After leaving Lanhong's community, Jose couldn't help asking Han Tao: "He Lu, what are you talking about? Listen to what you two said, did you get important information when you met Sun Chaoyue today?"

Han Tao smiled slightly, and said half-jokingly: "He Lu, we talk alone because we don't want others to know, so it's rare that we don't know?
But your guess is indeed correct. I learned from Sun Chaoyue that Sun Haohan's health is not very optimistic. It is estimated that we will cooperate again soon, and it is a big case involving tens of billions of funds! "

"Cooperation, you mean blue and red?"

Jose looked at Han Tao in surprise, and asked puzzledly: "But why do you want to cooperate with me? You have fought many cases of family property division before, so there is no need to let others share the pie!"

Han Tao shook his head and said, "You understand my situation, and you also know why I left at that time. It's too eye-catching for me to answer alone, and this is an extension of the previous case. Of course, I have to go with He Lv!"

"Okay, I understand what you mean, but no matter what, I will remember your favor. Such a big case is also helpful to me. I am happy to cooperate. If there is anything I can help here in the future, it is my duty!"

Jose was very happy. This kind of case received a lot of attention and was of great help to his reputation, so Han Tao was willing to cooperate with him. He was grateful and happy from the bottom of his heart.

Han Tao smiled slightly. With Jose participating, he has a lot of maneuverability. He didn't understand the handling of this case in the original plot, because it was too childish.

In the original play, the parties and lawyers involved in this tens of billions of dollars are actually busy "in love" and have no time to go to court. Only Sun Chaoyue has been working hard, thinking about how to keep his brother's inheritance .

Moreover, such an important case was not settled by a lawsuit, but when the blue and red were sure to win, Luo Bin intervened in it, and proposed to divide the cake, and finally divided the inheritance into 4 shares on average, forcing a happy event ending.

You know, this is not a small sum. If you help Lan Hong win the lawsuit, Lan Hong can directly get tens of billions of inheritance.

In Han Tao's view, worshiping money is not a heinous crime. Lan Hong spent ten years of youth, which is also the price. Even if the company was brought down by their brother and the former sister-in-law, Lan Hong and the child should not be allowed to inherit zero.

Sun Chaoyue wanted to take advantage of his brother's death to drive Lan Hong and their orphans and widows out of the house. No one would be able to bear this matter.

Therefore, regardless of whether Lan Hong is a gold digger or not, with such a large sum, she was almost forced to have zero inheritance, why did she let it go so easily?

So don't let the good looks make you doubt that the reason for this in the original plot is to clean up the white, blue and red character design and make her noble.

The reason why Lan Hong and Luo Bin separated was because her name was not written in the house book, so she married a rich man in a fit of anger, which is obviously set up by a money-worshiping woman.

Although she said it was because of disappointment, why would a person who is disappointed choose a rich man to get married in a flash?

At first, she was forced to a dead end, and even the house was taken back. In the end, she was willing to share the inheritance with Sun Chaoyue. In Han Tao's view, it was as absurd as a child's play house.

You know, this is a share of tens of billions of inheritance, not to mention fighting for blood, and it is impossible to let go so easily. If lawyers are so passionate, how can they handle the case rationally?
Any lawyer facing this kind of case must go all out and be extra rigorous, and it is impossible to mix things with love and love.

After contemplating for a long time, Han Tao broke the silence in the car, picked up his mobile phone and called Li Na in the car behind, asking her to cooperate with Jose in investigating all unfinished cases and disputes and detailed information of Haohan Chaoyue Group, and sorted out a report. case.

In the back car, He Xingfu, who was in charge of driving, was very excited when he heard the news. She knew that Han Tao was going to make a big move again. It seems that the two of them won't be able to return to Shanghai in a short time, and they probably have to wait until Lian Chuang's case Before the trial, she can also learn more.

After hanging up the phone, Han Tao asked Jose to investigate Haohan Chaoyue's current shareholding distribution, as well as recent shareholding changes, etc., and he himself is not idle, he has to do something in person.

Then Han Tao called the person in charge of the short video. After this period of unlimited promotion, this app has become the number one.

Because of the burning of money, it can be said that other short video platforms are powerless to fight. This is when money is rushing, and all difficulties are solved.

This made Han Tao very gratified. After all, he has the experience of his previous life. He basically doesn't need to take detours. He can just copy everything and improve it, which adds a lot of fun. He bought two game companies and set up a dedicated research and development department.

After various efforts, the user stickiness has been steadily increasing, and the longer it is online, the more it can discover its future.

For this reason, both Han Tao and Tan Zongming added additional funds, and the [-] million invested by Ye Jinyan and his eldest brother He Han also began to invest.

Standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, Han Tao's market positioning for this project is very accurate, and the funds are sufficient, so it will not be easy for him to fail.

The reason why Han Tao made this call to the person in charge of the short video is that there are some things that need to be prepared in advance for the Lanhong case, and many things and public opinion need a fermentation period.

During the period, Han Tao also received information from Wang Manni, Zhong Xiaoqin, and Gu's family. The former was to inform him, but the latter was obviously in a bad mood and directly asked for detailed information from Lin Youyou.

This was agreed to be investigated by her before, but when he was busy with the case, Han Tao forgot to pass it on to Gu Jia.

Now that Gu Jia knew about Xu Huanshan's cheating, and that Lin Youyou had called her, she sent her an email directly.

As for Gu Jia, who was far away in Chashan, after opening the information to check, the knuckles holding the phone turned white. The screen displayed Lin Youyou's photo and relevant information. This person and Wang Manni saw it Just one person.

In fact, Gu Jia was already mentally prepared. He had discovered that Xu Huanshan had a problem before, but now because her best friend saw the real hammer and took a photo, she had to face it.

But she was not hysterical, and she didn't think about crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. She immediately wanted to find Lin Youyou. She endured hardships in this mountain just to protect this family.

So she can't let others spend her money. From Gu Jia's point of view, how many times Xu Huanshan and Lin Youyou have had dinner together, how many times have they stayed in a hotel, every money he spent for Lin Youyou, All marital property.

It was also for this reason that Gu Jia hesitated for a while, and directly sent a message to Han Tao, asking Han Tao to help her collect evidence to use as evidence in the divorce lawsuit, and told Han Tao that he did not need to go there in a hurry. Jia needs to return to the Demon City to deal with this matter first.

After Han Tao replied to the message, he put the phone back in his pocket, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This business trip has been fruitful, not only taking two big cases, but also unexpected joy.

Thirty and only three heroines, only Gu Jia has a certain ability to support a career, and compared to Wang Manni and Zhong Xiaoqin, Gu Jia, who has always been dominated by rational thinking, is more difficult to attack.


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