Free Days in Siheyuan

Chapter 677 Happy to be a father!

The sweet words are smooth, and the eternal vows are even more numerous.

But when he really needed them, one of them would run faster than the other, for fear of involving them.

The most important thing is not this. Ye Lan never thought that those who were once obsessed with her would now add insult to injury, saying that they had long thought that she was not serious. How could a girl from a good family be like her...

Thinking of what she heard last night, Ye Lan felt the urge to kill.

Thinking of this, she looked up at Zhao Feng again.

In fact, Zhao Feng was not her first choice from the beginning to the end. He was not her first choice when she was looking for a marriage partner, and he was not her first choice now when she asked for help.

It's just that people can't calculate the fortune. After so many years of calculation, it all came to nothing, so I had to place my last hope on the man in front of me.

She has been forced into a desperate situation now. If Zhao Feng really refuses to marry her, she will have nothing.

Ye Lan would definitely not be able to accept the consequences. If there was nothing left, then what was the point of her having wronged herself for marrying a fool for so many years?
No matter what, she must not let anyone drive her back to the countryside.

Ye Lan clearly knows the virtues of his sisters-in-law. While they respect him because of their status as workers, they do not hesitate to humble themselves in front of him in order to benefit from him.

But on the other hand, they look down on her and think that she will do whatever it takes. Don't think that she doesn't know that her sisters-in-law gossip about her a lot in private.

But Ye Lan doesn't care, as long as she has money and status, no matter how much they look down on her, they can't respectfully call her sister-in-law in front of her.

To be honest, several sisters-in-law look down on Ye Lan, and Ye Lan may not think highly of them either.

As for returning to her parents' home every month, it's not because of so-called filial piety, but just to enjoy their envy and jealousy.

Because he knew everything, Ye Lan was very sure that once he let them know that he had nothing, they would immediately turn against him.

Therefore, she must make Zhao Feng agree to marry her, even if she uses dirty methods.

Thinking of this, the woman suddenly saw the people watching the excitement nearby, rolled her eyes, and suddenly thought of a way.

Ye Lan didn't care about her own face at all, she directly grabbed Zhao Feng's thigh and cried loudly to her: "Zhao Feng, I have nothing, I only have you, if you don't want me, I really can't live anymore! "

Seeing the looks that many acquaintances were looking at him because of Ye Lan's words, Zhao Feng's face twisted. Just when he was about to explain that this was not the case, he saw Ye Lan holding her stomach shyly.

Looking at her movements, Zhao Feng suddenly had a bad idea. He always felt that the other party was going to use a bigger move.

The fact was indeed what Zhao Feng thought. Ye Lan held her belly and said, "Zhao Feng, I'm pregnant, and I'm carrying your child. You can't ignore me."

As soon as these words came out, not only the people around him were stunned, but also the person involved himself.

Zhao Feng looked at Ye Lan in disbelief, never expecting that the other party could actually make up such a lie in order to achieve his goal.

As if she was afraid that Zhao Feng would not be hit hard enough, Ye Lan directly grabbed his hand and pressed it on his stomach: "Feel it, this is our child."

At this time, Zhao Feng finally reacted. He subconsciously withdrew his grabbed hand, and then took a step back.

Ye Lan didn't expect that Zhao Fengfeng would retreat directly. He suddenly had no support and fell directly forward.

When people are about to fall, they will subconsciously protect their heads. Apparently Ye Lan did not escape this rule.Seeing that she was about to fall, she subconsciously took out the hand covering her stomach and put it in front of her forehead.

Then everyone present heard a "dong" sound, and Ye Lan's upper body fell straight to the ground.

Listening to the sound when she fell, everyone felt pain for her.

Ye Lan was stunned for a moment, but was awakened by something wet flowing out of her nose.

She subconsciously touched her nose, and then looked at the blood on her hands in disbelief.

She is bleeding!
She had a nosebleed in front of so many people!
It’s just that Ye Lan deserves to be Ye Lan, and deserves to be the person Zhang Yu calls a werewolf.

Although she couldn't accept that she was rejected by a man in public, and then pushed down by him and broke her nose, but thinking about the current situation, she quickly suppressed the fierce look on her face, showing the despair of meeting a heartless man. .

When he spoke again, his voice was slightly sad: "Zhao Feng, I know you don't want to see me, but I really have no choice now.

If my mother knew that I was pregnant with your child, she would beat me to death. Please save me and save our child!
You believe me, believe me, I promise to serve you well in the future. "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone watching could not help but show a hint of sympathy, and their eyes changed when they looked at Zhao Feng.

An aunt even said to Zhao Feng: "Zhao Feng, what's going on with you? You can't be like this as a human being. You let a girl get pregnant, so you have to be responsible.

You now……"

The aunt didn't say the next words, but the sigh made her meaning clear.

There are people who advise like this aunt, and naturally there are also people who say bad things about Zhao Feng.

The one who speaks ill of Zhao Feng is definitely the troublemaker Jia Zhang.

She was seen eating melon seeds and throwing them on the ground casually. Whenever people around her stopped her from eating melon seeds, Jia Zhang would spit on the ground.

Seeing the melon seed peels and spit on the ground, the people around them took a step back, and then showed a slightly disgusted expression.

Someone couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward to persuade her: "Aunt Jia, could you please stop spitting the melon seed peels on the ground?"

When someone said that, Jia Zhang didn't want to and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm directly towards the man.

The man reacted quickly and ducked to the side, but because the distance was too close, he did not completely dodge, and the thick phlegm fell on the man's shoes.

The reason why that man reminded Jia Zhang not to spit melon seed skins on the ground was because he loved to be clean. When he saw the thick phlegm on his shoes, he collapsed.

He first looked at the thick phlegm on his feet in disbelief, and then moved back on the shelf, as if he wanted to separate his body from his feet.

Seeing him like this, not only did Jia Zhang not feel embarrassed at all, she actually seemed even happier.

Looking at Jia Zhang's performance, Zhang Yu's eyes flashed. It seems that the current Jia Zhang is no longer the measurable one in the TV series.

I don’t know if she was perverted because of the shock, but Zhang Yu felt as if she had taken off some restraints, and she became fearless.

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