Chapter 408 Liu Mengli

After Zhang Hao and Yun Tianhe had a drink with Liu Shifeng and his wife in Liufu, Liu Shifeng wanted to betroth Liu Mengli to Yun Tianhe, but Yun Tianhe didn't understand this, and Zhang Hao didn't stop him.

From Zhang Hao's point of view, Liu Mengli and Yun Tianhe actually hit it off, but because of some reasons, Liu Mengli had to leave, and now that Zhang Hao exists, these are no longer a problem.

Immediately, Zhang Hao agreed on Yun Tianhe's behalf. Yun Tianhe knew that Zhang Hao would definitely not harm him. Although he didn't understand what it meant, he also agreed.

Immediately after the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, Zhang Hao and Yun Tianhe were arranged in the guest room.

But at midnight, Zhang Hao's door was suddenly woken up.

Zhang Hao got off the bed, opened the door, and saw Yun Tianhe and Han Lingsha in front of the door.

Later, Zhang Hao discovered that something was wrong here.

Zhang Hao found that this place seemed to be surrounded by some kind of formation, and within it, there were bursts of fragrance.

Zhang Hao knew that this was the Qianhua Spiritual Illusion Formation, a maze in the memories of the Mengmo family, and it was not lethal, but if he didn't know how to break it, he would always be lost in the formation.

And Han Lingsha and Yun Tianhe also said anxiously to Zhang Hao: "It seems that someone has used some tricks here. We have been wandering around for a long time, and we will always return to the original place."

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Hao smiled and said, "Don't worry, the caster of this formation has no malicious intentions, let's go, you come with me."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked forward.

Seeing this, Yun Tianhe and Han Lingsha quickly followed.

Following Zhang Hao's pace, after a while, a group of three people walked through the peach forest and came to a place with a small bridge and flowing water. people.

Sensing the arrival of the three of them, the woman began to cast spells, and said slowly: "Mist shadows and mist flowers are all empty, because my thoughts are chaotic, I just follow the dust - it's not as good as ~ ten thousand ~ like ~ all ~ scattered!"

Immediately, the smoke dissipated, and the surrounding area was immediately refreshed.

Then, I heard the woman say: "This "Thousand Flowers Spiritual Illusion Formation" is harmless to people, but I didn't expect you to break the formation so quickly."

After hearing this, he got angry three times, put his hands on his hips, and made a gesture of cursing: "Huh, who are you? Why do you treat people like monkeys? You also said that it is harmless, let us turn around inside, and we all lost our way. If it weren't for Brother Zhang."

Zhang Hao looked at the figure and said with a smile, "Is it Mengli?"

Hearing this, Liu Mengli turned around, a little surprised, his memory of that time was very vague, and he hardly remembered Zhang Hao.

And Zhang Hao naturally still remembered Liu Mengli.

Seeing this, Han Lingsha and Yun Tianhe were also surprised that Zhang Hao knew her.

And Liu Mengli, who turned around, also surprised Yun Tianhe and Han Lingsha, this woman met all the standards of classical Chinese beauty.

Even Zhang Hao was a little surprised by Liu Mengli's beauty.

But this is also understandable, after all, this nightmare family is the most beautiful family in the demon world, regardless of men and women, they are all handsome men and beautiful women.

Even the fox clan, which is famous for its beauty among the monster clan, will be a little dwarfed when facing the nightmare clan. After all, compared to the fox clan, the nightmare clan is a bit dwarfed.Regardless of men and women, they are all pure and pure.

This Liu Mengli's face is like crystal jade, her black eyes are as bright as stars, her thin cherry lips, her skin is like creamy fat, her muscles are like snow, she is quiet and elegant, with a jade hairpin on her head. The fairy in the book floated down to the mortal world.

At this time, Yun Tianhe was a little stunned.

After all, Han Lingsha is a woman, she will be fine after watching it for a while, pointing to Yun Tianhe and continuing: "Hmph, you look down on people, although the guy next to me looks stupid, his internal strength is unfathomable, and he can kill you with one punch." Three bears.

And Big Brother Zhang Hao is even more amazing."

As a result, Yun Tianhe interrupted Han Lingsha before she finished speaking: "Lingsha, it's impossible to kill a bear with just fists, you can try wild boar."

Hearing this, Han Lingsha almost vomited three liters of blood, and Liu Mengli couldn't help laughing when she saw Yun Tianhe's innocent heart.

Han Lingsha just wanted to say a few words to Yun Tianhe, but at this moment, Liu Mengli recovered, looked at Yun Tianhe, and asked, "Mr. Yun, your father, is he okay?"

Yun Tianhe was a little surprised when he heard the words, and asked: "You know my father too? But I don't know if he is well, he died of illness for a long time."

Liu Mengli couldn't help showing a sad expression on her face: "Uncle Yun passed away? How could this happen? He saved my life in the disaster back then, and I always wanted to find him again and repay him."

Immediately, another comfort.

When several people were talking, Liu Shifeng came over, looked at the people who were really talking to Liu Mengli, and couldn't help laughing: "Nephew."

Finally, seeing Han Lingsha, she couldn't help but ask, "Is this your friend?"

Immediately, Zhang Hao briefly introduced Han Lingsha, and Liu Shifeng nodded clearly when he heard the words, and did not ask any more questions.

Afterwards, he talked about Yun Tianhe and Liu Mengli's marriage.

Liu Mengli doesn't know Yun Tianhe yet, she just said that she will talk about it later.

But Yun Tianhe didn't understand what it meant when he heard the words.

Later, Liu Shifeng suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Han Lingsha, which was more startled than Han Lingsha.

Sure enough, Liu Shifeng also recognized Han Lingsha's identity at this time. In the end, Han Lingsha agreed to go to Nvluoyan to eliminate the demon in order not to be wanted again.

Zhang Hao didn't object to this. There is an earth spirit bead in this female Luoyan. Regarding the earth spirit bead in this world, Zhang Hao always feels that it should be of some help to his practice, so why does Zhang Hao will go.

And Liu Mengli also decided to go to Nvluoyan with the three of them.

Although Liu Shifeng objected to Liu Mengli's going with him at first, but thinking that this was also a process of getting Liu Mengli and Yun Tianhe in contact, he finally agreed to this matter.

Immediately, the group decided not to delay any longer, so they went back to rest, and agreed to leave early tomorrow morning.

In the early morning of the second day, a group of four gathered in the lobby of Liu Mansion, and then they simply brought some dry food and set off directly.

Embarking on the journey, along the way, Yun Tianhe, who is determined to fight monsters, is in high spirits, humming behind him, jumping and jumping.

But Yun Tianhe's appearance made Liu Mengli feel a little more out of thin air.

To be honest, although Yun Tianhe's innocent heart sometimes makes people feel that he is a bit stupid, but it is this kind of innocent heart that makes it difficult for everyone to kill him. In a sense, heaven has favored us.

(End of this chapter)

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