hollywood billionaire

Chapter 108 Justin Bieber's Future Boss

Chapter 108 Justin Bieber's Future Boss
"Hey, Madison."

Before Han Yi's gaze came over, Justin Bieber had already spotted Madison Bill who was standing at the door, hesitating for a long time, and his manager, Zhao Youzhen, who was by her side and comforted her with the warmth of his palm.

"Really happy to see you again."

Justin raised his hand and greeted Madison.His eyes flicked across Zhao Youzhen's face, and he involuntarily took on a look of astonishment.

This may be the most beautiful Asian girl he has ever seen, bar none.

Of course, no matter how much you admire, it will only be suppressed in your heart.Not to mention that Justin Bieber is entangled with Hailey Baldwin, Selena Gomez, Sofia Richie, Nicola Pez and Shantel Jeffries at the same time, appetite No matter how big the lover is, he also stuffed his dinner plate to the brim.

More importantly, Justin Bieber, who has been in the industry for seven years and has experienced more storms than most people in a lifetime, understands the difference between a workplace and a private party.Today's "Cold Water" recording site, although not as much attention as the Met Gala or the Grammy Awards ceremony, but the room is full of managers, musicians, A&R and PR managers. People outside saw it, and spread it to TMZ or the New York Post as gossip in unexpected ways.

So, after thinking about it for a few seconds, he just stood up and held out the hand he held out in front of Madison Beal.

"Nice to see you again... Justin, too."

Madison took a deep breath, then gave Justin a high five and forced a smile.

"Is this yours?"

"Manager." Zhao Youzhen took half a step forward, put her hands in front of her body, grabbed her Jimmy Zhou handbag, and nodded politely, "Youzhen-Zhao."

"Youzhen, that's a nice name."

Justin nodded, turned his gaze back to Madison, and smiled.

"Hey, at least the new manager is much better looking than the old guy."

Maybe Justin Bieber wasn't malicious, but Fuck Boy's strong jokes still made both girls feel a little uncomfortable.

From different aspects.

Zhao Youzhen didn't respond to Justin Bieber's teasing, she just continued to maintain a polite smile, and quickly glanced at him.

With blond hair parted to the right, another oversized gray gown was worn under a black short-sleeved T-shirt, and the dense cyan tattoos on both arms were fully revealed.

Owls, old-fashioned speakers, the word "Qu" written in Chinese, and the word "Believe" that represents his personal identity.

Zhao Youzhen didn't like any of them.

It's not about specific tattoos, but about the style as a whole.

Unlike most girls, Zhao Youzhen is not attracted by the so-called ruffian or street atmosphere.This kind of dirty bad boy image has always been the type she respects the most.

In South Korea, tattoos are not allowed on broadcast television, and men with more than a third of their bodies tattooed are not even allowed to serve in the military.

Zhao Youzhen, who is quite progressive, disagrees with many social norms in East Asian culture...but not this one.

She only loves the gentleman, and the gentleman will not reveal all the identity and cultural characteristics on the surface.

This is the source of Zhao Youzhen's natural sense of rejection, but Madison Bill standing beside her is obviously different.The Long Island girl doesn't have any negative feelings about tattoos. In fact, although it's not as exaggerated as Justin Bieber, she also has a few cute little marks in inconspicuous places on her body.

The image of a little boy in the "Love Tree" on the left ankle, and the "3553" on the inside of the middle finger of the right hand that records the birthdays of her and her younger brother are all manifestations of her girlish feelings and family values.In addition, "C-137" is engraved on her right foot. Anyone who has watched "Rick and Morty" knows that this is a dimension in the cartoon.On the inside of her left foot is a classic line from her favorite movie, "The Truman Show".

How's It Going to End.

How it will all end.

Therefore, what makes Madison feel uneasy, cramped, and even a little panicked is not Justin Bieber's blue-faced ghost all over his body, but the "guy" he just mentioned, who is standing up and walking slowly towards them ".


Scooter Braun stood still in front of Madison, his eyes were always half-closed, and the corners of his mouth and the smile that only showed the upper half of his teeth always seemed to be deliberate careless.

Scooter is by no means a traditional manager in suits and leather shoes, with a strict eye. Brian Epstein's refined temperament like a British aristocrat has nothing to do with the greatest music promoter of the 21st century. Zara's black coat is paired with a simple white T-shirt. If it weren't for the deliberately raised beard on his face and the silver Audemars Piguet Royal Oak on his left wrist, he and the brothers who can be seen everywhere on the USC campus The membership is the same.

In fact, Scooter Braun's career began at frat parties.

While a student at Emory University, Scooter was active as a party organizer on the Atlanta campus.Excellent organization and planning ability won him a job as an after-party for Ludacris and Eminem's joint tour The Anger Management Tour.

The celebration party was a great success, and he also stepped into the entertainment circle with half a foot. In 2003, he participated in hosting the NBA All-Star Game, negotiated a $1200 million Pontiac endorsement agreement with Ludacris, and then got acquainted with Usher and signed Justin Bieber together.Every step of Scooter Braun's career has been accurately stepped on the right rhythm amidst alcohol, cheers and brotherhood, climbing up a little bit, and finally achieved today's honor, achievement and wealth.

Therefore, Madison Beal's confusion is actually a very simple story when analyzed from the core of culture.The wealthy daughter who grew up in Jericho and the Hamptons met the fraternity leader and student body president who grew up in Coskob, Connecticut, when the former was only 13 years old and the latter was in his [-]s.

The huge gap created by knowledge, experience, and wrist made Madison only a marionette for Scooter from the very beginning.

Managed by Scooter Braun in his style for five years, even the poor rebellion was in the manager's calculations.

And, in the end, it was Scooter-Braun who dropped her with Island Records, not the other way around.

From start to finish, Madison Beal had no chance of winning against Scooter Braun.

Seeing him again, how could the girl not feel intimidated?

"how are things?"

"Very good, Mr. Braun." Madison tried his best to keep his voice calm, but his fingertips trembled slightly uncontrollably, "Recently... recently signed a new company."

"Ah, yes, I heard about it and saw Ni's Instagram." Scooter Braun smiled very indifferently, "Very beautiful cake."

Scooter was referring to the Instagram status Madison Beal posted last Friday after she signed, a piece of chocolate cake given to her by Han Music that read, "Welcome home, Madison."

"It's good to see you pick yourself up so quickly, and it's nice to have someone... Ah, I was just talking about you, Mr. Han!"

From the corner of Scooter Braun's corner of the eye, he saw Diplo leading Han Yi towards this direction. He stopped talking, opened his hands, and greeted this rich young Asian man who had repeatedly attracted his attention in the past month. .

First they bought UTA, then bought Mad Decent, and it is said that they will also invest in Electric Feel, which has been very close to them recently.

Although this was the first time seeing Han Yi, Scooter Braun felt that he had been with him for a while.

"Hello, Mr. Braun." Han Yi subconsciously looked at Madison Bill, who was pursing his lips, before reaching out to Scooter Braun, with a friendly and friendly tone, "I've been wanting to see you for a long time. "

"That sentence should be right for me."

Speaking of this, Scooter Braun turned sideways and pushed the top star under his banner to Han Yi.

"Introduce, Justin Bieber."

"I think this is the most unnecessary introduction in the world." Han Yi blinked, smiled and bumped fists with Justin, "Good afternoon, Justin... just call me Yi."

"Good afternoon, Yi." Justin Bieber looked at the young man about his height with some curiosity.Scooter Braun's understanding of Han Yi comes from the commercial dynamics of the music industry, while Justin Bieber's understanding of Han Yi is actually earlier and more personal.

On March 3, when he went to the famous car dealership in Ogala to mention the Lafa, Justin Bieber heard the name in the chatter of the staff.

The mysterious Chinese who bought two top sports cars in one go.

My own Rafa, I thought about it for half a year before buying it, and then waited for another half year to get the current car, with a total price of 170 million US dollars.

And this Han Yi, who is about the same age as himself, is said to have ordered a McLaren P10 that was tuned to perfection in 1 minutes, and then 15 minutes later, he placed an order for a retro Ferrari 250 GT SWB.

A total of $330 million.

This is a large amount of consumption that even the current Justin Bieber needs to communicate and negotiate with his business manager repeatedly, and even make a statement before he can release it.But Han Yi, just like buying avocados at Wholefood's, picks and chooses, checks out lightly, and leaves.

Over the next two weeks, all kinds of news about him flowed out from Hollywood lunch tables.

The $1.9 million acquisition, the $3950 million Bel-Air mansion, and what I just learned today, the $3600 million investment that became the major shareholder of Mad Decent.

Justin Bieber knows very well that even if he is a top superstar who is already popular in the world, the wealth he can control is still several orders of magnitude behind Han Yi.

Han Yi lives at No. 864 Stella Della Road, what about him?

This month, he just rented a house in Lake Toluca, north of Universal Studios.


It’s not a good time to invest in real estate. It’s not yet the age to buy a house. It’s good to make excuses, but Justin Bieber knows in his heart that most of his assets cannot be realized in the short term, and most of his cash is placed in business managers It is strictly guarded there.Most importantly, even if every penny was withdrawn, it would still not be enough to buy 864 Stella Della Road in full.

Han Yi, after buying the luxury house with all the money, took out more than 600 million for investment, and threw [-] million in Diplo's face by the way.

Thinking of this, Justin, who had always looked lazy, couldn't help but look a little more serious.

If you don't pay attention, this person may one day become himself...or even Scout's boss.

"Justin was on tour last time, so he couldn't come to No. 864." Diplo found a common topic for the two parties, "I think, when we have time, we can get together at your place... Justin, Scooter , the head chef of Yi's family, from Noma."

"Wow." Scooter Braun exclaimed cooperatively, "That's like hiding a gourmet museum at home...I've been to Copenhagen four times, but never booked a seat."

"My home location is always open."

Han Yi would love to have more contact with Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun, especially the latter.

In 2021, this guy sold the company to Koreans for 10 billion.

In 2016...or a little later, would he be willing to sell it to the Hua people?
This is a topic that Han Yi wants to explore further.

"Great, Justin and I will definitely find time to visit... Oh, yes, congratulations on signing Madison!"

Scooter Braun, who wanted to show his demeanor deliberately, even spoke in a sharper tone than usual.

"She's a promising girl... I'm sure you won't regret it."

Scooter's compliment, to Madison's ears, had a different kind of irony.

You won't regret it...will you?
"That's why I brought her here today." Han Yi also heard the dark but piercing part of Scooter's words, his expression remained unchanged, with a bright smile on his face, "I told Thomas , with Madison joining, "Cold Water" will definitely become more eye-catching."

"I have no doubts."

Scooter Braun folded his arms, smiled and nodded.

"Yi, let's watch the children's wonderful performance together."

"Of course." Han Yi stepped forward and stood side by side with Scooter Braun, and turned to look at Diplo, "Thomas, let's shut up first... Now is your stage."

"I hope you can witness the coming of magic." Diplo raised his hands, two pairs of index fingers and middle fingers overlapped, making a gesture of praying for good luck, "Benny, Ed, are we ready?"

"Yes, sir." Benny Blanco pushed the door and came out of the recording room with messy hair, rubbing his always sleepy eyes, "We can start anytime."

"Okay, then..."

Diplo hooks Madison Beal.

"Madison, let's go first, okay? Justin has recorded a demo here, and you can follow his vocals into it. It's only eight bars, let's solve the easiest part first."

"Okay... okay, no problem, Thomas."

Madison Bill swallowed with some difficulty, and pointed in the direction of the recording room.

"Should I... go in now?"

"As long as you're ready, you can do it anytime." Diplo spread his hands hanging by his sides, and gave an encouraging smile. Then, he trotted a few steps, and sat down in front of the production table.Benny Blanco on the left and Ed Sheeran on the right.As for the recording engineer?No need, he himself is.


After opening Logic Pro and opening the project file that had been prepared earlier, Diplo turned his head and found that Madison Bill was still standing there.

"Whenever you're ready."

"Ah, oh... good!" Madison Bill glanced at Zhao Youzhen and Han Yi in a panic, then lowered his head and walked quickly towards the recording room.

"Use a little force, that's right, that's it."

Madison Bill put his hands on the soft-packed soundproof door and pushed hard, the air in the gap was completely exhausted, and Madison was the only one left in the small recording room of No. 2675 Rutherford.

This was originally Diplo's private production room where he designed his own sound equipment. As an electronic music producer, he allocated more space to the outside creation room instead of the actual recording room.

The recording is only done occasionally when the cooperating singers come home. What Diplo and his production team do most here is to arrange music with Ableton Live.

Madison Bill turned his body half a circle, looking at the room.The soundproof wall composed of double-layer calcium silicate board and damping glue is painted dark red, tightly wrapping the entire room.Several music stands are piled up in the corner, and the Neumann U87 microphone connected to the cable is held up high by its complex-shaped bracket and suspended in mid-air.

It has been a long, long time since she has been in the recording studio.

The sound insulation is so good that Madison can only hear her own breathing and heartbeat.

After staring at the microphone for a long time, Madison Bill's eyes noticed that in the blurred background, Ed Sheeran and Diplo were pointing to the edge of the room and saying something to her.

The monitoring glass is very small and slender. Through it, Madison can only see three people sitting in front of the production stage. As for Justin Bieber, Scooter Braun, Han Yi and Zhao Youzhen standing at the end of the room , and all the other staff, only the lower body was left in her sight.

Looking in the direction of the two's fingers, Madison caught a glimpse of the black Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones hanging on a music stand.

put it on.

Benny Blanco's disembodied performances can be read without words.

Fully wrapping the skin around the ears with comfortable leather, Madison finally heard the sound from the outside world.

"Okay, Madison, can you hear me?" Diplo asked, pressing the intercom button.

"can hear."

"How's the sound?"

"It can be smaller."

"Okay, what now?"

"OK, just right." Madison Bill gave Diplo a thumbs up.

"Then let's listen to the accompaniment first." Diplo put his hand on the space bar, "If the sound is loud, just tell me."

"Well... this one can be smaller."

"How's the volume?"


"That's great. Next, I'll play the accompaniment first. You can sing along to find out how it feels... Start four bars or eight bars earlier?"

"Ah, eight bars would be better."

"Okay, so it's about...here." Diplo found the right time on the track, and quickly pressed the space bar twice, and the leaking sound of Drop made him sure that he had found the right place.

"Ready? Let's start now."

Without waiting for Madison to respond, Diplo directly pressed the play button.

The three producers on the other side of the monitoring glass lowered their heads at the same time, beat to the rhythm of the music, and waited for the first recording effect of the day.

Standing in the distance, the four people who could only see their half-lengths at first also took a few steps forward at the same time, and turned their attention to the lonely Madison.

"I'll be your lifeline tonight."

"I won't let go..."

The eight bars starting at [-] minutes and [-] seconds are not long. Under Justin Bieber's vocals, the interlude that needs to be recorded by Madison Bill will come soon.

Madison held the monitor headphones with both hands, took a step forward, and put the tip of her nose in front of the microphone.

The drumbeat dies down, and the vocals should hit in due course.

But Madison Bill opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't make any sound.

(End of this chapter)

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