are not enemies, we will not become friends either."

"It's very fickle, sister Youzhen." Xu Yiru pretended to scratch her head in distress and smiled.

"I mean, we'll be 'friends,' but not friends, you know."

The index and middle fingers of Zhao Youzhen's hands drew two vertical lines in the air.

"We each have our own battles to fight, and I bless you, but I won't help you."

"I don't need help either, sister Yuzhen."

"That would be the best."

The two looked at each other with a smile, and clinked glasses again. They drank this light and sugar-free barley tea with a different flavor and sense of ceremony.

"This may be the last time we'll have a one-on-one conversation like this for a long time to come."

Zhao Youzhen refilled some tea for himself and Xu Yiru respectively.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"What I want to say is..."

"Yi Yi is the best thing that happened in my life. After two years of contact, I am sure that he can become my perfect partner."

"I don't believe in the saying that there is a predestined relationship and a natural pair. Is there anyone else in this world who is equally suitable for me? I think there must be. As long as you are willing to spend time looking for it, you can find the same perfect pairing."

"But why should I give up the people around me and chase the illusory possibilities?"

"I am a person with strong determination and a strong sense of competitiveness. I have agreed to achieve the goal, and I will accomplish it no matter what."

"I won't let go until the last possibility is gone."

"He...is very, very nice. Although sometimes I really hate his indecisive character, but at least...he hasn't lied to me or you. Whatever he thinks in his heart, he will Tell us directly."

"I appreciate this very much." Zhao Youzhen agreed, "We all know the nature of a man."

"Want everything."

"Yes, I want everything. Every man is like this, without exception. It's just that some people have the ability to want it, and some people don't." Zhao Youzhen pursed his lips, "This kind of desire engraved in the genes Things cannot be changed by manpower. How to deal with his desires when...the desires are constant, in my opinion, is the criterion for judging whether a man is trustworthy."

"Yi Yi didn't pretend to be a bad person, and he didn't pretend to be...a saint." Xu Yiru thought about it for a moment, and gave a more accurate definition of Han Yi's behavior these days, "Don't lie to others, just say what you have, this is indeed true. It was great."

"I think this is the way a man can give people the most sense of security." Zhao Youzhen said, "As long as you are willing to tell me the truth, even if it is all bad things, it can make me feel at ease."

"Every couple has difficulties, both externally and internally."

"But as long as you dare to recognize the reality and are willing to actively communicate, then no matter what the problem is, it can be solved."

"From this point of view, Yi...is better than 99.9% of boys. More honest, more respectful, and treats us...as human beings, rather than a trophy that is trying to get it by all means."

"So, sister Yuzhen..."

Xu Yiru stood up, letting her thin and short self keep his eyes on the same level as Zhao Youzhen.

"For such a good boy, I will continue to do what I think is right."

"He's mine, you can't take it away."

"I'm also someone who, once I make up my mind, never backs down."

Seeing Xu Yiru's eyes beating with stubborn flames, Zhao Youzhen's eyes gradually became hot.

"In this life, I, Zhao Youzhen, have never lost."

"You do what you have to do, and I will do what I have to do."

"I know that he is the one who suits me best and the one I need the most."

"Whatever I need, I'll get."

"Then I... wish you no success."

Xu Yiru rolled his eyes and clinked glasses with Zhao Youzhen for the last time.

"I wish you no success, too."

The smell of gunpowder is fleeting. For two outstanding women with high knowledge and high intelligence, competition is okay, but competition will never become a negative factor that dominates their emotions and lives.

"Are you done with the harsh words?"

"You let it go first."

"Yes, it feels pretty cool."

Xu Yiru giggled.

"Tell me, if Yi Yi knew that the two of us were fighting here for him, wouldn't he be very proud?"

"He won't know." Zhao Youzhen zipped his mouth, "No one will know that I came to see you today."

"Neither will I."

"Besides, we fight for him, not for him... but for ourselves."

"I like this saying."

Xu Yiru, who also sewed thread on her own mouth, hesitated for a while, but said another sentence that had been kept in her heart for a long time.

"By the way, sister Yuzhen, you are in the office every day, and you spend more time in contact with Yiyi. You can pay attention to any new movements around him. I feel... There should have been other moths."

"I think so."

"Well, just pay attention, and don't need to tell me specifically. Of course, we can't do anything, but if we can know the other party's situation in advance, we will... be more confident."

"I understand. I will communicate with you if I find something abnormal. We have the same interests in this matter."

After drinking the barley tea in the glass, Zhao Youzhen stood up and grabbed the leather bag on the table.

"It's almost 'sleep', I should hurry back. Do you want to go with me? Dinner is in the office, and the ticket will be issued at ten o'clock."

"I'll go later."

Xu Yiru slowly walked back to the sofa, sat on the edge of the armrest, and stared at the downtown Los Angeles skyline outside the window.

"Don't forget, sister Yuzhen, we have never met today."

"On the surface, we must do enough."


Zhao Youzhen glanced at Xu Yiru calmly, then turned and left neatly.

"See you in the office."

"See you in the office.

(End of this chapter)

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