Chapter 356
"After quarreling with you that day, I regretted it. After I went back, I discussed it with Lao Zhao, thinking about how to rent out two houses to you."

Seeing Liu Sanpang showing a slightly smug smile because of her words, Zhang Guifang put on an apologetic expression again, turned to her and continued: "But the plan didn't change so fast, I never expected it, sir Zhao he..."

"What's wrong with him? Doesn't he agree?" Liu Sanpang asked eagerly again.

"Hey!" Zhang Guifang sighed, and then said: "He actually rented out the whole house, and even collected the rent. Look at me... I can't drive people out, can I?"

"It's rented out, who is it rented to?" Liu Sanpang asked in disbelief.

She couldn't believe that there were so many houses in that yard, and all of them were rented out in such a short time.

"I rented it to those comrades of theirs, and you know that those comrades of Old Zhao's have a hard time.

Because there is no house here, I can only leave my wife and children in my hometown, and I can't see each other once a year.

Besides, you also know that the past few years have been difficult everywhere, and they are also worried about their wives and children at home.

Hearing that Lao Zhao planned to rent out the house, didn't he start immediately?
He didn't even tell me, look what happened to me, I'm not a human inside and out, next time, next time this kind of thing happens, I'll have to pick you up first. "

Zhang Guifang said perfunctory words, anyway, good words don't cost money, so what's wrong with saying a few more words, anyway, there will be no loss of meat.

Liu Sanpang looked at Zhang Guifang viciously, but she couldn't do anything to Zhang Guifang. After all, it was politically correct to rent a house to veterans to house their families.

If she objected, this woman Zhang Guifang would have to label her as a cause of military-civilian conflicts.

Hmph, for so many years, these idiots in the unit have regarded Zhang Guifang as a good person.

If she is really a good person, how can she not consider her difficult colleague first when renting a house?
Everyone said she was a good person, that she was kind and helpful.

But don't look at when she suffered a loss, which good thing in the unit could not have her participation.

At this time, Liu Sanpang was eager to go up and peel Zhang Guifang's skin, so that everyone could see her true face.

But she couldn't, her man had already warned her that if she caused trouble outside again, he would divorce him.

She hasn't had enough good times yet, but she can't live without a man.

Only she knows what her children look like, and she knows very well that once she divorces the current man, her children will not be able to marry her.

In their eyes, a capable and rich father is more useful than their own mother.

If there is no man of her own, she is not as good as a neighbor in their eyes.

Not to mention being filial to her, it would be the best result to give her a bite to eat.

So even though she knew that her man was dishonest outside, she didn't dare to make a fuss.

She must not let her man find a reason to divorce him.

It can only be said that poor people must have something to hate, and I don't know whether Liu Sanpang is mostly pitiful or hateful.

Sister Wei, who listened to their chat, nodded and exaggerated Zhang Guifang's correct thinking.

Only Liu Sanpang was left there, neither advancing nor retreating, and in the end he could only leave angrily.

Some people are unhappy about this matter and some are happy.

The veterans who rented the house all grinned happily, and couldn't wait to ask for leave to go home, preparing to take over their wives and children.

The past two years have been bad, and they are worried about how their family members in their hometown are doing.

It's just that one is forced to live in a dormitory because it doesn't get a house here, and there is no place to live when the family members are brought over.

Now it's all right, if you have a place to live, you can take over your wife and children.

They also want their wives and children to be warmed up on the kang, their clothes to be washed, and their meals to be served hot when they get home, instead of facing a group of big men like before, and going back to the dormitory to bury their heads and sleep.

After the leaders above heard about this incident, they also accepted their leave in a reasonable manner.

When these veterans brought all their family members over, Zhang Yu went there.

Looking at the tidy yard, Zhang Yu nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that these people have good character and behavior, and they still cherish the house very much.

At least, there are no cut-offs or random constructions in the courtyard like other courtyards.

Zhang Yu subconsciously ignored the possibility that they hadn't had time to build it yet.

It can only be said that he is a soldier, even the status of a veteran is too trustworthy.

And it can be seen from the vegetable fields that have been opened up that these family members are hardworking people.

He knew at a glance that the things in these people's houses hadn't been fully packed yet, so he started to work in a hurry.

Watching him come in, the children playing in the yard swarmed and hid behind the pillar.

Some of them were more clever, and they ran into the house quickly and told their parents to go.

Looking at these dark and thin children, Zhang Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, the families of these children belong to the kind that lived well in the whole country.

Even so, with such a thin appearance, Zhang Yu couldn't imagine what it would be like for a child in a really difficult family in this era?

Zhang Yu shook his head and got rid of the compassionate thoughts in his mind.

He is lucky to be able to take care of himself and take care of his relatives.

He believes that this difficult time will pass and the people will have a better life.

He came from the prosperous era of that later generation, and knowing all the history, he has great confidence in China's future.

But people in this era don't know what China will be like in later generations, and even now they still live without enough food and warm clothes.

But the strangeness is strange here, even though it is very difficult now, there is not enough food and clothing, and the person is so thin that he can be blown up by a gust of wind.

However, there is light in their eyes.

There is light that those people in later generations do not have.

They have unwavering faith in their eyes.

These are things that Zhang Yu, who was reborn in a later life, cannot fully understand.

He also loves this country. If he sacrifices himself, he can make the motherland strong and make the motherland go further, and he will sacrifice for the motherland willingly.

But because he was not born and raised in this era, he has not really experienced the suffering that people of this era have experienced, so he can't empathize with some essential things of this era.

(End of this chapter)

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