The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 806 The Immortal Familia above the Starry Sky

Chapter 806 Above the Starry Sky: Immortal Familia (Part )

The bells emanating from the divine kingdom of Kakosa resounded throughout all known dimensions.

Whether they are "old descendants" with extraordinary powers or ordinary mortal creatures, the moment they hear the bell, they can feel their souls trembling... It is not because of fear, but because of fear. It's because of awe.


In awe.

Even if they don't know where the bell comes from, this emotion called "awe" will appear inexplicably deep in their hearts... The bell is like a universal language that transcends all forms of life, a solemn sound And the rhythm is like a soul-stirring hymn.

For all creatures, listening to the bells is similar to some kind of enjoyment beyond bliss. In the hazy and ecstasy, they can even see the shadow in yellow robes appearing not far away, like a serious " "Father" or loving "Mother" is looking at them with love and compassion...

Under His gentle gaze, any creature feels that it has gained the deepest understanding, which is deeper than the understanding of its parents and lovers, as if its own soul can resonate with the other person.

Some creatures can feel the care and concern in his eyes. This aloof "god" seems to be able to understand all of their own difficulties. Especially after those painful experiences resonate, "he" feels so distressed that he almost sheds tears. Come.

And some creatures will prostrate themselves in repentance under "His" gaze, crying and counting the sins and mistakes they have committed in this life...

A perfect symbol of transcending biological limits.

The monks believed in the "Buddha Mother", but this figure in yellow gave them the urge to change their faith immediately.

He broke many creatures’ assumptions about traditional gods.

He is the Supreme.

"The Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea...the King in Yellow."

He seems to exist at every node on the timeline, and his projections exist in countless dimensional spaces.

At the moment when He is watching, all living things just want to follow Him forever, be forever shrouded in the infinite glory under the wings of "Father and Mother", and forever be protected and grown by Him in a loving way...

He is both solemn and kind, stern and gentle.

His name is imprinted deep into the brains of countless creatures as the bell rings...

Those eyes were compassionate and sacred. When they were looked at by Him, these creatures had the illusion that they were about to be abandoned by "Father", so they were desperately trying to find ways to atone for their sins, just to not be abandoned by "Father".

He seems to have become a standard line, using himself as the standard to establish a complete "god" image for the vast number of sentient beings.


For a while.

In the [Great Buddha Mother Temple] in Jiju Capital, countless monks have come to the edge of "betrayal". Their brains are almost disturbed by the figure in yellow in front of them, and their fanatical and devout beliefs are being shaken.

The figure in yellow clothes has become the representative of "god".

This impulse comes without warning and inexplicably.

From top to bottom.

Regardless of the level of the monks in the monastery, the faith in their hearts is already shaky. It wasn't until the chanting of the Buddha Mother came from the mountain that the figure in yellow in front of them gradually disappeared. Then they fell into shameful self-blame and regret. Some monks even had the urge to die as martyrdom, but in the end They were all stopped by the more sensible brothers.

"You bitch, you want to steal my family again!"

In the small courtyard, Mother Buddha cursed angrily, but she only spoke in a fierce tone, with a smile on her face all the time.

"Then give it to him." Qiao Youning sat aside with her hands on her chin, not caring whether these monks would stay or go, because she knew that letting the monks follow Chen Jing would not be a bad choice.

"As the source of the sequence, I am still alive. It is not that easy for them to change their beliefs and follow the deep space." Mother Buddha whispered, "This requires a complete transformation process. We will wait until he comes back."

Qiao Youning nodded in confusion, then turned her head and continued to stare at the figure in yellow that had not dissipated.

"The war is about to begin." Buddha said in a heavy tone, "Since he has successfully promoted to the rank, he will never let Turing go."

"So should we help him?" Qiao Youning's eyes lit up and she asked expectantly, "We should be able to help, right?"

At this moment, Buddha's mother is also hesitating about this matter, always jumping back and forth between wanting to help and not wanting to help, because she doesn't know if her helping... will it hinder Chen Jing?

Judging from Chen Jing's now outrageously powerful aura, he has not only surpassed the eighth ancient god of the same order, but also surpassed the Yellow King who could kill the Creator at his peak... This is obviously unreasonable!

"Forget it." Mother Buddha shook her head, "We'd better wait for his signal. If he needs our help, he will definitely contact us... But judging from his current aura, if he meets him, he won't even be able to solve it himself. What can we do to help?"

Hearing this, Qiao Youning suddenly seemed a little disappointed, because she knew that what the Buddha Mother said was true...

"Judging from the current situation, he should not conflict with the Creator in the short term. Even if there is a war with that ethnic group, it will definitely be after Turing is eliminated..."

The Buddha Mother sighed helplessly and looked up at the sky covered in golden mist.

"It's a pity that we don't know the specific location of the Hanging City, otherwise we could have rushed to the scene to see..."

"You don't have to watch, he will win." Qiao Youning said with a smile, her confidence in Chen Jing was full of every word, "With his cautious character, he will definitely not take action without being completely sure. Once he takes action, it means... "

"Are you ready? Everything is foolproof?" Mother Buddha said with a smile. The expression on her face did not look relaxed. "Turing is different from us ancient gods. To be honest, I can't even guess how many trump cards Turing has hidden. not to mention……"

Buddha's mother was hesitant to speak, as if she didn't want to say the next words because she felt it was a bit unlucky.

"The difference between the ancient gods and the old descendants is too great. Its deathbed counterattack must be unimaginable. Unless my judgment of the breath is not biased, Chen Jing has really surpassed all the old descendants of the same sequence eight... If it cannot be suppressed unilaterally Turing, the follow-up will be very troublesome."

Hearing what the Buddha Mother said, Qiao Youning couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I can't contact him right now."

Qiao Youning frowned and said, her tone becoming anxious.

"Why don't I go to Kakosa and take a look? There are all his dependents there, and Yagertos is also there. Maybe I know something..."

Mother Buddha shook her head and said helplessly.

"If nothing else, Kakosa should be closed now. Entering Kakosa should be about the same difficulty as contacting him."

(End of this chapter)

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