Happy Days: Since the Beginning of the Night

Chapter 115 Blood Prison Invasion

Chapter 115 Blood Prison Invasion

"They've been following us."

In the past few days, Ning Que's whereabouts have been erratic in the north.

No matter how fast Han Ye's distance is, Ning Que will always disappear first.

And the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who came from the mighty state of Tang Dynasty had stepped into the wasteland and came behind Han Ye.

Han Ye is only separated by a river from these Buddhas of all appearances.

On the other side of the river, the Buddha's light is all over the sky, and the wonderful sound is in tune.

On this side of the river, there was only Han Ye with a sword.

The sky in the northern wilderness suddenly lit up, a shattered sword light swept across, and the Buddha's light on the other side of the river collapsed.

It turned into strands of light and rose into the sky, as if it had attained perfection.

Han Ye sensed the whereabouts of these threads of light, and saw the figures of countless monks reappearing in the empty Tang Kingdom City.

They revealed the true colors of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, stepped out of the city gate again, and came towards the north.

"Conservation of energy?"

The blood mist around Han Ye's body surged like ocean waves, and quickly spread to a hundred miles around.

From time to time, black and slippery unknown creatures flashed in the fog, and there were bursts of roars.

"I advise you not to eat them." The goddess suddenly stopped.

"If you finish eating, I'm afraid you will become a Buddha too."

"Does quietness work too?" Han Ye asked.

"What is quiet and isolated is the rules of the world, and they are the beliefs of all living beings."

"Moreover, it is a deformed belief, and the poison contained in it cannot be solved by cleansing."

Listening to the goddess' explanation, Han Ye remembered the scene of dealing with the temple master in Chang'an City.

"I can't find it, I can't eat it, I can't kill it." Han Ye put the blood mist away again.

"Han Ye, this world is corrupting your body and spirit all the time, the Buddha is delaying time."

"If this continues, I'm afraid you will be assimilated by this world before you find him."

Hearing this, Han Ye closed his eyes and calmed down to think about his next move.

After a long while, Han Ye's eyes shone brightly.

"You can only find him if you get close to him."

"Cultivate Buddha."

I don't know how many years have passed.

The wilds of the Arctic are still covered in ice and snow.

The snow has been falling, but the depth of the snow has not increased or decreased.

on the vast land.

A young man in a red robe walks slowly.

Every time he took a step, a bloody lotus would bloom on the ground.

And behind him was already covered with a boundless sea of ​​blood-colored flowers.

In the sea of ​​flowers, there are hundreds of inhuman shadows, their sharp claws are white, bloody eyes are scarlet, and they roar sternly.

The roar is a hoarse voice, as if it constitutes some kind of scripture.

"Ah's words are nothing, and the nose's words mean no time, no space, and a realm of immeasurable karmic rewards, so the hell of Avici."

The bloody hell is unfolding to the Buddha Kingdom.

Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas stood on the other side of the river, not daring to go forward.

Over the years, these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have tried to eradicate the bloody flower sea in the wasteland.

But in the end, less than half of their numbers disappeared, and they did not revive in Tang Kingdom City.

Instead, the lotus flowers under the blood-robed monk's feet grew many monsters that were neither human nor ghost.

'buzz buzz...'

The hoarse voice in the sea of ​​bloody flowers collided with the Buddha's voice on the other side of the river.

The river water evaporated, and the swimming fish were drained of blood, leaving only their skeletons.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas suddenly smelled a pungent and unpleasant smell of blood, and they all covered their mouths and noses and retreated.

The blood-robed monk did not stop walking the northern wilderness. He wanted to let the blood prison Buddha kingdom come to this land.

Replace the real master of this world.

The blood-robed monk walked like this for many years.

Until one day, a majestic snow peak appeared in front of him.

This is something he has never encountered in his repeated journeys.

The mountains are covered with white snow, and the cold atmosphere makes this place barren of grass.

"You are finally willing to show your face." The blood-robed monk stopped, put his hands together, and said to the snow-capped mountain in front of him.

The light of Buddha fell from the clouds.

The ice and snow above the snow peak melted in an instant, turning into icy water and refilling the big river running through the wasteland.

Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas knelt down, their withered and blood-stained bodies emitting light again.

Seeing this, the blood-robed monk showed displeasure, and stretched out his hand towards Xuefeng.

The rocks suddenly collapsed.

A towering Buddha statue showed its true colors, standing quietly and tall in front of the monks.

Above the Buddha statue, a young monk is carefully modifying the Buddha's eyebrows and eyes with a stone chisel.

He polished the jagged rocks finely and smooth, from which infinite compassion flowed out.

Suddenly, the mountain trembled.

The young monk lost his footing and fell from the Buddha's eye.

The strong wind hit his face, and half of the thousand-meter drop passed in an instant.

A black shadow suddenly emerged from the body of the blood-robed monk, turning into a stream of light and coming to the young monk in an instant.

The young monk seemed to have sensed it, and stretched out his hand to grab it. The black shadow unfolded, and it turned out to be an old black umbrella that had been repaired many times.

The dive suddenly stopped.

The young monk held a black umbrella by the handle, swaying in the air like a dandelion.

It fell into the hands of the Buddha.

The blood-robed monk raised his head, and what he met was the pair of huge Buddha eyes that had already been opened, full of compassion.

The young monk stood in the palm of the big Buddha, holding a big black umbrella, and looked at the blood-robed monk with a compassionate expression.

"What? Now that things are going on, are you still playing hostage?" the blood-robed monk said slowly.

The Buddha lowered his eyebrows and looked at the young monk in his hand.

Then the five fingers were gathered together, and the palms were slowly held together.

Seeing this, the blood-robed monk raised the corners of his mouth, and saw a vast black brilliance suddenly seep out from between his fingers.

The Buddha's brows were slightly frowned, and a stream of black and white light emerged from the gap in his palm and landed beside Han Ye.

"You came in too." The big Buddha's lips opened slightly, and the broken rocks fell down.

The goddess and the young monk held the big black umbrella to resist the brilliant Buddha light and the Buddha's voice, just like the storm they experienced together many years ago.

"Who are you?" the young monk asked with blank eyes.

"Although you are cultivating the power of the human world, the greed, hatred and ignorance of the Buddha Kingdom may be too early for you." The blood-robed monk said.

The goddess nodded, and closed the big black umbrella. She grabbed the young monk and together they turned into streamers of light and sank into the blood-robed monk's body.

"So that's how it is. Donor Han has a good method." The Buddha's voice echoed in the sky and the earth.

The blood-robed monk took a step forward, and blossoming blood lotuses suddenly bloomed from the lifeless ice field.

Taking another step forward, countless blood lotuses flew into the air, drifting towards the Buddha.

"Han Benefactor can also use the power of faith, this poor monk did not expect."

The big Buddha is still falling from the blood-colored lotus on his body, taking root, blooming, and as a result, the cycle repeats like this.

Gradually, the mountain Buddha became a blood Buddha.

Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas howled in the distance, their bodies shattered apart.

The Buddha's light lit up everywhere in the Buddha Kingdom, turning into meteors flying across thousands of miles, and hitting the blood Buddha's body.

The Buddha's light condensed and ignited a raging fire.

The petals of the bloody lotus melted in the flames, and the shrill roar resounded throughout the sky.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty?"

The blood color faded, and the Buddha showed his original compassionate face again.

And the ashes formed by the burning blood lotus were sucked into the seven orifices by him.

The ice and snow are brilliant, and the Buddha light on his body is even stronger.

A halo of circular light rippled from the Buddha.

The vast sea of ​​flowers behind Han Ye withered in pieces, and the humanoid creatures hidden in it all howled miserably and were evaporated in the Buddha's light.

"Han benefactor, you Buddha, your cultivation is not very good!"

The Buddha's words seemed to reverberate in the entire Buddhist world, full of irony.

Hearing this, the blood-robed monk separated his clasped hands, and wiped his forehead back along the bald head.

Glossy black hair regrows.

The bloody monk's robe turned into a Taoist robe.

A sword in the world, with the meaning of a sword like a galloping river, appeared in a levitation.

Han Ye grabbed it in his hand.

"Cultivate your mother's Buddha."

"I'm here to fix you!"

(End of this chapter)

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