The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 144 Ancient Ruins of the Old Times

Chapter 144 Ancient Ruins of the Old Times
Everyone along the way felt a little complicated, especially Chen Bofu, the leading brother...

"Will something go wrong?" Chen Bofu murmured in his heart.

To be honest, the escape route of the Tree of Tuso is a bit too weird.

Because logically, it should stay in the tribe as a patron saint.

But judging from the route it moved on the wasteland, it seemed to come from the Yellow King's courtyard.

Lion's Horde is to the east.

The Huangwang Courtyard is on the west side.

The distance between these two places can be a bit far.

And according to Ryan, the Tree of Tusuo has never revealed the fact that it can move in front of outsiders.

In Lane's memory.

The Tuso tree has always been like an ordinary tree, growing in the soil without moving.

"In other words... this tree didn't stay in the tribe... Instead, it went to the direction of Huangwang's courtyard... and was chased all the way..."

"Why is it going to the Yellow King's Courtyard?"

"Who knows..."

Chen Bofu shook his head helplessly, facing Chen Jing's question, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Originally, the old man wanted to take his grandson on a leisurely outing, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now it seems...

The outing plan had to be terminated early.

"Flying is fast..."

Kui Nan is used to the feeling of flying in the sky.

After all, Bai Aji's nickname of "stable as an airliner" is not groundless.

"The Yellow King's Garden is ahead..."

Ryan pointed to a ruined wall in the wilderness in the distance and said.

This place is no stranger to him.

After living in the wasteland for so many years, he knew the ancient ruins not too far away from the tribe, and even sneaked in to play.

"The place is empty, there is nothing, and there should be no hiding people..." Ryan said with experience.

"It's impossible to say."

Chen Bofu frowned, only feeling that something was wrong in the wilderness ahead.

The moss on the ground looks like it's covered by something weird... like rocks of different colors?

Look carefully again.

Chen Bofu's expression changed drastically.

He patted Bai Aji on the back violently to make him stop first.

"Fuck?! Why are there so many dead people?!"

At this time, not only Chen Bofu's expression changed, but even the slightly stupid Kui Nan found something was wrong.

Because the ground near the ancient ruins was densely packed with corpses.

Chen Jingshen took a deep breath, trying to calm down the uneasiness in his heart, and said softly to Bai Aji.

"Fly high."

Bai Aji nodded silently, then slowly flapped his wings and gradually climbed into the sky.

The farther it is from the ground.

The pile of corpses near the ancient ruins... the more spectacular it looks.

As Ryan introduced to everyone before.

The Huangwang Courtyard looks like a dilapidated ancient site.

There is not a whole building.

There are gray gravel and gravel everywhere.

Since the surface of the ancient ruins is covered with a layer of gray stone bricks, the contrast between the surface of the ruins and the surrounding wilderness is particularly strong when viewed from a high altitude.

Without those green moss coverings, one can roughly see an extremely regular gray circle... or rather, a huge totem!

The grooves on the ground of the ancient ruins have no function, just like the lines under the paintbrush, they play the role of outline.

The details of the totem are depicted extremely delicately and ingeniously, almost exactly the same as the pattern on the Holy Grail of the Yellow King.

The place was right.

But what about these corpses...?

Hundreds of corpses are piled up around the ancient ruins.

Among them, the huge polluted corpses accounted for the majority, and only a small part were wanderers in different costumes.

"No...I've been here before..." Ryan murmured, with a hint of panic in his tone, "At that time, there was nothing here..."

"How long ago was the last time you came here?" Chen Bofu asked.

"A few months ago..." Ryan replied.

Chen Bofu nodded silently, observed carefully for a while, and his tone gradually became dignified.

"Among the corpses of those polluted species... three or four... are stronger than the Tusuo tree..."

"Fuck! Why don't we withdraw!" Kui Nan felt a chill on his back, and got goosebumps all over his body, "The strength of that tree is equivalent to the old descendant of Sequence Four or Sequence Five, and it is stronger than it , isn't that Sequence 6?"

After finishing speaking, Kui Nan shrank back and hid behind Chen Jing.

"Master Chen, the people who kill these polluted species...will they be as strong as you?"

"Where the hell am I going!" Chen Bofu's expression became more and more ugly, and he began to think...

In Yongye and the wasteland near Yongye, there are only a handful of people who can fight him, and he knows all of them.

So at this time, Chen Bofu had already started to snap his fingers, and compared them one by one according to the "enemies" in his memory.

With strength and means.

After killing someone, he can hide his aura and not linger on the scene.

No matter how it looks like...

"There's someone there!"

Yan Que said suddenly.

Chen Bofu looked in the direction Yan Que was pointing at... and saw that there was indeed a thin and withered figure moving slowly among the pile of corpses.

Chen Bofu didn't know that person, and he didn't even have the slightest impression.

And that person's breath...

Just like Bai Aji.

There is no breath.

If he hadn't seen him standing there with his own eyes, perhaps even Chen Bofu wouldn't have been able to perceive his existence.

"Could it be that he is a member of the ancient race?" Chen Bofu had this guess in his mind, and his pupils constricted instantly.

at the same time.

The figure strolling towards the center of the ancient site suddenly looked up without warning.

I don't know if the two sides are too far apart, or if the other party used some means.

The man's face seemed to be covered with a layer of golden mist.

Only those eyes that do not contain any human emotions are exposed.

Sen Leng, indifferent.

Filled with a strange and unspeakable death aura.

Like a silent dead body or a man-made cold machine.

When Chen Jing's eyes made contact with him, even if the other party didn't show too obvious hostility, Chen Jing still felt a bone-chilling chill.

"This person looks familiar..."

At this moment, Chen Bofu was still scrutinizing that person's face, while Chen Jing, the good grandson sitting behind him, broke out in a cold sweat.

Because he suddenly remembered the three conditions that need to be met to advance to Sequence 2.

First, hold the medium "key to the door".

Second, enter the "Yellow King Courtyard".


"it's him……"

Looking at the "Taoist priest" who was dressed out of tune with this world, and then carefully looked at his bruised black Taoist robe and the whisk he held in his hand, Chen Jing was sure almost instantly.

"He is the blasphemer...Zhao Pseudo-Sen..."

Just as Chen Jing was about to warn everyone to be careful, the Taoist standing in the ancient ruins suddenly disappeared without a trace.

this moment.

Except for Chen Bofu.

No one could see his movements clearly.

"Be careful!!!"

Chen Jing only heard the old man's roar coming from beside his ear, and then felt a biting chill coming from his side.

Before Chen Jing had time to react, the old man dragged him up and brought him in front of him.

in the process.

Chen Jing only vaguely saw a golden light passing by him.

next second.

Baiaji's body was broken from the chest cavity.

It was like being chopped off by some kind of sharp weapon.

The entire body was split into two in the air without warning.

And the people riding on its back also lost their center of gravity, hitting the ground at an extremely fast speed like a meteor falling.

Facing the stars in the night sky.

Chen Jing finally saw clearly the thin figure standing in the air, and the long sword tightly held in the opponent's hand...

The gossip gear on the hilt is rotating rapidly at this time, and a fiber-optic cable extends from the tail of the gear, tightly connected to the Taoist's pulse gate.

The wind howled in my ears.

The old man also yelled in puzzlement.

"How could there be 'ancient warlocks' in this era?! Aren't these bastards extinct?!"

 There will be a notice on the shelves later, please remember to read it~
(End of this chapter)

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