"Hey, this is useful!"

"It looks much smaller than a knife, Master... Ah, bah, bah, bah, now we should call you Wangye. Wangye, let the younger one try?" The fat cook looked at Chu Ze Chuze flatteringly, and glanced at Chu Ze's hand from time to time. .

Chu Ze smiled and handed him the paring knife.

"From now on, I'll still call you Master. We don't have so many rules."

And who knows how long he, the prince, can do it?

It's better to keep things as usual. If one day he returns to Chu Ze, it will save the people in the mansion from having to change their tune.

Why do servants think so much?

When Chu Ze said this, he thought he had a good temper.

One or two people bent their eyes and said "Hey" in agreement.

The fat cook took the peeling knife and tried it, and he was immediately addicted.

Peel three potatoes in a row.

And the more you use it, the easier it becomes.

"Master, this paring knife is so useful. Master, can you give us this paring knife?" The fat cook held the paring knife and refused to let go.

The other cooks glared at him, but he pretended not to notice.

Zuse knew that the paring knife would be a hit.

He smiled proudly, took out another bunch from his sleeve, waved it in the air, and said, "If you like the one, I'll give it to you. We still have it here. If anyone else wants it, we'll give it to you."

"Master, we want it too!"

"And us!"


"Brother Chu Ze, do you have one for us?" Lan Ruoyan looked at Chu Ze expectantly.

Chu Ze smiled and took out a handful himself, handed it to Lan Ruoyan and said, "Of course."

When he gave this to Lan Ruoyan, he never thought about asking Lan Ruoyan to actually work in the kitchen.

But if she wants to play, let her play.

He not only prepared it for Lan Ruoyan, but also for Li Xing.

Li Xing took it with a look of disgust.

But he honestly picked up the potatoes and started peeling them.

By peeling and peeling, everyone had fun and started a water fight.

Fortunately, the weather is still hot now, so you don't have to worry about getting sick even if you are soaked to the skin.

Peel potatoes faster with a paring knife.

After the potatoes are peeled, they are put into the water.

Then someone cuts them into slices.

Then it is soaked in water to soak out the starch.

I worked non-stop for a long time before cutting all the potatoes.

After cutting the potatoes into slices, they need to be soaked in water.

After all the starch is washed out of the potato slices, spread them out on a drying mat and then put them in the sun to dry.

The washed out starch water will be put aside to settle.

This takes overnight.

The next day, Chu Ze got up early.

After dinner, the sun came out.

Warm sunshine falls from the sky.

Chu Ze asked people to move the potato slices out again and continue to dry them in the sun.

This is the most traditional way to make potato chips.

Just slice the potatoes and dry them.

I usually wrap it in something to prevent it from getting wet. When I eat it, I take it out and fry it carefully. It will be crispy and delicious.

After adding some flavor, it's no worse than the potato chips sold in supermarkets.

The starch has been soaked overnight and has completely precipitated.

Several hundred kilograms of potatoes produced a lot of starch, enough to fill several large wooden pots.

Chu Ze directed his men to pour out the water carefully, leaving the starch inside.

Then add water to wash away the dirt in the starch.

Because the potatoes have been washed before making starch, there is nothing dirty in the starch at this time, and it can be washed clean in two or three times.

After they were cleaned, Chu Ze asked someone to take out a few more drying mats, wash them, and put starch on them. When the starch is dried, the following process can be continued.

Taking advantage of this time on the wall, Chu Ze needed to make some tools for making fans.

The simplest thing is to use wood to dig out a gourd.

Drill some more holes at the bottom of the gourd. After the powder is mixed, place it in the gourd and tap it hard to let the powder fall from the holes. The thin strips that fall out are the vermicelli.

This method is more suitable for small private workshops to do by themselves.

If you want to produce it in large quantities, you have to use large machines.

It is best to be driven by electricity.

Today's steam engines are very mature.

Electricity is not an issue.

Chu Ze picked up the pen and began to recall the structure of the fan machine in his memory.

The fan machine is a relatively simple machine.

It is usually a frame made of steel, with the motor placed below and the place where the fans are made above.

Overall it's pretty simple to do.

It took Chu Ze three days to draw the entire machine.

The sizes of each component inside are also marked one by one.

After completing the drawing, Chu Ze sent the drawings to the factory for workers to make them.

He was in a hurry, and the workers worked overtime day and night.

The machine was built in just a few days.

By the time the machine makes it, the potato starch has been completely dried.

Chu Ze moved a set of steam engines back from the testing site.

Then a large basin of hot water was prepared.

After everything was ready, Chu Ze began to prepare the starch.

He remembered that when making vermicelli, only eggs were needed.

Just mix starch and eggs in a certain ratio.

Chu Ze didn't know what the ratio was.

He could only try again and again.

The previous few attempts ended in failure.

"This is all that's left." Li Xing crossed his arms, looked at Chu Ze jokingly, and said, "After you use it, you have to dry it again. How about it, have you thought about how much sun exposure you want next time?"

He said this as if he was certain that he would fail.

This caused Chu Ze to glare at him several times angrily.

Even Lan Ruoyan, who had been the most considerate in the past, stopped comforting him now and just stood aside, covering her mouth and chuckling.

Chu Ze was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

He pointed at the two of them angrily and said angrily: "Just wait, we will definitely succeed this time!"

"Okay, let's wait and see." Li Xing remained calm and composed.

Chu Ze was so angry that he rolled his eyes.

When adjusting the starch, he calculated the ratio between the two with great care.

After adjusting, turn on the steam engine.

The steam engine roared, causing the fan machine to rumble.

Chu Ze put the mixture in.

After a while, fans came out from the other end.

The fans fell into the hot water, like neat and beautiful circles.

Looking at these fans, Chu Ze couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't hold it back.

He turned back, looked at Li Xing proudly, and said, "Master Li, I'm sorry to disappoint you, we succeeded."

Lan Ruoyan came over in surprise.

"Ah, brother Chu Ze, it's really successful! These fans are still there." Lan Ruoyan stretched out her hand curiously.

Chu Ze quickly held her hand and stopped him: "Silly you, that's hot water, can you reach out and touch it?" He grabbed Lan Ruoyan's hand back, and then said, "You guys wait a few more days, let's go now Just hang the vermicelli to dry, and then we’ll cook the vermicelli and eat it!”

Speaking of eating, Lan Ruoyan's eyes lit up.

Li Xing also looked forward to it.

Just waiting for Chu Ze’s fan feast. (End of chapter)

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