hollywood billionaire

Chapter 178 Congressional Districts

Chapter 178 Congressional Districts
The art of communication is not always static.

If you have to make an analogy, then the communication between people actually has a lot in common with the sport of fencing, especially in the transition of offensive and defensive momentum.

After the sound of "Allez", if the opponent is pressing every step of the way and wants to take the lead first, then the best strategy is to take two steps back, make a defensive counter-parry, and then attack the enemy after finding a flaw.And if the opponent's sword is cautious and refuses to stick to it, he should take the initiative to attack. Not only must he stab forward boldly, but also make a remise at the moment the opponent blocks the first sword, and strive to get points within one round.

The charm of fencing lies in the dizzying and almost suffocating fast-paced offense and defense.If the two swordsmen choose to shrink back, hesitant to even make a tentative attack, and fail to score a point in a few hours, then no matter in terms of process, result, efficiency, and excitement, this will be a failed game.

The same is true in interpersonal communication. If the other party is too blunt and aggressive, you need to respond in a flexible way to avoid conflicts, escalation of conflicts, or simply stagnation of communication.Give each other sufficient space and time to express their views, reduce tension, and provide a more comfortable communication environment for each other.

Then, if the other party's communication method is too euphemistic and roundabout, just like the persistence in fencing, then you have to take the initiative to guide the conversation.Ask open-ended questions and encourage the other person to share thoughts and feelings.And through the non-verbal expression after the straight ball attack, including changes in facial expressions, posture and tone, a more comprehensive understanding of the opponent's intentions and emotions.

Reaching a dynamic balance in negotiations through flexibility and adaptability is a subject that takes a lot of time to study and master.Luckily, the three involved in this conversation at the Ritz-Carlton poolside in Key Biscayne know exactly that.

As a politician, Ruben Kihoon was used to speaking in an impeccable manner, and it was inconvenient for him to initiate some topics. Therefore, as soon as he took his seat, Han Yi took on the responsibility of breaking the ice.

"Yes, you are right, Mr. Han, insisting on justice is indeed a thing... that will quickly dry up people's wallets."

Han Yi didn't specify what he meant by "upholding justice", but Ruben Keehoon knew it well.

“I don’t know if you know this, but this congressional election is actually the first time I’ve represented the Democratic Party and the great state of Nevada on a national stage. So, I’ve had fewer financial resources than my businessman counterpart, Mr. Hardy...but luckily, I’ve had 83% more support from ordinary citizens than Mr. Hardy.”

Ruben Keehoon's diction is tight and clever.While not revealing any classified information, every word is an attack on the Republican election opponent.

Businessman rival.

Mobilized financial resources.

Support received from ordinary citizens.

These polite-sounding terms are synonymous in political circles with "a bad guy for the rich", "running for himself with his own money" and "out of the mainstream".

"83% more?" Han Yi was curious about the precise data.

"Yes, 3300 voters have donated to my campaign fund compared to Mr Hardy's 1800 ... thank you."

Reuben took a Corona beer from the waiter's tray, which he actually found to be particularly bland, and took a casual sip into his mouth, using this time to form sentences.

"As I mentioned earlier, although he has many business partners behind him, the Democratic Party has never been afraid to face those stubborn conservative forces. We come from the people and stand with the people. Small donations are the winning code of Mr. President, and it is also the path I have been practicing."


The key to dealing with politicians is to hear their unspoken subtext.Han Yi pointed his finger on the table thoughtfully, and asked softly.

"No big donors?"

Facing Han Yi's question, Ruben Kihoon did not choose to answer directly, but blocked his mouth with a beer bottle, and raised his eyebrows with a faint smile.

Don't have big donors?

Not at all.

In the traditional sense, Nevada is not a densely populated, economically developed state that plays a key role in the construction of American culture and society.This resident population is only 310 million, and its economic aggregate ranks 32nd in the United States. Compared with each of its neighbors, even Utah, which is dominated by Mormonism, the "Silver State" is much lower. There are only two pillar industries, silver mining, and gaming tourism.

One makes money from the ground, and the other makes money from tourists from all over the world who come to Las Vegas to sell gold.

What's more, Nevada has only four seats in Congress and only six electoral votes.In the 21st century, when Nevada's dark blue pattern is unshakable, neither party needs to spend too much effort in this "colored state" where the results of each general election can be announced long in advance.

Therefore, in California next door, institutions and entities with donations exceeding tens of millions of dollars are everywhere, but in Nevada, where election campaigns at all levels have been carried out in full swing in 2016, it has entered the countdown stage of desperate struggle, and there are still only two organizations with donations reaching eight figures.

Las Vegas Sands, and Adelson Medical Clinic.

They are all owned by American gambling king Sheldon Adelson.

As a Jew born in Boston before World War II in 1933, Sheldon Adelson's political leanings can be imagined.Known as the "King Maker", he is the largest donor of that New York orange in this campaign, bar none.

Naturally, at the level of members of Congress, except for moderate Democratic candidates Tina Titus, Susie Lee and Catherine Cortez-Masto, who received three donations totaling no more than $[-], the campaign funds of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation and Adelson Medical Clinic basically all flowed to conservatives in the Republican Party.

The political affiliation of the state's largest donor determines the upper limit of the Ruben-Keehoon campaign committee's fundraising.However, this does not mean that Ruben can only rely on small donations to fight alone.

As he himself mentioned, so far, a total of 3300 donors have provided him with political campaign funds.Among the 3300 people, although most of them are small donors with less than one hundred dollars, there are still some names, and the approximate amount of donations behind them can be estimated just by silently reciting their names.

J Street Political Action Committee, AmeriPAC, Latino Causes Council, Coalition of Environmental Voters, and MGM Hotels International.

The first four organizations are all PACs, or Political Action Committees.The first J Street, founded by Jeremy Ben-Ami, a Palestinian-born Jew, aimed to strengthen American politicians' ties and support for Israel through lobbying and political donations.

The strong influence of Israel and the entire Jewish community in Washington, D.C. needs no elaboration.Reuben Keehoon may not even make it through the party's primary if he doesn't accept J Street's donation.

The second agency, AmeriPAC, was established by the former House majority leader Stanley Hoyer in 1992. The main goal is to select newcomers with innovative thinking and unique backgrounds for the Democratic Party. In recent years, Ruben Keehoon, a promising Latino star in the party, is naturally on the key support list.

The third and fourth organizations understand very well that the Latino Cause Committee will support candidates as long as they are from Latin America, regardless of their political affiliation.The Alliance of Environmental Voters also has the same purpose. Candidates who support various environmental protection bills can receive a cash injection of tens of thousands of dollars.

The chain of interests behind the parliamentary elections seems to be cloudy and confusing, but as long as you do a little research, you will find that the truth is actually not complicated.

Reuben Keehoon, whose position in the party has soared through the tide of diversity, has a shallow foundation. These political action committees that provide him with funds in this election are all pan-Democratic backgrounds, not his own die-hard supporters.

In other words, if there is a change in the direction of the party, they will turn their faces in an instant, and it will be a matter of minutes to stop the donation.

Therefore, only the MGM International Hotel Group can really be said to value his own political energy and development potential and provide him with financial support.

As for why they chose to support Ruben Keehoon?
Because Ruben is running for Nevada’s Fourth Congressional District, which includes most of northern Clark County, southern Lyon County, most of Lincoln County, and a small part of Churchill County, it is 47% white, 28% Latino, 14.4% African American, and 5.4% Asian American.

From this demographic composition alone, it is not difficult to see that the fourth congressional district of Nevada must be in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

Most of the properties of the MGM International Hotel Group are located at the southernmost tip of the fourth constituency.Including the Las Vegas festival venue and Circus Circus Hotel that Han Yi visited before.

Bounded by Western Sahara Avenue, the north belongs to Ruben Keehoon's constituency, and the south is the jurisdiction of another member of Congress.

That's why the vast majority of hotel groups on the Las Vegas Strip, whether it's Wynn, Bellagio or Caesars Palace, don't need to look at Ruben Keehoon, but MGM has to offer $47450.

And the interest transmission chain between MGM International Hotel Group and Ruben Keehoon is also the fundamental reason why Han Yi chose to open the first political breakthrough from him.

You see, whether it is politics or other interpersonal activities in human society, they are so subtle.

A simple survey of the music festival venue, after careful planning, prompted Han Yi to sit with a future member of Congress on a private beach in Miami, and talk about the future of Las Vegas, Nevada, and even the entire United States in secret language that sounds difficult and obscure to others.

Regarding the future of the so-called United States, Han Yi's attitude can only be described as indifference, but Nevada, especially Las Vegas, he is still very interested in participating in their historical process.

His increasingly unbelievable grand plan needs a pure land that will not be disturbed.

And where could be more sinful, materialistic, secluded and safe than Las Vegas deep in the Mojave Desert?

"In my opinion, in Las Vegas, there is no one with a bigger heart than Ms. Moreno, and no company with a larger scale than MGM."

Jordan Bromley broke the silence from the sidelines, revealing to the other party his client "Mr. Han"'s precise control of the situation in a rather subtle but ingenious way.

No big donors?The reason why we chose you is through your biggest benefactor!

"There is no doubt that MGM International Hotel Group has made an indelible contribution to the economic development of Las Vegas."

Hearing that Jordan Bromley was not so much a statement, but rather a sentence of blank questions, Ruben Keehoon touched the corner of his mouth with his index finger, and answered seemingly casually but carefully, but the carefully hidden Mexican accent that would accidentally reveal a little after each tongue exhale became more obvious.

The donors opposite this small white round table obviously came prepared and did a lot of homework on the political ecology of the Las Vegas area.

This means that they may not be trying to promote a vague national campaign platform or political agenda, but want to complete a big project that requires the deep participation of members of Congress in Nevada’s fourth congressional district—his constituency.

"For North Clark County, MGM has always been a very loyal friend. They care about the well-being of the local community and residents. No matter which government or which party's MPs represent this constituency, they will give them strong support."

Ruben Keehoon's words sounded like a compliment to MGM International Hotel Group, but in fact it drew a very clear dividing line between him and this giant entertainment group.

MGM just wants to keep their influence on the areas where their business is mainly carried out. In other words, they don’t care whether the congressmen on Capitol Hill are red or blue, because MGM International Hotel Group, which has been deeply involved in Sin City for 29 years, has no realistic and urgent political demands at all.

Gun problem?Our casino has security gates.

Legalize abortion? MGM's hotel is only responsible for the first process of childbirth.

ISIS?What does Las Vegas have to do with it, except they both thrive in the desert?
MGM International Hotel Group sends campaign funds to every member of the fourth constituency, with only one additional condition - no matter how great a human transformation plan you want to implement after taking office, LEAVE MGM THE FUCK OUT OF IT.

Ruben Keehoon is very clear that this kind of large group that strictly adheres to the middle way can pay him the salary of the campaign team for two or three months, but it cannot become his real political ally.

A benefactor who doesn't need anything and just gives you money just to shut you up is neither stable nor easy to control.

Yes, MGM did give Ruben Keehoon a large donation of $47450, but his opponent, the incumbent of the 64250th District, Clayson Hardy, got $[-].

"The strength of the private sector and the public sector are indispensable." Jordan Bromley nodded, and the words in his response concealed deep meaning. "They are both the cornerstones of American society. In my opinion, if a pure and prosperous American-style community like Las Vegas wants to continue to develop on the right path, it must deepen the cooperation and trust between the two plates."

"I couldn't agree more to that."

Reuben Keehoon spread his hands, putting the same guardrails he wanted to put into the conversation into what he said next.

“However, in my opinion, if we want to truly integrate economic power and administrative power and work together for the well-being of the community, both parties have to spend a lot of time...making two-way choices. Especially as public figures, careful selection of donors can not only maintain the accountability system and the principles of good governance, but also ensure the purity of the democratic process and enhance trust between representatives of public opinion and the communities they represent.”

The Mexican, who has been in the Nevada State Senate for many years, has long learned American hypocrisy and exaggeration, such as "utmost caution", "ethical considerations" and "good governance", which sound quite good, but are actually a pile of waste paper.

Laymen who don't know much about American politics may not understand Ruben's second meaning at all.

Although I want money, I will never give my hand to money with unclear origin and unknown purpose.

If you want to transfer money to my campaign committee account, let me put your arms around your shoulders at the victory reception, and announce to the guests that you are my most trusted friend, then tell your plan in this undisturbed out-of-state place.

Han Yi and Jordan have done a detailed background check on Ruben, and Ruben Keehoon, who is on the stage, will naturally conduct a screening review on every donor who meets him.

The nearly $[-] million acquisition of the United Artists Agency's lavish spending has made Ruben have considerable expectations for Han Yi's ability to donate.

Not to mention much, at least a six-figure donation should be a daily consumption for this rich Chinese man without blinking his brows.

But before that, the extremely mysterious and almost invisible personal and family background is a wake-up call that Ruben deserves to deal with carefully.

No matter which country's passport he holds, if a Chinese of unknown origin wants to transfer money into the account of a member of Congress, anyone will find it quite suspicious.

Even if Han Yi can remit tens of millions of dollars of campaign funds to Ruben in one go, and for this money, he can create a handle out of thin air, and he may even be labeled as a "Tonghua"... These political consequences are beyond the tolerance of Ruben Kihoon, who is inherently sensitive.

A descendant of immigrants born outside the Commonwealth will naturally lose the support of conservative groups.This means that he must be careful and walk on eggshells, accepting every vote representing the so-called progressive forces.

You must know that even the progressive forces have the same tough attitude as the conservatives on the issue of China, but the methods are different.

It stands to reason that he should bluntly reject Han Yi's meeting invitation.

However, as a newcomer who wants to hit the first term of office on Capitol Hill, he does need a financial backer, not only to help him win the 2016 election campaign, but also for each term after that, he needs someone to escort him consistently to be safe.

After all, Ruben Keehoon in 2016 was only 36 years old.

Even if he retires at the age of 70, he still has a full 34 years, and the political life of 17 members of Congress can be extended.

And with less than four months to go before the general election, the big benefactor he was looking forward to had never arrived.

Until Jordan Bromley called on Han Yi's behalf.

What if... this wealthy Chinese businessman has no demands related to international politics?

Maybe he... just wants to use the influence of MPs in this constituency?

His appetite... maybe limited to the northern section of the Las Vegas Strip?
Human beings are like this. Once they have expectations in their hearts, they will find all kinds of high-sounding excuses for the reality they are facing.

After struggling for a long time, Ruben Keehoon finally agreed to Jordan Bromley's meeting request.However, the meeting place is not in Carson City, which is full of eyes and ears.Taking advantage of the Nevada Senate recess, Ruben Keehoon listed a three-day itinerary for a vacation in Miami on his personal website.

A descendant of immigrants from Latin America, vacationing in an American city full of Latino immigrants, no one can fault it.

During the vacation, he met his Chinese friends, drank wine, and talked about trivial topics that the old men and women by the pool were not interested in. Even if they were inspected with a magnifying glass during C-SPAN's prime time, there was no procedural problem.

Celtic Vice President also spent Thanksgiving on David Rubenstein's private island, who can comment?
Listen to Han Yi's transaction terms. If it is reasonable and will not have a negative impact on his political career, then in the future, he will carefully put on a few coats and consolidate this cooperative relationship on a concealed basis.

If the other party's request is too much...

Pat the flamingo red holiday shorts, drink two more Corona light beers, look at the watch calmly, and just make up a reason to say goodbye in advance.

Thinking of this, Ruben Keehoon glanced at Han Yi, coughed twice in a very soft voice, and cleared his throat.It seemed to be reminding the wealthy Chinese man in front of him that if he had any specific demands, now is the best opportunity to communicate.

"Yes, two-way choice, careful choice, whether you are engaged in politics or business, this is the first principle."

Han Yi caught the signal released by Ruben Keehoon in an instant. He patted his legal adviser on the shoulder, and smiled at the current state senator and the future congressman.

"We also went through a particularly exhausting discussion before finalizing our major music festival at the festival venue in Las Vegas."

"Oh, that's cool." Reuben Keehoon raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly. "Las Vegas needs more music events... about what time period?"


“It’s great that most of our city’s shows are held in the summer, and if they do during the holiday season, they’re mostly in indoor venues. It’s definitely in the city’s interest to have a big event that brings fans from all over the country to the Mojave Desert.”

Hearing the nature of the project proposed by Han Yi and the circle of people and geographical scope it can affect, Ruben Keehoon obviously became a lot more relaxed.He tilted his head back and poured a big gulp of beer, clenched his fists, turned his head, hiccupped, and continued to ask.

"No matter what the outcome of this campaign is, I am happy to be a friend of culture and music, and do my best to help Las Vegas win a Coachella-level music festival... Are there any problems in the preparation stage?"

"The venue and event approval itself is not a big problem. Las Vegas is a very open city, and I think the whole state of Nevada is like this. Even if the process is a little slower, I don't think it will affect the final announcement plan."

Han Yi calmly raised the glass full of iced Coke, put it to his mouth, and didn't drink it for a long time.

"Oh, but when we were arranging the stage and art installations, we did find a small problem outside the venue."

"What's the problem?" Reuben frowned slightly and listened carefully, because today's conversation finally got to the point

"The Las Vegas festival grounds themselves are outstanding, literally world class..."

In the end, not a drop of liquid from the glass of Coke slipped into Han Yi's throat. He put the glass down again, and it collided with the plastic table, making a dull and soft sound.

"Mr. Keehoon, you should have noticed some outdated buildings on the south side of the site..."

“They did — don’t mind me saying this — have some negative impact on the presentation of our festival, and even the image of the city of Las Vegas.”

"for example……"

"Circus Circus Hotel."

(End of this chapter)

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